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Artifex Felicis
08-22-06, 07:31 PM
Married, and still pretty active. Good job man! Plus a good writer as well, and is getting better

Mark Twain
08-22-06, 09:05 PM
One can be a hero to other folk, and in a sort of vague way understand it, or at least believe it, but that a person can really be a hero to a near and familiar friend is a thing which no hero has ever yet been able to realize, I am sure.

08-22-06, 09:09 PM
He's a famous dead guy with words that confound the life of me. I never remebered Huckleberry Finn being this confusinb but then again I had Cliff Notes^^

08-22-06, 09:19 PM
Has a sweet Etna avy, plays a frivolous pirate redhead and is possibly the nicest person on Althanas. :)

Mark Twain
08-22-06, 09:21 PM
Possibly you will not be a fully accepted classic until you have been dead a hundred years,--it is the fate of the Shakspeares & of all genuine prophets,--but then your books will be as common as Bibles, I believe. You ain't a weed, but an oak; you ain't a summer house, but a cathedral.

08-22-06, 09:34 PM
Makes me want fried chicken.

Falcon Darkflight
08-23-06, 07:01 AM
Roleplayer deluxe. The effort he put in the LCC (some time ago, I know, but still worth a mention) and his ideas are both really good. But the thing I like most about Cory is his personality OOC: Talking to him over MSN, you learn that he's such a genuine guy, a heart of gold and there is no better guy to come to for advice, except when he's busy. ;)

Althanas would be a lesser place without him.

08-23-06, 07:33 AM
ya gotta admit he is dedicated ... somewhat to his roleplaying. That and he has more or less used the same character since the old IV with not so many changes ... now thats dedication

08-23-06, 07:45 AM
He's capable of playing both male and Female cahracters well.

Damion Shargath
08-23-06, 09:52 AM
Keeping that "height/weight" thing a secret just keeps me very nosey O.o

08-23-06, 10:45 AM
I like the usage of Osmium in your armour...very creative :-D

Vampiric Angel
08-23-06, 05:53 PM
One of the first characters I've seen on Althanas that knows the Dwarven language....Plus he has bone blades! Good on ya!

Damion Shargath
08-24-06, 06:21 AM
Half-Elf. Plain and simple...not...fucking...1/8th half-necron 4/8th angel 3/8th fallen mutant hybrid 1/2 human 1/2 UNKOWN, 1/8th Lycanthrope Elf Werewolf


Here's a big THANKS for keeping it simple Vamp Angel :p

08-24-06, 07:21 AM
He has a kickass weapon with a kickass name.

That and he's one of the few characters I want to go up against in a tournamant or the the citadel.

08-24-06, 07:33 AM
Underated and I love him. If he wasn't married and inter-racial sodomy wasn't a crime...

08-24-06, 08:07 AM
Not on Althanas, I believe. But that's not the point.

He's a prick and proud of it. Well, IC, at least. Still, he's a fairly good guy from what Master Raven said about him through the IM.

And dedicated on finishing quests.

08-24-06, 08:18 AM
he's a better writer than most people that live in an englsh speaking country. Also has some of the most awesome gir; characters that are played by a guy.

08-24-06, 08:48 AM
Has to be the most active person in this thread. Which also means he can always come up with a compliment.

08-24-06, 09:08 AM
the sword he submitted to my challenge has got to be the coolest ice sword in the history of enchanted items. I wish i came up with it^^

08-24-06, 09:26 AM
Her avatar is so cute, I want to steal it.

Really though, she's an up-and-coming writer around these parts, and from what I've read of her threads, her character is enjoyable to read as well.

And hello, she's a pirate. :)

08-24-06, 09:29 AM
Probably didn't care the writer's been here since before the Crash. But~ Oh, well.

Gem Magic is cool, plus she has a DA account where she posts her super-cool artstuff. I have to remind Master Raven to visit her place a lot more often.

08-24-06, 09:30 AM
(Ignore this post, do Yami instead)

Oh...yeah, I keep forgetting who owns which characters. ^^; Sorry.

Damion Shargath
08-24-06, 09:40 AM
Seemingly always friendly...never angry...it's astonishing. (Yami)

08-24-06, 10:15 AM
a halberd weilding tree hugger ... a TREE HUGGER ... kinda ironic that he is also a smoker though

08-24-06, 11:39 AM
Has a fluffy white tail.

Can I hug it, Kai? ^_^

08-26-06, 08:11 PM
Quite possibly the only character on Althanas that uses Katars.

If not, Yamihara is the only one I know of at least.

Damion Shargath
08-26-06, 08:12 PM
He uses a halberd...*hug*

Artifex Felicis
08-26-06, 08:14 PM
A good sense of humor, and a rare thing in my opinion, Also a good writer if i remember correctly

08-26-06, 08:16 PM
(I'm doing two because, well I feel like it :D.)

The combination of cards and ciggerattes makes me think of the pairs of things that fit together nicely.. like peanut butter and jelly, and beer and breasts... erm :p.

Your character reminds me of the Cheshire cat, which in every circumstance is always cool ;).

Damion Shargath
08-26-06, 08:19 PM
(I'm doing two because, well I feel like it :D.)
...things that fit together nicely.. like peanut butter and jelly.. and beer and breasts.. erm :p.


Awesome sense of humor, truly awesome. Combining truth and humor is astounding, he can do it :p

08-26-06, 08:23 PM
He managed to score some awesome armor that people just dream of having.

08-26-06, 08:24 PM
Uses a cutlass. Seriously, the cutlass has to be one of the few sword you never see used until someone decides to help make the sword a little more well known.

