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Canen Darkflight
05-02-12, 01:53 PM
As per a conversation with Letho, please consider this a "reset request" to take me back to level 0. Thanks.

Name: Canen Darkflight

Age: 203 Khaian Years, 43 equivelant Althanian Years. Due to the unique makeup of the Khaian blood, containing anti-ageing serum naturally found in Khaian people, Canen's ageing process is very slow. This gives people the impression he is actually middle aged when in fact he is more likely to be centuries old.

Race: Khaian

Class: Swordsman

Alignment: Good


Canen is stocky and tall, standing around six foot six, and is a man who imposes a very well honed frame upon those around him. Even though his jawbone is still strong and his limbs and muscles are in good working order, the Khaian is starting to show signs of ageing beyond his usually boyish looks. A dark stubble beard adorns his face, and his usually lively eyes have dulled into a dim ocean green, a set of eyes that seem to be full of contemplation of the world around him and the patience to understand it. His dark hair is still as black as pure night, the grey strands of middle age stayed by the preservatives in Canen's blood, but has been cut into a short, ruffled hairstyle.

Canen has disposed of most of his old attire, save for his trademark three quarter length black greatcoat, which is now frayed at the edges and worn from battle. Instead, he now prefers to wear a custom, dark navy green long sleeved jacket with black lapels and silver trim and buttons, and a set of similar coloured pants. These are tied at the waist with a black sash with navy green cord trim with a split tail. A pair of comfortable dark brown leather boots completes the outfit.

Weapon: Illiet (Level 0)

It had been a tough decision for Canen to make, as it could have very well been a decision that might have endangered his life in the future, but when the time came for Canen to part with The Valiance he had decided that the way he approached his training and his methods of battle had to move with the times. Gone were the times when a reliance on a two handed broadsword discipline could see a man through a fight, a battle, and even a war. People had long since got wise to Canen's act, and indeed the acts of many like him, and had produced methods of offence and defence that put a stranglehold on any type of offensive that would had been waged by Canen on experience and swordsmanship alone.

Canen had long been an admirer of the magical arts of his people. His Dark Matter spell was a fascinating piece of science that he felt he had really not explored to its full potential, and the Khaian figured that there would be other, more productive ways to put the magic to use. So, excited about the possibilites that might open up to him with further research of the spell, Canen set about experimenting with his magic.

The final result of his experiments and training was thus: Illiet, a self-sustaining orb of stable Dark Matter that he could craft into a weapon of his choice. Able to solidify the Dark Matter to match the characteristics of steel, with the same levels of endurance, weight and cutting and impact power, Canen was able to craft swords, halberds, axes and even hammers and shields to suit his purpose. He was also able to split Illiet in two for the purpose of dual wielding, although the halved Dark Matter's mass allowed only for two small weapons, such as a small buckler shield and knife.

A downside to this ability was that the weapon he crafted would remain in form until it was either destroyed or he slept, as the Dark Matter spell relies on Canen's consciousness to remain active, but otherwise Canen believed he had found a solution to his problems. Content with his research, he now employs Illiet as his main weapon.

Magic: Dark Matter (Level 0)

Dark Matter is Khaian trademark spell that involves creating a small sphere or orb of negative energy in a controlled environment and shaping it into a projectile. The jet black sphere has a thin, dark purple electrical membrane and any sharp contact or force will cause the orb to implode, and depending on the size of the orb the blast radius will vary, although typically it is a small but effective blast of about 2 metres. It has a tendancy to absorb the nearby energy of heat and light into its membrane, either causing it to prematurely implode or causing it to grow either more potent depending on the source and strength of the energy. However, larger orbs require greater concentration and skill to handle.

Damage dealt by Dark Matter orbs of a reasonable size tends to be medium, inflicting electrical burns upon a target and, in the case of direct hits, impact damage that has the potential to fracture human bones.

Canen's trademark spell is available to him as long as he is of sound mind and is able to muster the energy to cast it. Repeated uses of Dark Matter can quickly sap Canen's energy, so a conservative approach to its use must be taken.

Skill: Sword Proficiency

Canen's skills were specifically honed all of his life to wield a blade proficiently. Having been trained in swordsmanship since a very young age, the Khaian has an extensive knowledge of the balance, handling and techniques of many types of swordfighting. This makes him especially dangerous in close combat with such weapons, having been trained with broadswords, katana based weapons and bastard swords, as well as smaller varients of knife and short swords.

