View Full Version : Izayiri

07-11-12, 03:10 PM
Name: Izayiri
Job: Librarian
Race: Grand Fairy
Age: 463
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Red
Skin Color: Light
Hgt / Wgt: 5'3" / 122 lb
Languages: Dictionary and Phrasebook, really fast.
Weapons: Book
Armor: None

The first thing that someone usually notices about her are the twenty-foot-span, black feathered wings. They're not strictly wings, per se, since at some point during the transition from being a lesser fairy, her flesh and bone had been entirely replaced by a solidified substance of knowledge. If one looks closely at the coal-black feathers, there are lines of text in faintly glowing red inscribed on them, disjointed fragments from books in the Ubiquitous Library. With every violent movement, she shakes loose some feathers in a sort of continuous molt and the loose things drift down to vanish a few seconds later. Fortunately, she usually keeps them neatly folded up behind her instead of, say, bashing into everything within sight. Stranger still, the partially-metaphorical nature of these things meant that backless dresses were not strictly required uniform.

Instead, she wore a sleeveless, armless, knee-length, black dress over a white blouse with puffed shoulders. The collar was secured right around the neck with a thin, red necktie and around the wrists with silver cufflinks. The rest of her ensemble was similarly serious: black hose, flat black shoes, and on occasion a large black umbrella. The only other bit of color is the yellow ribbon to hold the hip-length, pinkish-red hair back and leave just the long bangs over the forehead. All that clothing was as well-tailored as anything from Tenger Jerhal and didn't so much as hide things as outline them: A slim, long-legged figure. A bosom that rose and fell like an empire. A small sway to the walk that sent pleats undulating.

When it's not concealed by a book of some kind or other, her face can be observed to have a kind of eggshell delicacy - that is, it was smooth, unblemished, and shaped rather like an egg stood up on the narrow end. Fairies look like what they look like because they believe that this is what they look like and they believe what they look like because there were pageants, mostly impromptu, in every direction in Tenger Jerhal. Even her small, half-rimmed spectacles were entirely for show; the big, ruby eyes comically outsized the adornments.

The thing about being an incarnated fairy of the force of knowledge is that there is just so much knowledge stored and produced that only the most curious, the most inquisitive minds could handle it all without becoming bored of learning things at some point. A bored fairy is a dangerous, pranking, incident-creating fairy, which is perfectly fine in Tenger Jerhal. A fairy bored of her nature goes away in a puff of paradox. Izayiri had a mind so broad that she could accomodate entire concert halls with room left over for a dockyard. She didn't just listen, her attentiveness positively sucked at the conversation for sustenance.

There are four fundamental axioms that Izayiri bases her judgment on. In no order, they are: knowing is a goal into itself, willful ignorance is no excuse, expect nothing and ask for everything, and apologize. She's a bit warped from all the learning that she has a rather bizarre method of reasoning which often disagrees with itself at different times and that's perfectly fine, because it's at different times. On the other hand, her thinking often comes to the right conclusions by completely illogical routes, so it's up in the air as to whether she's just lucky or she's hiding a shrewd mind behind insanity.

What everyone can agree on is that she seems to be very forgetful for a librarian, which actually makes sense in a certain way: the East Shelf of the Ubiquitous Library contains all biographies. She has a biography. Therefore, she doesn't need to remember things because she can always consult her own biography to see what it is that she forgot. It's a fascinating method of keeping one's memories in something outside of one's head, really. Maybe this was why she secretly likes to read other people's biographies out to them, though she also likes to read out loud to anybody who'll listen, provided that she can't convince them to tell her stories instead.

One of the single most tormented fairies in Tenger Jerhal is the manifestation of the force of written knowledge. Part of it was because books were not respected and part of it was because she was new blood. Books are not respected in that place because everyone already knows everything there is to know about being themselves and nobody is actually willing to change. She was new blood because, next to other fairies of primal things such as winter or boundaries or light, her first incarnation has only started existing since there was literacy.

Initially, she collected and wrote books to keep in her modest little cottage. At all hours of the day, gangs of giggling fairies would kick in the doors and windows, run in, and steal books. So she spent a few years to dig a big underground room to serve as a library and hired a door guard. The guard was always sleeping on the job and the fairies came in to steal books anyway, except that the earth-aligned ones started tracking dirt all over the floor and shelves when they bore through the walls. So she petitioned the monarch of Tenger Jerhal to forbid stealing books from her.