08-27-06, 02:27 AM
Your character's last name sounded like a "Draciosaurus" the first time. Now, I don't know what a Draciosaurus is but it sounds mindblowing!

And yes, I like your writing :)

08-27-06, 03:09 AM
The only active character I know of that is possibly an Shroom Addict.

08-27-06, 12:16 PM
A legend on Althanas for changing characters more then I change shirts in a day. :D

Artifex Felicis
08-27-06, 12:57 PM

Saxon has an awesome avatar of the Chesire cat. As well as some pretty cool abilities

08-28-06, 03:07 AM
Fluffy! X3

OK, I'm cooled down now. ^_^;

Leon is quite possibly one of the legendary furry characters here on Althanas. Can you find the others?

08-28-06, 11:44 AM
Only person with three characters people want to bang.

Vampiric Angel
08-28-06, 03:42 PM
He has Aerokinesis. Another thing I haven't seen that often.

08-31-06, 06:23 AM
uses a sword thats older than himself .. the concept of it rocks.

that and a very misleading user name

Damion Shargath
08-31-06, 08:14 AM
Unarmed Combat rules, it rules all of you - and yes, possibly even the wielding of pole-arms!

Vampiric Angel
08-31-06, 10:07 AM
Has, high endurance and high pain tolerance. Handy skills to have in a fight.

08-31-06, 04:39 PM
Do-gooder lol

what a cool occupation!

09-01-06, 11:57 AM
Darkstrike's Nenal is a pretty well-thought break-away from your oft-seen fallen angels. Good work.

09-01-06, 12:31 PM
i don't know what kind of pay being a vengeful wildcat is ... but it sounds like fun ...

Artifex Felicis
09-01-06, 04:38 PM
A pretty cool looking charector after skimming through the profile, and has an awesome psion sword ^^

09-02-06, 06:29 PM
I've seen some weird things in my lifetime. Haunts and images that I can make out of the corner of my eye, paralyzing nightmares, and even insidious hallucinations in the dark. But none, not one, holds a candle to those furry, mangy cats! :eek:

With their bulbous eyes, pointy teeth, and mounds of colored hair, it makes me shudder with dismay. The wanton need to lick my palm with that sandpaper tongue and lay on my lap like a ticking time bomb. Trying to imagine that in the form of a creature that can speak, walk on two legs, and even have two opposable thumbs renders me speechless!


Nuff' said? ;)

Damion Shargath
09-03-06, 06:43 AM
Great humor, awesome avatar, very interesting character build (that thing with the cats just binds me).

09-03-06, 09:22 AM
I'm pretty sure he's qualified to be a full-fledge Salvic Knight and can basically send anyone into the next decade with his awesome halberd.

09-03-06, 09:24 AM
one of Althanas's best all around people. Great artist as well.

09-03-06, 02:26 PM
do what you want because a pirate is free. YOU ARE A PIRATE!

were gonna dig up the box, it locked up with locks

... in short pirates are cool, get a subclass as a ninja and you will have the most pwning character ^_^

09-04-06, 12:05 AM
Kaiser just kicks ass period.

Chidori Draconid
09-04-06, 09:59 PM
You didn't forget about our Istien thread, and I love you for that.

09-04-06, 11:07 PM
Another one of Althanas' up and comers. Also, he's a great writer and comes up with interesting ideas. I'm really going to enjoy the challenge he came up with for "I hate tests".

09-04-06, 11:11 PM
I haven't seen a character with a z-name that actually works, in a long time. It has a nice flow to it. Also, the names of the weapons are excellent. Definitely has a knack for names. So I wonder what moniker he'll pick for his first kid?

09-04-06, 11:13 PM
Zerith is married... though some might interpret that as a something negative. ;) Not me, I think it's :cool:

EDIT: Screw you, Dan.

July has the balls to call his male character with a girly name that just happens to be a name of a month. :P

09-04-06, 11:23 PM
Letho is quite possibly the best rper on this site, I was even discussing this with another althanian over dinner tonight. You rock Duro.

Oh and Run, I already have a name picked out for my first kid. Even though he's not going to be around for a while.

Vampiric Angel
09-05-06, 10:03 AM
An awesome Rper with an awesome personality. Although I haven't had the privileage or pleasure to speak with him personally, I can tell from his posts both IC and OC that he has tremendous character. And that's something I admire. ^^

Artifex Felicis
09-05-06, 10:39 AM
A good new writer, though I confess I haven't read much of him, he's still active and here, and doesn't have a horribly cliched history like I did when I first joined.

09-13-06, 03:24 PM
The only genre of character on Althanas that can make Syvriak disappear. :D

09-14-06, 06:56 AM
When he took up writing in 3rd person, he made sure his stories are indeed in third person.

Haven't seen something like this since "One Thousand and One Arabian Nights" I must say.

Vampiric Angel
09-14-06, 09:57 AM
A girly tomboy. 'Nuff said ^^

09-14-06, 02:14 PM
Well, he is certainly persistent. That I must give at least a thumbs up for his dedication to the thread. ^_^

Lavinian Pride
09-14-06, 02:15 PM
I always did know you'd make mod. You're dedicated to the site which is a great thing...

09-14-06, 02:32 PM
One of the older writers here that I've been able to rp with. The dedication to finishing SW as a wedding gift was really cool. Thanks.

09-14-06, 02:38 PM
I suppose it was better than a toaster.

You sir are a great guy to roleplay with. Open and accepting, a rare quality in a realm of telling stories.

Vampiric Angel
09-14-06, 03:19 PM
Dissinger is an awesome RPer, a veteran that puts an original swing on things.....plus he's mad. :D

09-14-06, 04:18 PM
Is an extremely talented RPer for a level 0.

