View Full Version : From Sea To Land [OPEN]

06-15-12, 07:49 PM
Rules of thread

If you are going on a vacation or are not going to be writing in this thread for a while please find a way to get out of the story whether it be with a crises some were else or just by separating from our group
If you are idle in writing for two weeks I will give you till the first day of the next month, unless the end of the second week is on the last day in which case you have till the end of the following month, to post. If you don't I will just leave you behind and you will have to describe what you did after I left in a single thread then write what you are doing now.

These rules are to make it so that the thread doesn't go idle for months at a time. I will also be making sure that if I'm going to be gone for a while or if something comes up then I myself will leave the group and the thread will continue without me. This rule is in effect now.

Now, onto the story
"Sorish, I think the water is getting kind of shallow." Roxi thought to Sorish. It's been three days since Sorish had become an adult and five since he met Roxi.
"I'd have to agree," Sorish thought back as he noticed that he was actually able to see some clouds. "I think we are getting close to land."
"Well let's hurry up and get there so that we can start exploring." Roxi thought. As Sorish walked he started to emerge from the water. First to hit the air was his 3' Coralian Crown, then his head, then his eyes and mouth but as soon as his gills touched the air he stopped. He couldn't breath. Sorish stepped back a few paces to get his gills submerged then thought to Roxi, "Roxi, can you get me that Coralian Water Magic Book for me. I think I'm going to need a spell."
"Sure Sorish," She thought as she streched herself out from his neck and rapped herself around a book in his bag and gave it to him.
He opened up the book. Now where is that spell, he thought turning through the pages. most of them blank.
"I believe its the last page." Roxi said as she looked over his shoulder.
"Ah here it is, the Breathing Bubbles Spell." He thought as he held up the book to read.

Coralian Water Magic Book Page Start

Breathing Bubbles
Taxation: None
Strength: None
Effect: Puts a bubble of water around your gills until you renter the water. Cycles the used water for oxygen rich water.
Spell Words / Hand Position: *
Coralian Water Magic Book Page End
Note: * Means I don't want you to know what it says or you will find out later.

"Ok," Sorish said out loud giving Roxi the book to hold in front of him, "now its time to position my hands and voice the spell." Sorish put his hands over his gills, stepped forward until his gills were out of the water, then quickly said, "Slos O, Slos O, son no mi shin Slos O." which means, "Breathing Bubbles, Breathing Bubbles, come to me oh Breathing Bubbles." Suddenly his gills was surrounded by water so he could breath.

06-17-12, 02:35 PM
People fled. They screamed, they shouted, they ran, their feet kicking up tufts of sand in their rush to escape the sudden appearance of the monstrous creature emerging from the water. This was, after all, one of the few beaches available for the public left in Fallien; a land fairly known for its dry, arid and desert-like qualities. No one had expected a beast to emerge from the depths to make its way upon land, and thus none were prepared to face such an unexpected threat; their government had deemed the waters safe. And so they ran, the small curve of the punitive beach slowly emptying until there were none left. The devilish sun hung above a deserted paradise.

Deserted, save one lone figure, and a long line of grizzly-looking men at his back; all of them stopping at the line where hard gravel and forestry gave in to sloped sand and the constant crash of the waves. The large, armored goliath of a man stomped slowly, even leisurely, through the loose sifts of sandy granules until he came to where the tide reached, the heavy water solidifying the loose granules into one soaked, grounded platform; much easier to walk and maneuver upon for anything with two legs. He, like the line of men at his back, was a grizzly individual; garbed in black iron and a tattered, worn black mantle that flickered out behind like darkened flame on the ocean breeze. Upon his aged and scarred visage a permanent, grim smile seemed plastered, and shining eyes of lion-like mercury gleamed with steely intent in the heavy daylight. Gulls called out above the advancing manner, ignorant of the tension beneath their windborne wings, as the aged conqueror came to a stop fifteen feet from where the massive, coral-like beast arose from the ocean's surf; water dripping off its ridges in rippling waves. The creature seemed to speak before some sort of bubbling effect came to the being's 'gills'; as if they could be called that.

Twas the beast intelligent? There was only one way to find out. "Hark, fell abomination." The man's low baritone rolled over the crashing of the waves before him, his presence magnifying the effect of his voice to reach across to where the monstrosity stood. True to his callous nature the massive warlord arose his right hand, armor-covered digits gleaming obsidian in the afternoon glare, as he gestured outwards; further attempts at gathering the beast's attention. His left fell upon the broad blade laying at his hip; the old, faithful Templar's weapon comfortable in his grasp. "Thou art trespassing upon mine lands. Bespeak thine intentions, lest ye be mistaken for mine foe and thou art cut down in good faith." A wry, sardonic smirk marked the last of these demands, as the Demon King stood his ground before the crashing waves...awaiting this thing's answer.

06-17-12, 04:43 PM
Sorish looked up at the man upon hearing him call. Sorish instinctively didn't trust him, but not wanting to fight he decided to answer the man. "I am an adventurer who has come from the oceans depths to explore the place were The Kings of Above dwell." He called out to the armored man in a high bass voice, "I am sorry if I have come up on a place where few are permitted. If it pleases you sir, I shall return to the sea and come up somewhere else."
"Be careful Sorish, I don't trust this guy." Roxi thought to Sorish.
"Neither do I Roxi," Sorish thought back. Neither do I.

06-18-12, 12:29 AM
And perhaps that was wise. When it came to the Demon King, nothing was beyond his capability or grasp. None save he knew what brooding thoughts dwelt within the cavernous expanse of his mind, and perhaps that was what made him dangerous beyond measure.

A small, amused rumble emerged from his worn lips in the form of a chuckle upon listening to what this obviously sentient creature had to say. Not only that, but it spoke perfect Tradespeak; an impressive feat for a monstrosity arising from the deep, dark depths of the oceanic abyss. An expert eye noted the massive weaponry and armor that the seabeast wore; crude interpretations of the weaponry of man adorning it from neck to toe, along with a flimsy cloth attempting to conceal the obvious bulk beneath. It bore itself with the air of a warrior...amateur and young, but a warrior nonetheless.

Then there was the matter of its statement. Appropriately referencing those whom dwelt on land as the 'Kings of Above', logical reasoning could only lead to the conclusion that the massive beast had arisen from the depths of civilization itself; perhaps a civilization foreign to the ways of Man and their ilk, but a civilization nonetheless. This educated guess was reinforced by the very armory and bearing that the beast held itself, alongside its mannerisms and speech. What feral monstrosity, after all, would plead with apologies and compromise to a stranger of a man upon coming upon the stranger of a land?

No, the Demon King decided. He had naught to fear from this single soldier, this so-called 'adventurer'. The theorized kingdom beneath the depths, however... If not dealt with appropriately, the warlord could potentially have a whole other battle to face, in addition to his current conquests and strategies. On the other hand, if such an opportunity was taken advantage of, the power of the seas themselves could be at hand. He, Lord Solomon of the Outlands and Elsewhere, would not just be ruler over the lands but over the depths as well.

They would all kneel at his feet.

But first. The matter of this monstrosity upon his shores. "And tell me this, beast from the depths..." The obsidian-locked conquistador spoke in answer and simultaneous question, slowly moving his ironclad form further; closing the distance between he and his prey from fifteen feet to a mere ten. The men lined up at his back remained unmoving; waiting, stoic, until such a time where further orders would be given...or when they needed to. They were hard men, good men, strong men. They knew what to do.

He continued his speech towards the creature, his left hand remaining upon the upraised hilt of his old broadsword. "...Should I indeed let thee flee back unto thine native home, in what assurance do I have that ye will not return with legions of thine kind? For all I know, creature, ye could be the first of an invasion upon mine shores..." A heavy, significant pause, as the the older warrior's head tilted backwards, predator's mercury eyes meeting the pinkish gleam of his prey's against the glare of the shining, burning sun. "...And me and mine kind would be none the wiser."