The monarch declared it (yet another) national sport. This actually worked out okay, since the penultimate act passed by the Book Stealing Committee, before it dissolved itself through infighting, was that books must be returned within two weeks of stealing them. The reasoning was that if everyone only stole the books, then the late-comers would be at a disadvantage because there would be fewer books to steal. Izayiri complained that her home became a public warehouse with a warzone outside of it as this newest sport of stealing-books-and-then-returning-them took off.

Then she had the brightest idea that she's ever had while still a Lesser Fairy. She was the referree of returning books on time. Instead of docking points in The Game for tardiness, she started charging fines in the form of service as a guard, maid, guard maid, or some combination of the two. Given how forgetful most fairies were for minor details like book return dates, this idea quickly made her an army. With that labor, her house was expanded into a rather infamous maze of doom, which made the sport of Book Stealing even more popular among suicidally overconfident fairies, which was nearly all fairies. The book collection grew exponentially under the influx.

This went on for about two centuries before a very strange thing happened. Knowledge is power, power is energy, energy is mass, mass warps space, and therefore Izayiri's Library became the single strongest focal point of L-Space warping in Tenger Jerhal. One day, reality collapsed under the strain and Izayiri had a headache after her entire castle-of-books disappeared into her. the Ubiquitous Library was created, incarnate in Izayiri. It was a thing of manifested potentiality of knowledge, touching all documents and lives everywhere. The Book Stealing game was suddenly over.

She did not go mad from the knowledge. Fairies do not go mad because they are quite mad already, by human standards. She did, however, get promoted to Grand Fairy from Greater Fairy and get a seat on the Grand Fairy Council. The Council didn't actually do anything because there was rarely a quorum and when there was a quorum everyone was too busy napping, bickering, playing games, drinking, having a hangover, or other innumberable things that were more fun to do than sit in a council and try to be serious. This suited her just fine, since she always showed up to the Council meetings and always brought a book to read. It was hard not to.

One day, Izayiri heard that half of a building, parts of a lake, and a whole lot of fairies had suddenly disappeared into a dimensional rift. There was a weak attempt at investigation before attention spans snapped, but she had figured it out quite simply. She opened the autobiographies of each missing fairy until she came to the one of Itera... and discovered the other world.

All libraries are connected through L-Space. Izayiri only took three days or so to navigate her way from Tenger Jerhal into the Library at Ankhas. Her sudden arrival badly surprised a pair of students researching each other amongst some quiet shelves.

Speed Reading [S] - She can read entire pages at a glance.
Throwing [A] - Repeated champion in the categories of knife, fruit, live birds, and balls.
Calligraphy [A]
Musician [B] - The zither, mostly, and a little lute.
Athletics [C]
Dyemaking [C]
Awareness [D] - Bookworm

Ubiquitous Library, East Shelf - Upon invoking this, a double helix of books spiral clockwise upwards, fading in around her feet and fading out at arm's reach above. These books are the biographies of every person and creature, containing narration, thoughts, feelings, and colored illustrations. They are written in all languages and the reader sees the most personally comfortable one. For those still alive, they continue to be written and new pages are added at the end. She may immediately retrieve the desired book if she knows the name of or has met the being in question. Otherwise, she retrieves books matching search parameters based on what she knows of it. A book that leaves 5 feet of her vanishes after a few seconds. These are copies of archived originals and new copies are always available. The books are A4-sized and have table of contents and indices.

Ubiquitous Library, West Shelf - Upon invoking this, a double helix of books spiral clockwise upwards, fading in around her feet and fading out at arm's reach above. These books are archival copies of every written document ever written on any medium. They are written in their original language. Those too large to fit into the A4-sized books are fold-out instead. She may immediately retrieve the desired book if she has seen the document before. Otherwise, she retrieves books matching search parameters based on what she knows of it. A book that leaves 5 feet of her vanishes after a few seconds. These are copies of archived originals and new copies are always available.

L-Space Delver - Books contain knowledge, knowledge is power, power is energy, energy is mass, and mass distorts space. Izayiri can access other collections of books in other existences, but this usually takes days to weeks of navigating L-Space. The more familiar she is with a particular library, the faster that she can arrive there; she can arrive at her home library within minutes. There's no guarantee that she would understand the results, though. Stepping into or out of L-Space requires invoking the Ubiquitous Library and then taking a few steps in a different direction. She returns exactly where she left.

07-11-12, 07:30 PM
I trust you will not abuse the Library. I would hate to see you pull out a bunch of documents and use them to prove you own half of Althanas or something. :P

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.