09-14-06, 04:31 PM
Plays a character with a handicap, which he does wonderfully. Also seems to be a pretty nice dude!

09-14-06, 04:39 PM
Krugor is one of the funniest characters around and has writing skills to boot. Soon enough he might be as funny and as good as Ter-Thok. Or even better. :)

09-14-06, 04:55 PM
Letho as an adamantine sword, I want an adamantine weapon. Of course it will probably take quite alot of time for me to get one.

In the meantime I'll just shake my fist a Letho for having one. *shakes fist*

Vampiric Angel
09-16-06, 09:40 PM
He is held in high regards for being a talented RPer and a good guy for a lvl 1. Something I hope is thought of me when I become lvl 1. ^^

09-16-06, 09:57 PM
VA has a nice attitude and doesn't get a big head like some level zeros with lots of potential.

09-19-06, 04:06 PM
Eris is a fun person to rp with, I'm really enjoying the battle we're having in the Citadel.

...I wonder who will get to keep their sword?

09-20-06, 02:11 AM
This man is dedicated to the site, whatelse can I say. Hes a good roleplayer and if he sticks around he'll quickly become a so called veteran.

09-20-06, 03:57 AM
A very talented writer in every respect of literature. I especially like this dark portrayal of justice and survival.

Falcon Darkflight
09-20-06, 07:04 AM
I don't know too much about you, but what I do know is that your avatars own, and Master Raven is one cool cat.

09-20-06, 01:05 PM
isn't so high on his horse that he won't challenge a level Zero to a fight...

I swear if i win this, or even survive that fight, canen is going to become Kai's slave for the week ... ((Nothing dirty either ... pervs))

Vampiric Angel
09-20-06, 01:09 PM
Kai's a cool cat. He's a talented RPer that I'd love to duel...just as a test of mettle, not quite from a grudge or that I hate him or something...<.< >.>

09-20-06, 02:58 PM
Vampiric Angel has a name for his sword, and that is cool.

09-20-06, 03:02 PM
Roleplaying a Canadian with a nunchaku? Awesome with a capital A ;)

09-20-06, 03:39 PM
a walking skeleton that not only cooks, but ALSO inspires homoerotic tendencies in old, creepy necromancers! What's not to like about him?

That, and the writing stuff too. It's pretty awesome , but not like it's important or anything.

09-20-06, 07:09 PM
Plays a controlled werewolf, that's totally kickass.

I mean c'mon, who else thinks it would be cool to be a werewolf and control it?

Falcon Darkflight
09-21-06, 05:55 AM
Z Man's writing is getting better. I find myself reading more and more of his work when I should be doing my own posts :P

Very good to plan with as well. I like him :)

09-21-06, 09:17 AM
has an awesome unique race with some neat traits.

09-21-06, 09:23 AM
One of the most open-minded people in this strange world of ours.

Pirates rule.

09-21-06, 09:32 AM
Very active roleplayer, with a bunch of nasty (in a positive way) characters. Also created an entire subregion all by himself/herself! *applauds* Go you! :D

09-21-06, 12:22 PM
Its gotta be the shrooms, and the fungus, definetly a character concept that may seem strange at first ... but i guess it grows on ya

... no pun intended about the fungus

09-21-06, 01:05 PM
he has a Tail!!!=^_^=

09-21-06, 01:32 PM
Possibly the only other character on althanas that would naturally force Kai to use his tail in other than being cosmetic

and i recently noticed that claw thing ... a little nighmare[/SCIII] never hurt anyone eh?

09-21-06, 01:35 PM
Delightfully delusional. You got spunk kid, and I love that wit thats razor sharp like most brits I know.

09-21-06, 01:40 PM
Diss made his own little fad with hex magic, not many people have done something like that.

Damion Shargath
09-21-06, 02:02 PM
Understands the greatness of Dissinger. Comprehends brilliance.

09-21-06, 02:06 PM
Awsome guy, when I first came to the site I'll admit I thought he was a jerk. But I'vegotten to knwo him and hes actually an awsome guy.

Artifex Felicis
09-21-06, 08:32 PM
Awesome writer, also pretty stubborn for sticking with Seth for so goddamn long and keeping him interesting. Makes me wish I still had my own hex mage from ways back

09-21-06, 09:16 PM
Is cool enough to play with yarn, then turn around and strangle someone with it. Like some little kid who's also a serial killer. (Apparently that's cool... eek.)

Bearded Gnome
09-21-06, 09:41 PM
He has an avatar of Johnny Cage whooping some ass on Baraka in MK...2? I dont remember, maybe 3?

09-21-06, 09:45 PM
I'm pretty sure it was Mortal Kombat 2.

The one (active) dwarf on the site, and that needs no words. Except the delightfully blunt username, Bearded Gnome. :D

09-21-06, 09:55 PM
up there with Raven as one of my favorite artists here^^

also one of the few character that I would want to make me an item.

Bearded Gnome
09-24-06, 05:00 PM
What can I say? A hot imp at an impressional age...Mmm, I smell sexiness. XD

09-24-06, 08:56 PM
is the first major step in Dwarf rights on Althanas^^

09-24-06, 11:00 PM
A cool person to rp with, the dialogue used for Eris makes her more believable.

Also he owns Disgaea 2 and leaves me in the dust without the game.

09-24-06, 11:16 PM

09-25-06, 06:26 AM

A new RPer who's eager to get into the fray? Well, at least a lot more eager than I first got here.


Zerith - He's a really good person to talk on IM. Don't take my word for it - talk with him and you shall find out.

09-25-06, 07:31 AM
Has a sweet four word alliteration in the "Skills/Items" part of his profile.

