View Full Version : Iris Clover Weatherbird's Character Sheet

07-09-12, 01:06 PM
Name: Iris Clover Weatherbird

Age: 14

Race: Fallien

Hair Color: Strawberry-Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 100 lbs

Occupation: None

Personality: A quiet rough-and-tumble girl who doesn't mind getting dirty or doing things the hard way. Even though she's quiet, it doesn't mean she doesn't have fun around others, she's quite mischivious and doesn't let the small stuff bug her. She's loved by many for her wild determination and kind gestures to most. Though, suprisingly, she has not found an actual friend yet.

Appreance: Long, wavy, strawberry-blonde hair in two loos ponytails; clear, bright blue eyes; she is also quite fit.

History: When she was 3 weeks old, her parents left her at an old abandoned house, which, luckily for her, wasn't actully abandoned. An old woman lived there with her husband. They took care of her until she was 10 years old, which then they both died out of old age. She taught herself how to fight, hunt, and cook in order to survive. Her actual parents came to the place, seeming to want there daughter back. At that time she ran away. By the time she got to Althanas, she was weak, hungry, and close to death. She was taken to Fallien by someone who happened to hear her cries. She lives there to this day.

Skills: Sword fighting

Abilities: Fire Element, Water Element, and turning into a rainbow mist. She can use the fire and water element to attack, she can use fire to burn surrounding objects, only for about 4 seconds though, and she cannot set people on fire. With the water, she can use it for healing and she is able to hold her breath underwater for longer periods of time, which is about 5 seconds longer then usual. She is unable to breath underwater yet and she cannot attack anybody with water yet as well. With the rainbow mist, she can snap her fingers twice, and it turns her into the mist for 5 seconds, then she comes back to human form. It is only for self defense if she is being attacked, and she can only use it once an hour.

Equipment: A black belt with pockets for odds and ends, sheaths for two swords and a dagger (both steel), a green tee-shirt, light pink shorts with green leggings underneath. She wears a small, moon shaped, berry colored ring, given to her for her 8th birthday.

Familiars: A kitten, he is brown with white spots on him. He was found by her when she was running away, lost and abandoned, he became her only family. She named him Deer.

07-10-12, 06:23 PM
I need to know what exactly can she do with the Fire and Water Element, and also some additional specifics about the rainbow mist. Also, please add the material of the swords and the dagger. It can be steel at best at this point.

07-11-12, 09:39 AM
I updated the character sheet, is there anything else that needs to be chaged or fixed? :)

07-11-12, 11:03 AM
Fire and Water Element are fine, but I need you to restrict the usage of the rainbow mist to once an hour, as it practically makes you impervious to all damage for five seconds.

07-11-12, 11:46 AM
Okey dokey, is there anything else? :)

07-11-12, 07:25 PM
Nope, you're good to go.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.