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Caelan Bolish
07-12-12, 04:05 PM
OOC Note:
I based my character off the character in the Conclave of Shadows Series known as Talwin Hawke a.k.a Talon of Silver Hawk. The most of similarities can be seen in the history and a little in the skills, but other than that everything else was my own design. I also took an idea from the Wheel of Time series. I took the idea of the flame and void and gave my own twist to it. Also on the formatting of my profile I based it off of others. I know I am rambling, but I am just trying to give credit to the people that deserve it.

[Basic Info]
Name: Caelan Delvin
Age: 20
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Long
Eye Color: Wise Gray-Blue
Skin Color: Fair
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 232lbs
Occupation: Survivor of a Tribal Race / Wanderer
Hand Preference: Ambidextrous

Caelan is basically a clueless young lad shoved into an alien world. Spending most of his life in close-knit village up in one of the many towering, harsh mountain ranges in the northern reaches of Salvar has made him become a friendly, kind person who is easy to trust. However he has a dark side that he discovered when he smashed the corpse of the man that killed his father. When angered he is a force to be reckoned. Caelan has become more aggresive and is angered easier.

Everything is different and a wonder to him. He is easily controlled not questioning what anyone tells him, however, he is slowly becoming wary and thinking about what others tell him. In all honesty he is a clueless bumpkin, but he is quick to learn. He can grasp something after only having to been shown once. Now that he is the last of his race it also seems to been a blessing in secret. Now he is an empty canvas able to become anything. He has the chance to become someone of importance instead of a simple tribesman just trying to survive.

Caelan is a young, handsome man. He has a long shiny copper mane that falls down to his shoulders. He has high cheek-bones that go quite nicely with his chiseled chin. His face is rough with stubbles of a beard. His eyes are something strange to people who aren't part of his race. They are pools of a cold Gray-Blue resembling the icy frozen wastelands of his homeland.

The harsh mountain ranges of northern Salvar has sculpted this boy into a giant of a man. He is a broad-shoulder man with a well muscled body. To complement his powerful body is two trunk for arms that are meant for the hard work of hauling the kill of a hunt or to plow the meager fields during the time of harvest. Even though he is a large, bulky man he is very graceful with his body able to be many things that you wouldn't think possible for such a large man.

Swordsmanship [Combat: Average] - Every male member of the Horská Race would be train in swordsmanship at a young age, so they will be able to protect themselves, their family, and village from the clan of orcs, wildlife, and civil disputes between villages. his swordsmanship expertise aren't anything special. Basically he knows how to use a sword without stabbing himself or hurting the others around him.
Hunting/Fishing [Survival: Above Average]- At a young age he has gone fishing when the rivers were thawed out and running during the late Spring into the early Fall. Even though his people use primitive methods like nets and simple sticks and a line he can catch any fish in every type of water source except the ocean. At the age of ten he has gone hunting with the men of the village. He is able to quietly stalk any animal from a rabbit to a deer to a bear and set traps and snares.
Cooking [Life Style: Below Average]- Before he was allowed to sit in the longhouse with the men he spent his time in the roundhouse with the other younger children and women who would cook the supper for the entire village. Watching his mother and the other women cooking rubbed off on him and he is able to cook mediocre things like stews and bread. He is also able to cook the meat he hunts also.
Survival: Mountain / Tundra [Survival: Above Average]- He is able to survive in any kind of harsh cold environment and mountainous environment. Also he knows about the many different animals, wildlife, and humanoids that call these harsh environments home.
Marksmanship [Combat: Above Average] - Since his many years of hunting with bow and arrows he is able to hit most targets moving while standing still. When moving his accuracy does drop down, but he is better than most still.
Stealth [Miscellaneous: Slightly Above Average] - Many years of stalking prey has given him the ability to be able to work slightly stealthier than a normal human.
Tinker [Miscellaneous: Average] - He had a natural fixation on broken things and fixing them. As he fixed more and more he becqme quite able at repairing small things.
Leather Working [Creation: Below Average] - He slightly dappled in leather working when he created both his crude leather pauldrons and chaps.
Ambidextrous [Natural Advantage] - He is able to use both of his hands to wield his sword and bow. He can do many tasks with both hands like writing.
Unarmed Combat [Combat: Average] - Even though his tribal race more peaceful than their Skavians cousins. The Horská are still very aggressive so the younger men and older children would participate in brawls and fist fights. Caelan is no different.