06-18-12, 07:11 AM
Sorish looked at this armored man. He thought about the question for a minute and knew he was someone who either owned the land he was standing on or was planning on taking it for himself. "Roxi, we will have to stay on this land for a while till we can get him to trust us." He thought to Roxi.
"I'm afraid I have to agree with you. he seems to think we have an army waiting in the ocean. be careful how you tell him." she thought back.
"understood," Sorish thought then said, "There is no way of assuring you of anything for I am indeed the first of my kind to come up on land, but, I am willing to stay up on land for however long you wish me to be. I am a pacifist and a worshiper of the Kings of Above for they have done many strange and powerful things. Our homes and health have been destroyed by some form of goo coming down from their home, the water temperature has been rising as have the sea most likely because of these kings, and the most noticeable of all example of them being stronger than us is the fact they have been hunting our fish for years without even coming down to get them. The way we know about them is by their voices reaching us from above. We have called out to them in our speech for the first three generations but the forth had naturally learned their speech giving us the ability to request salvation. For years we have called out to them but to no avail. We gave up but we still worship them for they are still stronger then us. My reason for coming is to explore the lands of the Kings of Above as well as request face to face that they help us the Children of the Sea. If they do we will be grateful for all eternity. Even if they don't we shall continue to worship them as kings should be. My family has explored all the seas from The Demons Gorge to The Stacks of Smoke to even The Whirlpools of Coran. My family has seen it all. My hope is that one day I will see all the land of the Kings of Above." Sorish paused then glaired at this conqueror with not a single glint of fear in his eyes then continued, "Maybe one day I will meet one who will be willing to help my people though I doubt that man will be you." he pointed at the armored man. "I know from your voice and your stature that you are a conqueror. There have been a Many of those in the Lands of Coral through out the years. All you want is to control the seas from below. Listen up, my people worship the Kings of Above but will not bow before anyone that come to control them. They will fight to protect their land. That is a warning for you. They will never attack the lands of Kings of Above, but they will guard their homes with their life. That is my statement."
"You got carried away Sorish look at him." Roxi thought to Sorish.
"I know Roxi, but I can't let him attack my home just because he wants it for his own." Sorish thought back.
"Lets hope you didn't do the opposite." Roxi thought.
"If he heads deeper into the sea my 20 years as an experienced warrior will come in handy. For now though we will watch him." Sorish thought

06-18-12, 04:32 PM
The Demon King threw back his maned head, and laughed.

It was a disturbing, full sound, a basso rumble that echoed across the reaches of the beach even over the rush of the oncoming tide, the waves whispering their sensual presence. It came with a quality that could only be described as supernatural, for as he laughed it reached on several levels of being; as if it were a sound that permeated not just the material world but that of the spiritual and divine as well. Along the edge of the beach's entrance, his men almost universally flinched as his laughter rolled over them, the sinister sound causing their adrenaline to spike and and every one of their bodies were set on awakened edge; there was no relaxation in his presence, no sleeping on the job, and his cruel amusement made sure of it.

For about a straight half a minute did the Emperor of the Outlands make the fact of his entertainment sound, making no other move, no steps forward; just stood there. Then it died away as he brought his chin back forward, the remnants of his amusement still playing upon his thin lips in a trifling smirk that silently demanded proof from those whom looked upon it. "Ah, yes," Came his mocking vocals, striking out at the very existence around him and finding it wanting. "Please do continue in singing me the song of thine people. It will only make the coming genocide all the more sweeter to the taste."

An armored hand arose from the depths of his obscuring mantle, clenching into an upturned first before him; the universal sign of confidence, of resolution, of power. Still retaining that cold smirk upon his aged visage, the Demon King continued; his voice loud enough to be heard even by his men along the beach's line. "Thou hast claimed that thee knows me, creature. How quick thou art to call me a man of conquest in thine own condemning, righteous tone. To this, I say unto thee," He raised his upturned fist, and suddenly his fingers executed into a series of movements; silent commands to the audience of flesh at his back. There was the general sound of rustling, before one man disappeared entirely from that line; walking away, it seemed, from the group at large. "T'would hath been best that you simply stayed in thine oceanic passivity, beast. These lands are not a haven for the likes of thee or thine seemingly equally pathetic kine. Nay, here the law is made and enforced by blood and steel, by ambition and death. Here, we are Kings of destruction and discord, and we reap what we sow. Here, oh talkative kine of mine, we are all conquerors."

He tilted his head, and a sadist's grin pulled on the man's taut flesh; making him appear more monster than man. He turned and his presence grew; for while he was, in truth, physically smaller than the coral soldier in terms of pure height, a mere observer would not see this. Their eyes would be drawn to his dark majesty as he slowly made his way from where the beast stood, and think him a goliath even in comparison to the monstrosity intruding upon Fallien's refuge. He paused, one last time, to speak over his shoulder to the coral-like creature. "Thine mistake was in thine amiability. Something to ponder whilst thee sits with thine kin in the darkness of oblivion."

He chuckled before gesturing to the line of men on the edge, giving his orders both silently and vocally. "Assemble the war galleons," He called out to others behind what could be seen; after all, even this punitive force he'd brought with him numbered easily close to a hundred, if one only took the time to step up and look. Warriors all, the people whom had initially fled the beach now cowered behind those armored killers, watching the events now happening between the warlord and the invading monstrosity with morbid fascination. "And the hydromancers, Wizard Goretusk." He turned now to an orc, adorned in leathers and trinkets and skulls all, whose tusks protruded with crimson pride. "I trust thee in handling them?"

"M'lord." The Wizard bowed his head slightly; a significant feat for one of his arcane stature. All on Althanas knew the prestige and power of Wizards; for one to show subservience to another, seemingly ordinary man said levels about just what kind of being the Demon King was. "Of course. They are all trained in both evocation and thaumaturgy, as you requested."

The warlord grunted as he continued to stride upwards and away from the singular soldier by the sea; for it mattered not, now, what the creature decided to do. If he sought to attack alone, he obviously would have the disadvantage of numbers against him; not accounting into whatever strange power the conqueror and his accompanying Wizard had. And if he fled back into the sea to perhaps warn his fellow kine, it wouldn't do any difference. No matter how much preparation the kine beneath laid in wait, they would simply be a construct of sand laid to waste by the incoming, cold and uncaring ocean that was the Demon King and his forces.

For unbeknownst to the coral monstrosity, this army was not just a force of Man brought together under a singular banner. Nay, Solomon himself had assembled his warriors; all for the cause of slaying the ambient Gods. As such, as he retreated from the soldier on the beach his men drew forth powerful recurve bows; equipping the ranged weaponry with harpoon-like armor-piercing ammunition. His men were strong, and he'd afforded them recurve bows rather than regular due to the fact that such bows were, unlike regular ones, made specifically to enhance and transfer the warrior's physical strength into the piercing power of the arrow.

They were no fools. They too saw the massive shield and blade that the creature wore. And thus, when the tips of over thirty arrowheads aimed at their prey, they were aimed with certainty. Each nocked arrow screamed I dare you, dare you to move.

06-18-12, 05:05 PM
"Roxi, I am sorry for getting out of hand. Now would be a good time to leave my body and flee. No matter what happens to me you must live. Those Arrows can easily pierce my armor especially with those style of bows. Please flee to my people and warn them to prepare for a battle of great proportions. These men will head for them as soon as they finish me." Sorish thought to Roxi.
"Sorish, challenge that mettle maniac to a 2 on 2 battle. If you do that there is a possibility of winning without being killed. It will be us two against whoever he sends out." Roxi replied.
"No, instead it will be a one on one. You are not permitted to fight. Instead you must watch from the water out of reach of the battle this way it will be fair." Sorish replied. "If it starts to turn for the worse do as I have told you understood?"
"Fine, but please be careful." Roxi answered and left his neck and slithered away in silence.
When Roxi was out too far for the man to get her he yelled to the warlord. "Coward, you have raised my blood to the point of boiling. You say 'we are all conquerors' " Sorish points his finger at the Warlord. "but you flee from a challenge that you have not conquered. It would be a great honor for you to be able to bring down a giant by yourself but you hide behind a line of arrows. You are no conqueror. A true conqueror would fight a single being in a one on one. Coralian Conquerors have taken on sharks thrice," he holds up three fingers, "their size and won. You are no conqueror."

06-19-12, 03:45 PM
The sea wind blew, causing the waistcoat and the skirt to flutter as Isylle walked along the beach towards the confrontation. Her black shoes made no impression upon the sand as a round patch of young, green grass grew continuously beneath her, leaving a trail of new life leading all the way back inland. The occasional wildflower bloomed in that green line, adding splashes of color to what might be considered the flower fairy's greeting card.

