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Gable Rose
06-01-12, 10:43 AM

Name: Gable Rose
Alias: None as of yet
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: White and black (dyed)
Hair Style: Mostly loose with black and white braids; mid-back length
Eyes: Green, with black eye shadow
Height: 5’ 4”
Weight: 110 lbs.
Build: Below average, thin with muscle
Skin Tone: Deep tan

Country of Origin: Tristia

Preferred Hand: Right
Current Occupation: She has come to Althanas as an “explorer” or “adventurer” if she is asked. However, her true objectives and reasons for being on the rest of Althanas are as a scout for the Empire of Tristia. To be explained in her history.

Appearance (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/il_430xN87109761.jpg)

Gable Rose is a thin girl, well toned with the monotony of an industrial society. She is a slim figure, light weight as well as rather short. Though that has often made her seem less intimidating, it has never stopped her brash nature from expressing itself. She wears extremely tight leather pants with a collection of belts, only one of which is through the loops of her pants. Her boots are extremely heavy (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/steam-30-ble.jpg) leather monstrosities that are plated with iron and climb up to her knees. On her torso is a sleeveless black shirt with a thin leather bustier style covering. Her upper arms have a leather band across each forearm, and she wears a pair of gloves on either hand. On her belt are numerous pouches (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/075.jpg) for collecting items (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/version4.jpg) or holding ingredients (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/3_potion_pouch_IF-101614.jpg ) necessary for alchemy.

Her hair is a snow white color, stripped of its natural tone for as long as she can remember. It is mostly worn loose and free, reaching the middle of her back. However, she wears a collection of tightly woven braids that are a mix of her white hair and dyed black. Throughout her hair are trinkets, little objects she has collected from dueling as a reminder of the people she had killed for the sake of honor in the past.



[Rapier (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/ornate_rapier_full2.jpg)]– Gable uses a 44 inch steel rapier. It has a basket hilt, and is extremely durable. The sword weighs about 5 pounds, and is about half as wide as a longsword instead of how slim a rapier is commonly, just for the possibility of slashing use.

[Vanguard dagger (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/13-AZ2481as.jpg)]*– An ornate steel dagger, it was a gift from the Imperial army when she was selected to join the Vanguard. She was allowed to keep it when she left, as the government did not see a chance that it would be recognized as one of theirs.

[Thunder Glove] – The right hand, her sword hand, has a clasp that attaches to the leather gloves and continues up her arm to her elbow. Four caps of iron cover the knuckles which act as pressure caps. When the caps are compressed, such as from a punch blow, the power stored is released and expelled through whatever the steel caps are contacting. Three times a day the weapon can be used, and when it releases the energy lightning is released from the contacting points. The lightning is a short burst of raw power that can cause minor burns against non-armored opponents, spread an electric charge across a metal surface, and cause a very light burst of kinetic energy equivalent to 15 pounds of pressure (such as a strong punch).


[Vanguard buckler (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/RoundBucklerEmbossedShieldUA8001.jpg)]*– A worn and well used buckler made of thin iron, and rounded at the center in order to deflect blows more than absorb them. it weights roughly 4 pounds and is strapped on the back of the forearm by leather and buckles so that the hand is free to use. The designs are symbolic of some long lost lore attached to the unit that Gable was formerly part of.

[Gloves] – Her left hand only (since the right has the thunder glove) is covered by thin leather glove with plates covering the outside of the hand. The plates are thin pieces of iron, that cover only the outside of her hands so that she is able to use it as either another means of offense with a punch or backhand, or as a ditch defense in case she is without her buckler.

[Vanguard Chestplate (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/stock-photo-medieval-armor-chest-plate-70849624.jpg)] – The chestplate is a large piece made of a single piece of hardened leather. It is overlaid with strips of brushed iron in an intricate, dragon like pattern common to all military armor issued to a Tristian soldier. It covers her chest and back, has a set of pauldrons that attach by way of straps across her chest, and stops at her hips.

