View Full Version : Greetings

06-09-12, 08:54 PM
Just joined up, though to be honest I havn't decided what character I'm going to be creating yet. Figured I'd go ahead and say 'hello' and 'greetings' to all while I worked on deciding what part I felt like playing. I have played freeform roleplaying games with no levels and experience for years and I have played MUDs' for years that are based more around fights and experience and less into roleplay. This site seems like an amusing blend that allows for a way to gain experience for roleplay that I hadn't seen before.

A bit about me?
Lets see...
I'm an animal lover...especially horses/dogs/sharks
I enjoy writing short stories though I have a bad habit to start stories and not finish them...but still fun to look back and read later down the line
When it comes to reading I stick primarily to fantasy but occasionally look into some sci-fi

06-09-12, 09:18 PM
I'll be the first to welcome you.
While you're correct in that this is an experience based system, experience is gained accordingly by the quality of your writing here. You start off little more than the average nobody, and grow into whatever you want to become, basically.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask practically any of the veteran members, members with italicized names (moderators), and members with bolded/glowing names (administrators) questions, and we'll do our best to answer them.
On that note, welcome, officially, to Althanas. Hope you stay.

06-09-12, 09:23 PM
Welcome to Althanas, KyrenFox. I hope that you enjoy your stay here.

Gable Rose
06-10-12, 12:37 AM
Sharks are butt-faces. Welcome to Althanas.


06-10-12, 04:57 PM
'Sharks are butt-faces'??? Ok even if you don't like shark how do you see a butt face? Most sharks are incredibly streamlined ...like small to large torpedo's. They are elegant and graceful.. (do note I said 'most' and not all as there are exceptions)
Ok...just got done with all the more busy activities of the day and think I can finally focus on making a char that never came together yesterday...yay

Silence Sei
06-10-12, 06:13 PM
Welcome to Althanas! I'm Sei, resident Admin and Recruiter here.

Can I interest you in some Ixian Knights? Perhaps some Misery Business would tickle your fancy?

Or maybe the Cult of Blessed Torture... but they smell funny.

06-10-12, 06:29 PM
There's soooo much information of history and details of all these lands...I would love to have people offer me some ideas while I try to decide what I want to do with my char. I'm thinking of starting out with someone younger...probably late teen's...it allows for an excuse for my lack of knowledge with the land... also I will probably be going with someone in a more underdog position...perhaps someone on the street...perhaps escaped slave...perhaps other...

None of this is something I'm overly stuck on just more the likely path at the moment...
please...offer me any brainstorming ideas you might have

06-10-12, 07:22 PM
Hello! Welcome to Althanas (a bit later from me....). Mmmm...

For brain storming, ideas for a character.... I'm not sure what you like to play, but think of it as... character building? Easier to start small and grow and explore that way, yes?