If one follows her trail all the way back, it ended abruptly near a large stone, completely devoid of any means of entrance or exit. Whatever her faults, Isylle was most interested in seeing and examining new species of plant life, to understand their properties, and to assimilate their uniqueness into her repertoire of breeds. This day, she had been tending a new nursery of Gravelight Bells when she felt more than heard a violet-rimmed gap open up nearby. She had pointed her umbrella at it, the same umbrella that she laid open above her shoulder even now.

She had said, "Itera."

Itera had replied, "Isylle."

"You know that I dislike interruptions." Isylle had finished conditioning the soil around the last Bell and looked up into the amber eyes of the blond woman leaning halfway through the rift.

"Oh~? I thought you loved me. There's some kind of creature that crawled out of the sea. He says that he lived there. Someone might be trying to make him into seafood."

Isylle did not ask how the border fairy knew this; as far as she understood, the border fairy knew everything because she spied everywhere. Instead, she asked, "Your price?"

"That you do as you feel is best."

Isylle had lowered her umbrella and stepped through the proffered gap, finding herself near a beach on the other end. Itera had vanished shortly afterwards, but Isylle reasoned that would be a strange day indeed if the border fairy wasn't watching from one of her tiny spying-gaps.

She dipped a hand into a pocket, coming up with a dozen small, oblong seeds. They had once been sunflowers, her favorite, but she had bent their life at the germline, merging features of many other things, among them plants, to form this simple, beautiful method of persuasion. She glanced left at the crowd and the soldiers as she came to a stop about fourty yards away. There were too few of them to matter, not here, not for her.

"I am no conqueror." She called aloud, "I am a gardener, a lover of flowers. Won't you take me to your underseas-place and show me the flowers under the waters? I have never seen them before." She dropped the seeds into the wet, salty sand and injected a measure of her will into the ground. The patch of grass underfoot grew in an eyeblink to ten yards across. Twelve big sunflowers, each easily nine feet tall, grew up, budded, bloomed, and matured in the span of nine seconds. Each one turned to face the Demon King and his men. They were echeloned evenly on either side of her.

The Seven-Colored Sleet Sunflower, one of Isylle's simpler creations from cross-breeding the sunflower and a certain dehiscent vine. Each floret and seed sat on a helically-shaped septal complex which, once matured, snapped out with a popping noise to forcefully hurl the seed up to a hundred yards away. It was rather inaccurate, true, but the sunflower had seven to eight hundred seeds per flower. The name "Seven-Colored" comes not from the petals, which were yellow, but rather from the toxic dust that results as seeds pulverize themselves on impact.

Isylle didn't need more stock for Gravelight Bells just yet. These were simply hallucinogens and relaxants, almost pleasant in their effects.

"Please lay aside your quarrel, lord, until I have seen his gardens. There isn't any need to rush over one person, would you?" Isylle continued to smile pleasantly towards the Demon King. Secretively, she retrieved and dropped a few bamboo seeds into the sand; it would only take a second to bring up a thick wooden shield, as fast as those grew.

Isylle murdered casually, people and animals were to her as grass and weeds were to people. She didn't murder for fun, because there were much more fun things to do to creatures. Today, she had an objective in mind and she rather hoped that she didn't have to trigger her sunflowers.

06-19-12, 06:32 PM
"I hope you have a plan." Sorish said to the newcomer. "By what I can tell this guy will stop at nothing to get what he wants. After he is taken care of, I would be happy to show you all the gardens of the sea. Though most of them are ill right now do to that horrible goo." Sorish said tilting his head down but not taking his eyes off the "lord", as the woman had called him. He then snapped his head up as he smelled something on the breeze. It was a calming scent that he had never smelled before. One that he hoped would never dissipate from his nostrils. He didn't know why but he felt calmer then before. So calm that he even unconsciously motioned for Roxi to get back in his head. Roxi happily obliged as she noticed all the troops putting down their bows smelling the air. They to had caught the scent and was falling under it's spell.

A couple of minutes passed before Sorish felt that it was safe for him to leave and continue on his journey. Sure the Conqueror was still conscious but he seemed to not be in the mood for a fight so Sorish walked over to the lady to talk.

Sen Zelrok
07-03-12, 11:41 PM
Hm, Las Racada thought, That creature could feed my whole civilization if it weren't for the fact that he is to much like a plant. He looked around for something more tasty to eat. He suddenly laid eyes on one of the fatter troops who was with that annoying warlord. He had fallen asleep after that scent spread through the air. Ah, now that is what I'm looking for, he thought to himself then walked over to the sleeping man. Hm, not much of a challenge though this way, he thought then flicked the man on the nose. "How about you follow me big guy," he said in his high shrill voice. The man looked at this foot tall creature then smiled. I must be dreaming, "Okay then lead the way." Las Racada smiled then lead the man to the sand just outside the scent zone."I challenge you to a fight," Las Racada said to the man. The man laughed What a strange dream I'm having. "Very well little thing, I accept your challenge," The man said. Las Racada growled, he hated when people underestimated him because of his size. It made things "too easy". He watched as the man swung his sword at him.suddenly the sword seamed to slow down as his Mind Speed Control kicked in. he side stepped the sword then jumped on top of it. This surprised the man but he still thought this creature was crazy for even thinking that he could beat a man in the Demon King's Army. He released the sword from his hand just as Las Racada had jumped onto his face. Las Racada started punching and scratching with his 3" retractable claws. After about 5 minutes of this, dodging the hands of the man as he tried to get him off his face, the man died. Now to cut him up into pieces that I can carry, Las Racada thought as he started cutting int the man with his claws removing all the meat from the bones. "Now I have enogh food for the year he thought as he put the last of the mans meat into his bag. Now to see what is going on with that Plant Creature.

07-05-12, 02:44 PM
"I didn't have a plan." While the concept of lying as something not to do or something to be ashamed of never actually took hold in her homeland, Isylle actually wasn't lying this time. She wasn't thinking about telling the truth, either. What she was thinking instead was, damn it, Itera! She knew that there would be a catch, but she had never expected that catch to be something like stopping a first contact and invasion of some kind. Her flowers were complaining about the salty sand and she was sure that she'll have to flush out her shoes after this trip. That was the worst part: sand in her stockings.

Still, everything had worked out well. Nobody's gotten shot, she hadn't had to trigger the sunflowers, and there had been enough time for her to grow and mature an entire vine of Soul-Softening Fragrance. Isylle, wearing a new wreath of butter-yellow, bowl-shaped flowers about her head, waited for the... thing... to approach. The calming, intoxicating fragrance grew ever stronger as he approached; this was how she lured the unsuspecting traveller into the forest and an early grave. Well, it was usually one flower, not nine, and it was usually in a pot, not firmly rooted in her scalp and feeding on her. It was probably going to leave a small bald spot when she plucked it out again.

Damn it, Itera.

Isylle was still radiating that pleasant smile when Sorish came to a stop. She closed one eye - the green one - and said, "I think that you have what you need already. So, how will you give me what I need? In pots? In tanks? Or perhaps there can be some way for me to breathe underwater?"

There was a moment's pause while Isylle appeared to think, both eyes closed. She was being incredibly silly at the poor thing, of course. For all that she looked like a 'human', that was essentially just appearances. Whatever powers she exerted over plants, she also exerted over herself because she had regenerated so many pieces of herself over the last millenium that she was effectively entirely plant now. She didn't even breathe, in the animal sense of the word. No sense in letting the creature know, though.

This was going to ruin a nice dress, though. Damn it, Itera.

07-05-12, 10:58 PM
Sorish looked at the young lady and smiled. He had never seen such a beautiful young lady in his life. If only she was older, Sorish thought. "I have planned on showing the Kings of Above about what is beneath the sea." He said turning his head towards his backpack which had a closed tank on it, "Included in my presentation was some plants that I had grown in this tank and others that I had carefully transplanted from goo infected areas. I made a choice that these plants would be presentation only. If you like, I can supply you with seeds of every plant grown by my people. I can also give you a sample of the algae that lives in my skin. It supplies me with nutrients and gives me my color while I give it a safe place to live." He looked at her then continued, " I would also like to talk to you about a problem that has occurred recently do to the Kings of Above influence. Though, I think we should go and talk in private."

07-08-12, 03:19 PM
Ashla Rose Icebreaker woke up on the grainy sand floor of the beach. She had been trampled by a large group of running, frightened people. Now she woke up again. She couldn't see anyone close by though. She had completely forgotten what everyone was running from too. She just remembered running, and being trampled upon. She jumped when she heard a "meow" right next to her. She turned and saw her tabby orange cat, Fireleaf, standing in front of her. "Oh... Hello, Fireleaf."


