View Full Version : Adminstrators, Two Wikis, and a Nexus?

Max Dirks
06-25-12, 09:51 PM
Hey everyone. I wanted to give you all an update on some exciting changes Althanas will be undergoing in the next few weeks.

First, the bad news. Atzar Kellon and Christoph have both decided to step down as administrators. Silence Sei, our current recruitment administrator, will replace Atzar as operations administrator. Enigmatic Immortal, our features administrator will remain in that core position. That leaves two open administrative spots: content administrator, responsible for building Althanas' story and developing its regions; and recruitment administrator, responsible for PR, marketing and bringing in the new blood to Althanas. Everyone is encouraged to apply for these open spots whether you're new here or old. As you can tell, we need a fresh spark to carry us through the summer and make up for the loss of two great administrators. If you're interested, you can find the application here (http://www.althanas.com/world/misc.php?do=form&fid=3).

Eventually you're going to notice two links to the Wiki above, one labeled Compedium and the other Wiki. This is no error or oversight. The current program we use, MediaWiki, is no longer compatible for vB integration (due to some loopholes vB closed in its latest version). I've come up with a few options that I'll be running by the staff, and would like everyone's input. The first would be to keep what we have. You'd have to sign up for a secondary account with MediaWiki but you'd be able to log in and edit like normal. The second would be to migrate to Vault Wiki, which is completely vB integrated. If we migrate, we wouldn't lose any information, we might just be forced to copy/paste all the old information into the new format! The third option is to shut down the wiki. Originally I had hoped that it would replace the FAQ, and serve as a permanent monument to everyone's contribution to Althanas, but it never really took off. I've set up a poll in the "Your Word" forum and I'd really appreciate your input.

Finally, the Nexus. After years in flux, we've decided to unveil the Nexus--an alternative Althanas universe. The idea is to put unrestricted characters into a vast open setting. Like Althanas core, your threads will be judged, but a heavier emphasis will be placed on peer review. Instead of EXP you will receive Nexus Points (NP) that you can trade in for cool forum perks (new skins, exclusive access to leveled forums, temporary moderator access, etc.) or you can use them to receive marked up Althanas rewards (EXP and GP). Look for that to be up and running shortly.

Hope everyone is having a good summer. Don't forget about Althanas when it's raining out!


Max Dirks
06-26-12, 06:47 PM
Please note some changes made to the Nexus description!