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06-11-12, 10:53 PM
Angelface here. A couple of notes before you start.
As you'll be able to tell, I'm taking off of Caden's CharApp/FATE profile variant for this character. It seemed appropriate, as he's a Wizard, so I hope he doesn't mind. After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...isn't it?
Second, this is really my first truly magic-based character, so I'm hoping I did well with balancing abilities and skills. I really don't plan on powergaming anything about him, including his firearms skills, so I guess you'll have to take my word on that.
With that, I hope he's acceptable. Letho, if you have any concerns, go ahead and fire 'em to my PM box or on AIM, and I'll be happy to address 'em.http://i695.photobucket.com/albums/vv313/Anglekos/gunslingerjonathan-1.png

[ P E R S O N A ]
Name: Jonathan McCoy. Usually simply goes by John, Johnny, or even just his surname.
Sorcerous Name: n/a. Doesn't have one. Yet.
Aliases/Sobriquets: Outlander, Gunslinger.
Species: Human.
Age: Twenty-five years old.
Height: 6'2".
Weight: 220 lbs.
Hair Color: Very dark brown; practically black at even minor distances.
Eye Color: A light shade of grey.
Skin Color: Caucasian.
Occupations: Gunslinger, Parivir (former), and Unwitting Wizard-In-Training (even if he doesn't know it himself).
Aspects: ...And The Gunslinger Followed; Tall, Mean And Ugly; A Strange Man In A Strange Land...Again; I Don't Like Magic; The Last Gunslinger.

General Appearance: With wolfish, hard features and scar-riddled flesh, Jonathan cuts the figure of a man you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. A twice-broken nose and sharp eyes give his visage an almost roguish, broad look, in a manner that is not quite ugly but also not extraordinarily attractive either. Like others of his origins and motives, he is scarred by the ramifications of time and consequence; including on his face, notably upon his lips and jawline, although a closer peer would reveal a thick puckered line along his collarbone as well. While his hair is generally unkempt, he at least attempts at some sort of organization by keeping it in a short, messy ponytail, and the thick layer of unshaven stubble along his jawline and sideburns makes him appear far older than he actually is; whilst, at the same time, when he is unshaven he appears far younger than he is. He doesn't usually have time for the latter to happen often, though.

Signature Clothing: As a drifter between cities, realms and worlds, Jonathan doesn't carry much with him; thus, generally the clothing upon him is what he owns and always wears, although circumstances can and have changed that from time to time. However, several things remain consistent, no matter what; he always wears his heavy, black leather duster when he can help it, alongside his trademark fedora of similar hue. Usually he wears loose, maneuverable dark blue jeans and simple dress shirt; varying in color and formality, although usually of darker hues as well and keeping to simplicity. Around his neck he usually wears a crimson scarf, a bandanna, and at his hip he keeps his leather belt and buckler, alongside his holsters for his weaponry. And finally, as a manner of principle, he wears traditional cowhide boots; worn from the passage of wear and time.

[ S K I L L S ]
Firearms (Weapon Proficiency, Combat Proficiency, Knowledge): Jonathan is currently considered legendary in the usage of handguns, particularly the old western-style, six-shooter revolvers and, more specifically, his own gun(s). He similarly possesses natural skill in rifles and shotgun-type firearms, although not to the extent that he has with handguns. Also, he possesses the full knowledge pertaining to the care, utilization, and mechanics of general firearms.
Brawling (Combat Proficiency): Jonathan has experienced his share of bar brawls and fistfights in his life, and while he hasn't had any real "official" training in it he does have decent, instinctive skill created from being forced into a corner many a time. Thus, he is considered above average in brawling.
Martial Weaponry (Weapon Proficiency, Combat Proficiency): While usually he sticks to his firearms, he does possess some other weaponry and does indeed use them. As such, he has adept skill in wielding daggers and short swords, including the makhaira (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d4/Makhaira_griega.jpg), and above average skill in larger blades. Like brawling, this is something he's come to rely upon with experience, rather than through teaching.
Horsemanship (Knowledge): Having been raised in a medium where the primary mode of transportation in these steeds, Jonathan can be considered an expert when it comes to both caring for and riding horses. This does not apply to other bestial modes of transportation, however.
Survival (Knowledge): Jonathan is an adept when it comes to surviving in the wild, as most of the latter part of his life has been spent doing just that. He can also be considered an expert when it comes to dry, arid, desert-like regions. This includes navigation, tracking, and creature analysis.
Anatomy (Knowledge, Combat Proficiency): When it comes to humans and general humanoids, Jonathan possesses great knowledge and awareness of both the limits, weak points, and basic medical procedures concerning them.
General Arcana (Knowledge): Having been chasing a Warlock for the better part of his life, he has acquired a basic understanding of Wizardry and can semi-accurately make correct judgments on it. However, he knows better than anyone else his ignorance as to the true, intricate nature of it, and does not pretend otherwise.