"Are you hungry, boy?"

The tabby smacked his lips and licked his face. She laughed, "I take that as a 'yes'! Ha, ha!" She pulled out some meat from one of the pockets in her belt, "Here you go, buddy." and she started to feed her cat... The only family she had. She suddenly noticed a monster like figure, in which seemed to be made of coral talking to a young looking girl.

"What's that?" she asked herself. There was only one way to find out, she finished feeding Fireleaf, then picked him up. I'm probably gonna get into trouble for this, but oh well. She started to walk towards the coral being and the girl.

07-08-12, 05:51 PM
Sorish notice the little girl walking towards them. He turned to her to find out what she wanted. It was then that he noticed the animal in her arms. He looked at the strange creature for a few moments thinking that this creature was extremely cute. He looked at the girl and smiled, "May I help you young lady?" He asked.

07-08-12, 07:37 PM
"Um..." Ashla stammered, You're such a coward, Ashla! Now stop looking like a frightened cat and say something! "Um... I... I- I'm almost out of food! And- and I was wondering if you had any." It was actually true; she had given the last of her meat to her silly cat. "It's more of my cat than me. I'm surprised he hasn't gained any weight from eating this much!"


"Oh, shut up, Fireleaf."

07-08-12, 08:07 PM
Sorish smiled then looked at the cat again. "So this is what they call a cat?" he thought to Roxi.
"Looks like it will eat me." Roxi replied nervously.
"Want to find out?" Sorish asked.
"No!" Roxi Yelled into his head giving him a headache.
Sorish held his head for a while then shook it. He then replied to the girl, "I can get you some food." Then walked into the water. After a few minutes he returned carrying tones of fish. Put the fish down in a sack then replaced the breathing bubble spell. "Slos O, Slos O, son no mi shin Slos O." He then picked up the sack and continued towards the girl. If you want and my friend agrees you can join us. You can eat while me and my friend here talk.

07-09-12, 11:30 AM
"Thank you, sir" Ashla replied him. They both looked to Isylle for her final decision to if Ashla could join dinner with them.

07-09-12, 01:16 PM
Now that was manners, entirely. Isylle decided that the moment that she no longer needed the shellfish-thing, she was going to give it a thorough thrashing. One does not simply turn their back on a greater fairy and walk off to do something else, not without words of apology and excusing themselves. There were some happy thoughts already regarding how to apply her parasol in this matter, starting with introducing the concept of an oversized shell-cracker to the thing.

As for the interloper, Isylle had no idea why the creature had showed up and had as much pity for the animal's predicament as most people had for the predicament of a wilting flower found on the side of the road. At least the flower had decency to be passively found; this girl had walked right up and impolitely failed to introduce herself. Well, she'll learn, if she survives.

While this was all going on inside her head, Isylle's face continued to radiate pleasantness and smiles. About the only thing that might be wrong with it all was a little twitch of her left eyebrow, the one above the green eye. Entire hordes of fairies fled the fields when that happened, although that sort of behavior also sometimes happened whenever they saw Isylle coming. Or heard that Isylle was in the area. Usually, a few new, curious, or masochistic ones stayed.

First matters first, there was a coral-thing showing her up in hospitality right now. Granted, this wasn't her house - she has never even seen this place before - but Isylle still felt compelled to establish a general dominance over the situation. She felt like being... nice.

Damn it, Itera.

"Good day. My name is Isylle. And I am ever so pleased to meet you." Isylle was being ironic at the others to make herself feel better. It was petty, below her, and she hated herself ever the more for it. "Perhaps something a little more civilized?" She offered, smiled, and stretched out a hand above the ground.

The bamboo seeds germinated and accelerated, their stalks twisting together as they emerged from the sand like a woody tide. Rhizomes spread out in every direction and formed a carpet of densely woven, green roots. A few seconds later, there was a very serviceable wooden table growing out of the ground in front of Isylle, along with two stools. Neither were for her. The throne that had grown up and gently cupped her from behind is the only fitting seat. The butter-yellow flowers springing from the vine twisting around the edges of that throne added to the fragrance from her crown.

Somewhere nearby, a dandelion echoed its surprise as blood dripped all over it, covering its leaves and starving it. Isylle turned one lazy eye in that direction and - just barely - spotted a flicker of red and black. Some kind of small creature probably killing a squirrel or the like. Uninteresting.

The fairy closed her parasol and hung it on a convenient loop of vine, then opened a pocket to pluck out five ripe strawberries. It stands to note that these were completely out of season at the time. She rolled the perfectly-formed fruits into a shallow depression at the center of the table, then smiled encouragingly at the other two.

What happens when the freshly-eaten strawberry seeds suddenly decide to take root? Isylle has seen it before and it has always amused her. Encore.

Sen Zelrok
07-09-12, 01:45 PM
Sen Zelrok looked towards the two who were standing on the sand and noticed the third girl. hmm, i've seen the other one before, but where? he thought to himself as he then realized one of his bags of meat was torn. shoot, i hope no one notices the blood trail. He was hiding behind a bush, and he his extreme senses enabled him to hear the conversation in which the three were having. [/I]At least i'm not the one she's offering to eat that fruit, i wouldn't wan't to offend her, or anyone right now. I can't stand eating anything not meat[/I]

Sen Zelrok wanted to know why he recognized the girl and decided to take a chance. He walked out from the bush and the crowd of people who were still watching and waiting for something to happen. slowly he walked up to the giant coral creature and said to him "Excuse me sir, but what is going on here? I was in the area and happened to notice everyone running away. I also did notice that scent in which had caused everyone to go calm, but of coarse i'm immune to stuff like that, it's against my nature to be that calm."

07-09-12, 10:53 PM
Sorish turned to the other "Cat" and said, "I'm sorry, it was my fault. I should have chosen a more secluded spot to 'appear' at. The scent is thanks to this lovely lady who so kindly helped me out of a jam. "He said motioning to Isylle then his eye's widened. "How rude of me," he said turning to The flower girl, "I can't believe I forgot to thank you and introduce myself. My name is Sorish Mon Larsh. I am grateful for your help. Also if I have offended you for walking away then I'm sorry. I just have a helpful nature. Sometimes it gets the best of me and I forget my manners. Oh and thank you for the fruit," He said taking the strawberries. "I am willing to cook the fish, then we can all eat. Isylle, you and I can talk about my dept over the meal" he said with smile.

07-10-12, 09:18 AM
Isylle's smile never wavered as she observed the new arrival and heard the apology. Maybe she won't hurt him as badly now. Maybe. At least, she was all too happy to let him do the talking and explaining to the... thing. The situation was simply absurd.

Well, this was all very unusual. The big monster, the little monster, and the beggar girl. Suddenly, I'm playing host to a bunch of animals. Damn it, Itera.

"I don't eat." Isylle half-truthed. She did enjoy eating sometimes. She did not, strictly speaking, need to eat food so long as she took time to connect with a glade, field, or forest that has been in sunlight. The reason here was that the unusual animals in front of her were turning her stomach, the hideous things.

It wouldn't do for the host to simply sit there and stare, though. Isylle traced a finger across her woody throne and coaxed a cup-shaped flower to grow, fuse, and harden. A finger slipped through the loop of a handle. There was a dry snap when the thin stem underneath gave away, then another dry snap as the stem connecting the saucer went. There was nectar in the cup, a thin golden yellow in the sunlight.

Isylle lifted the cup to her lips and sipped quietly at it before answer Sorish, "Of course, you are free to do as you will."

07-10-12, 11:27 AM
Sorish nodded and turned to the other two. "The fish will be done in a few minutes." he said with a smile then pulled out a Coralian Grill then placed some fish on it, leaving some raw for Fireleaf. "How do you guys want your fish?" he asked.

07-10-12, 11:58 AM
"I really don't care how my fish are." Ashla stated. "But could you hand me one of those strawberries please? They look spectacular!"

07-10-12, 06:46 PM
"Of course, you are free to do as you will." Isylle said again, and went back to her nectar. She wanted no part of this cooking and dinnering ritual, beyond as an observer. That might to lead to what some call bonding, but for Isylle, that was a type of bonding that she usually didn't carry any truck with. She bonded through inflicting pain, which was to come much later. There was, however, something that drew her curiosity.

