View Full Version : Minako Kiehl, an orphan of war (Level 0)

04-23-12, 11:24 PM
Name: Minako Kiehl

Age: 24

Race: Human

Hair Colour: Black-dark brown

Eye Colour: chocolate brown

Height / Weight: 5’6’ / 115 lbs.


Being of mixed race (Coronian and Akashiman), Minako Kiehl’s heritage is reflected upon her unique, otherwordly beauty. Minako’s slender, feminine frame throws her enemies off, especially when they find out that she possess considerable power. Her unruly jet black hair falls past her chest and the small of her back, framing her thin, pouty lips and chocolate brown eyes like a lion’s mane

Being of privileged upbringing, Minako likes to keep polished and pristine. Nails always manicured, hair and makeup done, eyes smoky and threatening. Although her financial state prevents her from indulging in the trendiest of outfits, Minako still has mounds of beautiful clothes in her Scara Braeian home, as delivered from Eluriand.


Growing up a rich girl means growing up spoiled, and thus, Minako can sometimes act spoiled. But since her return from the siege of Eluriand, she has taken on quite a different persona. Minako is aggressive, angry and extremely reckless. She’s taken to slumming around in unsavoury places, so it’s quite common to find her fighting with burly mercs and sailors in the local Scara Brae bar. She has recently considered taking up mercenary work to look for thrills.

In truth, Minako is damaged goods; emotionally destroyed by the Corpse War and the loss of her family and home. She is deathly afraid of any type of living dead. If confronted by the undead, she is likely to withdraw, or suffer panic attacks. Her fear of the undead is shadowed by her pure hatred for necromancy – anybody that she encounters that practices the art would be stepping on thin ice.

One thing that does set Minako’s heart aflutter are things of beauty – clothing and works of art. Being raised in a high society, she finds solace and grace in visual beauty. Beautiful things are close to her heart and remind her of better times.


Born to a wealthy family with an even wealthier cultural heritage, Minako Kiehl lived a grand and charmed life in the city of High Elves, Eluriand. Her father, Alexander Kiehl, was a former armsdealer and carried much of his weight in gold, providing their family with a respectable fortune to live off of. Under the advice of her mother, Masako Aki, and her Akashiman family, Minako and her younger sister Ayaka (one year younger) were to train in the art of water magic. There was no reason not to train the girls; they lived an easy life in the city, they were naturally talented and water magic would be an honourable past time. Eluriand offered magic and throes of throbbing knowledge for the girls’ budding magical prowess.

And so, training began for Minako at age 11. Ayaka followed suit a year after. Under the tutelage of high elf mages, the girls learned the basics of water magic; where it began, how to hone it, control it, and its essence. Minako was particularly gifted, though she was unaware she had strong potential for other forms of magic.

Minako Kiehl was nearing her 20th birthday when the undead and the necromancer Xem’Zund began to raze Raiaera, during the Corpse War. Minako and Ayaka were to be evacuated to Scara Brae, where their father prepared a safe haven for them to wait out the war – neither child was skilled enough to fight off the hordes of undead. Masako and Alexander were required to remain in Eluriand, helping survivors and refugees out of the city, and waiting for Akashiman reinforcements, which ultimately never arrived.

Heartbroken and bitter, the sisters traveled to Scara Brae, meeting with some of their father’s old business partners. A year later, Eluriand fell. Devastated but determined, the sisters journeyed back to Raiaera, hoping to find their parents in the midst of the Corpse War.

Upon reaching Eluriand, the girls saw the state of war the city was in; they were denied passage into the city. When the corpse horde overran the rest of the city, they were outnumbered: the militia was forced to retreat. Ayaka died in the process, swarmed by undead. They ate her body while Minako watched, horrified. She was sent back to Scara Brae, showing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

A year after the defeat of Xem’Zund and the fall of the undead hordes, Minako is still recovering from the horrors she saw in the Corpse War. Living a husk of a life in a now decimated Scara Brae (a geographical thanks to the cataclysmic power (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?21566-The-Catacombs-of-Scara-Brae-Dead-Sun-Rising) of the dead god, Sijal Kar), Minako simply strives to get by. The social structure of what once was a great city has effectively collapsed, leaving Minako and her water magic in a strange standstill – she’s somewhat expected to help rebuild the city, being a potent magic user and all, but she’s avoiding lavish displays of power and skill, to keep from being forced to work. It’s a complicated balance she’s still trying to teeter on, though her father’s old friends violently disagree with her apathy.


(presumed deceased) Masako Aki, mother, distant relative of the Akashiman royal family
(presumed deceased) Alexander Kiehl, father, former vice-president of a Corone armsdealing business
(deceased) Ayaka Kiehl, younger sister, advanced student of the art of water magic


Art & Clothing Connoisseur | Minako is able to easily appraise the value of any type of clothing or piece of art she comes across. Common slave garb originating from Alerar lands or thousand-year old Althanian wizard garb, she can determine where it’s from, how much it costs and whether or not it’s worth taking back after a long journey to the dragon’s den. Same goes for paintings, vases and other pieces worth a penny. Drawback is, Minako loves to hold on to beautiful things – she will risk her life for a rare necklace or fine silken robes.

Hand-to-Hand Combat | Minako possesses average hand-to-hand fighting ability. If pitted against an average cage fighter, she would be able to hold her own, blocking blows and throwing counters. Her fighting stamina is of an average fighter, as well.

Speed & Quick Reflexes | Minako pairs hand-to-hand combat with speed and quick reflexes. Years of training in water magic taught her to be light on her feet. She has advanced training with her reflexes, able to dodge projectiles and quickly dart around the battlefield, or if need be, escape.


Water Magic | Training for the better part of eight years with Eluriand high elf mages, Minako is an advanced level water magic user. She has two basic water magic moves: water tentacles, and a barrage of icicles.

The water tentacles reach up to six feet high, steel in strength, usually used for slicing and cutting foes down; Minako can produce two at a time. The barrage of icicles is sharp as steel and can pierce through unprotected flesh; Minako can produce three two-feet long icicles.

Constant use of her water magic for one fight will effectively tire her out for the day. And, to use any of her water abilities, Minako must be drawing the water from a source – she is only as strong and offensive as her source is deep. As well, her affinity with water makes her extremely delicate against thunder magic. A well-thought out strategy must be used to fight against this element, lest she be electrocuted to death.


A medium-sized satchel of water, used for drinking and magic
A pair of fingerless, waterproof leather gloves
A large collection of beautiful, expensive clothing (stored in her Scara Brae home)

04-24-12, 03:52 PM
If Speed & Quick Reflexes make her faster and harder to hit, I have to count it as abilities. Also, while Water Magic seems like a single ability, there are four spells under it. Combined with the boost to speed and reflexes, it's too much, I'm afraid. I'll let you optimize any way you can, but you can have three abilities to start with, boosts to basic attributes included.

04-24-12, 10:18 PM
Edited with the changes! I've taken out two water spells completely.

Also, I'd like to point out I'm extremely proud and privileged to have finished this (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?21566-The-Catacombs-of-Scara-Brae-Dead-Sun-Rising) thread today. Yay me!

Thank you, Letho!

04-25-12, 11:37 AM
Awesome. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.