View Full Version : I Shall Reign.

05-31-12, 02:14 PM
“At bottom, you see, we are not Homo sapiens as all. Our core is madness. The prime directive is murder. What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous motherfuckers in the jungle. And that is what the Pulse exposed five days ago.”
~ Stephen King, Cell


.:P E R S O N A:.

Identity: Solomon Angelus deMorte.
Aliases: Emperor Solomon; Oda Nobunaga, The Demon King; Mistletien, the Godslayer; { to be continued }
Species: Chthonian [Human]. When the Verse (macro, multi, and uni) was first writ, it was deemed that there would be sentient beings to govern it; beings that humanoids would come to call Gods, Thaynes, and other ilk. Such was their power that they could shape entire worlds, galaxies and species to their whim, whilst others remained placated in the darkness of the Void...Destruction, rather than Creation, upon their maddening minds. As it were, it would seem that their immense powers would go ungoverned, unchecked even by the very Thing that had Structured them; but all things have a way of balancing out in the end.
For unbeknownst to even the very Gods that It had produced, the Verse had created another, arguably equally awe-inspiring race of beings. These creatures would serve as Its Agents; whereas the Thaynes and their divine kin relied upon the powers of devotion, faith, and emotive actions to fuel their impressive capabilities, the creatures that would be deemed Chthonians were held bound by no such laws; indeed, for in fact, they were the finite. The very creatures that the Gods Themselves had created in their ego and seemingly omnipotent stature would serve as the counter-balance to their divine strength; designed so even if the Gods drew upon their divine status to smite these Agents, the creatures themselves could draw upon the pure, unchecked primordial Word of the Verse Itself...consuming the very immortality that the Gods held so much pride in, and held so dear.
A Cthonian could belong to any mortal, sentient and intelligent race; hidden in the folds of their own finite stature, away from the prying eyes of the Gods, until such a time that the Verse needed Its Agent; and thus the true, terrifying might would be revealed, the offending immortal smote into primordial ash. Over time, the mortals themselves would oft find out about their true natures on their own; becoming what others would come to know as Planeswalkers. With the capability to traverse the expanses of the Verse without hesitation, without obstacles, the boundaries of mortality became frailer and frailer with each passing from reality to reality. As it was, it was then that the Balance began to tip once more...and the Gods, previously generally ignorant as to the threat that these mere husks of flesh possessed, slowly became aware of the limits of their own abilities.
As such, a great Hunt was organized; the likes of which the Verse had never seen before. Unaware that it was the very Thing that had created them that had made these 'abnormalities', the Gods sought out and began to annihilate every Cthonian that they could find; using the very absences in their awareness to do so. It was at this time that the Gods began to take upon mortal husks for their endeavors, and thus gave images for historians and writers to base upon. The Greek, the Norse, even Christianity...the origins of all began with this one, single Hunt; the process of which took Ages. Whereas a single Cthonian could slay several Gods on his/her own, the immortals had the advantage of numbers and preparation...and patience. For, after all, Time means nothing to one untouched by it.
Slowly, one by one, the Chthonians began to fall from the face of Existence...their mortal shells crumbling, and their Cthonian souls returning to the Verse from whence they came. The Verse, of course, felt no sorrow, nor troubled at this turn of events; however, it did not produce any more Chthonians for a great Age...and the Gods, confident and assured in their victory, retreated once more to the Void beyond. For, after all, they had slain all of these 'abnormalities' they could find...
...All, save one.
Age: Unknown/Debatable. Physical aging suggests late twenties, perhaps early thirties, but due to several instances of Time/Space displacement this remains unconfirmed. Last confirmed age was twenty-nine Earth years.
Gender: Male.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Height: 6'8".
Weight: 240 lbs (without armor, encumbrance); 280 lbs (with armor, encumbrance).
Overall Build: Muscular, athletic.
Hair Description: Night-black, and extremely lengthy and thick. Generally unkempt and filthy, but some exceptions have been noted. Also keeps a short beard of similar traits.
Eye Description: Both are a sinister mercury with a faintly feline quality to them, and the screlas of his eyes are as black as his hair.
Skin Description: Caucasian. Possesses a faint, natural tan. Flesh is adorned with several scars.
General Appearance: Here (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/270/8/c/8c8a43a7026b97865e98e54f00973e79-d4b1jds.jpg). Image does not belong to me. ©2011-2012 ~Banished-shadow and the Hellsing manga/anime.
Occupation(s): Several can be accounted for, but it is assumed there are more left unchecked.

~ Templar of the Crusades [Former]: It is known that he took part in the First Crusade; however, shortly after was his first recorded disappearance, and it is unknown if he took a part in any of the further Crusades. It is assumed that, with his newfound knowledge of his Chthonian heritage, he became disillusioned with the very cause he fought for; however, this is all based on speculation, and nothing more.
~ Occult Hunter [Former]: It is also known that, for a period of time, Solomon became a hunter of the supernatural; vampires, werewolves, witches and warlocks, and everything in between. It is unknown as to why he chose this path...but it is evident that he was successful at it, as he is still alive. It is also unknown as to why he ceased.
~ Warlord: This is a path he chose whilst donning the persona of one 'Oda Nobunaga', and currently resumes under his own identity upon Althanas. He is known for his brutality and cruel methods upon the battlefield, as well as military expertise.
~ Emperor of the Outlands: This 'occupation' was acquired seemingly just recently; or, perhaps, recognition of it hasn't reached recording until this point. He is the current leader of a massive military Empire in the Outlands...beyond Corone, Alerar, or other civilized country. And it seems he is looking to expand.

.:C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S:.

(Ability) Titanic Strength: As it sounds, Solomon is known to possess perhaps superhuman physical strength and fortitude; approximately double that of another male of equivalent height, weight and stature. It is unknown whether this is due to his heritage as a Cthonian or simply his own massive physical frame and military training combined.
(Ability) Bull's Constitution: Also with the source of such unknown, Solomon has extraordinary stamina and relative endurance, including to pain in general; assumed, partly, to be part of his military training. As with his strength, his overall constitution is measured to be about twice that of a man his size, weight, and build.
(Ability) Lion's Agility Most foes, gauging him in his armor and great size, do not expect him to be maneuverable as well; a mistaken assumption they regret immediately upon facing him in combat. Due to most of his 'life' being life-or-death situations whilst in a suit of armor, he has become unexpectedly quick on his feet, allowing him to reach speeds practically double that of a man his size and build whilst unarmored, and allowing him to move as if a normal man were unarmored while in armor. This is also in part due to his strength.
A Cunning Mind: Perhaps the most deadly thing about this Chthonian is not his physical traits, but the fact that he is not, despite all appearances, an uneducated brute. His ability to retain knowledge has served him well over his existence, and he is a cruel master of not only martial but psychological warfare; allowing him to sometimes even predict his enemy's actions before they make them. He is not precognitive by any means; merely intelligent.
Deathless: The most mysterious thing about Solomon is the state of unending agelessness he appears to be stuck in. Whilst it is assumed to be some sort of manufactured immortality, it has also been shown that, for all other intents and purposes, he is mortal; he must eat and drink like any other man, he must sleep and rest, and he bleeds and feels pain...and can be slain from it. Also, no sense of advanced regeneration has been detected. However, he apparently remains the same age and state that he was back when he was a Crusader, despite the hundreds, even perhaps thousands of years he has remained alive...and the reason remains unknown.
Conqueror's Charisma: As both a Warlord and Emperor, he is practically required to possess a sort of inhuman charm; something that he does indeed, in his own imposing way. As a man both massive in physical and metaphysical aspects, when he speaks, people listen. They may tremble in fear, but they listen. When he walks the streets, he is not ignored; even amongst such a place as Radasanth, where the unique is commonground, people part before his armored advance and cloaked vestige, even if unconsciously; as if something deep within them senses danger and moves to avoid it. He does not, in any way, force individuals against their will to perform actions with this imposing charisma; however, they may just do those actions themselves, if only to subconsciously avoid their own beheading.

.:S K I L L S & K N O W L E D G E:.

Martial Expertise: Currently, Solomon is considered to be masterful with martial one-handed and two-handed blades, including the rare fullblade, and is considered an expert with exotic blades (a.k.a katanas, odachis, etcetera). He has above-average skill in polearms, and is also an expert with guillotine wires. While most of his known skills are weaponry-based, he has approximately above-average skill in pure brawling.
Ranged Expertise: He is currently moderately skilled with both the longbow and shortbow, and moderately skilled with simple throwing daggers. He is also expertly skilled with firearms, when he discovered them during his reign as Oda Nobunaga.
Firearms, Gunpowder and Explosives: Also mostly due to his time as the conqueror Oda Nobunaga, Solomon has great knowledge on both the construction and manufacturing of firearms (simple muskets and cannons), as well as the alchemical and natural construction of gunpowder and simple explosives.
Horsemanship: Solomon possesses moderate skill in both fighting and riding not only horses but any creatures large enough to hold his weight and size.
Armor Expertise: He also possesses expert knowledge and skill in both fighting in any armor, and fighting against any armor (man-made).
Linguist: Due to his great intelligence, Solomon knows several languages; including English, Tradespeak, Common Aleran, Deep Aleran, Japanese, some Akashiman, Primordial and Abyssal.
Occult Hunter: Due to his experiences as one, Solomon possesses great knowledge on general and detailed supernatural lore; including their weaknesses and strengths, and general behavor.

.:E Q U I P M E N T:.

Templar's Blade
A lengthy broadsword with a standard, black crossguard, with the Crusader's symbol engraved into the hilt and pommel. The blade measures about three-and-a-half feet in length total, whilst being about half-a-foot in width from hilt to tip. The blade itself is double-edged and was forged from Illuminatum; a silvery metal of seemingly supernatural nature about the density and strength of steel; although, it also is slightly heavier than it. The metal itself contains high trace amounts of pure silver, and thus was a favorite material for weapons for vampire hunters and similar pursuits. As such, the blade should be treated as deadly to any creatures with a weakness to silver, and gleams with a sheen that polish can't create. Due to the custom manufacturing and strange qualities of the metal, no dealer on Althanas will take it if he attempts to sell it; which is highly unlikely. He wears the blade, and its scabbard, at his hip.

Conquistador's Garb
A full suit of banded plate-mail (sans helm), along with a thick, tattered black cloak. The armor is made out of a metal known as black steel, not only due to the coloring but also due to its origins. Formed from volcanic alloys, black steel, while possessing the same weight and other properties of regular steel, is also known for its incredible hardness, making it a prime defensive choice. The cloth of the cloak is made from a black-dyed linen and holds no special properties.

05-31-12, 02:48 PM
I can't let the armor have resistance to heat, as that could be constituted as an ability of it's own and you already have three. Everything else is in order.

Love the quote, by the by. The Cell is probably SK's best work in recent years and I enjoyed it thoroughly. :)

05-31-12, 02:54 PM
Edited. And thus, Oda Nobunaga comes to Althanas.
Yeah, I love King's work, and that quote pretty much summed up everything anybody really needs to know about my character. Cell was awesome, I'll have to re-read it sometime for kicks.
We good?

05-31-12, 02:57 PM
We good. You are approved with 100EXP bonus, because of a nice looking profile, a cool name banner and the King quote. ;)