[ A B I L I T I E S ]

Whether he likes it or not, Jonathan is on the way to becoming a full-blown Wizard. Currently he doesn't really know the difference between a Wizard or a Warlock (or a Witch, for that matter); only simply that he recognizes that he possesses both the capability and ability to use magic himself. Right now, he's all raw talent; barely to be considered a Mage by the College Arcana standards, and while he distrusts the very power within him he has no choice but to accept that it's there, for the time being. Below is the current status on his magical growth and ability.

Sorcerous Name: He doesn't have one yet, having just recently come into his power.
Wizard's Voice: Also yet to be determined. It's there, just...tucked away.

Evocation: Jonathan does have a natural knack for evocation; the direct, reality-warping magic mostly used in fights. That is to say, he understands both its application and mechanics far better than other aspects of Wizardry, and currently is working on integrating it more into his firearm-based combat style. Still, he is only amateur at this time, and even with talent supplementing a lack of experience it is clear to any practitioning Wizard his lack not only in finesse but in sheer overall effectiveness.
These are his current unNamed evocation abilities:

~ Force Bullets: The Wizard's classic evocation spell, otherwise known as Magic Missiles or Arcane Missiles, they are simply punitive blasts of pure, Arcane force. Jonathan's natural inclination towards firearms have condensed them, shaped them passively into a more bullet-like form, reducing their impact area but increasing the streamlined speed and piercing power of the blasts. However, due to his inexperience and ignorance, they lack the true power and deadly swiftness of a true bullet; currently, they possess the impact power and speed of an arrow.

Thaumaturgy: Unfortunately, that same knack for evocation does not apply when it comes to thaumaturgy; the "long-haul" magic used mostly out of battle, such as enchanting, teleportation, and location magic. He simply does not know enough to come into it without getting his ass handed to him, both physically and metaphysically speaking. Such as it is, he currently possesses little to no ability when it comes to thaumaturgy, other than recognizing the difference between it and evocation.

Purifier: While little more than an enhanced Thermal evocation spell, the fact that it is Named gives it an especially destructive quality; considering the nature of the spell itself. Jonathan, upon speaking its invocation, unleashes a gout of solidified, focused flame that is a hot bluish-white in color, and about the diameter of a telephone pole. The sheer, scorching, focused heat of the blast is such that it causes moderate burns with ease and, if prolonged, can reduce metals up to iron in tier strength to mere slabs of molten ore. If it directly strikes something head-on, the blast will erupt in a ten-foot radius before dissipating. Due to his inexperience, however, he cannot change the trajectory of the blast after releasing it, and he can unleash this spell maybe twice per day due to the mental and metaphysical strain it puts on him.

Dead Zone (Arcane Senses): While Jonathan possesses the full set of Wizard's standard extraordinary sixth/seventh-senses (detecting magic, awareness of the supernatural, etc...), he was a Gunslinger long before he was a Wizard, and possessed his own set of perceptional abilities even before coming into his power. Now that he has, however, he's found that his own natural perceptional skills have been enhanced proportionately, to the point where he's now able to enter a state similar to a faux-bullet time sensation. He calls this state the "dead zone", and while it only lasts for a few seconds at a time, it is effective nonetheless. During this state, time crawls to barely one-sixteenth its normal rate for Jonathan, heightening his reactions and senses accordingly; allowing him to evaluate difficult situations and keep calm under fire, so to speak. It does not technically make him any faster; simply makes him more aware, and thus, more deadly. He can currently use this ability twice per day in a battle and twice per hour in a quest, and up to 3 seconds at a time.

[ I N V E N T O R Y ]
Cain (Revolver/Six-Gun, Black Steel; Damaged): One of a pair, Jonathan lost its twin, Abel, when he was ambushed coming into Althanas. Also during that incident, Cain's loading cylinder was damaged and is currently inoperable until Jonathan can get it fixed somehow; either by bringing it to an expert or acquiring the proper tools himself. The firearm itself is a classic six-gun, a single-action Colt Frontier of both .44-40 Winchester caliber and .45 Colt caliber, and the grips are made of sandalwood. The gun itself is made of black iron, and is concurrently denser, larger, and heavier than normal six-guns. Ironically enough, Cain serves as the main focus, rather than a stave or wand, for most of Jonathan's Wizardry, using his skill with the gun to supplement his magical power and accuracy. And, while it may be broken for the time being, it makes one hell of a good bluff. [ Damaged-Locked Until Level 2 ]

Makhaira (Short Sword, Steel): A thick cutting blade similar to a machete, the hilt is about half a foot long and the blade itself around two feet. Jonathan keeps it razor-sharp, and it can easily hew through a man's flesh, blood and bone.

