View Full Version : Mars of the West

Mad Mars
05-01-12, 09:14 PM
Name: Mars of "the West"

Age: 19

Race: Human

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 150

Occupation: Linguist, Expatriate

Personality: He is an overall compassionate and well-behaved individual, though he is easily irritated and in the wrong situation can be very impatient, as well as overly sensitive. Inquisitive to a fault, and cursed with a deep thirst for (cultural and historical) knowledge, he is an extremely inexperienced but generally fortunate traveler who has a habit of going on rather lengthy, usually boring, rants and tirades about one academic subject or another, almost always to the annoyance of everyone around him. He uses his cultural studies as a reason for his presence on the continent of Althanas, a land which he is not native to, but in actuality does not possess such a reason and is understandably concerned that sooner or later someone will catch on to the fact that he is not going home. It is perhaps an unwarranted fear which nonetheless causes him great anxiety and worry. He is generally pacifistic, seeing violence as an obstacle to greater cultural understanding, but is willing to defend himself if absolutely necessary. He is suspicious of woman, although he makes a tremendous effort not to display this quirk, and is an avid drinker at even the worst of times. He is a convinced monarchist, and is therefore naturally suspicious of republics and of democracies in all their forms.

Appearance: He is a pale, underwhelming, notably thin amateur scholar of average height and build and with few outstanding features, save for his "brown" eyes, which have been known to change color on an occasion as his mood fluctuates. He wears a simple white cotton shirt, with a plain and very practical brown pair of pants, and a lovingly-cared-for brown cloak to protect himself from the rain. Absolutely no one could mistake him for a professional, though they may suspect he was attempting a career as some sort of ''academician", if only because of his curious look and naturally proud demeanor. He is the very height of fragile.


Unprofessional Oratory: Although not particularly gifted in one-on-one conversation, he is a noted orator capable of influencing small crowds (say 6-18 people) if given a reasonable amount of time to prepare. He does not necessarily like doing so, however, as he sees it as a form of manipulation, but nonetheless it is a skill he possesses.

A Knowledge of Linguistics: Although only being currently familiar with one language of Althanas, the common "Tradespeak", he is generally educated in the field of linguistics and the understanding of tongues. He is not, however, an expert on the matter, and is occasionally prone to amateurish mistakes.

He can somewhat, sort of...use of a sword (he thinks): He has experienced a small amount of training with short swords, and in absolutely dire cases is capable of using such an instrument to defend himself, though he is by no means a warrior or soldier. He is only marginally more trained than the members of an average militia.


A Quick Learner: Due to his upbringing, his own personal emphasis on learning (what interests him), and a natural gift, he is a remarkably quick learner. If, and only if, he truly applies himself to studying a basic topic (such as 'history'), or a basic skill (such as 'farming), he is able to acquire a general aptitude in the subject at x2 the rate of an average person.

A Blessed Memory: While not unnatural by any means, Mars is gifted with a memory well exceeding the average, capable of storing facts, figures, names, and dates by the droves and recalling them much later on. His memory is not infallible, and great lengths of time will lessen his familiarity, but his ability to store and recall information is nearly photographic.

Weaknesses and Notable Flaws:

An Unidentifiable Accent: Not hailing from any nation on the "northern continent", his accent is difficult, if not impossible for any native resident to place or identify, likely triggering their suspicions to an even greater extent in some of the less cosmopolitan areas.

Fragility: Though his bones are not brittle, he is naturally prone to bruising and minor cuts and wounds, as well as a variety of sicknesses and ailments. Likewise, he tires easily in combat, and is prone to a cautious nature and a healthy fear of danger when threatened with such.

Not an Author or a Reader: Choosing to memorize all which he knows by an oral format, and absolutely forsaking the pen or the written word, he refuses to accept the legitimacy of writing and as such refuses to write absolutely anything down, even at its utmost necessity. He can however, read (if forced to do so.)

Equipment: Mars possesses no armor to speak of, and likely wouldn't be able to wear it without falling over and being crushed to death. He does however, possess a small, straight, unremarkable bronze short sword which he managed to salvage for a few coins from a fortunate military surplus. Otherwise, he has not a valuable item to his name.

A Familiar and a Frightened Friend: Mars possesses a small, unassuming fox kit which he rescued shortly before his arrival in Althanas. Though old enough to live on its own, or rather, in the hood of his cloak, it is too young to be of any use but as kindhearted and appreciative companionship. It is a common red fox (female), which can be found in almost any region of the world.

History: Born into a small town and an unassuming life on a continent far to the west of Althanas, Mars spent the early days of his youth studying the basic arts of his country: language and swordsmanship, though he always strongly preferred the former. With a natural gift for words and for memory, he excelled far beyond other students of his age. The pride of his two loving parents and large family, it came as a shock to all when he was selected to join the levy of militia preparing for war with a neighboring country. Citing his linguistic talents and knowledge of the land, the office of the military stated he and other men like him were an absolute necessity for the fledgling war effort, leaving him little choice but to enlist in the ranks.

Or so, they had assumed.

Taking leave under false pretenses, Mars fled his home nation with a currently unaccounted for group of military deserters, and was the last of them to hit land- on the shores of western Althanas. He is currently unaware of his whereabouts, but prior encounters with merchants and traders have taught him the more complex elements of Tradespeak, which will no doubt be of use to him in the future.

05-02-12, 11:17 AM
You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.