Skill: Khaian Bloodline

It is a known fact that the black blood of a Khaian is highly toxic to most but its own species. Elements in the cells of the blood can conflict with cells in the bloodstream of another (especially reactive in human and elven bloodlines) and poison them, even through contact on unbroken skin. Whilst the chances of poisoning are low, it is advised that allies carry an anti sickness remedy at all times in the event of accidental infection. Known effects have been vomiting, nausea and dizziness and blurred vision.


Present Day:

Ten years on from the day Canen left Corone to continue his search for his brother Gideon, a small wooden tribune sails from the edge of the horizon to the west, carried by a gentle ocean breeze towards the rocky coast of the island. A soothing orange hue pours over the crystaline blue, bathing the boat and the island in the warmth of a summer sunset, and provides the seafarers aboard the vessel with a breathtakingly beautiful sight.

Standing on the creaking wooden bow of the ship, his peaceful eyes gazing upon his adopted home for the first time in a decade, Canen wonders what has changed about Corone, about the world he left behind to travel the territories beyond. For once, he returns to Althanas's cultural melting pot with not a burden to bear, save for his continuing quest to determine Gideon's fate, and as the sun's crest begins to dip beneath the ocean's divide the once troubled Khaian finally understands what it means to be able to call a place...


((The rest of this history is essentially "further reading" for interested parties, detailing Canen's previous endeavours and motivations, as well as important background on his race and influential figures during the various roleplaying eras I dragged him through. I would like to very much credit Kaiser Nightwind (Kai), Raslin / Ayithe (Ayithe Solete) and, of course, Fallen Angel (Gideon Xerxes) for their contributions over the years to the plots I have been involved in, as well as Kially Giath, Raelyse and various other members of this awesome board.))

The Chronicals of Canen: A detailed history

Chapter I: Khaian Roots

Khaia, Nocturnian Continent (1AD (Amura Domine: Year of Domine)
The first nomadic tribes appear and begin colonising and tending to the fertile and rich lands nurtured by the Sael River. Using prehistoric tools, they begin creating the supporting pillars of the Khaian nation Domine and its surrounding elements. The first major city, Nocturnis, is founded by evolving nomadic colonies.Some of these nomads decide to migrate south and land in the area known as Riisa, and establish their own colony. The first years are easy and promise a thriving population to rival that of its brother nation, Domine. The Riisans establish Riisa City as their capital, and install a republic government. The Riisan population soon grows to a point where territory for expansion is exhausted. Their expansion is halted by the Domine borders and the massive Khaian Forests containing the first of the black blooded Khaians, the Nocturn.

In these years, almost all of Domine lands were overrun by the sudden pursuit of knowledge and the overwhelming interest in philosophy, spawning a golden age unseen by any civilised nation. During this time however, the Khaians also heavily studied the old arts of swordsmanship and began training their young in the skills remembered only by their oldest members, skills they had brought from their homeland more than a thousand years before.

The Riisans, frustrated with their sluggish expansion, attack the Nocturn in Khaia Forest in an attempt to drive them out into mainland Domine and claim the forest for themselves. They succeed and the Nocturn take refuge in Domine, where the people welcome the recently exiled Nocturn into their kingdom and heavily condemn the actions of their brother nation. From hereon, the black blooded Nocturn become more and more heavily integrated into Domine society, which is almost now purely consistant of Khaian outlanders. The black blooded Nocturn share their culture and fine arts with the nation and are embraced as messengers of peace by Domine.

Khaia, Nocturnian Continent (4AD)
Domine ships led by the Nocturnian general Artinias Valsoth discover an island 100km from the Riisan coast, and send a landing party onto the beach. The landing party builds their first colonies and founds the island in the name of Domine. Artinias's party names the island "Artinia" after their leader. Meanwhile, Domine soldiers in the high passes prevent the further expansion of Riisa, and for a long time the Riisans enter another period of population stability. Tension between the two nations increases, and the first great war begins. Artinia remains a primitive island south of the main conflict, and declares its independance. Artinias Valsoth is named as High Governor.

