View Full Version : The Bumbling Bee, Level 0

Gardens of Babylon
03-22-12, 12:22 AM
Name: Bridget (Bee) Burbank
Age: 17
Race: Human
Hair Color: Rusty Red
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’ 3”
Weight: 120 lbs

Appearance: Bee is small and flat from the hips up. She has the strong, toned calves and thighs of a runner. Her hair is a muddy red, and unbound falls just past her shoulders. She usually keeps it tied back, with bangs just long enough to fall out of her ponytail and into her face. Her green eyes are anxious and questioning, her posture usually tense. She normally wears a black tank top with a purple hooded sweatshirt over it. On her journey to Althanas, she was also clad in black jogging shorts, purple socks and black and white trainers.


Herbology: A complete botany geek, Bee has extensive knowledge of plant properties. She can also guess what plants are useful for by physical characteristics with some reliability. She is highly adept at recognizing toxic plants in the wild.

Herbalism: Due to a short lived goth-pagan phase early in high school, Bee is well read on how to prepare salves, tinctures, and potions from herbs. She is also well versed in magical properties of plants, though she rarely thinks about that these days.

Running: Brigit can sprint for three minutes, run at a steady pace for half an hour, and recently completed a half marathon on a smooth road. Her longest distance jogged on rugged terrain is 9 miles.


Energy Transference – Bee has the ability to pull vital life force with her left hand and transfer the energy via her right hand to another vessel. Currently she can only pull this force, known as vitae, from plants and herself. When she taps her own vitae to transfer, she can do this a maximum of four times before resting. Each time takes away a substantial amount of energy and she can only transfer her energy the full four times if she is not running or exerting energy in other ways. For example, were she in a battle, she would likely only have the spare energy to transfer once or twice before becoming too fatigued to transfer her energy into something else again. After her energy is expended this way, she passes out. She currently cannot tap energy from plants enough at one time to replenish much of her own energy. Energy she transfers to inanimate objects is treated the same way as a weak electric shock (around 60 volts).

True Toxin – By focusing on her own dark feelings (anxiety, fear, anger, etc), Bee can corrupt a single plant into taking on toxic properties. The degree of toxicity is fully dependent on how long she can hold the plant in her hand. Anything less than a few minutes results in a mildly toxic plant that must be ingested to cause harm. By focusing and holding the plant for hours at a time, she can create a plant that can be turned into a deadly tincture or cause fatality by ingesting.


Steel switchblade: A plain steel switchblade, carried in an inner pocket of her sweatshirt.

MP3 player – Bridget has a very small MP3 player with an equipped athletic sensor. The other piece of the sensor is in the sole of her shoe, and transmits information about her runs. It effectively turns her MP3 player into a fancy pedometer. The player itself is a shiny lime green metal with the words “Hope Rides Alone” engraved on the back. Currently at 95% battery life.

History: Brigit had what could be considered a normal American life. The youngest child of a corporate salesman and a high school psychology/philosophy teacher, she has five older brothers. When they were young, she found herself being both bullied and watched over by her brothers. When she got to elementary school, she developed a taste for the races the children would run. Running at home got her away from her brothers and as the years went on, she kept challenging herself. Running became her life and reason. In middle school she joined the track team, and her first year of high school she began to dream of the Olympics. While never ready to commit to Olympic training, Brigit has currently completed 5k, 10k, and half marathon races.

While training for a planned marathon, Bee found Althanas. Jogging through her neighborhood, focusing on her breathing deep the summer air steeped in honeysuckle, a light caught Bee’s eye. Just off the road, through thick bushes and the swaying branches of a willow tree, lights shimmered along the ground. They were too soft to be electronic, and almost haunting. It reminded her of the light reflected off the top of the water in her fish tank, the way that long blue swaths would dance across her wall. The field that the old willow grew by, however, was bone dry. While the air was pregnant with humid possibility, it hadn’t rained in weeks. Slowing her gait and turning off the sidewalk, she began to approach.
The possibilities churned in her mind. A childish thought crossed – could they be fairy lights? She remembered the images of pre-Raphaelite women draped with soft cloth and dancing through the air on lithe, almost ghostly wings. Of course it wasn’t fairies, she thought, wiping away the silly thoughts with a sigh. Such romanticism was far from pragmatic. Still, she couldn’t help but feel that the lights were more than just a trick of the moon on glass or a strange bio-luminescent insect moving through the grass. Somehow even her logical mind could tell as she drew near that what she saw and felt that night was pure magic.

Moving aside the thick willow, leaves rustling as she threw the brushing boughs aside, she took her last step forward on that mortal coil and fell into the next. She saw the lights rush by as she tumbled forward, her hands splayed out to catch herself on whatever ground would come. But the falling feeling drifted away, as darkness surrounded her. She felt so tired and heavy as her last thought on Earth slipped from her conscious mind. Had she hit her head?

03-22-12, 02:11 AM
Could you elaborate a bit on the effects of the Energy Transference? I reckon it can be used to revitalize someone or something, but I'm not sure. Can she use this energy as an attack?

Just let me know about that and you're set to go.

Gardens of Babylon
03-22-12, 05:29 AM
The Energy Transference when used to transfer energy TO someone/some creature will give more stamina/energy. She cannot use it as a direct attack. It could be used offensively if she grabbed onto an opponents metal armor and shoved energy into it, as when used on the metal it would act as a mild electric shock. :)

03-22-12, 12:03 PM
Sounds good. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.