Strength & Stamina [Natural Advantage] - He is 2x stronger than a normal human and his stamina is 2x better than a normal human. This is because of the physical work he had to do most of his life to survive in the harsh climate of Skavia. The only way he is able to strengthen himself farther is by focusing on working out his body strength.
Natural Cold Resistance [Racial Trait] - Life in such a cold and unforgiving climate has given him a natural resistance to the cold. He is able to survive in colder environments than the normal person would be able to.
Keen Senses [Natural Advantage] - His perception is 1.75x better than a normal human. From hunting he has learned to use of all his five senses when he stalks his prey through the forests. From the his private lessons with his father is able to focus on details of objects and things.

Black Wanderer(Bastard Sword, Black Steel) - An ancestral weapon that has been passed down from the Patriarch of the Delvin family. It is a bastard sword that has a leather scabbard. The sword is not like any other sword, the cross-guard of the bastard sword is missing, it's hilt is just a grip with a pommel at the end. The pommel has a design of a dire wolf that is howling made of white steel. Caelan is always sharping the blade with a whetstone so both sides of the sword are razor sharp. The leather scabbard is inscribed with designs made of steel that resemble a pack of dire wolves hunting a herd of elk. On the ends of both scabbards, locket and chape, the leather scabbard is made of iron.

Hunting Knife(Knife, Iron) - It is a long knife he uses to gut the carcass of his hunt and in dire consequences use as a weapon. It is hunting knife with a six inch blade and three inch long grip.

Bow and Arrows(Re-curve Bow, Yew) - It is a bow that he uses for hunting most of the time. He always restrings the bow every two weeks and wax the bow every month. He usually has a good supply of flint-tipped arrows in a quiver with it.

Breastplate(Armor, Iron) - During the destruction of his entire village, later on his entire race, he was able scavenge this off of one of the few dead footmen. It has the emblem of the All-Seeing Eye, the symbol of witch hunters of the Church of The Etherial, that is almost impossible to see because of the scratches that Caelan caused as he tried to destroy the emblem.

Leather Chaps and Pauldrons(Armor, Leather) - They are handcrafted from Caelan. They are both made from different hides of elk and deer he had hunted down. They are extremely uncomfortable and crude because of his lack of experience in leather working, but they are better than nothing.

Family Locket(Accessory; Damaged) - It is the size of a fist and made of steel. The locket never seems to become dirty or get damaged and this stumps Caelan. The locket will not open. On the front of the locket is a dire wolf that is almost the perfect twin of the one on the pommel of Black Wanderer. Even though it is strange and broken it is the last thing his father gave to him, so he keeps it close and out of danger. [ Damaged - Locked Until Level 3: He learns his father and race's history and earns the ability to use magic once opened ]

Journal(Miscellaneous) - It is just somewhere where Caelan can practice his writing and also a place where he can write down about things he learns and sees.


Caelan was born in the northern reaches of Salvar known as Skavia. He was born to a more peaceful tribal race that were cousins to the Skavians known as the Horská. He was born to Kilf and Lelian Delvin. They were one of the eleven different families that lived in this village know as Brda. He was a very curious boy who would ask a questions and then ask another before he even got a complete answer. He was able to learn everything more easily than others and was able to finish a task at break neck speeds.

He grew up like every other boy in village. He would run off down to the thawed out rivers during the Summer to go fish with sticks and a line tied to the end of it or sit with the other boys as he watched the men harvest the meager fields of crops. By Winter he would be crowding around the many fires that would burning in the roundhouse huddling close to his family. During Spring when he reached the age of ten he would go hunting with his father. On special occasions he would be able to hunt with the rest of the men. When the sleepy Fall came along he would train with the sword with the other boys that were his age and help the women of the village with the other young children get ready for the up and coming Winter.

Yet there where some strange aspects of his childhood that no normal Horská child usually does. