View Full Version : The Teaser Game!

Storm Veritas
08-24-06, 12:46 PM
She smiled and went a little closer to the two naked lovers and she smiled. “I’ll give you a cut of the salvage that they will undoubtedly leave behind and if you do really well maybe something extra.” She said the last bit with her special tone of lust. It was the truth that she wouldn’t mind having one of them with her to celebrate the victory. Maybe both if she wasn’t too tired from the raid.

Name the author, thread, and region. If you get it right (obviously you'll have to search for it), then you get to find and post another quote that someone else can search for.

Rules: You may not quote yourself in a self-promo style teaser. Nothing in a thread you're writing in. Don't put the name of the main character in the quote. Try to find a quote, clip, or something to read that is interesting, and draws people to read the thread.

Who's gonna find the first one?
hint: written by a famous furry frequenter

08-24-06, 12:54 PM
Ohh, I've read this!

That particular post is by Daggertail, from her and Chidori Draconid's thread Ambush At The Hot Springs, in Salvar. Whoo, I'm good. :)

Here's the teaser I picked:

The question suddenly caused the young girl to remember the customs of politeness she had been taught many years ago while she still donned the fibers of nobility. One was not to ask lightly of a royalty's homeland, lest the party accosted felt insulted by the fact their homeland was not well-known enough to be recognized instantly. And in the case of the amazingly conceited young prince by her side, it could well meant she might get a taste of his electric personality.

Have at it. :)

Storm Veritas
08-24-06, 01:27 PM
I've got it, had to do some serious reading to get it though.

But I want someone else to play, so I'll wait for a bit and see who else can get it.

08-24-06, 01:29 PM
Yamihara, two nobles and a tramp with Rael in Alerar^^

ok my turn^^

Yes, spiderbears. Giant beasts that crawled around on eight huge paws, waiting until something came close enough to its burrow (a huge hole in the ground) before snapping down on the hapless victim with its forepaws and ripping bear jaws. They slept a long time though, so Jon had plenty of time to escape once his body was revived. But man, those things pissed him off.

08-24-06, 01:33 PM
I laughed so hard when I saw your selection, Empyrean. Literally, I nearly couldn't keep Master Raven from posting here and give away the answer. I'm glad someone got to it before he blew it. XDDD


I got this one. It's Walter and Vorin from "A Vampire and his Man" isn't it? ^_^

EDIT: Ack. Too slow. =P

Sighter Tnailog
08-24-06, 01:40 PM
Walter, A Vampire and his Man, Concordia.

The big man's words ran through Jada's head as another small boat became easily visible, rowing closer and closer. There was a single figure on board, a man of some sorts by the looks of him, but there was something different about him. Although he couldn't quite place what it was, there was something about the man that made him different. What ever it was, though, could wait. Ceasing his rowing, the other man stood up in his boat, eyeing Jada intently...

08-24-06, 01:48 PM
That be Abenaki and Xanith Trailweaver, told from Abenaki's POV in Welcome to Radasanth.

My turn, right? ^_^

Gracefully the cook jumped of the table and stretched his body. He couldn’t feel anything of the metal parts in his arm or the former hole in his head. At least there was something positive to this day. He grabbed his rucksack, which Talidus had stored on a shelf next to bed, and walked up to the only door in the room.

Have fun~!

Devil May Care
08-24-06, 03:45 PM
That is Krugor in Reunion with Romantic Interludes. I actually read that thread ^^

Okay, here is mine.

The waters of the swamp rippled gently as the inhabitants slithered their way through the mire. The moonless sky shined only speckles on the murky surface as it slowly waved. A frog sat still, eyeing for a mother mosquito to lay her eggs on the waters egg. Concerned with its stomach, it had no awareness to the predator that was lurking just behind it. Dripping mud, a head rose from the waters without a sound, waiting till the muck fell from it to open its eyes. With a jagged toothed smile, it poised to strike the amphibian, masked in the shadows from its view. The frog could feel a foul presence about itself but could see nothing until the move was made.

Cyrus the virus
08-24-06, 04:03 PM
*ignores game completely*

Kudos on super excellent thread, Stormy Bob!