Daggers (Throwing Weapons, Steel): A set of three, each half-a-foot in blade length, made for throwing. He keeps three upon his being at all times.

Wizard's Hat and Coat (Clothing/Armor): Unwittingly enough, Jonathan's trademark duster and fedora have become, in a sense, his Hat and Coat, Wizardly speaking. Of course, he does not know this himself, but he has connected with a greater sense of importance concerning them when compared with his other clothing. While they currently do not possess any obvious supernatural qualities, the very fact that they are part of his subconscious wizarding gear has made them seemingly more resilient to wear and tear than similar clothing. Whether this is due to any unforeseen magical properties or simply the quality of the make remains to be seen.

Jonathan's Journal (Miscellaneous): A small, leather-bound book he has carried since he was young, it carries no outward writing on its binding or its cover. He currently jots down his thoughts and experiences; partly to help keep track of his travels, partly for nostalgia's sake, but mostly just to keep his sanity during his chase as he deals with things he does not - and cannot - understand. He currently does not possess a Grimoire.

.44-40 Winchester Bullets (Ammunition): Standard ammunition for his revolver(s), Jonathan has four left on his person. While currently relatively useless, they are fully functional on their own and can be used with any other functioning firearm of working caliber.

Lighter (Miscellaneous): A rusty old thing Jonathan found Along The Way. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.

[ A S P E C T S ]
...And The Gunslinger Followed: For most of his life, Jonathan has been following in the wake of his brother's disastrous footsteps, trying to prevent the Warlock's catastrophic desires and plans from coming to be...and for the most part, failing to do so. With his mind burdened with the billions of lives he's failed to save, Jonathan has taken a morbid sense of responsibility for the actions of his brother, and thus not follows him out of vengeance but now out of duty, and will continue to do so until the day that the Warlock is finally stopped.

Tall, Mean, And Ugly: Not just a physical description, Jonathan is a throwback to the days when the law was made by your steel alone, and grudges were settled not in court but in blood. That said, obviously he isn't the most pleasant of people to be hanging about, and his almost single-minded, fanatical focus on his final goal has stripped him of any sense of companionship he once had.

A Strange Man In A Strange Land...Again: His chase for his brother has brought Jonathan to quite a few different worlds, Althanas being the newest and, hopefully, the final. While he may not understand them completely, these travels have made him quite accustomed to both the concept and execution of planar shifting and, to a lesser degree, the Liquidity of Time Itself.

I Don't Like Magic: On principle. Justifiably, most of his experiences with magic and Wizardry have been negative, being on the receiving end ninety-nine percent of the time of his brother's arcane schemes. So, it's perfectly reasonable to say that when it comes to magic (and other threatening things, for that matter), Jonathan's prerogative is to shoot first and ask questions later; it's safer that way. When it comes to his own magic, while he recognizes that it is indeed different that that his brother wields, he still instinctively distrusts it.

The Last Gunslinger: While cliche', Jonathan and his brother are literally the only survivors from their home world; making them a breed unseen elsewhere. Jonathan is the last of the parivirs, gunslingers whom served as the veritable law in that forsaken place, and as such his skill with firearms has become something of legend. He is known to have styles similar to The Trick Shot, The Woo, and the Quick Draw, and with the addition of magic to his arsenal he's also coming close to the Vaporizer.

[ P R O L O G U E ]

