View Full Version : Las Racada Lucardo Sen Zelrok

Sen Zelrok
06-18-12, 05:50 PM
Name: Las Racada Lucardo Sen Zelrok
Age: 25
Race: Lucarcian - Catlike creatures that have adapted the ability to walk and talk. They are killers but surprisingly don't like war. The only eat meat.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Height: 1'
Weight: 20lb

Appearance: Black skin with red marks on his face, red horns surrounding his skull. Red retractable claws getting up to 3". Black clothing with red marks at joints. Ponytail hair style.

Personality: Short tempered, especially when called short, small, or insignificant. Otherwise he is calm and relaxed. Likes to fight for fun but not to the death.

Hand to Hand Combat.

Mind Speed Control - slow things down to half their normal pace, and for no longer than thirty seconds twice per thread / 50 posts.
Extreme Senses - All his senses are double that of a human's
Telekinesis - control a single object up to 20 lbs, and can move it around as if he was moving it by his own hand

Equipment: none

History: His entire tribe was killed by the Kortics, the natural enemy of Lucarcians. He then decided to train with some of the best hand to hand combat fighters till no one could beat him.

06-19-12, 04:16 AM
Please elaborate on the effects of your abilities. I need to know exactly what he can do with them, like how sharp his senses are, how large of an object he can move with telekinesis, how exactly does he slow things with his mind, things like that.

Sen Zelrok
06-19-12, 06:23 AM
How about that I'm small but deadly hahahaha.

06-19-12, 04:39 PM
A little too deadly, I'm afraid.

Mind Speed Control should slow things down to half their normal pace, and for no longer than thirty seconds. You can use it twice per thread.

Senses are fine.

Telekinesis - I will allow you to control a single object up to 20 lbs, and you can move it around as if you move it by your own hand.

Sen Zelrok
06-19-12, 04:50 PM
Is there a thread cap? If not, what happens if the thread gets to be over 50 posts.
I have edited it as you asked adding in 50 posts as a 100% recharge.

06-19-12, 06:32 PM
There is no cap. The restrictions are technically mostly for battling other people. In quests, where the story can cover a long period of time, you don't necessarily have to wait 50 posts to use it again because there can be hours or days or even weeks between posts. Just make sure that about an hour of in game time has passed before you use it again, and you'll be fine.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.