View Full Version : Isylle

06-08-12, 09:53 PM
Name: Isylle
Job: Gardener
Race: Greater Fairy
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Green / Red
Hgt/Wgt: 5'7" / 137 lbs
Languages: Tradespeak, High Elven
Weapons: Parasol
Armor: None

A statuesque example of an old and matured fairy, she didn't need any particular posture to accentuate her curves. Her light skin was actually radiant under sunlight and had a faint greenish undertone to it. Her face was high-cheeked, small-chinned, and framed by loose, shoulder-length auburn hair. Her right eye was rose red and her left was forest green; both were usually half-lidded in thought. Strangely enough for someone who supposedly did gardening work, her hands were that of gentry: there wasn't a single callus and the fingernails were long and pointed.

She wore a white blouse with a broad, flat collar and tiny brass buttons imprinted with a stylized sunflower down the front and on the wrist cuffs. A broad, yellow necktie went loosely around the collar. Over things, she wore a red, black-gridded waistcoat to match her loose, knee-length skirt with the white frills at the bottom. The blouse was tucked in. Her flat, black shoes were difficult to distinguish from the thick black stockings. She always has her faint pink parasol.

Usually, wherever she walks, plant life flourishes and seeds germinate underfoot.

She is very polite, well-spoken, and well-mannered, even when she's being a sadistic psychopath. While she recognizes that there is a difference in the mood between discussing a treatise on lakes with someone and driving thorns through someone's lips while they try to beg, she believes that either there is no barrier or the barrier does not apply to someone like her. This stems from the fact that she views animal life like most people view plant life; things whose well-being deserves little consideration. Her sadism stems from watching too many crushed weevils and pests squirm interestingly; over the years the pain of animals became connected with the satisfaction of having protected her plants, which is the deepest common type of pleasure for her.

She has a hair-trigger temper hidden behind a variable delay. She could snap instantly into a polite, ax-crazy maniac or she could wait years before making a move. Whatever happens, the reaction is always disproportionate. Do not injure her flowers. This brings doom. Do not suggest injuring her flowers. This brings doom. Do not suggest that her attitude can improve, unless you're too kinky to hurt.

Those who demonstrate that they are flower-lovers and cultivators can expect a very warm and appreciative treatment, even free assistance. However, one must indicate that they grow flowers to grow them, rather than to mutilate them later and stick them in a vase.

She's motivated to seek out new and interesting plants, punishing any foresters and similar offenders on the way. Low on her priority list is finding a way to return to Tenger Jerhal; she has made arrangements and she does not fear for the survival of her gardens there.

The Flower Fairy Isylle is, the very broadest sense, the gardener for the monarch of Tenger Jerhal. The two have an understanding that she will do any requested arrangements so long as the monarch does not request any of them. She lived by herself in a house woven out of living vines in the middle of the largest garden in Tenger Jerhal. She tolerated visitors to the floral wonders, so long as they took care never to damage her flowers. Doing so generally results in a period of painful detainment.

Isylle appeared one day in a field of sunflowers full of buzzing bees, quite alone from any other fairies. This lasted for the better part of a year, since she spent all her time down in the stalks and leaves, communing with what she felt was kin and ignoring the flights of fairies overhead. She was only discovered and pressganged when she stood out and angrily tried to fight a couple of lesser fairies who were freezing flowers in order to watch them thaw.

This was all centuries ago. She had thrown herself wholeheartedly into the study of how to make plants grow and how to change them, breeding the dazzling varieties of flowers seen in Tenger Jerhal today. The study has made her strange in the head but, as the court gardener, she has gripped tightly onto politeness as the strand connecting her world of plants to the world of other fairies.

One day, as Isylle was making a delivery of two particularly exemplary specimen of Midnight Sky, an annual whose broad petals looked disconcertingly like holes into a starry black sky, the building that she was in imploded. She momentarily saw a bright violet glare, and then she was falling, falling, through some sort of black space. Then there was light and she found herself thousands of feet above the ground in a foreign sky.

A hurried growth and bending later, Isylle floated to the ground underneath a ten-foot canopy of starry sky petal. A shame that this overstrained the poor flower. Now this was foreign parts; the fairy didn't recognize any of the plants here and the air smelled entirely different. This was exciting! New specimen to study! She trapeized off in a random direction and barely made it ten feet before coming across a rather interesting ground ivy.

That was two years ago. Since then, Isylle has traveled some of Raiaera and learned the languages, out of necessity. She was having tremendous fun and the trail of environmental activism crimes has yet to catch up to her across this continent.

Botany [S] - She is a force of plant life.
Herbalism [S] - Also, plant life. And experiments on animals helped.
Landscaping [A] - She is the gardener, after all.
Seed Laying [A] - Single bulbs to wisteria seeds popping from sunflower faces, she can do it all.
Weaving - She can make cloth from plants.
Cooking [B] - Fruits and vegetables only. Eating animal products is upsetting. Except honey.
Single-sticks [B] - She hasn't held a sword before, just her parasol.
Etiquette [C] - She holds to her own version, which might not mesh with actual rules.
Physician [C] - Through experimentation, she's found out how animal bodies work.
Housekeeping [C] - Half of it is watering the houseplants.
Music [C] - Plays flute and qin, occasionally sings.

Fecundity - This causes plants to selectively grow at a rate of up to one week per second regardless of actual growing conditions. Seeds sprout, plants grow, and vegetable matter tries to participate. Its radius can be expanded up to 100 feet per level.

Metamorphosize - This selectively alters the form and/or function of plants within the influence of Fecundity. They can take on different shapes, colors, scents, flavors, seasons, growing conditions, magical light, and other properties. Isylle can only add forms and effects that she has encountered before in other plants, creatures, or structures. The change is permanent and germline.

Plantform - After centuries of immersion, Isylle is now a plant with a spark of fairy still in her. This means that herself is a valid target for Metamorphosize and Fecundity.

06-09-12, 03:03 AM
Just keep in mind that causing stuff to grow should tire her, so she can't do it indefinitely.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.