View Full Version : Madrasah (Level 0)

03-31-12, 06:48 AM
Madrasah, the Locust

Alias: Locust
Title: Arena Champion
Race: Dark Elf
Age: 345
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Under Dark
Religion: Ymgarl
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 130lbs
Alignment: Chaotic Evil


History: Madrasah was born in the Ymgarl tribes of the Under Dark. Once dark elven priests, the Ymgarl were tempted to the cult of N’Jal centuries ago. Their long exile undid their civility, their providence with machines, and their reliance on the machines of war. As time progressed, they descended into a primal, ritualistic, and feral people. War, song, and death became their tenets. As they grew in their zeal driven faith to the spider Thayne, they attracted the Umber Hulks, the demi-gorgons, and the giant spiders to their cities. Living alongside these creatures, they became parasitical, and donned their chitin and their silk as a sign of their strange and corrupting union.

Each city of the Ymgarl has a grand fighting arena, where the young of the tribe train their hands, eyes, and hearts against the creatures they will encounter in their sometimes woefully short lives. Day in and day out, those who show promise are given crueller tests to pass before they are allowed freedom. Some, such as Madrasah, become so intoxicated by poisons, frenzies, and notions of grandeur that they become arena champions, gladiatorial heroes that return to the fighting arenas out of desire, not slavery. Though many of the daughters of N’Jal leave to join Ymgarl society once their blades are bloodied, and her sons take arms in the Ymgarl military, the lost in between take up their instruments and go out to claim more opponents for the fight pits.

When she ascended to the circle of champions, Madrasah took up her blades, her harp, and her vials of poisons and departed for the war torn surface that had spurned her people long ago. For almost a century she has taken men, women, and children from their homes in the night. Whispers in Eluriand speak of succubae and harpies, stealing their promising soldiers from under their noses. Nightmares in Irrakam speak of Rave Featherblood, come to steal the il’Jhain from their beds. In Corone, the Ymgarl witches are heralded as signs of darker times. Wherever they go, spiders follow in their wake, and the empty beds and houses of their prey are often left bedecked with silvery threads wherever one might care to look.

Personality: Madrasah is a cold, shrewd, and eternally cruel woman. Her heart is set on two things and two things only. The first is to lift the providence of her city’s fight pits higher and higher, by finding more victims to throw to the wolves, spiders, and wyverns that dwell there. The second is to spread the fear and word of N’Jal wherever she treads – by terror, by design, and by dogma. In that, she is calculating, dominating, and easy to temper. Her seductive nature can often come quickly undone by resistance to her ways, her tortures, and her poisons. She deems herself an envoy of a Thayne, and her people, and her time as a champion in the eyes of her female peers has given her somewhat of a god complex that deludes her already crazed mind into warping reality around her.

She has never loved, nor does she possess sexual desires in any form. The closest pleasure she has is the application of poisons to her blades, and her blades into flesh. She is a sadistic, sycophantic, narcissistic woman. This, mingled with the typical haughty arrogance of the elven races ensures she is seldom liked, except by her own kin, and that she is seldom able to talk, bargain, or reassure her way out of a situation. For Madrasah of the Kabal of Ymgarl, there is only one approach to living – spilling blood.


Performer (Harp and Singing) (Above Average)
Poisoner (Vomit and Fever Inducing) (Average)
Dagger Combat (Average)
Knowledge (Thayne) (Below Average)
Knowledge (History) (Below Average)
Knowledge (Flora & Fauna) (Average)


Unnatural Reflexes: Such is Madrasah’s speed, agility, and reaction times, her reflexes are almost otherworldly. She wears no armour, and trains continuously to hone her fighting arts, and as such, she cannot wear protection beyond her ritualistic suit of light arm plate and her revealing tabard. She possesses X2 speed (combat).

Penetrating Riposte: After centuries of constant fighting in the dark pits of the Ymgarl tribes, Madrasah has honed her knowledge of armour construction and smithing to the point where she needs only look at an opponent to know his weak spots. When she fights with her daggers, she can strike to penetrate even the thickest suits of armour, lancing beneath armour plates, between joists, and expertly through the rings of chain mail where men make mistakes with lacking skill. As such, any armour she encounters will be considered to be one tier weaker. Any armour that is iron or below will simply be considered as leather against her blows, should they land.

Spider Bite: Once per thread, Madrasah can attempt to bite an opponent with her front canines. Concealed in reinforced gum capsules, sharpened steel, there is a draught of toxin that induces stomach spasms and vomiting in human sized opponents within half a foot and 20 points of her weight. This lasts for no more than a post, in addition to any damage done from the bite itself.


Hesperia: an obsidian and oak frame hand harp with spider web and silk strings. Whilst otherwise impractical for traditional musicianship, when singing, the form of the harp softens, transforms, and becomes more like a traditionally constructed instrument. In its dormant form, it is as hard as iron, and resistant to blows. Asides from this latent form of protection, it has no other magical properties. As a consequence it is as heavy as iron all the time, and fatiguing to wield and carry for great lengths of time. It is a part of Madrasah’s identity, and she would never willingly part with it.

Malays & Drahzar: twin steel daggers, two and a half feet in length with a narrow blade. Each is weighted with a hollow pommel and hilt, and each has a small leather loop to mount on her tabard. Each blade has a small double ended needle wrapped into the groove of the dagger. With a press of a button on the hilt, or whenever the blade is clashed and the ribbon cut on the edge of an opponent’s weapon, the dart will fly down the blade at the behest of a tube mechanism which flies out of the ornate cross guard. The dart itself is made of iron, and can be poisoned. The nature of the blades allows one shot with each dagger per thread; the time it takes to reload them is considerable. The pommel of each blade is a hefty spike, which can be used as a deadly weapon.


War Suit: a simple chitin tabard with two leather loops to hold her blades, with a regal and flowing white and red spider silk sarong. Her right lower arm is covered with a blade marked thick leather bracer, tightly strapped, and her left arm is covered with a chitin and leather full plate sleeve. This serves as decorative, and to weigh her hand so her flowing, spiralling fighting style is augmented. It affords no more protection in its limited cover than treated studded leather.

Apocathery Measures: Madrasah has access to a wealth of basic flora and fauna, and the knowledge of how to prepare them for use. She has an alembic, many vials, various cutting implements, draining devices and brewer’s apparatus. Though this is a large amount of equipment, she can carry several prepared vials about her waist, though in a physical encounter, she must prepare poisons well in advance. (She only ever has two vials about her person in a battle, to be declared at the outset). None of the equipment she uses is valuable, and she will require considerable adventure to acquire some of the more rare ingredients.

03-31-12, 10:34 AM
This looks pretty good. Just be careful with the Riposte ability. I understand that you wanted to quantify and define it with -1 tier strength, but if ICly the attacks don't land in the spot you intend them to land, you don't get the advantage. Meaning if you don't jam the steel dagger between the scales of a steel armor the right way (be it due to the opponents defensive skill or whatever), it won't go through the armor as if it's a tier weaker. Sounds good?

03-31-12, 11:14 AM
I more than understand, Letho.

I was wary applying it as an ability, but considered starting with two instead of three to be a reasonable compromise alongside the X2 modifier. If I am careful with the Riposte, would I be permitted a third minor ability?

03-31-12, 11:26 AM
I don't see why not. The Riposte ability isn't a problem if you play it properly (and I trust you will, otherwise it's the judges that will get to you, not me ;)), so feel free to add another minor ability.

03-31-12, 11:49 AM
Thank you Letho.

I added Spider Bite.

All good?

03-31-12, 12:14 PM
All good. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.