Where in the world had the coral-man pulled a grill out from? It wasn't as if he had walked up on the beach while hauling a skid full of sundries. For that matter, why does he know how to grill in the first place? this implied all sorts of curious things, such as there being fire underwater. Presumably it was the same kind of fire that was used on land, since he was using the same sort of fire without, apparently, any additional confusion due to the environment.

Isylle resolved to ask the question and, if it didn't satisfy her, add it to the list of desired answers that she was going to beat out of him later, "You know your way around a grill." The question mark, she felt, was unnecessary.

07-10-12, 07:41 PM
Ashla eagerly took a strawberry to put into her mouth, but when she did, she noticed that the strawberry felt more like an ice-sickle than a fruit. She took it back out and found that it had turned to ice. "Oops..." she said, a little embarrassed, "Whenever I get excited, my ice powers get a little out of control. I am so sorry about that." She put it back down on the table, Fireleaf jumped up and started to munch on the small strawberry ice structure.

07-10-12, 10:34 PM
Oh yes, we Coralians love to grill over the magma we find in the deep. I carried it with me all the way from home. The magma is just under the grill top," he said with a smile. This was one of his ways of calming down, grilling fish. He doesn't really need the nutrients from the fish since his algae give him enough of its nutritional waste. He only eats for comfort and boy, did he need that after that conqueror tried to take his home as his own.

07-11-12, 09:22 AM
Isylle decided to beat the answer out of him later. Magma under water, she reasoned, would get you boiled fish, which in no way used a grill of any sort. The coral-thing was lying through his mandibles and she was very much for applying pain to people until the truth comes out. One drop at a time, if necessary. She stared at her drink. She drank her drink.

Contemplation took over while she squeezed an engorged flower into her cup. It was probably her own fault with the Soul-Softening Fragrance that she wasn't already in a happily smiling flurry of apply-umbrella-to-head. It was probably the coral-thing's fault that he was straining that thin covering of algae to the limits like a very selfish, demanding baron on his tenants. She could feel the algae from here, the poor, stunted things. To make herself feel better, Isylle imagined the colonies infiltrating that stony shell, cracking and ripping until only a mass of green remained.

She sipped again at her cup and turned to study the randomly-freezing Ashla. A pity about the strawberry; the seeds probably hadn't survived the freeze, so Isylle will have to try to get her to eat another strawberry. Without freezing, this time. Given the way that the cat seemed to be practiced at biting through solid chunks of ice with little needly teeth intended for soft flesh, that task will be a challenge in the face of how often the freezing apparently happened.

"Your... cat... has strong jaws."

07-11-12, 12:51 PM
Ashla chuckled, "He's only thirsty I guess. Those ice pieces aren't to big though... He also gnaws on branches and other stuff. He's a strange cat, I know." She went over to Fireleaf and picked him up to take him over to the fish again, "But eating solid ice isn't very good for your teeth, Fireleaf, eat this fish." And she set him down next to the raw fish Sorish set out for him. Right after she set him down, he walked back to the ice shards and started to nibble at them again, "Oh, stupid cat..." Ashla said annoyed, under her breath.

07-11-12, 01:28 PM
Sorish laughed at the cat then turned back to his grill. The fish seemed to be finishing quicker than usual. He flipped them over so that they wouldn't burn. Maybe it is the location, he thought as he watched the fish.

07-11-12, 08:14 PM
Iris woke up, her head felt heavy as she sat up "Uhhh, where am I?" Then it hit her, she was at the same place she got sorta, well, trampled on. It hit her quickly, I had to be walking along the beach, right then, of course! She was pretty klutsy at times, but never minded. She got up, and took a step. Well. That failed. She fell right back down on the ground, she needed to rest...or...get to the water! She called out to her kitten, Deer. "Deer! Here Deer! Come her boy!" She yelled. Instantly the small fur-ball was in her lap. She groaned as she tried to get up, again. This time succeding. She looked to the side to see a few people...wait...one was...a coral person?!? Ok, now to be scared she thought. Unable to move without severe pain, which meant unable to get into the water. She sighed and called for help. "Hey!! A little help over here!!" Turning to her kitten she muttered "I hope I haven't made a mistake coming here..."

07-11-12, 08:20 PM
Ashla looked over to see a girl only a little younger than she was, calling to them "Hey!! A little help over here!!" And she muttered something to her- She has a cat too! So cute!

This girl looked very weak... She needed help, "Sorish! Isylle! She needs help! C'mon!" And she began to run towards the girl, "Hang on, stranger! I'm coming!!"

07-11-12, 08:30 PM
Hearing a girls call, she turned to see a girl, slightly older then her, run over to help. "Thank you!" she yelled back. If only I could of gotten to the water!!

07-11-12, 08:34 PM
Ashla got to her took her arm placing it over her neck, allowing the girl's weight to fall on her. Ashla helped her back to the others. "What happened to you? Are you alright?" She asked the newcomer.

07-11-12, 08:42 PM
Sorish turned as he heard Ashla yell. he turned and saw the girl being seated at the table. He put his fish in front of her and a strawberry on her plate. "You need this more than I do," he said with a smile then took a seat next to Issyle. "Now then about that debt I owe you for saving my life."

07-12-12, 09:26 AM
"Well, y'see, I sort of got tangled up when the stampede it, and well, I think I broke my leg" Iris answered the girl, a bit awkardly. Then turning to the coral person, she blinked then said shyly "T-thank you." She started to eat the fish, looking around. Why do I always get into these situations?!? Quickly looking around, she saw her kitten come over to her. "Deer!!" She called out to him. Ok, maybe not so bad....

07-12-12, 09:30 AM
"We were discussing," Isylle began, having not moved an inch from her seat during the entire commotion with the apparently injured newcomer, "The interesting issue of myself walking along with you under the sea. If it would please you, you can instead collect individual growths and bring them back up in tanks."

She glanced down at the reflection of her fixed smile in her half-empty cup while considering the new factor and entertaining the notion of getting to know her before using her for fertilizer. Like an irregular geyser, Isylle's fury erupted all the stronger the longer that it was left unacted upon. That was dangerous. She might kill them too soon and spoil all the fun of stretching out the whole process.

"Good day. I'm Isylle, and I'm ever so pleased to meet you." Politeness first, and then she can start with letting out the pressure, just a little. "You look like you're dead on your feet, dear. Do let me help you up."

The fairy concentrated. The bamboo seat that Ashla had yielded to Iris grew a back, armrests, and legrests, propping Iris into a slightly reclined position.

"You shouldn't move, though. It might worsen the injury." A few vines - rhizomes twisted by the fairy's command - grew from the woody floor around the seat and entwined their way up the seat to wrap snugly around Iris' arms, legs, waist, neck - everywhere. They thickened into tough, thumb-thick growths in under a minute to hold Iris still.

"Much better. That looks like it hurts. Let me do something about that for you."

Isylle cupped one of the flowers sprouting around her seatback and breathed lightly on it. The yellow petals slowly swelled and turned a bright red color, spotted with black dots. With her fingernails, Isylle gently slit each petal in turn and milked the juices into her own cup of nectar. She offered her teacup, saucer and all, to Ashla.

"You should be careful when feeding her. Wouldn't want any accidents."

This might turn out to be a nice day, after all. It was one of her favorite beginnings that involved a little subtlety; even a heavy dose of morphine was nigh tasteless in the nectar's overwhelming flowery sweetness. However, drinking it would not let the curare absorb; curare didn't absorb through the stomach.

"She seemed to have a few open wounds. You can crush the petals over them to help numb the pain, too." Isylle gently plucked the flower and placed it on the table, letting whichever caring person decide. She wasn't lying. The painkilling was monstrously effective; it was like a warm, relaxing, pink fuzz of comfort. She had simply not mentioned that it would leave the 'patient' paralyzed, as well.

07-12-12, 10:33 AM
"Well then, I'm glad I had brought this tank of plants with me." he said lifting the tank off his back. He placed it on the table. The tank had a divider in it. The left half was full of plants that were lush, green and colorful while on the right the plants looked like they were sick; white, grey, brown and even some blacks. "The left half of the tank are plants that I grew in the tank," Sorish explained, "while the ones on the right are the same plants that I transplanted from goo infected areas. We have tried everything to find a cure for them but any Coralian that come into direct contact with the goo gets sick. I was hoping to convince you Kings of Above to stop dumping the goo into our homes. That's why I brought this. I have more seeds if you wish to take these healthy samples with you."