...and man forgot.
No one is able to say why it happened - or how. Perhaps some sort of natural phenomenon erased our memories. Perhaps we broke a rule of some unknown Power, and we were punished for that. Perhaps, simply put, we did it to ourselves.
Like small children, reduced to something little more than animals, we roamed through years while our arrogant civilization tumbled down around us. Everything turned to ruins. The ruins turned to dust. And the dust was taken by the wind. The world had a different name back then.
But no one remains to remember it.
The apocalypse did come, right on schedule.
Perhaps the Mayans had foreseen the coming disaster, or perhaps it was just ironic coincidence that it happened in 2012; in either case, it doesn't really matter. The apocalypse came, and it came because of Man.
No one really knows whom struck the first blow, or why. It could have been anyone, really, with the world teetering on its unbalanced scale of power. What is known is that someone set off a nuclear device, and, in answer, all of the rest of the major countries did the same; trying, of course, to balance power with power in that fearful, jittery manner that children often do when a new kid comes to the playground. Of course, it grew out of control, and the world suffered from its first nuclear holocaust.
It might have been alright if that was just it. Humanity might have arose from it, scarred but better for the wear, if all that we suffered was that holocaust, that singular devastation. But our foolishness awoke something. Something ancient, deep, that had been living near the core of the earth all this time, asleep...
Until now.
Records really don't tell just what sort of being it was, only that its awakening brought with it everything from our nightmares. Boogeymen were no longer monsters in the darkness of children's imaginations; they were all too real, taking the shape of what we feared most, and devouring that succulent fear salting the flesh. Demons and vampires became creatures of commonplace, sowing distrust and discord amongst what remained of the human race, and beings as terrifying and mind-shattering as the empty void of the night sky drew forth to our world, drawn by the energies now permeating its surface.
It was a time of great darkness for the human race.

____ . ____

Years passed, and what was left of organized human government disintegrated. Slowly people began to learn how to survive on their own; using old folk tales and fiction as resources against these inhuman invaders. Things so easily discarded as worthless, child's play, became epitomes of survival. Those that accepted this lived. Those that didn't, well, didn't.
Of all the remaining lands, the former United States of America held the most survivors. Desperate for some sort of unity, people began to travel there from all over the globe, attempting to piece together a remnant of their former lives.
It wasn't easy. Lawlessness ran rampant now, and the only true law was the law of the land; survival of the fittest. Safety in numbers. Murderers and criminals became veritable kingpins of authority (or at least, the smart ones did), and resources became the currency of note as slowly, very slowly, towns began to form once more; more akin to fortresses than anything, but congregations of humanity nonetheless.
The darkness was still there, roaming the lands, but humanity had learned, had adapted; had survived. Even in this pit of low human worth, some sparks of morality began to revive once more.
People began to take up arms against their oppressors, both inhuman and mortal. Led by men (and women) of great charisma and bravery, humanity fought against the injustice of their captors and, for the first time, civilization began to restore itself. It wasn't the structured, settled government of years past, but it was a start. It was a light in the darkness.
It was hope.

____ . ____

Skip forward a few years, and humanity was doing quite well for itself.
Everywhere had its own set of rules and regulations, but worldwide a single group was accepted as the ultimate authority; the Parivirs. Similar to the knights errant centuries past, Parivirs were humanity's defense against the darkness that remained. They were the guardians of towns and cities, gunslingers and warriors alike; survivors whom had refined their natural defensive abilities as weapons against disorder. To become a Parivir was the highest honor one could achieve, and it was a status hard-earned; for only the best were trusted with humanity's survival.
Under the guidance of these Paravirs, humanity continued to flourish and grow in the wake of their disastrous past. Art and beauty became important once more, and even under the constant threat of those they came to call the Dark Ones people began to achieve a state of content happiness. Children could be born once more without fear for their safety, and slowly populations began to grow all over the world.
And it is here that our story narrows, and we begin to focus on the emergence of two children in particular. Two children whom eventually would come to change the very world as we knew it.

____ . ____

They were twins. Not identical, but close enough.
Born to the communion of a Paravir named Arthur McCoy and a demure seamstress and sorceress named Jane Hartfield, the two were raised in what was once the southern part of Utah. Their names were Jonathan and Peter McCoy, respectively, and while they may have been born at the same time, they turned out completely different.
Jonathan took to his father, whom raised him in the ways of the gunslinger and the Parivir, coming to bear a large, hardworking frame. Peter, on the other hand, took to their mother, learning the intricacies of magic and the secrets it provided. While Jonathan remained true to his calling, Peter, however, diverged from the path of everyday Thaumaturgy to investigate more into the Dark Ones and their origins; a path that, naturally made the entire family uneasy.
It was an unease that was soon justified when, to their shock, Peter came back from one of his investigations...bringing with him an army of Dark Ones. He had become a Warlock at the tender age of fifteen; a hellish harbringer of supernatural wrath.
And the entire town suffered.
The slaughter did not take long. The town was unprepared for such offensive might. Both Arthur and Jane sought to hold the invading force back, but they were soon slain...along with everything and everyone Jonathan had ever known. In a single night, the young gunslinger lost everything.
It was then that his brother, swirling in maleficent power, mocked him and his inability to protect that which he loved; telling Jonathan of his plans to devour what was left of this world and become a God.
And the Gunslinger followed.

____ . _____

And continues to follow to this day.

06-12-12, 01:38 PM
You are approved.

Long days and pleasant nights.