And one othem is called Dragon Dance. Now if a human can dance like a dragon, how cool is that?

Damion Shargath
09-25-06, 08:04 AM
A special agent, just like one of my other, sadly completely inactive characters.

Bearded Gnome
09-25-06, 10:29 AM
One of the only characters I've seen to have and use, frequently, cigarettes. Although I do not condone the use of cigarettes, I do acknowledge that it makes his character look completely badass! ^^

Damion Shargath
09-25-06, 11:20 AM
A dwarf, the only dwarf around - that's impressive. Dwarves are respectably fierce warriors, and I look forward to seeing some of that dwarven powerhouse action.

09-25-06, 12:10 PM
Kickass avatar with jam-spatters. Er, I mean blood.

Though I'm going to be making him one that's just dead sexy. :D

Really, though, his writing style is eerie and intriguing, and I like that.

Bearded Gnome
09-25-06, 02:12 PM
She's a jeweler. She uses jewels as her armor. Talk about convenience!(sp?)

EDIT: She has a wepon called The Empyrean Table. And the first thought that comes to mind is her whooping some ass with a holyfire, jewel encrusted slab of wood!

09-25-06, 02:45 PM
he is a whole 5 feet of luv ... holy crap ... does that mean i am not much taller than a dwarf?!?!?

they be getting taller i say!!!

Bearded Gnome
09-25-06, 02:57 PM
Yeah, I didn't realize how tall that was until I took out a tape measurer and actually measured 5'2" and HOLY CRAP that was tall for a dwarf. Meh, oh well, I'll stick with it. ^^

((Skip me.))

Artifex Felicis
09-25-06, 04:13 PM
Furry, as well as a charector who seems to be pretty funny and cool together. God can I get more generic? Though, I'd still like to quest with you if I ever actually get active beyond 1-2 threads again.

Dwarf - Tallest Dwarf Ever!

09-25-06, 08:29 PM
has Yarn magic!! and also one of the better furry characters around.

09-26-06, 07:05 AM
Nobody can escape the charms of a succubus for long.

And that means... Mwahahaha...

09-26-06, 02:34 PM
Awsome artist, and a dedicated roleplay. Can't wait to see what he did with Seth.

Bearded Gnome
09-26-06, 03:05 PM
Diss is a legend in my book. A serious veteran of Althanas. I like his characters and I like where he takes them. Awesome all the time!

Vampiric Angel
10-15-06, 08:58 AM
He's one sexy biatch. I mean come on, a dwarf with blue-gray eyes? Jesus I nearly had an orgasm just thinking about it. XD

10-15-06, 10:07 AM
He isn't affraid to admit he's turned on by hairy midgets. ;)

Vampiric Angel
10-15-06, 01:30 PM
When it comes to sex, midgets are my specialty, mate. XD

((Pass me up))

10-16-06, 10:08 PM
Vampiric Angel has the audacity I wish I could have.

Vampiric Angel
10-16-06, 10:23 PM
He thinks I have audacity. And that makes him pretty cool in my book.

Plus, he's brave enough to make a character without any skills in battle.

And to quote on of the twin kings of Kachuk, "A life in the mountain's hard, especially when yer starting out."

So my hat goes off to you.

10-17-06, 08:12 AM
He's stuck around until he's no longer a newbie^^ most people don't last that long.

10-17-06, 01:34 PM
Speaking of people who stuck around...

This guy is as old as I am on the boards, and that takes some dedication. I think only about one or two other people have lasted since that time.

Storm Veritas
10-17-06, 01:50 PM
Dissinger is the master of the twist ending. The ability to bring a plausible yet major change of events late in the game is incredibly rare, yet he has made a science of it.

10-17-06, 02:02 PM
Storm is one of the few Althanians to get laid, much less married. He's a rock hard sox fan and hates all the same people I do.

Cheers, love.

10-17-06, 02:47 PM
He's barely been around more than a year (at thats probably being generous) and he's already been modded twice. Not to many people can say they did that.

Artifex Felicis
10-17-06, 10:00 PM
Grim's probably one of the oldest members here who kept the same type of charector throughtout a long ass time and still make him interesting. Good work mate!

11-04-06, 12:03 PM
A modern day hippie, poet, and stereotype. And one of the few furries that hasn't been killed yet, you know, by the anti-furry squad.

11-04-06, 12:11 PM
Vorin's the kind of guy that's fun to talk to and usually has entertaining things to say.

Devin Argente
11-05-06, 07:26 AM
Reiko has a character inspired by eastern mythologies, which I have been in love with ever since I started practising martial arts. Enchanted kimono? Totally rocks.

11-05-06, 04:40 PM
I'd hit that avatar, if you know what I mean. ;)

If you don't, I mean sex.

Seriously though, He's got the energy to become the next Letho or Storm, good to see in these times.

Bearded Gnome
11-05-06, 05:31 PM
Come on. There's so many good things you can say about Vorin. Like he has a pic of himself as his avvy, or....maybe that's Roosevelt?

11-05-06, 05:36 PM
He has the man parts to play a dwarf^^

Devin Argente
11-06-06, 05:15 PM
Something I should've stated in my previous post: tantojutsu is by far one of the most exciting array of techniques you'll find in martial arts. At least, in my opinion.

And Reiko uses tanto. And more. But tanto owns.

(By the way, a tanto is a knife, for those of you who didn't know yet).

I'd hit that avatar, if you know what I mean.

If you don't, I mean sex. ;)

Care to know that it's a portrait of a homicidal maniac from a Japanese horror/action movie? :)

Artifex Felicis
11-06-06, 05:26 PM
If it has a penis, Vorin wants it, be it man, woman, sheep or lizard.