General Equipment*

[Goggles (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/Z_001_SPG.jpg)]*– The goggles that Gable often wears on her head constantly are quite useful in certain circumstances. Both sides are able to be twisted and moved to be adjusted for their special uses, though unless they are adjusted they are no different than basic goggles. There are three functions of the goggles. 1) The right side of the goggles has a piece of metal that drops down and can be adjusted in order to see as if it functions like a spyglass or telescope; 2) the left side has a piece that swings down and can be used as a magnifying glass in order to see very closely to whatever he’s working on; 3) both sides have very thin slides that drop down to cover both lenses and act as sunglasses when she doesn’t feel like dealing with the sun.

Simple Schooner – A very small version of a schooner, but made of light oak wood and large sails. It’s a truly poorly designed and crafted ship, but it worked for its purpose. Gable Rose has plans in the future for changing and upgrading the craft, and will never sell it.*

Other Things – Normally kept on her schooner, as she has no place of her own to store goods such as a house, are her other goods. These include: Clothing (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/overbust1.jpg) that has has set aside for semi-formal occasions; A formal outfit (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/tumblr_lurq5bZjT81r0oiyb.jpg) she has ready for any formal occasion that might be called for; her pocket watch (http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p502/Gable_Althanas/aw18.jpg) she has had since her father gave it to her before she left for military service.


[The Duelist] – Gable Rose is skilled with the ability to use the rapier and buckler in conjunction while fighting against opponents. Often times she will hold her dagger in the buckler hand to use while blocking.

[Technology] – Gable has a pretty good understanding of technology and how to create it, such as minor things like simple water clocks and other gear motion toys. She also can fix her Thunder Glove if it breaks, but only the mechanical portion, not the energy storage aspect of the weapon.

[Alchemy] – Use of poisons (in liquid or powder form), acids, or other alchemical creations are not foreign knowledge, though she isn’t exactly well practiced enough to know too much about creating anything truly dangerous. Currently she can only make a few weak poisons, all three of them used in order to cause slumber and/or mild nausea. She doesn’t have the ingredients for the poisons, nor the full understanding of how to mix them correctly in order to make it more pure.

– Gable knows how to make iron bend to her will, as long as it is something not overly complicated. She had learned how to make a number of things, some from tinkering with her love of technology, some from necessity while performing military service. What she can make so far is as follows:

- Heater Shield – Average Quality – A small shield often used by foot soldiers but also mounted soldiers
- Buckler – Average Quality – A very small round shield used by faster swordsman. It is perfect in conjunction with rapiers, and often used by lightly armored soldiers and scouts.
- Dagger – Average Quality – Small bladed weapon that can be single or double sided, an all-purpose tool. A dagger can range in size from 3 inches to 7 inches.
- Small Knick-knacks – quality ranges – a collection of small metal objects that can be utilized as many different things. What she knows how to make is anything from a gear to a buckle, to things as simple as nails or horseshoes.

((All objects made by this skill will be placed in their own thread (except for knick-knacks, which will be requested at the end of normal quests). Also, all items I wish to learn how to make in the future will be placed in their own thread as well and follow the same guidelines. I would like to ask that these threads not be judged as a quest, but instead be more of a Bazaar type (non-judgment) thread. At the end I will not request experience. However, I may request that the object be given a monetary value and given the gold it is worth, or be given the object itself. I will make a note of this stipulation at the end of each thread of this type))


Doesn’t believe in magic in the mythical or metaphysical sense, only that is can and will be scientifically explained.


Far to the Eastern side of the planet Althanas, nearly unknown and unexplored, is an area of land completely dominated by an Industrial civilization of humans. Never has this land been touched by others outside of the civilization. Without influences by the rest of Althanas, nothing has been able to change or affect the progress of the nation. War has never come to the nation from outside it's area, though internal strife has come and gone from time to time.