07-12-12, 12:10 PM
Isylle looked at the plants with her fingers interlaced underneath her chin. It was a very long look filled to the brim with interrogations and response. One might even suspect that she was some sort of plant telepath, except that everyone knew that plants couldn't talk or think. Everyone.

Isylle was doing something a good deal more dangerous than talking to plants. She was thinking. Whenever Isylle thought, people got hurt because that was what her thoughts on people revolved around. Already, she was losing interest in the well-being of these green plants because, well, there weren't any flowers. Her new interest involved the stunted growths caused by the so-called 'goo'. It was an offensive and somewhat fascinating problem that might yield to her careful work.

She absently unbuttoned the cuff on and rolled back her right sleeve, then dipped a hand into the healthier portion of the tank. She scooped up a little of the seawater, let most of it leak, and then stared at the remaining bit of water cupped in her hand. She went still.

It had been a simple matter to convince the kelp that it would like to have some kids. Miniscule pustules all across the fronds opened and released the maleness and femaleness; there were half a hundred floating in the little bit of water. A miniature orgy occured. Isylle started to pick at the resulting spores and turn their nature.

For stability, the roots will not only glue onto the rocks but bore deep. They will rend and tear their way until the plant was inseperable from its footing. This trait she grafted from shrubs and trees of the highest mountains.

For strength, the siliceous minerals around the infiltrating roots will be slowly dissolved. They will precipitate out again as tiny needles in the stem and on the edge of the leaves. They will make the plant tough without being woody. This trait she grafted from the diatom algae.

For nutrition, the leaf hairs will sift out the marine snow in the currents and modified stomata will imbibe and ingest the result, forming pustules where cultivated bacteria will digest and free the nutrients for the plant. This trait she grafted from legumes and mangroves.

For energy, the leaves will have buoyant bladders along the centers, floating them higher in the water and closer to the sun. The stems will grow long and stay strong. The plant will form great forests underwater through which no light shines through. This trait she enhanced from the original.

For tolerance, the veins will filter its own sap and concentrate the toxins in hardened nodules around the roots. It will live in poisoned waters without becoming poisoned. When it dies, the poisoned sap will remain sealed away in the nodules, safe from future generations. This trait she grafted from one of her own sunflower breeds, used for soil detoxification.

For beauty, the many-petaled flowers will be beautiful white, yellow, and red. They phosphoresce faintly in the night, the better to attract small fish, where the fish will choke and die on the needly leaves and petals. The sinking corpses will provide fertile material to feed itself. These flowers she shaped carefully by hand.

For growth, the self-fertilizing flowers will release spores by the millions to drift on the current and spread over the ocean. The roots will send out running rhizomes to spawn additional stands nearby. A grove will double its size in weeks. This trait she grafted from the kudzu, the bamboo, and the spruce.

Isylle breathed quietly on her handful of seawater and spores, the fast-spreading, resilient, inedible new breed that chokes out all light and life within its immense groves. She was content at a job well-done, then looked up at the coral-thing, "I have made for you the Green Shadow In The Water. Should you choose to plant these, they will grow and cleanse the goo there." That much, was true.

She dripped her handful into the hardened bowl of a fallen, hardened flower petal and pushed the bowl full of the green doom of the sea towards Sorish, smiling pleasantly.

07-12-12, 12:29 PM
Sorish was dumbstruck. She had created a new plant from the healthy plants he had brought. "Well, thank-you" he said smiling at her. "I would like to know if there is any kind of care it needs. I plan on planting the first seeds myself in an goo filled dome that we had first created to test out our experiments to clean the goo. None of which succeeded. As a mater of fact it just made it worse due to the goo growing with each experiment as if it feed on our effort."

07-12-12, 01:15 PM
She watched the conversation going on between the two people. It felt strange to be taken care of my all these strangers, almost scary in fact. The last time she'd been taken care of was, in fact years ago. She felt a fire grow inside of her, not anger, but confusion and hurt. Not at them, but at herself. I'm being to hard on myself, I need to calm down before I blurt something out really stupid. Well, as she watched, she realized she had NO idea what a going on. "Is there something wrong? May I help?" She asked, a bit quietly.

07-12-12, 01:32 PM
Sorish Turned to the young girl then smiled, "You are hurting my friend. I doubt that you can help. Besides, Isylle here has just helped me twice now." He said turning to Isylle, "I really need to find a way to thank-you. Not only did you help stop a fight that I really didn't want to fight but you also helped save the plants in my peoples lands."

07-12-12, 01:48 PM
For the first time, Isylle's pleasant smile turned into a disturbing grin that showed altogether too many teeth. The look in her eyes turned into one reminiscent of a supremely confident cat stalking along behind an oblivious, three-legged mouse. It said volumes on the subject of You're really in for it now and you don't even realize it.

"A war would be unpleasant." The grin faded as she brought herself back under mild control.

Isylle waved a hand lazily in the direction of the girl trussed up into the chair. Now that she had this morsel, she certainly wasn't going to let it go in the name of helping anything. "Someone should feed that girl her medicine. It will make things easier."

07-12-12, 02:27 PM
"What type of medicine should I get?" Ashla asked Isylle quickly. Ashla found that by that certain smile Isylle showed, she suddenly felt something cold and uneasy about this particular fairy. And now, she didn't feel like talking to her. But she was right about one thing: the other girl needed some medicine.

07-12-12, 02:32 PM
Iris flushed a bit angrily, she knew she could heal herself with her water element, but she didn't want to seem like she wasn't ungrateful for there kindness, but she didn't the medicene, just to work her own magic in the water. "A-actully, I don't need the medicene, I know how to heal myself, but I do need a bit of help" she glanced around nervously.

07-12-12, 07:11 PM
Iris looked at the two of them, bickering, she hurried to the water. Just before she was out of ear-shot she said "I do believe, that even if he's a blood-thirsty, horrible, killer monster, I trust him more then you. Because I know what I can do, and you don't know me. Just. Try. And. Push Me." The last part was said through gritted teeth. Sitting down in the water she started to concentrate on the water, swirling around her whole body, waiting for her comand to heal.

07-16-12, 11:07 AM
"You may do as you wish," Isylle lazily stretched a hand towards the cup on the table. She looked with half an eye as her little patient tore out of the loose vines binding her to the chair and hurried for the water. It was a look that half-heartedly said, Well, you do what you must, but it really doesn't matter in the end.

Isylle picked up the cup and gently swirled the contents, "Such suspicious and angry children, these days." Then she downed it in a single gulp and set down the empty vessel, licking her lips once for effect.

Delicious, and not poisoned at all! This was technically the truth, since the little opium for painkilling was never intended as poison and in any case curare doesn't absorb through animal stomachs. Then she got about the business of gently squeezing another swollen flower's contents into the cup.

"It happens to the best of us. There will be days when you'll be trapped, injured, and beyond your own devices to heal. The only thing that you hope for in those times is that you've made friends enough to help you. Do you have any friends like that, girl-child?"

07-16-12, 06:00 PM
Iris's face flushed when she asked that. Normally a similer question like that wouldn't bother her, she would just ignore it. But this time, it seemed that she would get her answer, one way or another. "No, I don't, and I never have." Tears filled her eyes, brushing them away angrily she sighed. She hated crying or being pressured to do so, but it seemed that her words hit the mark. More tears filed her eyes, this time, she didn't brush them away. "Nobody even..."

07-16-12, 06:56 PM
Ashla felt heart-broken to see this young girl start crying. She didn't have any friends? This was more than just a pity... Ashla knew what it felt like to be alone, and she was already calling Iris a friend, "Am I not your friend, Iris?"

07-16-12, 08:44 PM
OOC: For this post I am given permision to control Los Recada Lucardo Sen Zelrok.
Sorish looked at Iris then at Ashla. He then looked at one of the strange fruit on the table that Isylle had grown. He took one and ate it to calm himself. Then looked at Los Recada.
"Don't even think about giving me one of those." Recada said.
"I wasn't, I was just going to ask you if you had any friends."

Sen Zelrok
07-16-12, 08:53 PM
"I had friends, but they all died when the Kortics attacked our City. I... I watched them get cut down." Sen Zelrok began, starting to tear up a bit, "They were good people, always being there for you. It's just hard to believe that they're gone. My girlfriend and I escaped the city but were forced to split up in order to draw the guards into smaller groups. I'm not sure that she made it out alive." He finished wiping a tear from his eye.