Devin's not creeped out by Althanas as a whole, and as such is pretty awesome. Also a well made profile. I'd ask to quest with you if I could post somewhat often. Too bad, maybe later.

Also one of the few others I think who doesn't use weapons all too much.

11-06-06, 06:41 PM
Leon controlls one of the most devestating weapons on all of Althanas, a ball of yarn. Also he beat me in the Magus even if it was by default.

11-07-06, 08:57 AM
Grim's character reminds me of the Blind Ronin. :)

11-07-06, 09:17 AM
He has an awesome furry character as well as some of the most fun female characters on the board.

11-07-06, 04:12 PM
The not-so-infamous Nine Tails lady, at least to me. LOVE the character! Also, when'd you become Level 5?!

11-08-06, 12:42 AM
The guy is almost level 1. Keep it up and you're golden. :)

Corvus MacCallum
11-08-06, 10:45 AM
He dosen`t speak common,oh no,hes much too good for that.

11-08-06, 10:55 AM
Highlanders are always cool.
Also one of the most...ah, colorful characters around. :P

11-08-06, 12:35 PM
One of the awesomest multi-talented artists to eer grace the boards! Even Master Raven says so! ^_^

11-08-06, 02:20 PM
The one man able to resist my charms.

Corvus MacCallum
11-08-06, 02:27 PM
The charmer with a relatively reasonable record.

Bearded Gnome
11-08-06, 02:27 PM
lol We've always been able to resist your charms...we just kinda let you live in your own little world for a while.

Oh, and positive? He has a pale and lush skin color. Yummy. XD

EDIT: Corvus, you bastard.

He's a guy that gets the special right of me strangling him. ^^ Congrats.

Devin Argente
11-08-06, 02:45 PM
Every time I see a post by Bearded Gnome, I laugh myself to death, reciting this Warcraft III reference again and again:

"WHERE'S ME DRINK? Ah, there's me drink! GE'IN MAH BELLYYYY!"

"Guns don't kill people... I DO!"

Also, he plays a Dwarf, and everyone knows that Dwarves are cool. Disagree and you will be eviscerated by steel of the best quality.

Lavinian Pride
11-08-06, 03:11 PM
Devin knows the power of a good dwarf, for that I bow before ye.

That and he's a cool guy from GUA that I hope enjoys his time here...

11-08-06, 03:56 PM
Sarah owns one of my characters. And then there's the irresistible Advent Children Tifa avy. Pat is also the owner of one of only two characters that have more EXP then me. Which makes him :cool:

11-08-06, 04:34 PM
One of the best styles on Althanas, in my opinion.

EDIT: Haha, I love how someone unknown comes in and the thread halts for a whole day.

11-09-06, 11:28 AM
Atzar: Oh, you have no idea how true that is... ;)

Atzar here has potentials to get big - really big. Like Cyrus.

I'll see to it that his next finished quest is judged by me. :D

Cyrus the virus
11-09-06, 11:30 AM
I'm very big ;)

Raven rules. I don't think that's his real name, but he rules anyway. Good guy, dedicated, super awesome.

Storm Veritas
11-09-06, 12:25 PM
Matthau is a great writer and a very skilled but slow RPG developer.

Gadgeteer Mikami
11-09-06, 12:47 PM
His electrical touch could be really handy for experimentation!

Ooh! Just thinking about it makes my brain tingles! ^_^

11-09-06, 12:53 PM
Awesome character. Althanas' only real gadgeteer. Can't wait to see what happens with her.

11-09-06, 04:47 PM
Great character that I've once had the pleasure of writing with. Although I see alot of furries around, I tend to believe that most cannot really write the easily hyped, curious... furry type. You do it very well, and for that I'd salute you..

..but I'm not a big fan of the military. So I'll just give you props..

..not much of a gangster, either.

How about a scratch behind the ears? Some furries like that.

Great character. :)

Devin Argente
11-09-06, 04:53 PM
Lisean Lemot's power over death and its attributes is rather awe-inspiring. I'd love to see Devin plot a way around an army of undead (ehmmm... actually, I'll pass).

11-09-06, 05:01 PM
has a really good attitude and knows what a tanto is^^

11-09-06, 05:43 PM
Easily one of the best furry writers here. Also one of the few male writers who seems to really be able to get into the head of a character of the opposite gender.

Corvus MacCallum
11-09-06, 05:48 PM
A person who seems to really pride themselves on the technicalities of just what kind of vampire he plays.

Artifex Felicis
11-09-06, 10:48 PM
Probably the one of the only semi-furries that I've seen come to the boards in way too long of a time. Fun stuff. Fun stuff.

I need to get another good battle now that I think about it going soon. *hint hint*

11-09-06, 11:21 PM
Uses Yarn magic which in my opionion is a neat and original idea.

Also he has the guts to take on Witchblade in a one on one match in the Citadel. I don't know if I would ever do that, simply because I know she knows where i sleep.

11-10-06, 09:59 PM
A really awesome role-roleplayer who takes what seems to be an average character and turns him into something awesome. Also a great overall guy from what I can tell.

11-14-06, 11:31 PM
Aww, nobody can find anything good to say about the fox? I'll come up with something. Let's see... umm... err... :confused: get back to you on this one? :D

Nah, seriously... I've read some of your writing in the past, I like the style (I could almost say that about anybody on the site.) The character is a classic anime concept: not necessarily original, but will never get old.

Gadgeteer Mikami
11-14-06, 11:59 PM
A promising new blood for this site, that I will say. :D

I like his character concept, even though it is a bit overplayed for the other rping sites elsewhere. On Althanas, however, it's not often we find someone that is actually a pure-bred mage. :)

11-15-06, 04:26 PM
Ohhh yes. 100 EXP Bonus! And you have great character art!

