View Full Version : Sorish Mon Larsh

06-12-12, 09:18 PM
Name: Sorish Mon Larsh / Roxi
Age: 30 / 30
Race: Coralian - Coralians are creatures that are made entirely of coral. They live throughout the seas of Althanas.The Coralians can live to be 300 years old. they make all their armor and weapons out of coral that has been hardened to the point that even titanium will have trouble getting past it. They can grow to be anywhere from 6'5 to 10' tall. Their children are sometimes mistaken for adults because they are usually around 4'. Few non Coralians have ever heard Crolic, their native tongue. Those that have mistake it for something else entirely. Coralians have an Adult Ceremony at age 30. After that they choose a profession and go to college to learn how to do that profession. After finishing college they get a necklace that represents what their profession is. The Coralians head has a tall crest that surrounds it almost like a crown. The Coralians are known to break off pieces of this crown and eat it. this is why most people believe they are self sustaining and don't have to grow or hunt for food. This is not so though as A Coralians Crown is only used when food is scarce or they are the host as Coralian Culture states it is rude to eat well when hosting. at the same time though it also states that the bigger the crown the more regal you are. for this reason most Coralians only take a piece off in a single area, making it so that it looks rugged. Few Coralians have a nice straight crown.
Coral Worm - a worm that connects to a Coralian's brain stem and shares memories and thoughts with it's host. It will watch the hosts back warning it of any danger coming from behind. It will also help it's host figure out answers to any problem.
Gender: Male / Female
Hair Color: None / None
Eye Color: Pure Pink Reflective Eyes. / Black Eyes
Height:8'7 / Varying
Weight:300 lb / 5 lbs

Appearance: Coral Complexion, Blue with Green in the cracks of his Coral Body, a 3' tall Coralian Crown. He wheres a white scaled hooded robe over his Blue and Green Coralian Armor. He is muscular without his robe and armor. His neck looks like his veins are popping out due to Roxi. His ears are like coral rings and he has a beard shaped coral under his chin. He has never hosted and has been fed well so his Coralian Crown is as straight as the day of his birth. The crown plus his true height brings him to 11'7. The crown is never considered in a Coralian's true height. His arm length reaches his knees. His fingers are long and boney.

Slick Worm Like Complexio, Blue, can vary in length.

History: Sorish Mon Larsh was born in the Northern Sea. He had grown up with both his parents who were ex-adventurers. They would tell him stories of many of the adventures they had in the open sea. The one place that they never visited but whish they had was the land. Few Coralaians have set foot on dry land. there have been stories of the beings who lived above the waves but nothing more. After his 30th birthday he had his Adult Ceremony. His ceremonial challenge was to find a Coral Worm who would bond with him. It took him three weeks to find a Coral Worm willing to bond with him. He was about to give up when he found Roxi. him and this coral worm soon found out that they made a great team. Roxi was one of the wisest Coral Worms of her class. She also loved adventures. As soon as Roxi bonded with Sorish she discovered that he was going to be an adventurer and agreed to be his companion. After a few more weeks to really get to know each other Sorish and Roxi headed back to the ring of adulthood where Sorish's family and friends were waiting. As soon as he got into the ring it started to glow. It was yellow at first but then turned green. After it turned green his father stepped forward and asked him what profession he was going to choose. After telling his father that he was going to be an adventurer, which didn't need any for of higher education his father smilled and handed him his Coralian Necklace which had a walking stick and a pair of boots carved into it. After he told his parents goodbye he headed of to have adventures of his own.

Water magic:
Water Bubble - Used to surround target with water form the environment. Wetter the area, the more water available, bigger bubble.
Drowning is a possibility.
one cubic meter of water for one minute twice per hour.

Water Gun - When used in water makes a strong current but when used on land requires Water Bubble and shoots it out at the enemy.
moderate damage, about as much as a really strong punch, you can sustain it for 3 seconds, and can use it 3 times per hour

Breathing Bubbles - 2 Bubbles that he places around his gills when he leaves the water.
Sustainable till he enters water. No attack or defense Stat Change. just makes him able to breath.


