View Full Version : Resolve

05-06-12, 06:24 PM
Name: Resolve Curie
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue-gray
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140#
Occupation: Exorcist

Fiercely independent and ambitious, Resolve can be a bit much to handle at first, but her noncommittal nature betrays her as the young person she is. She has an intense dislike for rules, sitting still, and useless domestic animals, balanced out by her obsessions with training, saving money, and crashing the most festive parties. Her abilities were rough on her as a kid and there's still some residual skittishness. On bad days, she's susceptible to theatrics of the highest degree and mild panic attacks.

Resolve is slightly taller than the average human woman and most of her features harken to her father's heritage, though softened by her mixed blood. She has short, wavy, black hair, dark skin just a couple shades lighter than the norm of her Fallien ancestry, slight bone structure with an athletic build, and profoundly deep blue-gray eyes. Over the past year or so some white markings have begun to appear on her skin, the first manifesting in a line of freckle-like dots under her eyes. She tends to fidget, so she usually wears plenty of things to fidget with: garish costume jewelry, brightly colored scarves and layered saris from Fallien (so she can pretend her roots are stronger than they are), artful little hats, et-cetera.

• Combat Training: She's trained and fairly adept in the basics of hand-to-hand, including short sword, and especially wrestling.
• Domestics: Running a household has given her considerable practice in more than the bare minimums of homemaking. She's a mean chef, seamstress, and handy(wo)man.
• Resourcefulness: Resolve is fluent in the barter system, as well as has the know-how to scrape by on and make the most of very little.
• Social Butterfly: She likes people and they seem to like her back. Resolve has a gift for navigating various diverse social circles, networking, earning favors, and breaking hearts. (Okay, maybe she just likes to imagine that last bit.)

• Sixth Sense: Resolve can see, hear, and speak with souls, such as ghosts. She has figured out how to use this ability for exorcisms, though without proper training the results are sometimes unpredictable. She's mostly competent, anyway.
• Energy Manipulation: Like others of the Ahketamika born with supernatural powers, she can use her personal energy to create physical objects. This could be used for armor and weapons at a higher level, but without an Amaratna crystal to focus her power, her ability is unstable and unlikely to be used for anything other than the occasional party trick. The most she can accomplish that is combat-related is a small burst of energy that could potentially be directed at an enemy. It's strong enough to knock the wind out of someone or perhaps concuss if taken head-on, but her control of it is fairly poor, resulting in equally poor aim.
• Plane Manipulation: As a supernatural descendent of an Ahketamika, she also has access to other planes of existence. This ability is used to visit but one particular place by her father's tribe, but without their guidance, Resolve's experimentation often just leads to accidental plane-hopping. (No obvious use for combat as of yet.)

• Selukiith Pendant: Recently inherited from an estranged family member, its otherworldly origins are unknown to Resolve (note connection with Itera Namyuul). She probably would have pawned it already if she didn't realize it functioned as a mediocre substitute for an Amaratna crystal, and she's been training with it until she's able to travel to Fallien and obtain a real one. (It is not for selling.)
• Short Sword: Steel.

Twenty years ago her mother was working in trade and, after one particularly fateful trip to Fallien, realized she'd come home to Corone heavy with more than spices and glass. She raised Resolve alone and things were rough at first, but once Resolve was old enough to take care of herself, her mother returned to sea-faring trade and they were able to make the climb from lower to middle class. Because of this Resolve's education started late and at that point she had little interest in it anyhow, so she is currently only semi-literate, though excellent with figures and confident enough that she can often bluff her educational shortcomings.

Resolve's supernatural abilities developed early. Growing up in the company of spirits made her a temperamental child, but she mellowed out as she learned about her heritage and how to make use of her talents. She realized her potential as a soldier early on and began training as a preteen, but her skittish nature and disinterest in following directions soon ruled out any career in the military… and most other careers, at that. She's been trying to make a name of herself as an exorcist in order to earn funds and travel to Fallien for proper training.

After recently inheriting a pendant from an estranged relative Resolve's supernatural training suddenly improved, as if the crystal acted as somewhat of a substitute for the Amaratna crystal she knows she needs to truly control her abilities. Since this she has also increased in strength and the tell-tale marks of her father's tribe, white designs that appear naturally on the skin, have begun to surface.

05-07-12, 01:11 AM
Nice, clean profile. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.