11-15-06, 05:15 PM
Toast is tasty

Eleazer, aside from having a deciptivily hard to spell name, has a CS Lewis quote in his sig, which makes him awesome. Keep up the good work and Level 1 will be yours! only 10 exp to go, you could get that by doing a nice bazaar thread.

Cyrus the virus
11-15-06, 05:57 PM
TEN EXP!? How freaking cruel... God. I should just give you ten EXP for nothing :p

I had a crush on a girl named Amy for 6 years. She's hot now. Thus I conclude that Amy (here) must be madly hot as well. This is indeed positive.

11-15-06, 05:59 PM
Matt always has the best Custom User Titles. Always.

And has mad skillz when it comes to the writing department. I'm also a fan of his Izvilvin character in particular.

11-15-06, 06:09 PM
The concept of gemstone magic is an innovative idea. But then, I think all magic in RPing is awesome, so... >.<

Yeah... kudos on a cool character though.

11-15-06, 09:13 PM
a really neat mage character, I had a mage though I don't think she was that great.

11-16-06, 07:06 AM
Her character was the inspiration for one of Master Raven's main character in his NaNo work! That has to say something about being inspirational! ^_^

Oh, yeah. That and the decidedly awesome character personalities and backgrounds.

11-16-06, 10:28 AM
A really good rper and one of the few that I've been lucky enough to write a battle with.

Also from the small ammount of times we chatted outside of althanas, Raven's a really great guy.

...I also love his drawings.

11-20-06, 09:40 PM
Cool name, I love the quote in the sig, and only 68 exp away from level 2... what more can I say?

...a lot. But that would require effort.

11-20-06, 09:50 PM
Atzar Kellon made me look into my dictionary to find out what a capybara is, thus making me learn something new. He's also one of the most prospective new members I saw in a while, and I hope he's in for the long haul when it comes to Althanas.

And also, his capybara eats people. How :cool: is that?

11-20-06, 09:58 PM
one of my favorite persons to RP with. he's skilled and helpful and also like my furries even though he doesn't play one himself.

11-20-06, 10:12 PM
Reiko/Ran was with me in a first thread after Letho met Myrhia. It took place in Raiaera and it was called something like "Black Desert, Black Ruins...". Fun times. But then again, Ran and his furry characters are always fun to rp with. And hot if you don't mind the fur. :D

He's also a remarkably friendly person.

11-20-06, 10:56 PM
Big Guy with a Big Sword. With a Big Gun attached to it.

He is also one of the long-standing members and moderators who keep this site up and running to the max. Kudos to you and all the other hard-working moderators out there. :)

11-21-06, 01:28 AM
An awesomely nice guy who doesn't mind playing furries and normal human characters as well. Like Letho he's an awesome writer that learned English as a second language and writes better than most who use it as a native tongue. And also like Letho, he's one of the most helpful of mods.

The Bard
11-24-06, 11:02 PM
a 9 tailed samurai explains it all.....but from what I read is one hell of a roleplayer keep doing what you do and you could be a legend

11-25-06, 12:05 AM
So, you're finally back...

Bard's a good kid. Persistent. And he's improving, nonetheless. A few months playing around with punctuation and he will definitely be worth his salt.

11-26-06, 10:38 PM
I like the style of writing that Asuka uses. Also, you have a very interesting character. I might have to read a couple of your quests ;)

11-27-06, 10:11 AM
[cryo/aero/pryo/hydro]mancy? Makes me what to see what his character will be capable of at higher levels.

A somewhat new face, though I might be wrong due to my absence. Either way I'm going to be sure to read some of this threads when I get back online later today.

Rajani Aishwara
12-08-06, 10:13 PM
I totally have a man-crush on that avatar of yours... Damn I wish I were that hot!

12-08-06, 10:20 PM
A really fun person to RP with and has some nice adventure ideas other than the usual hack and slash, though there's nothing wrong with hack and slash, different's still good.

12-08-06, 10:21 PM
Your avatar is pretty hot, too. There need to be more men who look like that wandering around. :D

Also, you've got a unique profile and character, and I'm not just saying that. You don't get a whole lot of business-based characters around Althanas. Can't wait to see what you can do!


Reiko, Reiko, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

You're made of awesome and I never get bored reading your quests. :)

Bearded Gnome
12-08-06, 10:30 PM
Ah, Empyrean. An awesome character both IC and OOC. First off, she's making an animated video of the wonderous world of Althanas. And the fact that Anen's and Izzie's fight is gonna be in it is more breathtaking than anything. I've seen her art, and I'm impressed, and I just can't wait to see how she interpreted my half-elf in that battle. ^^

12-08-06, 11:51 PM
I have no idea who you are, i've never talked with your or read any of your quests, let alone quested with you, but the posts that i DO see that you've made have always sounded really intelligent. keep up the good work! :D

oh, and your name is so generic, it makes me laugh. :P

Ravenok Kinnes
12-09-06, 12:45 AM
I love that picture for some reason, is it you(because it's the same pic as in your myspace)? It's interesting having an elven character that is only 24 years old, being that 24 is really young for an elf. Imagine how strong your character will be when she is like 150!

12-09-06, 01:03 AM
Takes martial arts lessons. I know I already told you that when I was a kid, I wanted to do that same thing. Instead I got play rehearsals and band practices during the week. Oh well, at least one of us got to take martial arts lessons.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-09-06, 01:16 AM
Cool name, cool avatar, cool character, good quest ideas. What more could you ask for? Not to mention a not-used-as-much weapon type, the halberd. They're underrated.