07-16-12, 08:56 PM
Iris looked at Ashla, unsure for an answer. "I don't know...." she whispered. Another tear slipped down her cheek. She stared at her own arms, the scars on them more clearly....the ones she gave herself.

07-16-12, 08:58 PM
Megan was walking down the beach when she heard the people screaming and running away. "Oh well, something probably scared them, a shark maybe." She said as she kept walking. soon enough she was able to see a few people ahead. A giant coral like creature, three young ladies, and then noticed the Black cat like creature. Wait a second, I know those horns anywhere. It can't be, I thought he died. She began running towards them and yelled "ZeZe, is that you?"

Sen Zelrok
07-16-12, 09:08 PM
OOC: i have permission to control Megan throughout this thread.

Sen Zelrok looked up after hearing a familiar voice calling out a familiar nickname. Wait, the only one who knows that nickname is... But how... I didn't think she got away. Sen Zelrok thought to himself then turned around to see a White Lucarcian running towards them. "MeMe? You're alive?" He Said as he began to run to her. when they reached each other they gave each other a big hug and the kiss they were waiting for. "I didn't think you made it, I thought you died." He said as he slowly put his head down. "Just like Travaris. Just like Ashley."

Megan picked his head back up and said to him "Don't think about them. Let's just go back to your friends over there and forget about it." they then walked back to the group, arms wrapped around each other.

07-16-12, 09:12 PM
Sorish smiled as he saw the couple coming their way. "I see you have found one friend" he said to Recada as him and "MeMe" walked up to him.

07-17-12, 09:24 AM
Iris turned her head, seeing Sen Zelrok and someone walk towards them, there arms around each other. Ok, I gotta pull it together now! She thought, trying to control her tears, at least for now. But they just wouldn't stop rolling down her cheeks. Gosh dangit! C'mon me, pull yourself together!

07-17-12, 10:05 AM
Isylle looked on bemusedly at the scene of two cat-like creatures kissing, or at least trying to kiss. It was a very odd sort of display, since there were so very many barriers to the act such that one might be inclined to think that nature had not intended them to be able to do such a thing. There was the matter of the noses - or snouts, as the case may be - that mechanically interfered. There was the matter of the shape of the lips and their most un-ape-like thin quality that didn't exactly promote good sealing. There was the width of the mouth and the difficulty of getting the aformentioned thin lips to close up all the way around the sides. Finally, there were the fences of sharp fangs inside that mouth that suggested that any contact would result in perforated gums and perhaps a few sores and ulcers.

Unintended and unnatural acts had a habit of happening anyway. The sheer wrongness of it all fascinated Isylle for long seconds before she broke the spell on herself by taking a sip of nectar. She looked away from the approaching pair long enough to form up another stool from the woody substrate. It gave her time to think, time to plan around this rapidly-growing party. For a measure of control over the thinking and for insurance against, she tweaked the flowers to add a little extra scent in the mix.

The faint smell of something rather like vanilla drifted into the already all-encompassing fragrance from the soul-softening flowers. It was not beans, though, but rather their close cousin: opium.

It wouldn't hurt to bring Iris back under control, at least. The girl was busy being inconsolable and Isylle was hardly the type to genuinely want to stop someone from crying. The fairy retrieved a white linen handkerchief from a vest pocket and held it out on two fingers towards Iris. It smelled sweetly of vanilla.

"Dry your tears, girl-child. Do look around and see that you're in the company of friends. If you must shed tears, they should surely be for joy."

07-17-12, 11:11 AM
Iris took the handkerchief and wiped her eyes. She looked around. "Freinds" she repeated. "Why would any of you want to be my friend?"

07-17-12, 11:58 AM
Sorish turned towards Iris and said, "You have given us no reason to not be your friends, child. Though many feel that they have no need for friends and try to push them away everyone need them. Besides you already had a friend before even meeting us."

07-17-12, 12:10 PM
Isylle smiled a pleasant, eyes-almost-closed smile at Iris. She had good cause to; for starters, the poor girl was going to feel rather more calm and less depressed in a few minutes. For enders, she was probably going to feel warmly sleepy in another handful of minutes past that. Once she was yawning - such a cute face to yawn with - then it would be out of simple courtesy to offer a bed.

Then, fun things can happen.

There was a passing tremor of excitement in Isylle's hands. Her cup chattered softly against its saucer. "Why? Why indeed? What if I told you that I've found myself taking a liking to you? To the both of you, in fact." She nodded her cup towards Ashla before sipping from it. That was one problem solved. Now, how to capture the other?

"Wouldn't you like to get to know each other better? It seems to me that you'll rather enjoy spending a few days in each other's company." And with a few of my creations.

Isylle cocked one eyebrow towards Sorish, mutely asking him to expound on that last sentence.

07-17-12, 12:58 PM
Sorish looked over at Isylle hearing the cup and saucer rattle.
"Why is she trembling? Roxi asked Sorish.
"I have no idea." Sorish thought back.
"Are you Okay Isylle?" He asked.

07-17-12, 07:11 PM
She looked at Sorish for a few seconds "I doubt I ever had a friend, besides my kitten, Deer, though I don't think that counts" She petted him for a few secons before turning to Isylle "A liking to me? Why?" Yes, she knew she was curious but, it was better to clarify "I mean by that as in why would you take a liking to me" She countinued petting her kitten.

07-17-12, 08:47 PM
"Of course your kitten counts," Sorish said surprised that she didn't count her Kitten as a friend. "Has she stayed beside you ever since you met? Has she ever gone off to find someone to help you when you were injured? Has she ever hurt you except to correct you? Have you ever hurt her but still she came back? Answer these thing in your head and based on those answers decide if she is your friend." Sorish said hoping to show her that she has had one friend with her the whole time.

07-18-12, 11:28 AM
"I consider my own cat, Fireleaf a friend", Ashla added, "I had him even before my uncle died, two years ago." She smiled, "Fireleaf is a loyal pet, isn't your cute little Deer the same?" Ashla had to admit that she was a bit girly with that last sentence; though despite the fact that you could easily call her a tomboy with exceptional sword abilities, she was still a girl. She smiled weakly because of that. She barely let that side of her show.

07-18-12, 11:51 AM
Iris felt her face flush at the flurry of questions. "Well...umm....I mean....I guess your right but..." She stomped her foot angrily. "Thats not the point! I mean that by like he IS a friend I guess, I just don't know how to explain what I mean"

07-18-12, 08:33 PM
Sorish smiled, he was getting through to her. "I understand you might not have any sentient friends but he is still your friend no mater what."

07-18-12, 09:09 PM
Dangit. I hate how my words work against me like this "Um...yeah ok." She said, she didn't feel like arguing. She started to hum to herself, then stopped, remembering that there were other people around her. My stupid memory She glanced around for a few seconds then countinued humming. Oh well...I regret nothing!

07-18-12, 09:43 PM
Sorish Looked at Iris and smiled as she hummed away. She was indeed a happy child. He then turned to Isylle and said, "By the way, thank you for being a wonderful host and that food you gave us it was delicious."

07-18-12, 10:51 PM
"Of course. It was only natural. I hope you find it to your liking?" Isylle wasn't much for words when on the cusp of making a capture. She had calmed herself now and was staring at Iris with smiling, expectant eyes. Any moment now, the soporifics that Iris had wiped onto herself with the kerchief will take effect and she'll be wanting a nap.

Her eyes didn't leave Iris when she addressed Ashla, "Perhaps your two creatures would want to know each other a little better, together. I had heard that... cats? Yes... cats. That they might like certain... herbs." As she spoke, a seedling stretched itself from between the cracks in the bamboo flooring. It grew quickly, spreading leaves and turning a rich green in short order. It was catnip, a single growth of catnip the size of both felines put together and radiating strongly.

Naturally, it was also laced with a mild essence of stipa. It never hurt to be sure and who would suspect the encroaching sleepiness after so much excitement?

07-19-12, 09:16 AM
Iris smiled, she stopped humming as she turned to Isylle "Yes, I do." She started to yawn, it was a long day, and she was starting to get tired. She tried hard not to yawn though, she didn't want to seem rude to her host.

07-19-12, 10:10 AM
Sorish noticed the sleepiness in Iris's eyes then looked for the sun. It was nearing sunset. "I suggest we find a place to stay the night," he said looking around at everyone. "Anyone know of a place to stay?"

