View Full Version : I still exist.

08-23-06, 02:21 PM

Sorry about the sudden leaving and all. Right before I wanted to start my big thread, shit hit the fan. Almost literally. Only it wasn't putrid globs of waste...more like the hopes and dreams of a better tomorrow being chopped to bits in a bloody massacre that would make the creators of Kill Bill and Sin City twitch.

Now all is peaceful...well, as peaceful as it can get I suppose. College has started again and I think this year will go much more smoothly than before. I'll have time again for Althanas, oddly enough, and hopes I can get back to any mod duties they might want me to do....if they still want me to be a mod. I noticed my name is still slanted, so that's good.

Well, hello again to all my old RPing friends and to those I may quest with soon. Hope everyone has been having fun.

08-23-06, 05:04 PM
Great to see you back. :) As for having fun, well, it's a given around here. Though a rather weird sort of fun. Which is also a given.

Vampiric Angel
08-23-06, 07:10 PM
Velcome bek, meye frend. Injoi the rest ov yore stey hear!

08-23-06, 07:11 PM
Velcome bek, meye frend. Injoi the rest ov yore stey hear!

Always hitting the bottle!

Welcome back though Sword. Give me a talk on AIM about staff matters if you like.

08-24-06, 09:41 AM
Yay~! You're back!

Yes yes, do stay and have fun! The more, the merrier!

08-24-06, 09:44 AM
The evil Genius puts you on trial for the crime of existing. We find you Guilty!!

hihi, welcome back and hope you have fun again, I'm glad your life is going better than it was.

Damion Shargath
08-24-06, 09:45 AM
Eine Varm velcome from zee hatevull Kuntry of Germany! Although I'm Austrian and I reckong you don't mix that up unless you want me to loathe your presence. :p

Hope everything gets better with time, have fun writing again. Create an evil character to let off some steam - it works :)

08-24-06, 12:35 PM
Heh thanks for all the warm welcome backs.

Santh, I'll catch you on AIM later when I get home tonight. If you're not on, I'll bombard you with PMs.

And as for an evil character, I do have one who is not so evil as he is ruthless....he's my steam-reducer, heh. I'll be sure to get him back up and RPing in something new.