View Full Version : Issime

06-08-12, 10:36 PM
Name: Issime Versania
Job: Wandering Teacher
Race: Human
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Violet
Hgt / Wgt: 5'1" / 86 lb
Languages: Tradespeak, Elven, Drow, Dwarven, Pantomime
Weapons: None
Armor: None

From: Alerar

Just a slip of a girl, she has a gently weathered look to her that comes from spending a lot of time outdoors in the shade. Her svelte form encompasses a certain young beauty that has not and may never quite blossom into a rounded womanhood. The lightly tanned skin has a rosy hue to it and, where it could be seen outside of her outfit, bore no marks. She wears her waist-length, black hair mostly loose with sidelocks in two long braids and V-shaped bangs just past the bridge of her nose, almost hiding her subdued violet eyes.

Her calf-length, lavender dress has white frills on the bottom and no sleeves. A big, floppy, crimson bow-tie closes the white-edged collar. She wears thick white stockings the same color as her handless, full-length arm warmers. On top of it all is a black bowler hat with two crimson ribbons on the sides.

Issime believes in the inherent goodness of everybody and that it should be possible for everyone to get along, understand each other, and resolve conflicts agreeably. She believes that people who are out to hurt others are deeply confused and should be taught the values of respecting and loving others. She's a simple girl like that.

She is easily forgiving regardless of records and opposes punishment in favor of rehabilitation. She is selectively honest, but not maliciously selective about her honesty. Underneath an air of simplicity, she really is a fairly clever girl.

When faced with opposition, she would present a smile and ask nicely, two times. On the third time, she retracts her offer of a smile and offers to sing a song for them instead. This has always worked for her because that is what her songs do in the first place. Afterwards, there's hugs and cake all around. Therefore, her negotiation skills have suffered somewhat.

When mute, she uses a combination of chalkboard and pantomime, but often she simply stays quiet and acts like this is how she always was.

There are some Spellsingers who have a rather weak grasp of the ability to transmute their music into magical power. When originally conceived, the Choir of One Voice was a style that well-trained, weaker singers can join their hands and voices together in order to achieve effects that other spellsingers could achieve by themselves. It was unwieldy and some effects theoretically required hundreds of singers to gather together, which was an unlikely occurence at best. The Acausal Choir style developed from techniques to sychronize the timing and tempo of choir styles by displacing voices backwards and forwards in time. Instead of other singers, a Spellsinger of the Acausal Choir harmonize with themselves, pulling additional harmonies and power from themselves in the future. The longer that they sing, the greater potency of the effect becomes. After finishing a song, though, the Spellsinger is rendered powerless and mute for a long period of time as her past self calls from the present and future.

Issime was firstborn of a school principal and a physician, which was sort of intimidating because it was utterly impossible to get properly sick so that she could get a sick note to stay home. She didn't hate schooling, which she was fairly brilliant at, but rather disliked sticking out amongst the crowds of New Elves. Certainly, she was never the wronged side when disputes inevitably broke out, but hiding under mother's aegis meant that she also never resolved the problem and had few, if any, friends. She sought refuge in music, learning the violin by age 4 and giving it up by the next year in favor of singing.

Her hometown was situated at the tip of a V-valley in the lower reaches of the Kachucks and she had a favorite spot perhaps half a day's hike away. It was an igneous dike jutting from the slopes and from which a spectacular view of the fertile valley. She would stand at the tip of this rock and sing to the world, basking in the echoes from the mountains. It was in this way that she was discovered.

A spellsinger passing through the valley listened to the echoing girl's voice and noted its qualities and especially the instinctive adjustments to stay in phase with her own echoes. The news spread a bit in the community's grapevine and an Acausal Choir spellsinger named Lulu Wevey set out to hear it for herself. She was foiled during her first trek, because there was an extended field trip for the school to a lake one hill over. Her second trip, a month later, was a little more fruitful because she managed to hear a small sample but could not find the prospective singer on account of it being in the middle of a rolling chain of thunderstorms.

On the third trip, Lulu bought a small house and settled down, becoming the third human teacher of the school to teach music classes. This upset the community a bit, because now there was an overrepresentation of humans among the teaching staff. Incidents occured. Too soon, Issime had to make a Choice.

Lulu could not stay and the Versanias could not go, because her third sister was on the way. Issime was thirteen, in a little bit of a rebellious phase, and wanted nothing to do with the New Elves if she could possibly help it. The pair left town, Issime carrying a small wagonload of finely-printed books because going on exile from home was no reason to not do homework and keep up with school.

