View Full Version : Selias

05-10-12, 10:45 AM
Name: Selias Tremble (Uses only first name)
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: Yellow/Blonde
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 5'7
Weight: 160
Occupation: Homemaker

Personality: Selias is quiet, contemplative. She never says something without having thought it over at least a half dozen times. She is always ready for whatever reaction she may receive. She doesn’t smile much, but when she does it lights up the room around her. Selias is withdrawn, often time rude when someone attempts to get to know her. She keeps everyone at a distance and very rarely talks about her past. She was placed in an arranged marraige and learned quickly not to give too much of herself away. When she does care for someone she tends to quickly remove them from her life before something bad can happen. Occasionally someone will get a glimpse of her softer side, the carefree, happy girl that she was all those years ago. Her voice is somewhat deep for a girl, and occasionally there is a barely noticeable rasp to it.

Appearance: Her cool eyes always stand out, though the first thing most people notice about her is a large scar on the left side of her neck, if you were to get a look beneath her clothing you would find that these scars cover the entire left side of her body from the neck down. Fairly conservative, Selias can typically be seen in a white button up shirt with lace frills and an ankle length pencil skirt of either gray or black. The exception to this is when she is looking to train, when she will trade in her skirt for a pair of men’s trousers. Her blonde hair is cut off just below the ear, it is never out of place.

History (At least what you need to know for now):

It was a cool night just before the fall of winter; trees seemed to shy away from the wind just a she shied away from his touch. “It has to end Vincent.”

He reached for her again, the tight muscles of his arm relaxing as he touched her cheek softly and lifted his lips to hers. He said nothing, lifting his other hand to the small of her back and pulling her closer.

She forced herself away even as his touch sent shivers through her body, closing her eyes and imagining a world where she could be with him.

She dressed quickly as he watched. His eyes were full of pain and a hint of anger mirroring her own. He knew when this started that it could never be; that each night she would leave him and return home. It was the one unspoken rule, there could be no love. As she wrapped her coat around herself and gave him one last look before she stepped into the cool air she remembered why she had to end it. They had both broken the rule.

Hours later she slept fitfully, her son’s fiery head tucked into her bosom. She held him close, the child she loved so much though he was conceived in hatred. She could remember the night well, the calculated touches, the forceful thrusts, and the way he rolled to his side of the bed and she prayed it was the last time she would be forced to let him touch her. She pulled the boy close, unwilling to share him. Behind him her husband’s chest rose and fell, she narrowed her eyes and wished for the thousandth time that it would still and he would be gone.

A cry filled the air, the boy was waking. She laid her cheek against his own, willing his fever to take her instead. She uncovered his legs, eyeing the scorpion bite which was swollen and surrounded by the red lines that proved its poison would overtake his body soon. His breathing became struggled as she curled up in a corner, holding him to her chest until he cooled. Days passed while she held what was left of her son, screaming each time his father tried to approach. Even as his skin became gray and began to smell she still held tight to him, desperate to give her own life to his little heart. She cursed the Thaynes, cursed her loveless marriage, but beyond everything she just screamed.

She woke to a horrible smell and reached down to touch her child’s face. Her hand grazed her knee before she realized his weight was gone. Outside she saw her husband standing before a fire, tears rolling down his cheeks as he said his goodbye. A blind fury filled her as she ran towards the flames, “You had no right. He is mine, you had no right!”

Tears streamed down her face as her husband grabbed her, pulling her away from the blaze. “He is mine!” She kicked as hard as she could, watching him recoil enough for her to escape. She grabbed at her son’s body, deep in the flames, and she fell.


Conteplation- Selias is very good at reading people and she used it to quickly size up anyone she comes accross. She is much more perceptive of other people than most.

Sewing- Selias is a talented seamstress and sometimes sells her wares during her travels.

Cooking- Selias is a very good cook, something she was taught as a child in order to be a good homemaker one day. She has taken several short term jobs in taverns to get herself enough money to continue traveling.

Fighting- Selias was trained from an early age to use a sword by her father who had always hoped for a son. Selias is above average with a sword.


Strength X2

The plea- Selias when desperate can create a shield around herself that will reflect one attack. The attack will instead hurt her opponent. This works on those her level or lower. If someone is a higher level they will be hurt less by the returned attack. If someone is three levels above her the sheild will not reflect, but instead will just lower the strength of the hit.

Sewing Materials
Several changes of clothes
A steel rapier that she keeps attached to her hip at all times

05-10-12, 12:48 PM
You have one ability too many. You can have three for now, so I'm afraid I have to ask you to remove one of them.

Also, in The Plea, I would like you to make it so that the attacks from someone three levels above her do not reflect, not five.

That is all.

05-10-12, 01:02 PM
I made the edits, does everything else look okay?

05-10-12, 01:42 PM
Everything else is looking fine.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.