Grabbing Things

Gills - For breathing under water

Stretching Body
Enhancing Sorishs abilities / skills to 150%. Lasts 30 seconds. After 30 seconds they both blackout.

Equipment: Coralian Short Sword - A 6' sword made out of hardened coral.
Coralian Knife - A 3' knife made out of hardened coral.
Coralian Battle Armor - A set of plated Body Armor that is made out of hardened coral
A Coralian shield - A 7' diameter Shield that is made out of hardened coral\
Coralian Water Magic Book.

Armor Information: The Scale Robes are like Studded Armor but due to the fact that they are made to be flexible they can't protect against blunt weapons. The armor underneath does that for him. His Hardened Coral Armor is as strong as steel. Add in his thick hide ability, he is hard to take down in a fight. Luckily he is a pacifist. He will not fight unless engaged.

06-13-12, 05:09 PM
Talk about the nature fighting back. :P

I need to know what exactly can he do with Water Magic. If you're going for control over the water element, keep in mind that you will be able to control small amounts of it for now. If you're going for specific spells, I need to know all of them.

Gills, I suppose, enable him to breathe under water. Please list it as such. If they do anything else, list that as well.

Hardened coral can be as hard as steel. I'll allow it for weapons and armor, but the your scales need to be weaker than that for now. Let's say studded leather.

06-13-12, 07:17 PM
Thank's for the information. I have updated my Character's Bio.
Do you have any suggestions as to where he can come up at? He has to leave the water on a beach and I was thinking that he should come up in a populated area.

06-14-12, 10:48 AM
I need to know the specifics of the Water Bubble/Gun spells. What kind of damage can they do, how many times can he cast it, that sort of thing. Also, under armor, I'd like you to take out the part that says he's protected against bullets, as such armor wouldn't provide that much protection. Also, please make mention somewhere that the hardened coral is as hard as steel.

As for where he may come up at, it really depends. Scara Brae and Corone are both island nations, with Corone being significantly larger and more populated. However, corals are more at home in tropical climates, so you could possibly do better with popping up somewhere in Fallien.

06-14-12, 05:17 PM
Thank-you. I have done as you asked and have set up the specifics of the armor and Water Bubble/Gun.

Also I have decided to go with Fallien. Again thanks.

06-15-12, 03:51 AM
I appreciate the clarification. However, the problem is that damage of "10" doesn't mean anything in a system such as Althanas' where there are no hit points. Plus, I don't really want people to have to pull out a calculator every time you use an attack.

Let's rather put it like this: For Water Bubble, you can control one cubic meter of water for one minute twice per hour. For Water Gun, let's say it does moderate damage, about as much as a really strong punch, you can sustain it for 3 seconds, and can use it 3 times per hour. Sounds good?

06-15-12, 05:25 AM
Thanks again for your time. I have updated Sorish's Bio as well as added Roxi's. If you think that Roxi's abilities are to strong please don't hesitate to tell me and make a suggestion. Anything else needed please don't Hesitate to tell me. Thanks again.

06-15-12, 04:39 PM
Roxi is fine, but her ability is both too strong, and over the limit. You can have three abilities at this point. You have Water Gun, Water Bubble, the thick hide and Roxi's enhancement ability. You have to remove one of them. If you choose to leave Roxi's ability and remove something else, she can't enhance Sorish's abilities tenfold. I will allow her to double the effect of a single ability for 30 seconds.

06-15-12, 05:03 PM
I think this might be a happy medium. She increases his skills / abilities to 150% for 30 seconds. Afterwards they BOTH black. This is the effect of using this ability.

06-15-12, 05:14 PM
I'll allow it. We don't usually allow more than three abilities at entry level, but thick hide isn't all that different from wearing actual leather armor, so I'll let it slide.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.