View Full Version : Itera Naymuul

05-06-12, 04:37 PM
Name: Itera Naymuul
Job: Field Recovery
Race: Fairy
Age: 19 apparent, 2 worldly
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Eye Color: Amber
Hgt/Wgt: 5'6" / 134 lbm
Languages: Tradespeak
Weapons: Knife
Armor: None

She is a slender woman with a pointed face, half-hidden in choppy bangs, on a head that's just slightly too large for the rest of her. She has unusually large dark golden eyes whose pupils don't seem to have a contract setting. The straight, waist-length, light blonde hair falls in eight unbraided tails each tied with a small, red bow from beneath a light pink mob cap with a red ribbon in front. Her body, wrapped in a conservative, white tea gown with an purple front panel, wide sleeves, and 3-layer pleated ankle-length skirt, was generously endowed. She walks about in heavy brown boots and usually carries a frilly pink parasol and folding fan.

A consistently mild drunkard, a wanton kleptomaniac, and consummate prankster, she would be terrifying when she held grudges if she wasn't so lazy. However, she is helpful to those whom she decided don't have anything that she wants - a precarious sort of status. This is provided that they can put up with a bit of snarking. The short season for her favorite peaches annoys her to no end, though she's learned to make up for it with a peculiar affinity for hard candy. She's not good with children, hates having to rough it, and really hates trying to rough it with children in tow and only cucumbers for food.

She incarnated in this land from Tenger Jerhel in pursuit of the Selukiith Pendant, which contains the last known fragment of a legendary Heroic Fairy's eyelashes. Unfortunately, she was immediately distracted by the new and interesting things in this world, such as all sorts of shiny baubles and even candy on people who just left them around in their house that weren't even magically warded. The idea of cream and candy was new to her, as well, and it was almost fatal on several early occasions. As far as she was concerned at the time, people who can't hang onto their alleged belongings meant that it was okay for her to borrow them. They can have them back when she dies.

Tenger Jerhel is a place that heavily populated with what might be termed fairies, most of whom paid at least lip service to a certain monarch whose name must not be spoken. Life was fun: all arguments, dances, brawls, pranks, drunkeness, orgies, and tea. It wasn't all necessarily in that exact order, of course. Then one day, someone had gone and stolen the Selukiith Pendant right out of the Monarch's dresser. In a towering rage, the Monarch caused three consecutive purges that killed two-thirds of all of the subjects. This didn't actually do much, since fairies in Tenger Jerhel simply reconstituted themselves a short while after dying. The partying

Deciding that killing people wasn't making any progress, the Monarch decided to break a cardinal rule of Tenger Jerhel and allow crossings into the outside world. This was strictly for subjects to go and search for the Pendant and there were a surprisingly large number of subjects wanting to go for their own reasons. All of them either returned horrified or had to be dragged back out of their haze of addiction. The Monarch then closed down Tenger Jerhel again.

In the uncounted years that have gone by, on account of there not distinct days in that realm, much of the cheer had left Tenger Jerhel. The Monarch held few audiences and was perpetually cooped up in depression. The eyelash in the Selukiith Pendant was the last relic of the Heroic Fairy that had, a long time ago, saved fairy from destruction and formed Tenger Jerhel as a sanctuary. It didn't exactly have magic or serve as a keystone of the realm, but it might as well have given the changes that its absence caused.

Itera Naymuul, one of the many dragged back during the Excursion, became fed up with the whole gloomy business and decided that she will go and bring the artifact back herself. Of all the fairies with diverse powers and abilities, she was the one most able to twiddle with the boundaries of things. It was not a difficult matter to create rifts and step through. It was surprising when she appeared thirty thousand feet in the air and falling alongside half of the east wing of the house that she was lodged in.

As surprising as it was for the roommate fairies, they just flapped their wings and took off in various directions to explore the world. Itera was one of the few that did not have wings. She survived the ground through mysterious circumstances and promptly forgot the main reason why she had come here; attentiveness was not a particularly strong point for her and a she had just spotted a dairy farm. Cream!

