View Full Version : Attack of the skink-stealing bandits!

08-22-06, 11:47 AM
((Closed to Samuraii!))

The day almost reaching noon, when the sunlight shall be at its strongest. Yet it would still barely illuminate the floor within the deepest part of Brokenthorn Forest.
So far in, that not many unskilled adventurers ever make it back out. The light rustling of leaves is all that can be heard, as a wanderer treks through the forest along with his trusty companion. The blue orc and his little skink carry on into the darkness...

''Hey Eilrahc i think we are lost'' Said the tall orc standing strong in his dull bronze armour.

''Well Charlie i did say we should have taken the left turn, but no you thought it would be faster to the City if we went this way. Now look where we are! oh thats right we don't even know where we are!'' Snapped the small irresistibly cute skink sitting upon the orc's shoulder.

''Hah! it matters not, we will soon be out of this damned place'' Replied Charlie as he continued walking through the forest.

''We best be, I don't know how much longer i could stay here... Did you hear that?'' Inquired Eilrahc.

''No.. I did not hear anything, it's just your mind playing with you. Your scared of a lilttle spooky forest'' Laughed Charlie as he looked ahead to see two figures standing among the darkness. Hearing the crunching of fallen leaves behind him, he span round to see a third figure. Turning back to check on the other two, he saw they had disappeared... And with a sudden crack everything turned black..

08-22-06, 01:44 PM
((Set before ‘The Perfect Beginning’))

Awewa slowly walked along the misty, pitch-black soil beneath him. A bright light shone above Brokenthorn Forest, but still it wasn’t enough to brighten up the forest. Hm, is there any way outta this dull, misty forest? Hmph, I’d better take a map next time… The samurai’s cloak had hidden his appearance fully, so that he’d appear intimidating to any creature in the spooky forest.

There were figures all around the elf, yet it didn’t seem they were courageous enough to approach him, or they were preparing for an all out attack. Awewa increased his pace just a little so that he wouldn’t be caught in any battle that may occur. The tree’s continued to increase in number, as well as size as the samurai walked through. The shadowy figures seemed to increase in both size and number the same. Awewa knew as soon as he encountered a figure looking similar to himself, the forest was dangerous.

How big is this forest exactly…Hm…. It seems to go on forever…The samurai grew weary of walking so much, but he knew he couldn’t stop, due to the amount of creatures around him he wouldn’t last five seconds if he stopped and rested. A sudden breeze of cold flew into Awewa’s hood, Brrr…. Hu…I never knew how cold it was out here…. Brrr…. A thought crossed his mind from the cold weather, if he ever was forced into a battle he could use the weather as an advantage, but knowing him it would most likely backfire.

The shadows behind the trees grew few, until there was absolutely nothing but tree’s and mist, and of course the supposedly ever-lasting darkness. Hey, what happened, the temperature’s changed, and there’s no one around me…. Wait…I spoke to soon…What’s that? It looks big…Ah…There’s two of them! Oh my god there’s three, this could get nasty….

The figures didn’t linger where they stood, they started to run in Awewa’s direction. The samurai quickly unsheathed his blade and prepared for battle. The figures ran towards him, but went straight past him. One of them injured themselves off Awewa’s blade, but it didn’t stop them. The elf got a good look of the figures as they passed and recognised them as bandits. Bandits?! Hm, how did they survive in this forest? Hah, I’m glad I wounded one of them!

Awewa ran up to where the bandits were standing, and it seemed they had robbed something from the…thing standing there. What the hell is that thing…It looks Orcish, but it’s a different colour. Heh, I’d better watch out anyway. The samurai walked up to the creature in anxiety, awaiting its next move.

“Hm, what are you….What have those bandits done to you…..hm….” Awewa mumbled as he approached the creature.

06-13-09, 02:02 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.