I may participate sometime later on :D

08-24-06, 04:16 PM
Ya Can Only Count On Yerself by MadGoblin in the crystal ball region. Well, that's the region it's at now.

Pretty snazzy, huh? So far I've only figured out how to make 'em do that and do a fair impersonation of the Chicken Dance, but then I've never been a fan of magical crap anyways. Science always beats it in the end. So, Mr. Tanning Ethereal, what is in it for you? Well, let's see...I think you're probably bright enough to realize that, yeah, I drugged the king. It was really easy, too; that hog will shove anything in his mouth if it has enough honey-glaze.

08-24-06, 04:27 PM
Cyrus's Epic Adventure! :D

Try this on for size;

“I doubt it, but to tell you the truth, I don’t give a damn. Kid was a good writer, but he kept giving me shit about this and that and us sitting on our asses and complaining, while the world goes by and what not…” The editor scoffed loudly and dug through a small box underneath his lamp, pulling out another cigar. “He was in a hurry, anyway,” he added casually, his voice muffled as he lit the cigar in his mouth. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he skipped town.”

Storm Veritas
08-25-06, 07:48 AM
Empyrean, "O Brother, Where Art Thou", Corone

"This is new..." He said, ignorant of the fact - wouldn't be able to understand him anyway. "What is the meaning of all of this?"

His words were drowned out as the gemstones began to fuse together, emitting a blinding green light that forced - to reel back against the wall, raising an arm to protect his senstive eyes from being damaged. The drow did the same.

08-25-06, 01:29 PM
Falcon Darkflight. "Sands of the Nomad", Fallien

“I’ve had enough,” he whispered to himself quietly. Curling his bottom lip into his mouth, he bit down on it in anxiety. The constant bickering of the little girl was on the verge of pissing him off. “How much longer are we to stay here and wait for the night to play itself out?” he asked in the midst of a drawn breath. He was obviously irritated. He couldn’t let this opportunity slip by. This was his only chance to actually make a name for himself by doing a great deed for somebody. With this job complete, he could get word spread of his services, entitling him to profit.

08-28-06, 05:21 AM
...That be Lisean in "Diner, Dancing, Death and Destruction" in Knife's Edge. Phew, had to go through all 14 posts.

UPDATE: Teaser!

The city itself reminded *bleep* of an old sci-fi cartoon she used to like to watch back on Najin when she was a child. The cities streets were narrow, winding and numerous. From the birds eye view the spy was getting from the airship the streets below actually reminded her of the threads in a spider web. Of course each street was flanked on two (and in some cases three) sides by all sorts of black, mechanical buildings that ranged large towering skyscrapers to small one-story buildings. The most impressive thing however were the giant furnaces that glowed brightly with fire lighting up even the dark smog covered streets.

08-28-06, 09:30 AM
"Infiltrating the Dark Palace", By Cash (Grim137) in Valshath d' Isto.

Perfect time for a storm.

Gasping for every single breath his lungs would allow him, Omitted pushed his old body to keep running forward. Darkness and the blinding rainfall were making a good cover for his escape, but it was a double-edged advantage. Each of his eyes had their own deluge to look through, and the cobblestone road was not taking to Omitted's feet. A few times now, Roscar had almost found himself eating the ground face first. His heart pounded desperately, as the slight sound of ordering yells and clashing armor could be heard trailing behind him. Not even the occasional roars of thunder would drown out that cause of Omitted's fears. He turned a corner into a nearby alleyway at blinding speed, and dared not look back. Were the others nearby? Had they escaped too? Omitted tried to focus and remember if he had seen them, but weather was too disorienting and the road too uneven. Omitted tried to remember what happened to make it come to this, or what could have gone wrong, but it was as much of a blur as the street that lay before him. His pulse was becoming too fast, too hard on his body. His lungs were starting to give out, and the rain he sometimes breathed in wasn't helping that situation. The idea of escape was quickly losing credibility. Could he fight them off? No, no way. Omitted could barely see past his face, let alone wave a weapon around in a foe's general direction. Besides, there were entirely too many. He was out of options.