The Riisans are eventually defeated by the tenacious black blooded Khaian Reavers and are banished from the realm of Khaia entirely. All colonies and major cities are either razed to the ground by the Domine or otherwise repossessed with new regional governors installed at every turn to ensure stability throughout the uncertain times. The survivors of the Riisans break apart and begin a long exile from the realm, choosing to remain dormant in surrounding low key counties.

Khaia, Nocturnian Continent (9AD)
The Riisan Council, which ruled over their people since the beginning of their great nation, decides to create a new system of government for Riisa and re-establish themselves as a political power. The Domine High Council reluctantly approves of Riisan re-establishment and allows them to take portions of their old territory back in moderation. The Nocturn, still distrusting of Riisan ways, issue a stern protest at the council but are unable to prevent the Riisans from attaining statehood. They quietly receed but remain heavily skeptical of Riisan intentions.

The Black Fist faction are also formed, with a nameless and ruthless executive overseeing operations to eradicate the blackbloods, who he believes to be the impurity in the balance of life in Khaia. Future protectors of Nocturnis, Gabriel Xerxes and Maxmillian Darkflight, are born in Nocturnis City at this stage.

Chapter II: The Hundred Year War

Khaia, Nocturnian Continent (10AD)

The hundred year war erupts between the Riisans / Black Fist and Khaian Reavers / Domine. Black Fist prisoner encampments are erected in Riisa and confirms their involvement in the plot to destroy the blackbloods, which is met with disgust and retallitory strikes by both Domine and the native Khaians. Using the war as a mask to his plan, Demon Overlord Asmodeus creates Icarus Pentagathon and hatches a plan to destroy Khaia in order to give him total power over all of the living realms on the Nocturnian Continent. He begins building his army of Haicheyanne, a terrible, mindless killing machine that destroys as its entire reason to exist. Icarus receives independent thought and becomes a commander of the dark army. The dark army remains an unseen threat for now and remains in the underworld to collect power.

Khaia, Nocturnian Continent (108AD)

An attempt is made on the life of the chairman of Riisa, and it is later discovered that it was by independent Artinian activists led by the descendant of Artinias Valsoth, Xun Valsoth. The belief was that they wished to end the current conflict by killing, in their view, the main antagonist of the war. During this period, holy prophets of the Khaian god Isa claim to have sealed the ultimate destructive magic, "Maelstrom", in Sael Chapel in an underground labyrinth. The story is ridiculed and dismissed by the anyone involved in government. Pilgrims come to the chapel in an attempt to find it, but no such discovery is ever made.

Gabriel Xerxes's wife bears a son, Gideon Xerxes, whilst Gabriel suffers years of agonising torture in a Black Fist encampment in Riisa. Although Gabriel manages to escape, he turns, completely outnumbered, on his aggressors and dies a hero in the eyes of his fellow captives as the faction fight him to the death. Gideon's tutor Ardemis ushers the boy to safety, having to restrain Gideon from entering battle. Maxmillian Darkflight's wife perishes in a fire after protecting the life of her newborn son Canen, and Maxmillian enters Canen into the care of friend and mentor Artremeas, who takes the broken boy into a secluded village named Sael. Maxmillian learns of the brave Gabriel and becomes inspired by his legend.

Chapter III: The fall of Nocturnis

Khaia, Nocturnian Continent (125AD)

Gideon Xerxes and Canen Darkflight are seeking personal retribution for their people when the Black Fist suddenly decide to disband. Obsessed with gaining vengeance for his father, Gideon travels to outpost #127 in order to prevent the faction from escaping but turns up just in time to see the last Black Fist base destroyed. As the executives mock him with a callous laugh, Gideon is left with no one left to fight and allows his anger to swell up inside him with nowhere to go.

Asmodeus, seeing the opportunity presented in the wake of the hundred year war, finally issues the command to his Haicheyanne army and Icarus Pentagathon to descend upon Khaia in what is the first phase of the Nocturnian Genocide. Millions of Haicheyanne led by Icarus quickly storm Riisa and obliterate all major cities and settlements with ease. Choosing not to advance further for the meantime, Icarus begins constructing a portal between the underworld and Riisa.

Khaia, Nocturnian Continent (125AD cont...)

