View Full Version : New Character! Davon "Viper" Dechain

06-07-12, 03:21 AM
Davon "Viper" Dechain

Name: Davon "Viper" Dechain
Age: 26
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Left: bright blue - Right: Black
Height: 6'1
Weight: 185#
Occupation: Gambler

Personality: Davon is a risk taker and loves any game of chance, but just like a coin he has two sides. Never one to hold back a good insult, he is most often quick witted and sarcastic which tends to land him in trouble more often then not. Friendly unless given reason not to be.Davon is intelligent and always up for a good adventure. Davon also has a brooding darkside due to his affliction and secret(see history). When in a dour mood, he is quick to temper and is cynical, preferring to be alone and shunning the company of most people. Sometimes he is seen to be talking to himself, even arguing, causing people to avoid him during this.
Most times Davon prefers to avoid physical conflict and will use escape or trickery to get out. He doesn't want to exert more energy fighting that he could be using in more satisfying ways!

Appearance: Tall and athletic, but a little lanky. He has jet black hair that he keeps short and well kept, sometimes using a grease made from animals to pull forward into a spiked style. Clean shaven and with pale skin, but the most noticeable things are the eyes. The one blue one is full of life and joy and draws many people in, though the black one tends to set peoples nerves on edge. He tends to wear his well oiled, black leather armor, complimented by well shined knee length boots and black cloak with a deep red lining.


Languages: Speaks a small amount of elvish that he picked up on from a friend, though understands it more then he can speak it. Is also fluent in Abysal(demonic) due to his affliction.

Slight of Hand-Escape Artist- Throwing knives -Diplomacy -Subterfuge -Sneaking -Hiding -Gambling -Climbing -Poison use(is also well versed in the herbalism required to make such poisens when needed.)

Abilities: His abilities are derived from sharing his body with the demon Malakii. He tries not to use them as whenever he does, it allows Malakii more presence and control, which is already a struggle to maintain. Though if needed, Davon will do what he must.(See History for more on Malakii)
Demonic sight- Looking through the demons eye Davon can see through minor illusions as well as see the auras of people, giving him a better guess at there intentions.
Shadow step- If there is a large enough shadow nearby, Davon can step into and be invisible as long as he remains within the shadow.(twice per thread)
Malkaii's control- If Davon relinquishes control to the demon Malakii, he gains much greater strength( 2x for 2 posts) making him a vicious and brutal combatant, though Davon has only had to do this once and regaining control was not something he wishes to do again without great need.

Malakiis presence gives Davon an uncanny luck(things fall his way in the games very often)


Has steel throwing knives hidden in various pockets and places among his person.
Carries a long steel dagger at his belt.
A few miscellaneous pouches containing his hand carved bone dice, various things such as flint and steel, whet stone, ext.
Davon also carries various poisons. (2 single use vials of a minor paralysis poison, when applied to his blades can render smaller victims immobile, and larger victims sluggish for a short time, 2 packets of a powder that when thrown into the face of a victim causes intense pain, trouble breathing, and loss of vision temporarily, 2 packets of a poison that when ingested lulls the victim to a deep sleep.
Davon also carries a mysterious coin inscribed with a burning letter M on one side, and a strange tower on the reverse.


Davon was an orphan raised by other orphans. Having never know his parents or having much adult supervision, he learned to get by with stealing and gambling. He learned to read when he had made his home in the attic of a deaf cobbler that left many books lying around, and this became is only form of education.
Many years later Davon had broken into a crypt of a Paladin that he heard had been rumored to have been buried with an emerald the size of a fist. Upon uncovering the body all Davon discovered was this strange coin. Over the next week Davon had began to discover his new found abilities, but had yet to discover the price.
The first time Malakii had spoken to Davon was when he was surrounded by a squad of guardsman, about to arrest him. The demon asked permission to save him. He agreed in fear, and lived to regret it as Malakii tore the guards limb from limb. It took Davon 2 days to regain control and since then Malakii as been an ever present voice, constantly bickering and arguing and sometimes even being helpful, though the demon is blood thirsty and prefers to get Davon into sticky situations., but the demon realizes that if Davon dies he no longer has a free ride. Davon now searches for priests and libraries across the world trying to find info about the coin, the demon, or this tower on the back in hopes of someday ridding himself of the monster inside him.

06-07-12, 11:33 AM
You have too many abilities, mostly because I have to count slightly better than average (for clarity, let's say it's 1.5x that of a normal human) strength and agility as two abilities, leaving you with only one extra you can have. It's up to you which you eliminate and which you decide to keep, though keep in mind all of them need a bit of editing.

Demonic sight should only see through minor illusions for now.

Shadow step can be used twice per thread and he must remain absolutely still in the shadows to be invisible.

Malkaii's control is too strong and can't boost so many stats at once. I'll allow it to boost one ability for two posts for now.

06-07-12, 11:50 AM
alright, I edited it. Gone is the passive strength and agility, He will just rely on his own physical prowess. Though not sure the luck counts as an ability? Also changed Malakii's control to just strength.

06-07-12, 12:57 PM
As long as you don't abuse it in a battle and use it for minor things, luck fine. Also, please edit that the strength is doubled in Malkaii's control.

Now, onto the inventory. Please make it so the material of all your blades is steel. Also, I need what kind of poisons he has and how many. You should have minor poisons for now, nothing that can kill fast.

06-07-12, 01:13 PM
ok, wasn't exactly sure how to do the poisons as I am still new to this lol but hope this makes sense?

06-07-12, 03:00 PM
Could you drop the number of poisons to 3 different types? As it is now, I'm afraid there are just too many. That's the last of it. Fix that and you're ready to go.

06-07-12, 03:18 PM
OK, dropped it down to three. Will I be able to acquire more poisons in the future as well as more potent ones?

06-07-12, 03:48 PM
Yes. You can request them as spoils as you complete a thread and submit it for judging.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.