12-09-06, 08:59 AM
Extremely talented for a newcommer.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-09-06, 10:08 AM
Has lived my dream of being in a thread that got a score of 80 or higher(yes, I dream that will happen sometime).

12-09-06, 10:22 AM
he hasn't given up the hope of scoring a JC, something I've given up on. Oh and has a neat dark character and lots of potential. I'm sure if he sticks around good things will come.

Chidori Draconid
12-09-06, 10:23 AM
Awsome arsenal of characters. A succubus, a nine tails, and a cat!

Rajani Aishwara
12-09-06, 10:40 AM
You're back.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-09-06, 10:45 AM
Is original and talented at role playing. His character ha shis own ship and a unique special ability. I can't wait to see what kind of score your role play's will get.

Chidori Draconid
12-09-06, 11:01 AM
To Rajani,

You little bitch! That shouldn't count!
To Ravenok,

Your character seems perfectly suited for battles and quests. We should meet in the Citadel some time.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-09-06, 12:01 PM
I fully agree. I love the idea of having a character be the son of a godly being, that must mean well for the character's future. Also original, and love the poem in sig.

12-09-06, 11:05 PM
A fist-fighter with a dark streak. He could go far.

Plus, a bit more polishing in the grammar area and he will certainly land himself close to a JC. ;)

Slayer of the Rot
12-09-06, 11:11 PM
Ah, Raven. He's one of the few newer (though he's not really shiny new anymore) writers I've ever known to have had his character's homeland translated into an honest to god region. I still need to write with him, but it'll come eventually.

12-09-06, 11:30 PM
Slayer, one of the many big writers here than I haven't had the chance to write with. Also, he gives the lower level people something to aim for simply by having a level 5 character.

Too top it off, he had the Rotslayer and now it's a 'legendary item'. I really want to have one of my items make it onto that list.

12-10-06, 12:45 AM
Z-man's one of the people I really look forward to reading. Just his writing and the fact that I think he's a cool person in real life(Though I have not met him, I just have a feeling) make his work really enjoyable.

Bearded Gnome
12-10-06, 01:36 AM
Reiko. Basically a master of hot feline characters. And some Succubi, but I won't hold that against her. XD

12-10-06, 02:24 AM
VA/Bearded Gnome masty of all things short, be they tempers or dwarves...icly of course.

12-10-06, 03:28 AM
The ever-(in)famous Lavinian Demon. Who can forget his captivating plot stories?

Plus, knives are way cooler than swords. :D

12-10-06, 07:42 AM
Had many guys on this board thinking he was a girl which led to many interesting moments on the OOC boards. Plus is one of the few guys who can play a non-lesbian female character well.

12-10-06, 08:07 AM
Plus is one of the few guys who can play a non-lesbian female character well.I wouldn't be so certain about that. That kiss between Jade and Yamihara in the thread I judged the other day didn't seem very platonic. ;)

Other then the fact that he plays a blind vampire, Grim has the kind of attacks that remind me of DBZ. All he's missing is a Kamehameha. :P

12-10-06, 08:14 AM
Letho needs to get on AIM more often.

Other than that, he's a great asset to Althanas, what with judging, writing, admining, and he even makes Juliann Fries!

Ravenok Kinnes
12-10-06, 10:08 AM
A talented role player who's solo is pretty good and funny. I like the fact that your character isn't from Althanas, and not being from Althanas has given the character much originality, including the weakness "coward" which is pretty rare(at least for all I have seen).

12-10-06, 09:00 PM
From the brief time I talked to him in MSN. He gave me the impression of being a really intelligent guy (kinda like my old english teacher, Mr. Root). So if that is true then that means we can definitely look forward to reading a JC from him.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-11-06, 07:48 PM
Has just gained my respect due to saying a really nice thing to me.(congratulations!)

Yes, I try to sound as intelligent as possible. You didn't seem to me as any simple-minded fool yourself, so again, congratulations! I look forward to role playing with you.

The Madd Hatter
12-11-06, 07:52 PM
Is one of the most lovely writers I've ever had the pleasure of being friends with. I love the pace he keeps and the ability he has in writing. I look forward to writing with him more.

12-11-06, 07:54 PM
I love the character. Freddy, as well as his abilities, is one of the more interesting characters I've seen.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-11-06, 08:17 PM
Atzar, a phenomenal role player in my eyes who's words have helped me shape up my own role playing. Your solo, Story of a Wanderer, is an absolute treasure by the way. I'll even be glad to call myself a fan of it! Keep at it. Also, aeromancy is just awesome.

12-11-06, 08:32 PM
Okay, Ravenok again. He seems to get really into quests that he finds interesting. If someone were to come up with an incredible idea filled with surprises, action and a great plot twist. He'd probably be a good choice to have in the quest.

He's also very patient and tells me not to rush things for the sake of being able to post as soon as possible. Thanks for allowing others to take their time and make sure their writing is at their best.

12-11-06, 08:57 PM
Zerith: Awesome name, first of all. Second, I like the quote in the sig - it's cool. I'll have to look through some of your stuff when I'm not utterly bogged down with things to do.

On a less serious note... only 68 exp to go before level 2!

12-11-06, 09:21 PM
he has my old mod job and I'm sure he can do a better job of it too.

Artifex Felicis
12-11-06, 09:39 PM
A great writer and good person to talk to on IM> I feel bad because for some reason I still haven't posted in our quest yet. Either way, I also like the act Doji/Ki's still the epitome of the female Furry on this site. Good to know some things don't change.

12-11-06, 10:11 PM
Hehehe~! The other catboy on this site. Or rather, the Original Catboy of Althanas!

Good mod, great RPer. Plus, you can't go wrong with yarnball magic, Nyu~!