Icarus marches on Nocturnis City and engages the blackblood Khaian Reavers, who begin merging rituals to attempt to overcome their demonic attackers. Maxmillian Darkflight leads the Reavers into the fray, but is mortally wounded by Icarus at the palace. The Reavers and the Domine army collapse under the sheer strain of Haicheyanne demons and, sadly, Nocturnis City is annihalated. Canen manages to escape the onslaught through an open portal and Gideon, unknown to Canen, follows soonafter. The portal closes behind them, trapping millions of Haicheyanne in Khaia, and they find themselves lost in the strange realm of Karak.

Chapter IV: Lost

Karak (uncharted region), Althanas (126AD)

Canen and Gideon are re-united at the fortress of the Red Dragons, a small rebellion in Karak fighting the oppresion of the self proclaimed Legion of Oblivion. They agree to join leader Pike in fighting against the legion on moral grounds and begin training. Canen and Gideon meet Silvet warrior Kaiser Nightwind under the alias of Lance and conspire to destroy the legion together.

Legion of Oblivion soldiers, lead by General Gan, continue to pressurise Red Dragon forces. Canen, Gideon and Kaiser continue to execute night raids into Legion outposts and succeed in dealing a crippling blow to their enemy. Pike, in a shocking and unexpected move, hands control of the Red Dragon forces to Canen after seeing his potential on the field and disappears into obscurity. Reluctantly accepting responsibility of the clan Canen leads the lowly band partisans with the help of Gideon and Kaiser and eventually defeats General Gan and the Legion, temporarily bringing peace to the realm and uniting the people.

It is later revealed that General Gan is in actuality a follower of Arius Mephisto, aka ISOS, a technological terror who was followed in pre-Karak times and is a angry and vengeful leader. He insurrects the Legion of Oblivion as the newly formed superpower, the Castigar army, and disappears with Gan and his followers into the desert.

The Red Dragons soonafter begin to receive word that the Castigar army has been sighted on the surface lands of Karak, led by ISOS himself. They send out multiple messages to other clans in a bid to prepare for an invasion. The other clans come together and form a tough, if not somewhat disorganised, army to oppose them.

Chapter V: The Castigar War

Karak, Althanas (127AD)

The Castigar War begins when ISOS executes a surpise attack on the Red Dragon fortress. Canen leads his division towards Gan's line and begins skirmishing, but is quickly defeated. Kaiser saves Canen from death but the Nocturn remains knocked out for the remainder of the battle. Gideon takes over, armed with his ferocious nodachi sword, aptly named The Vampire Blade, and utterly destroys his enemies with a combination of deadly magic power and astounding strength. ISOS, however, crushes Gideon with his immense psionic potential as a last resort and leaves Gideon for dead, fleeing the field. The day is won for the clans, but the Red Dragons find themselves with few remaining soldiers and no base of operations. Canen, believing Gideon to be dead, leaves Karak with Kaiser in tow.

Unknown, Althanas (Sometime between 127AD and 128AD)

Gideon survives the initial psionic crushing and sets out to settle the score with ISOS. Sure enough, he soon finds Arius Mephisto traversing a dead, dried out coral reef south of Karak and demands a final encounter with the old general, who reluctantly agrees. Gideon is sucked into a strange reality inside Arius's mind via his powerful psionics and is forced to fight the many stages of the armour clad JDA veteran, from being a cadet to his current self, and defeats every single one in order. Gideon's revenge is claimed but before he could escape the psionic world ISOS created as a battlefield, it collapsed in on itself, killing both Arius and Gideon's physical forms in one part of reality. It is believed ISOS's lives on only in his spiritual form whilst Gideon enstows his soul into a flock of familiars in order to keep living, harnessing his power to create his old physical form at will.

05-03-12, 10:53 AM
I'm afraid I'm going to have to count Khaian Bloodline as an ability because it has potential to be used in a combat, where most people end up bleeding and at each others throat. So you have one too many.

Also, the Black Widow should only make people 25% slower than usual for now.

Canen Darkflight
05-03-12, 12:21 PM
Ok, can I perhaps trade Black Widow for Bloodline? If so, then that would be fine with me. Canen's blood is a hallmark and I can always bring in Black Widow at a later level.

I'll make the edits if you approve of this.

05-03-12, 02:07 PM
Don't see why not. Let me know once you've made the edits.

Canen Darkflight
05-03-12, 02:17 PM
Edited like a censure document on Guantanamo Bay.

05-03-12, 02:56 PM
You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome back to Althanas.

3,421 EXP removed as requested. You're a brand new man.