View Full Version : Reeverdel Mic Bendera

07-08-12, 06:51 PM
Name: Reeverdel Mic Bendera

Age: ??

Race: Tigerian

Hair Color: Brown with Black Tiger Stripes in Hot Weather, White with Black Tiger Stripes in Cold Weather.

Eye Color: Teal Cat Eyes

Height: 6'8 in human form / 3' in Tiger form

Weight: 235 lbs in human form / 306lb in Tiger Form

Appearance: Wears a black and red reversible cloak, entire body is covered in chains, his skin is tan.

Occupation: Bandit of Space

Personality: He’s very bossy, mean, intelligent, Smart Alec, detail oriented.

History: Reeverdel Mic Bendera is an outcast of the Tigerians after killing his own ally on accident by his hand cannons. After many years of running he ran into a man from space. He was the captain of a fleet of outcasts. He invited Reeverdel to join them after finding out he too was an outcast. Reeverdel agreed and joined the fleet. About three years later, he became the right hand man. Two years later, the captain died of old age. He put Reeverdel in charge of the fleet. For six years Reeverdel has led and grown the fleet to become the strongest fleet in space with his ship, The Outcast being the biggest and strongest ship it in the sky. The Outcast holds 3000 crewmen. It has 4000 bedrooms, 100 bathrooms, engine room, community deck, lounge, cafeteria, ready room, captain’s office, bridge, and the brig. One day The Outcast was on a single ship mission when her engines failed. She had to make a crash landing on the nearest plant. The planet close by was none other than Althanas. As soon as she touched down in the water, her exterior turned to wood and she gained a mast. She looked like a normal sail ship. Now they are hunting the trade routes in search of material to fix their ship and get off Althanas.

Retractable Spiked Tri-Blade Iron Gauntlets
Tiger Claws / Teeth
Iron Chains going all around his body down to the souls of his feet


Tiger Transformation - Though it should say human transformation since his tiger form is his natural form. In the tiger form, he has 2 times the speed and agility of a human but has to move on all fours. It also takes time and energy to transform between his two forms making it be a disadvantage to try to do so during a fight. He also can't move or else the transformation will stop. He can change his hands to tiger paws as well.
Camouflage - When in tiger form he can malt into the undergrowth inside of forests and the snow in side of tundras.

Support: He has a 3000 strong NPC Crew

07-09-12, 12:22 PM
Can't let you have guns at level zero, so those will have to go.

Also, I can't let you have 3000 people as familiars, or 3000 of pretty much anything for that matter. Also, people are generally not considered familiars, but rather NPCs and as such cannot be used in battle. So it would be best if you said he has the support of 3000 NPC crewmen, which would mean you can still use them for quest purposes, just not in battles against other PCs.

07-09-12, 01:36 PM
How is this?

07-10-12, 06:21 PM
Looks good. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.