07-19-12, 11:21 AM
Iris yawned again. "No idea...." She was sleepy, but she didn't exactly want to go to sleep, there was something she needed to do first, but it seemed like she had no choice not to do it tonight.

07-19-12, 12:05 PM
A gentle grin.

"I have a small place nearby," Isylle offered. It almost pained her to add the adjective; her mansion in the Garden of the Sun was one of the most impressive in the realms. "I'm sure that I can add an extra room or two to accommodate a guest or two. You should come and sleep; it won't do to strain yourself after an injury. Here... allow me..."

The fairy stood up from her throne and, radiating a sweet benevolence, rammed the tip of her parasol into her shoulder, where it broke skin and then took root. The device opened with a sullen hiss. Finally, she held out her arms and walked towards Iris, "... to carry you. It's a bit of a walk."

07-19-12, 03:31 PM
Iris smiled sleepily "Thank you" She let Isylle pick her up like she was a young child again.

07-19-12, 04:28 PM
Ashla stood up for the "long walk" to where Isylle lived. She actually had more than enough energy in her! She scooped up Fireleaf, who fought to get out of her arms. Ashla realized that he wanted to walk on his own, so she set him down and staired at Isylle, Isylle is very kind serving us food, then giving us a place to stay tonight... maybe to nice... She only smiled though, "Fireleaf and I are ready to go!" She announced. A yawn escaped her, she covered her mouth, blushing, embarissed. "Sorry." She moaned, "I didn't catch that coming on" I think I am tired! She chuckled.

Sen Zelrok
07-19-12, 08:04 PM
"Alright fine i'll go with ya, but i do have a place to stay on my own. the only thing is, it's in the middle of the dessert, so quite a long walk." he said as he looked up to Isylle, Ashla, and Iris. "MeMe, you should come too."

07-19-12, 08:42 PM
Sorish started to follow them then stopped. his stomach was hurting. Must be an adjustment to the strange food, he thought and continued on following Isylle to have a first night on land.

07-20-12, 08:00 AM
She curled up in Isylle's arms, it was strangly conforting compared to what she was used to. Wow...this is a beautiful sunset She watched the sun go down and the moon rise up.

07-20-12, 09:11 AM
About 2 hours had gone by since Isylle had started to lead the group towards your her home. Sorish was starting to get tired. They were walking through a town when Timothy saw an inn. He knew that such places were places of rest and decided that it would be best if he spent the night there since, according to Isylle, it would be another three hours till they got to her home. "Isylle, though I would love to see your home, I just can't continue on. I think I'm going to spend the night in this inn. I'm sorry. If anyone else wants to join me, I am willing to pay for tonight."

07-20-12, 10:20 AM
Iris, hearing Sorish, turned her head to look at him. "I do think its a good idea to stop here, everyone is quite tired and i'm not sure that anyone can make the journey, and I don't want to be seperated from my other friends." Friends...wait...yup.

07-20-12, 11:00 AM
"If Isylle is strong enough to carry you I think it would be a good idea for you to return to her house where she can treat your wounds," Sorish said sleeply. Roxi was snoring in his head and he was getting more and more tired. soon he would pass out on the ground. He hated to split up but he needed to be close to the sea so that he could return the next day to try out the seeds. He knew the rest couldn't follow but he wanted to at least have company for the night.

07-20-12, 11:32 AM
"It's just on the other side of town," Isylle noted, neither facing Sorish nor slowing down, "If you'd like, seek it out in the brush in the morning. You'll recognize it, it's not far."

She gently pressed Iris to herself, "Shhh-hhh. We're almost there. You can see Sorish and Sen when they visit in the morning, and Ashla is coming with us." The girl was strong, the fairy noted with pleasure, she was still resisting the effects of both the drugs and the parasol shade. It would be just that much more fun to see her break.

"A few more minutes, Ashla. We're almost there."

New Thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24550-The-Cottage-in-the-Brush-Closed&p=199150#post199150) for: Isylle, Ashla, Iris

Sen Zelrok
07-20-12, 12:02 PM
"Come Megan let's go with Sorish, i can't walk very much further." Sen Zelrok said as they began to follow Sorish to the Inn.

07-20-12, 12:08 PM
OOC: This is the closing I have permission to control Sen and Megan.
The next day Sorish, Sen Zelrok, and Megan looked for the house in the bushes but couldn't find it. after searching for a couple of hours they gave up and headed back to the inn. Sorish told Sen Zelrok and Megan that he was returning home to plant the seeds that Isylle had given him. he then said his goodbyes and headed home.
OOC: This Thread is now closed and is being submitted for judging. I hope everyone liked it. Until the next story. Bye

08-05-12, 12:48 AM
First off I'd like to start out by saying that while the score in this thread might be critical, I do see potential in every participating member of it. It wasn't so long ago that I wasn't the same. For any specific questions/critiques or any general inquiries on how to achieve a higher score on Althanas, please don't hesitate to PM me or find me on chat when I'm on. I'd love to see all of your characters grow and take on a role in Althanas' history.

That being said, brace yourselves because this is going to be rough.

Plot: 10

Storytelling (4) – While this thread had the underlying tones of Sorish’s quest to begin explorations of the above sea- realms in pursuit of finding some way to stop the goo threatening his people, there wasn’t much to tie this thread into the overall story for the rest of the characters. To improve, keep in mind why your characters are in the thread and how it pertains to their overall story.

Setting (3) – Though the thread was set on a beach, there was little to distinguish it as such after the first few posts. Still, the odd casual reference made here and there kept the entire thread from being completely written in a void. To improve this score, remember that while you don’t need to be constantly making references to where your characters are, but remember that there’s plenty to provide a sense of being to a thread.

Pacing (3) – While the abrupt entry/exit of characters certainly lowered the score in this category, it was really the varied nature of the posts that caused the drop in score here. Each of you made posts that were well done and added to the story so I know it isn’t a lack of ability. Rather, there were far too many posts that were only several lines long and did nothing to aid the story. Remember that each post should add something and should further the overall plot of the story. As a hint, when writing a post make sure that you read the previous post and ensure that yours progresses with a smooth, natural feeling flow.

Character: 8

Communication (3) – The discussion between the characters was really the driving force behind this thread but for most of them the tone of their words varied through the story. When writing speech for your characters try to keep in mind who the character is and how they would speak. Also, to increase this score remember that though you don’t want your posts to get overinflated, not writing enough to give your partners anything to go on is just as bad.

Action (3) – There was a lot going on in this thread but most of it was disjointed and didn’t follow a logical order. The idea of Sorish having a cookout together on the beach after immediately arriving on land for the first time, which resulted in someone declaring his intent to immediately conquer the unknown lands beneath the sea, while they men are dazed just makes my head spin. Still there was quite a bit of interaction going on, even if it seemed out of place. To get a higher score while writing a thread try to follow a logical cause/effect rhythm. Even involving fantasy, magic, and whatnot, you still want the story to flow together in a realistic way.

Persona (2) – This category is a demonstration of how well your characters, for lack of a better phrase, stayed in character. Frankly, most characters here fluctuated throughout the entire thread and I never got a solid feeling for who each character was and why they acted the way that they did. To increase your score here try to hold your character in mind when writing. Think about who they are, where they come from, what their driving motivations are, and why they act the way they do to any given situation.

Prose: 11

Mechanics (3) – There were numerous spelling and grammar errors in this thread. So many that it would be more efficient to have you all go back and just reread your posts. Spell check will help but remember that it doesn’t always fix grammatical errors in your writing.

Clarity (3) – I had a tough time following what was going on. This thread was all over the place and while it certainly had a lighthearted feel to the writing, the plot inconsistencies made my head spin in places. As stated previously, when posting remember to read the previous entries carefully and craft your post in such a way that it follows a natural rhythm.

Technique (5) –What this thread lacked in technical proficiency per the Althanas rubric, I could tell that the writers were at least having fun, which is one of the major points of writing here and which accounts for the higher score in this area. Shore up the other areas and this one will rise with it.

Wildcard: 2


hoytti gains 211 exp and 30 gp.
Mistletien gains 128 exp and 20 gp.
Isylle gains 299 exp and 45 gp.
Sen Zelrok gains 53 exp and 10 gp.
Blueghostofseaside gains 53 exp and 10 gp.
Moonberrycati gains 66 exp and 10 gp.

Silence Sei
08-26-12, 10:31 AM
EXP/GP Added