View Full Version : Olive Elliott

05-21-12, 10:56 PM
Name: Olive Elliott
Age: 21
Race: Valkyrie
Hair Color: Powder Blue
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150lbs
Occupation: Combat Nurse

Olive has a personality that tends to divide people. Her thick twang and over-the-top sunny disposition can either be charming or annoying and usually felt to the extreme on either end of the spectrum. She’s not the smartest, prettiest, or most talented person out there, in fact she’s probably below average on most characteristics other than empathy, but she is one of the most amusing people you‘ll probably ever meet. She will go out of her way to help people, she is more determined than a rabid badger, and she is dimmer than dusk most of the time but Olive is definitely unique.

Olive has three impressive characteristic, large swan like wings that protrude from her back, her substantial thunder thighs, and her massive locks of powder blue wavy hair. Her hair is wildly frizzy and poofs around her like a cloak, reaching all the way down to her hips and can easily block entire doorways if she’s anywhere near one. The rest of Olive is less impressive. She has fair skin, a splattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose, two large front teeth, oddly large hazel eyes for a bush baby look, and an average figure everywhere besides her hips and thighs which could probably birth a dozen babies at once. Olive is usually wearing a short white toga or her full Valkyrie armor.

• Medic: Trained in the art of healing (non-magical). Anything from splinting a broken limb to performing more complicated procedures.
• Botany: This skill goes hand in hand with her medic skills. She uses plants and their properties in the form of medicine, and sometimes a really awesome salad.
• Archery: A bow and arrow set is the only weapon she’s capable of using. She’s a great shot, but refuses to use it against anything living, so ultimately it’s not that useful of a skill.

• Valkyrie Gift: This is Olive’s main ability, though it’s still a little faulty. When Olive encounters a warrior with good intentions (ideally, though she’s a little naïve and could be tricked without much effort) she can bestow upon them a temporary (2 posts) doubling of a single stat. Sometimes this ability happens at random if Olive is feeling a strong emotion towards a person (it can make situations very awkward if she’s angry towards someone), but she’s working on it.
• Tempting Fate: This is another Valkyrie gift meant to turn the tides of war. It simple involves using a fortune telling device like runes, bones, tea leaves, ect, to figure out the answer about a battle or fight related question. For example “Should I lead them into a trap or should I run away?” The fortune telling device can give a vague indication of which scenario would be more beneficial, but not the outcome of either options.
• Flying: Self explanatory. Olive has two large swan wings protruding from her back that allow her to fly. She can only do this for a minute or two at a time.

• Valkyrie Armor: A set of gilded armor specifically created for mobility of her wings, along with a striking helmet with two metal wing decals on the side signifying her class. This armor is a strong a gold (which is significantly weaker than steal. This is becuase it's mostly decorative. Not the most practical).
• Valkyrie Bow and Arrow set: A bow and arrow set that matches her armor. Nothing special about them except their high quality and artistic engravings. This bow is as strong as yew.
• Medic bag: A satchel that holds a field guide on plants and medical procedures along with a decent supply of medical equipment.

Olive comes from the small Valkyrie colony off the coast of Scara Brae. An extremely tall pillar lies in the ocean, an entire city carved into the sandstone at the top and the only way to reach it is via flight. This is only one way the Valkyrie have remained so protected over the years, though many would be right to assume the most important way they’ve done that is due to all the Valkyrie being armed to the teeth. Valkyrie have always been servants to the gods and their biggest service to them is guiding the tides of war. Like a muse to an artist, Valkyrie are there to inspire warriors with pure intentions.

The Valkyrie study the art of war in their youth, each developing a specialty before adulthood when they are expected to pilgrimage into the world, find a promising young solider and guide him or her on the path of Victory. Olive has struggled with all of that. She tries, lord knows she tries, but she’s just not talented in the ways of fighting like her sisters. As they took up swords and learned how to draw blood with grace and beauty, Olive learned how to tend wound sand identify various plants along the coast. The youngest of 7 sisters, Olive has watched them all leave home destined for glory and honor. One by one they’ve left the nest and have written home stories about their warrior companions and all the battlefield victories they’ve been a part of.

Finally, after a late start, its Olive’s time to follow in her families footsteps as she flies out of the colony, winged helmet on her head, gilded armor over her shoulders and medic bag at her hip. Her talents with a weapon only extend as far as a bow and arrow, and even then she doesn’t have the heart to draw it against anything living, so she’s decided to win a war with her healing skills alone. Excited, she decides to travel to Corone where a war is currently taking place, in hopes of finding a dashing young warrior to serve, or at least heal if he/she gets a paper cut or sprained ankle. Every little bit counts!

05-22-12, 11:18 AM
Need you to fix a couple of things before I can approve this.

First, I need you to better define the effects of the Valkyrie Gift. It would be best if she could double a single stat for two posts for now.

Second, I can't let you unlimited flying at this point. I'll allow a minute or two of flight time in battles.

Lastly, I need to know the strength of your equipment. Armor can be as strong as steel and the bow/arrow can be yew or something like that.

Make those edits and you'll be set to go.

05-27-12, 05:06 PM
I made the changes. Thanks! :)

05-28-12, 11:23 AM
Awesome. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.