View Full Version : Suffer To Live, An Island of Man

03-25-12, 03:52 PM
(Level 0).

Name: Samuel H. Raynes, "Whistler"
Age: 27
Race: Caucasian
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 164 lbs.
Occupation: Sailor, Navigator, Fisherman, and Street Tough.

Personality: A quiet, powerful man, the very appearance of Samuel tells you he has learned some hard lessons and faced difficult times throughout his life. A sailor and fisherman, he has lived a very short and brutal life, and much to his surprise he is still alive. Still, after all he has suffered and now a family man, his love for the open sea remains uncontested. He places considerable value in tradition, especially in superstitions and in religion. A man whose survived two sinking ships, a menacing, crazed captain who had turned murderous, and the unspeakable horrors of the sea that he would never have believed if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Samuel is every bit a survivor. His incredible vigor and fortitude has saved his life many times, and being as tough and harrowed as he is, the man will never back down from a fight. Samuel often tells bad jokes and his grit and gristle is often hard to overcome for greenhorns and anybody in polite society, but he often has a lateral, down-to-earth way of thinking that makes him incredibly reliable, loyal and a staunch ally to have in any conflict.

Despite his appearance of being old and grizzled, Samuel is educated. He knows every part of how to run a ship and how to solve most problems that arise, but in his travels he also learned a considerable amount of languages and can easily relate himself in conversation to strangers and outsiders alike. He knows a little bit about everything and is considerably well-versed in commerce and merchanting, who at the urging of his wife will one day become a merchant himself in order to retire from a savage, unforgiving life, but he never does.

Appearance: Samuel is a man of definite presence. His numerous scars, tattoos and injuries each have a story and attest that he is considerably well traveled. Though short, he is both lithe and incredibly strong for a man of his stature. His watery, pale blue eyes belie a look of experience and age that is uncommon for a man of his age, but certainly common for those among his profession. A savage scar around his left eye mars an otherwise tired, weathered face with a long aquiline nose and bothers him whenever you stare at it. An unruly shock of black hair waves across his head, and he always seems to be just shy of a 5 o'clock shadow. He dresses in brown turn shoes, black duck trousers held up by suspenders, a white cotton shirt and a drab, black peacoat. His clothing is of considerable wear and while he often looks unshaven and unclean returning from sea, he's quick to clean up before he reunites himself with his family.


Vacant. Much to tell.


Sea Navigation - Expert - A man who usually knows where he is and much of the open sea that he has traveled over the years, Samuel has served as navigator aboard many a ship. He can read and write maps as well as plot a voyage from start to end with little chance of becoming lost, and when he is he often knows of ways of how to find his way back. He knows and understands how to operate all of the instruments used when navigating, and also has a firm understanding of astronomy. By far, if there was one person aboard your ship you'd want to have plotted the course, it wouldn't be the captain or his first mate. It'd be Samuel Raynes.

Fishing - Master - Samuel grew up in the fishing village of Aichos, along Corone's western coast. Understandably, he's been fishing since before he could even walk. He knows how to tie any kind of knot, what kind of bait to use and every trick of the trade to snag that big catch. Moreover, he's also worked his share as a deckhand upon fishing and crabbing boats and knows more then enough to run his own outfit and solve most problems if need be. A learned fisherman, Samuel loves to teach the uninitiated.

Seafarer - Expert - A man whose been on a ship or out on the open sea since he was seventeen years old, Samuel knows what he's doing aboard a ship. He's worked in the rigging, most jobs on deck, served as a navigator and was given instruction by several captains who saw him aspiring to one day take the wheel. Because of this, Samuel is no stranger to life on the open sea and knows what to do in most situations, especially in a crisis.

Trader - Adept - Knowledgeable of most things, one of Samuel's most enterprising skills is his merchanting ability. Knowing laws and customs in most ports of more then four different countries, Samuel knows how to follow the letter of the law while also how to get around it. He is amiable and fairly persuasive, making the ability to buy and sell almost anything fairly easy. Although he has a silver tongue for bartering, he also knows how to find money where most people would never think to look. Because of this, Samuel would make a decent merchant and others know and appreciate it.


Brawler - Judging by his appearance, Samuel has been in his fair share of fights. Several more then he'd like to admit he's lost. Because of this, he's a seasoned fighter and knows not only how to break bones, but he is able size up somebody who has never fought a day in his life. He knows how to fight with his fists and knows his way around a knife, making 1.5x stronger then an average man in a fight.

Deft Hands, Quick Feet - Samuel has his sea legs and an incredible amount of balance. He's able to dodge, roll and perform moves typical of your amateur acrobat and seasoned seaman. In a fight, Samuel feels like he's covered in grease and is incredibly hard to get a hold of or grapple with. He is 1.5x faster then an average man both in and out of a fight.

Tough as Old Shoe Leather - Years out in the open sea and out in the savage world have made Samuel incredibly tough. He has a very high pain tolerance and in most cases would rather walk it off then admit he is hurt, though that stubbornness has also threatened his life. Samuel won't succumb to most wounds and by sheer willpower is able to endure pain that would most definitely incapacitate a normal man. He is able to endure pain of moderate wounds for a short while.


Bowie knife - A thirteen-inch steel knife that is well kept and still sharp, it is wrapped in a broiled leather hilt and has served Samuel faithfully for years. By design, the knife tempered to be incredibly hard to break. It acts as his rigging knife and he always keeps it above his foot, attached to his left leg.

Peacoat - A faded black peacoat with tarnished bronze buttons that has been patched numerous times, it has served him for years, it was a coat given to him after he completed his first voyage by a deckhand who served as his mentor. It is capacious with pockets, both known and hidden, and is more then enough to keep him warm in the harshest of weather.

Wedding Band - A gold wedding band that Samuel wears faithfully. It still shines and remains as bright as the day his wife put it on his finger.

Fishing pole - His old fishing pole that he takes with him on any voyage or trip he makes, it has special significance. True to the tradition of those in his village, his pole was given to him when he came of age. On his tenth birthday, Samuel and his father traveled from the coast and made their pilgrimage to Concordia. There, like their ancestors, they found the strongest and stout tree that they could find, in this case a yew and prayed under it before taking a limb. It was furnished and used to make the only fishing pole he would use until it broke beyond repair or to when he received his firstborn. The pole is treated, making it incredibly strong, flexible and very hard to break.

Comes with entire kit of hooks, twine and anything a fisherman would want or need.

03-26-12, 03:08 AM
Two things. Make it so he can endure pain of moderate wounds for a short while, but anything more than that still gets to him. Also, keep in mind that this doesn't mean he would be fully functional (so if someone cut through a muscle, while you might not feel the pain for a while, you would still have limited mobility of the limb or whichever part of the body is hurt).

As for the Bazaar discounts, I'm not sure we're allowing that. Have to check with the higher ups. If we do, it's probably going to be marked an ability, so you'll have one too many.

EDIT: The higher ups have spoken. You can't have the discount, but you can have the 5% boost when selling and trading.

03-26-12, 05:44 PM
My intent wasn't to have him be able to shrug off pain or simply ignore it. The man is scarred and has had his fair share of run ins with trouble, so he's able to better manage pain. But, I won't kick up dirt over semantics. I fixed it.

As for the trader. I just remove the discount and plus sale bonus entirely and kept the rest of it the same. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I guess.

03-27-12, 11:04 AM
Cool beans. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.