In the subsequent two years, Itera has re-learned how to speak, read, and write Tradespeak out of necessity. The trail of mysterious thefts, the occasional traumatized child, and burned-down blacksmithies across several countries never managed to come with spitting distance of catching up to her. On the flip side, neither did the trail of mysteriously un-lost travellers, the occasional monetary gift to the desperate, and the burned-down slavers' tents.

Despite the tremendous fun that Itera was having in the world, she always had a nagging feeling that she was forgetting something. Perhaps she'll recognize it when she sees it.

Literacy: Read and write in Tradespeak
[A] Larceny: Specializes in lifting small objects quietly
[A] Thrower: Repeated house champion in the categories of knife, ball, live birds, and discus
Sewist: Specializes in clothes and kerchiefs
[B] Musician: Specializes in the recorder and zither
[C] Dancing: Specializes in group and pair dancing
[C] Athletics: Participation in the wild hunt, sometimes as prey, is mandatory
[C] Awareness: Sensing and tracking things using all senses
[D] Herbalism: Specializes in mind-influencing draughts

Boundary of Here and There [magical]: With a moment's moderate concentration, she can open two flat rifts at points in space-time. What passes into one rift exits out the other and vice versa. These are of maximum diameter 2 feet + 1 foot per level. They can be up to 20 feet and 1 second apart, with these distances increasing with the square of her level. She can maintain and resize these rifts as naturally as breathing. They can be moved 10 feet per second per level with light concentration. With full minute's complete concentration, she can open a rift at a distant place that she can visualize. She may open a rift three times plus once per level before becoming fatigued and need to rest.

Boundary of Inside and Outside [magical]: She possesses a little pocket dimension which she can access through a rift. This is in the form of a tesseract 5 feet per side per level. The dimension has its own gravity and air. Opening a rift to a part of this dimension takes much less effort than opening one to anywhere else.

Boundary of Motion and Stillness [magical]: She can transfer kinetic energy between two objects or creatures. This has a maximum range of 5 feet and increases with the square of her level. This has a maximum rate of 1 kilowatt and increases with the square of her level. (1 kilowatt is enough to stop 1 arrow in 1/10 second or raise the temperature of 1 gallon of water by 1 Fahrenheit in 7 seconds) Momentum and entropy are not conserved. She cannot create or destroy energy. She may initiate a transfer three times plus once per level before becoming fatigued and need to rest.

Iron Vulnerability - Contact with iron, including iron alloys and steeled iron, inflicts excruciating pain on her. Actual wounds made with iron continue to hurt until closed and heal extremely slowly.

Wood Powerlessness - Contact with certain types of wood, but not oils extracted from the plant, lock out all of her magical powers and dispel ongoing effects thereof. This lasts as long as the contact does. The plants are: witch hazel, rowan, and mulberry.

Brass Bells - The sound of brass bells pitched to any octave of C-sharp breaks concentration and is mesmerizing, though she will not try to induce the sound.

Cream - Cream is an intoxicant like alcohol for her.

4 chromed lead balls (4 ounces each, 1 inch diameter, holds 60 kJ each)
3 bronze knives
Several changes of clothes
Sewing kit, cloth supplies
Phrasebook Tradespeak-High Elven, Tradespeak-Dheath, Tradespeak-Fallien
A big, white parasol with frills
A damascus-ribbed folding fan
The furniture and contents of a 1-room house

05-07-12, 01:14 AM
I need you to limit the number of times she can use the Boundary of Here to There and Boundary of Motion and Stillness. For now, you shouldn't be able to do this more than a couple of times before becoming fatigued (let's say three uses each).

05-07-12, 07:28 AM
Added: 3 uses + 1 use / lvl to Boundary of Here and There, 3 uses + 1 use / lvl to Boundary of Motion and Stillness
I also added that rifting for the Boundary of Inside and Outside is much less taxing and wouldn't count onto that limit. The thing is that these dresses have no pockets.

Also added an inventory item in the form of a studio apartment's worth of furnishings.

05-07-12, 02:22 PM
The edits are fine. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.