12-11-06, 10:55 PM
This guy is hilarious. I mean who else would take something as innocent as one of my Trademarks and get as far as he did with it. To this day Asuka still is addicted to my wonderful wonderful ale. Brings a laugh to my lips everytime I think about it really.

12-11-06, 11:02 PM
Pat has some of the neatest characters that Really evolve with time. I remember when Seth was just a thief and now he has one of Althanas coolest original magic that started a fad.

12-11-06, 11:07 PM
You know, Jon is awsome and I have to do another quest with him. I feel like I've been avoiding this guy for awhile now...makes me feel guilty almost...

12-11-06, 11:08 PM
Very good writer... Reiko's comment sums up many of my thoughts. He is also a very good guy, judging by my conversations with him on AIM.

I feel sad - I'm not on first-name terms with everybody yet :(

Rajani Aishwara
12-12-06, 12:57 AM
You're slick... Really slick!

Corvus MacCallum
12-12-06, 02:15 AM
In a world without Cadillacs whats more pimping than a fully crewed luxury ship.

12-12-06, 09:32 AM
You don't see many highlander characters these days. Pretty original, i'd say.

12-12-06, 11:22 AM
You got your girl to come play with you. You'll have to show me how you did that ;)

Also, I love the song in your profile.

12-12-06, 11:28 AM
The new Mod that's dealing with Scara Brae. So far he's doing a good job, even some of the quests ideas he posted sounded interesting to me (but with only 68 exp to lvl 2, I'll pass). I can't wait to see if he brings back the Dajas Pagoda. Even if he doesn't I'm interested to see what he does with the place.

12-12-06, 01:33 PM
Like his role-playing style and ideas, think they are massively creative(?) and thinks he should write a book.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-12-06, 02:50 PM
Creative, funny, an awesome role player. And don't forget that he's one o' mah best friends!(Yeah... You didn't forget that, did you?)

Dante is awesome... Right on.

Bearded Gnome
12-12-06, 03:17 PM
He seems to always have something good to say about people...Reminds me of me at a simpler time. ^^

12-12-06, 03:25 PM
Reminds me of...nevermind...

Umm lets see VA here is an awsome guy. He has alot of drive which will carry him far on the site. I can't wait to see what he does as he developes stuff...

12-12-06, 03:27 PM
A great RPer with one of the deepest most engaging storylines on this board.

12-13-06, 02:23 AM
Grim has a way of creating characters that seemed rather unoriginal, but through deep character developments and vibrant role-playing efforts he has stood out as one of the great RPers on Althanas. :)

12-13-06, 02:31 AM
Raven is a great guy overall, I know this simply fromt eh few times we talking outside of althanas. To top that off, he has like four characters and manages to stay active with all of them. I'm just starting on two, so he has to be putting alot of time into this.

Way to go man! And good luck with mid-terms! (if they're not done yet)

12-13-06, 10:14 AM
A nice guy, who seems to be quite creative in thinking up quest ideas. Has some solid RP skills, and it's too bad we didn't get to finish our Featured Quest...looked forward to it.

Cyrus the virus
12-13-06, 10:16 AM
Krugor's an asshole who never signs on anymore >=( !!!

EDIT: My pic's in his sig... I love Krugor.

Slayer of the Rot
12-13-06, 10:56 AM
Damn Matt here finally passed me in levels, and getting to level six is no easy thing to do...plus, Izvivlin has a pretty sweet new sword that's enchanted wiith ice. Finally, he's doing great work for Step.

12-13-06, 11:23 AM
don't know much about him, but I think he has a cool username and avatar. ^_^ Anyways, I congratulate him on being level 5, it must've taken him a long time...

12-13-06, 11:28 AM
The fact that he got his gf to join althanas makes him cool. My wife joined once (which a character that had a 'interesting' spell). But she doesn't sign on anymore.

Hopefully he'll be able to get his gf to be an active part of this site. Then I'll ask him what his secret is.

12-13-06, 11:35 AM
(I'm trying, but she's rarely on, and when she isshe only PM's me. She says she will start, but she doesn't know where and how. She's new to the role-playing thing obviously.)

Awesome avatar, reminds me of something....plus the fact that his character is human is automatically cool. You don't see many humans on Althanas, because they are normally deemed as weak creatures with only average skills. Ravenok's character is human, so Zerith must be cool.

Rajani Aishwara
12-13-06, 01:33 PM
You're a captain, and a real badass demon.

12-13-06, 02:55 PM
His PG is having a great start compared to all the newer ones. If this keeps up, it could be as big as the Brotherhood or the GO. Best of luck with it Rajani, I hope your PG becomes successful.

Teutonic Knight
12-13-06, 03:02 PM
I havent been on in a while but from what ive read of your writings you seem like you know how to get the job done a great futrue ahead of your character.

12-13-06, 03:27 PM
Paladins may not seem like much at first, but it is underrated. They can really kick ass. The fact that he uses D&D magic and skills(lay on hands) is also awesome.

The Bard
12-13-06, 07:40 PM
Kick ass demon chick with a cool weapon named after one of the worlds best fantasy novels also how cool does "Captain of the Seventh Company of the Bladewraiths" sound I really wish I had something like that but Im no soilder thou "Sergeant of the 5th company Bards" would be pretty sweet, but dosent look like its anywhere in site even with a telescope

Rajani Aishwara
12-13-06, 08:12 PM
From what I hear, your character has a glowing personality.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-13-06, 08:23 PM
A wishful thinker with fantastic ideas(mainly talking about your suggestion about affiliation with the Xelios).

With that thinking, yes, your PG will go far. Also with your help, the Xelios may go far as well.