Weapons and armor created by this nation has developed mainly for the “honorable” sport of dueling. Outside of personal conflicts, which can arise from family feuds or grudges or even just a chance to show your worth, war like instruments have been nearly ignored as the nation developed. However, the power of industry has developed to a point where not a single person within the nation is unfamiliar with a gun, steam engine, or even airships. Unlike the majority of Althanas, this nation has excelled past the point of wondering if magic is real or fake, or if religion is something to be considered. Instead, they have put their faith and dedication into science and technological advancements. As such, people like Gable Rose (wielding her thunder fist) are as common as a mage is to the well known portions of Althanas. Mages, on the other hand, are a laughable youngsters fantasy story... as fake as an afterlife or as idiotic as a cult leader.

This nation is known as The Empire of Tristia. A world of advancement, built on a massive island with multiple small islands spread around it. The smaller islands are all specifically-oriented cities, spread across the major part of the island are commercial cities built around mines as well as agricultural cities built for only farming, and at the very center is the capital of The Empire which is also a massive industrial city of Reightgrad. The government structure is deeply rooted in a socialistic economy and run by a single male figure that politically runs the nation as a supreme dictator.

Growing up in Tristia is truly an amazing adventure when compared to what most people would deal with in common Althanas. Gable Rose has never lost her parents, never truly had to see anything tragic take over her entire reason for living, or even been threatened outside of when she had it coming to her. To Gable, the world has been nothing but a place to learn and grow in, and as a result she has truly grown in understanding of the technological and scientific aspects of The Empire’s society. Her family was employed by the government, as almost everyone in the nation is, as employees in a commercial city. Hargrove, built around a quickly emptying and deepening iron mine, was growing with workers once, but quickly lsot its function and use as the mine was being sucked dry.

In response, and following her generally curious nature, Rose decided to leave Hargrove and her family. It had nothing to do with having any issues with her family, but more about looking for a new place to live and learn. Leaving Hargrove, she sought out her fortune. It did not take long for her to become a jack of all trades, as it were, and she began dabbling in anything she could. This brought her from minor blacksmithing and technological interests to alchemy, and eventually into the military of Tristia. Being lithe and sharp she rose from simple soldier to a position as a scout in the Vanguard (the rather elite group of shock-troop style soldiers that were the first into all military action).

After a couple years Gable Rose started to branch out more, exploring old lore and wondering what else there was to do in life. She came across a tome about a world across the sea, a world filled with beings that were altogether different than Tristians. This sudden knowledge lead to questions directed at the librarians and then the scholars, all of whom told her the same fantastic stories. She had come to know of different races, barbaric people, who were found once by one of the first air-ships to venture across the ocean. It had crashed amdist a land of dark-skinned, pointed eared people and it took almost a decade for part of the crew to find their way back to Tristia. No further exploration had been conducted, no further study willed for. Gable saw it as a challenge and immediately brought up the possibility of future colonization and resource gathering with her superior officers. As she was the only one truly interested, she was selected as a lone scout to travel to the foreign land and take note of whatever she came across. If her findings were of interest, the government officials promised that they would follow her in time.

All other ships that have left, other than the old air vessel, had always turned back, mostly because the steam-powered engines that they use are not sea-worthy. Rose, on the other hand, was issued a very cheap wooden ship with sails and stocked up heavily with rations and rum, and took nobody with her to keep room open for provisions.

In the end, she docked at Scara Brae and stepped out, for the first time, into a world that she was completely unsure of. Would Althanas proper accept someone that had no interest in religion or magic? Would the Althanas people worry about where she came from? Or would she be able to adapt and blend long enough to catalog her journey and spark more interest from the The Empire?

((I have re-written a lot of her profile, to the point where I decided it would be best if I simply requested a re-registration. I believe that I have the ability to do much more with the character in how I have changed her. No new abilities/magic, and the thunder glove was previously approved due to it being a “poor man's lightning bolt”. She does not currently possess –due to leaving them behind at home –her alchemy supplies such as empty vials, mortar/pestile, and other such devices; nor does she have any of her mechanical tools –tongs, tweezers, needles, screwdrivers and the like –so use of those skills is severely limited until such time as she can purchase the supplies necessary to gain those goods back.))

06-02-12, 04:58 PM
Looks good. You are approved... again. The chick in the pic is hot.