View Full Version : FlameShadow Character Sheet

07-10-12, 08:17 PM
Name: Dawn Ivy FlameShadow
Age: 17
Race: Dark Elf
Hair Color: Pitch black except a small hair strand dyed red
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 99lbs
Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Personality: FlameShadow is very quick, brass, and impatient As a Bounty Hunter, she will take any job, any time; as long as the price is big... and she will do anything to complete her task.

Appearance: FlameShadow is slender, fit, and wears dark clothes at all times. She also wears a veil.

Skills: Agility (Twice as good as a normal human's)
Sharpshooter/ Marksmanship (She is excellent at archery)

Abilities: Telepathy: She can look into someone's mind and read their thoughts; but only when they're close to her, and she can only use this ability for twenty seconds. Strong willed people can resist telepathy entirely.
Visions: Whenever she falls asleep, she might receive visions of something from the future. But she can't see anything, only hear it, and this effect is only brief.

Equipment: Yew Bow (and arrows), two steel Katanas, steel shoulder plates, steel chain mail, Pine Shield, packet of healing herbs. (She keeps her bow and arrows and her buckler on her back, but her other small items are kept in pockets in a lever belt she wears. Her sword is in a sheath that is connected to her belt.)

History: Most of her history is unknown. All anyone knows is that she is a new bounty hunter, and that she is currently in the desert land: Fallien

07-11-12, 11:08 AM
Two things. First, please make a note that strong willed people are able to resist telepathy. And second, please list the material of the bow, the armor and the shield. You can have any real world wood for wooden items and metals up to steel. I would recommend yew for the bow and arrows, oaken shield (or pine if you prefer a light shield), steel chainmail/shoulder plates.

07-11-12, 12:31 PM
Okay. I did that, yeah, I like lightweight weapons, it gives you more room to move quickly. Anything else? And is it alright if I have two Katanas? I also would like to add speed to my Skills list.

07-11-12, 07:24 PM
You can have two katanas. But I don't think you really need speed, since agility is basically an ability to move with grace and quickness, so it's sort of the same thing.

07-11-12, 07:57 PM
Okay then. :) I made the changes. Is there anything else?

07-12-12, 11:17 AM
No, you're all set. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.