Four years later, crop circles began appearing in not just fields but also in forests, mountains, and pretty much anywhere with pretty scenery that might elicit someone to song. Things in them were strange, like they had gone soft after being shaken apart. What could crack was cracked and often had so many cracks in it that it was like a fine gravel or sand. It was a mystery for Alerar that did not get solved and stopped happening two years later as mysteriously as it had started.

They certainly never connected it with a certain, young wandering teacher. She went village to village, selling lessons in exchange for meals, coins, or whatever might be bartered.

Singing [S] - Natural soubrette, supernatural all-range
Knowledge [A] - Grammar, logic, rhetoric, astronomy, arithmetic, music, geometry, algebra, economics, navigation, history, natural philosophy
Physician [A]
Intimidation - Only with children to get them to behave
Cooking [B]
Flute [C]
Sewing [C]
Herbalism [C]

Spell Singer (Resonance Type, Acausal Choir Style) - Her singing begins at 60 dB (decibel) and may increase at a rate of up to 1 dB per second. Her silence time is 60 times of singing time. As usual with radiated power, the effectiveness of her song decreases by 6 dB for every doubling of distance, starting at 1 ft. Peak intensity 190 dB + 10 dB per level. Intensities are isotropic. She does not affect herself with her own song. Song types are:

Resonance Fantasia - Broadband with feedback, pure sound pressure sets up standing waves in solid things, disrupting their structure and possibly causing failure.
Material effects: Concrete: 70, Marble: 90, Glass: 101, Pine Wood: 105, Oak Wood: 115, Copper: 125, Bronze: 129, Mild steel/Iron: 133, Brass: 137, Hardened/weapons steel: 158. +6 dB per additional inch of thickness.
Human effects: Joint Pain at 150 dB. Balance disrupted at 170 dB. Eardrum rupture at 190 dB.

Convalescent Lullaby - A soft song fills the mind with rest and brings gentle healing. Insects begin to sleep at 50 dB, small animals at 70 dB, children at 80 dB, adults at 100 dB. Strong-willed, resisting persons may require upwards of 160 dB of song. Sleeping creatures heal at a rate of 1 day's rest per minute while exposed to at least 60 dB.

Canto Concordia - A heart-seeking melody of love, peace, and harmony elicits mutual love, sympathy, forgiveness, peace, and acceptance for all. Small animals are affected at 70 dB, children at 80 dB, adults at 100 dB. Strong-willed, resisting, or violent persons may require upwards of 160 dB of song.

06-08-12, 11:01 PM
I don't know how many abilities spell singing would count as, with the three applications there. Thoughts?

06-09-12, 03:01 AM
I figure those would count as three abilities as their applications are very different.

I'm going to have to ask you to limit the loudness of the singing to 190dB for now. The reason is that at around 200 you can cause lung rupture and even embolism from what I could surmise while doing a bit of research, and that's a bit too strong for level zero.

Also, the threshold for glass should be higher, at least some 70dB, as 50 is about as loud as normal human conversation.

Lastly, keep in mind that while glass might shatter rather soon after you hit the threshold, other materials, especially metals, should need significantly longer application of sustained singing.

06-09-12, 07:07 AM
Edited to 190 dB + 10 dB/level peak intensity. Also found extra information on materials and ultimate strengths and updated the list accordingly. The equation is based on the cube of the ultimate yield strength of the material. The extra 30 dB of headspace allows for range as well as for the tougher materials. I had some things here about fibers before realizing that things like drapes would be free to vibrate and therefore would dissipate resonant energy much more effectively than stiff/held things like window panes.

Concrete/stone levels are because of their extremely low tensile strength, since resonance is compressional/tensile/bending and would hit the lower of the three strengths first. I perfectly agree that malleable materials like metals would fatigue to failure. Only brittles, like ceramics and amorphous solids, should shatter very quickly after hitting threshold.

06-09-12, 11:27 AM
That looks reasonable, though you're going to have to take titanium out of the mix. Real-world titanium isn't necessarily equivalent to Althanas titanium, where it's a tier 7 material and thus one of the toughest metals on Althanas. And I can't let you destroy tier 7 materials at level zero.

06-09-12, 11:51 AM
Done. I didn't know that about titanium on Althanas.

06-09-12, 12:02 PM
Excellent. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.