View Full Version : Cecilia "Zilla" Van Mee

04-24-12, 06:33 PM
Name: Cecilia "Zilla" Van Mee
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 110
Occupation: Pickpocket

She likes to think she's clever, though opinions may vary. Zilla relishes the challenge of a well-guarded purse, or of a biting insult, or of a double-double-dare cried out over the din of a tavern. She loves mischief, rude humor, harmless pranks and laughter wherever she can find it, sometimes at another's expense -- but it's all in good fun. After all, she'd just as readily have a new enemy as a friend: enemies are useful guinea pigs for new and delicious pranks.

Short. Most people look right over her, endowed women snap at her for looking at their cleavage (really not her fault they're at eye-level), Orcs and dull men call her Pipsqueak and pat her on the head before they succumb to the wrath of a very sharp knee. Zilla's hair is short like a boy's, she dresses like a boy, and frequently enough she's mistaken for a pretty, petite boy with three earrings and a penchant for fruity drinks.

- Pickpocketing
-- The ol' bump-and-swipe, the wristwatch-handshake, the good-samaritan-"Is-This-Your-Bag?", the double-team-distraction, and other favorite pasttimes.

- Parkour
-- Because even the most righteous pursuers have trouble with walls and gaps, and the city belongs to she who ignores its boundaries.

- Acting and Disguise
-- The guise of a young boy fits like a glove; lost and innocent, professional and confident, or a magician jokester, she's ready at the drop of a hat with a new persona.

-- Useful in every situation.

- Speed (twice normal human ability)
-- For having such short legs, Zilla can fly like the wind. She can outrun the other urchins easy, and most of the authorities.

- Nimbility (twice normal human ability)
-- She might have been a gymnast if she cared for the honest life. Zilla is practiced in running along thin walls, darting into tight spaces and swinging into rafters and roofs.

- Stamina (twice normal human ability)
-- As far as aerobics go, such as running or parkour, Zilla can keep going ... and going. Her energy is boundless. This does not extend to withstanding pain; She can be crippled fairly easily, if she's caught. The point is not to get caught.

- Steel switchblade
-- Normally kept in a pocket behind her back for easy access by either hand in a pinch.

- Smoke/flash/fire bombs, small explosives (rare)
-- Made by her father and his associates, these can be chemical-filled eggshells that mix when the egg is broken, clay balls that must be kneaded and stuck to a flammable surface, or glass vials or bottles whose contents flare when exposed to the air. The usual affairs have no need for such expensive materials, though, so Zilla only makes special requests when a high-profile job arises. In these cases she keeps the bombs in a wooden box strapped to her back to minimize jostling.

- Poisons
-- Made by her mother, these are usually bottles, vials, or pieces of candy or food that can make someone quite ill. The daily routine generally doesn't require their use, but on occasion they're useful for a distraction or simple revenge. Zilla will usually carry a small bag of candies at her belt that can cause a few hours of vomiting and unpleasantries a few minutes after ingestion. They're strawberry flavored.

- Street Urchins
-- Not equipment, per se, but useful resources nonetheless. Scruffy children of the street, aged four through twelve, hold Zilla in high regard and are quick to come to her aid.

Her mother was the Dragon Lady. Her father was a magician. Together they stole the show -- and the common carnivalgoer's wallet. For the first six years of Zilla's life she was a clown, a wolf-raised child, one-half of a conjoined twin, a pig (don't ask), a beggar, an a lost orphan. Sometimes she would weave such awful, heart-rending stories to sympathetic ears that a concerned family would take her home with them, feed her, give her a hot bath and new clothes and a cozy place to sleep. After being doted upon by strangers, Zilla would get up at the break of dawn, take as much money and jewelry as she could carry, and hightail it back to the carnival to meet her proud parents with open arms and heavy pockets.

And then, the ownership of the carnival changed hands, grumbling turned to mutiny, and Zilla and her parents set out with a chest of belongings between them, to make their own way in the world. They made friends of urchins and gangsters, robbers and gamblers. When Zilla grew up she taught the newly recruited orphans how to snatch wallets, how to tell convincing lies, and how to never get caught. Though the Dragon Lady and the Magician are the queen and king of the streets, Zilla Van Mee is the prodigy princess. Or prince. Depending on the day.

04-25-12, 11:40 AM
Alright, a couple of things.

For the sake of clarity, let's say that all three of her attributes are twice that of a normal human.

The switchblade is made of steel.

And lastly, I need to know how many Street Urchins do you have in your inventory, where do you get them, and do they sell them by the dozen? ;)

Seriously, though, just edit the other two things and you're set to go.

04-25-12, 08:40 PM
Hi, and thanks for the review! I wasn't sure how to convey the 2x normal ability, so I guess parentheses work. Woot!

A dozen pocket-size street urchins come fairly cheap, if you know who to ask. ;) Just add water!

04-26-12, 02:32 PM
Ah, so that's how it goes.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.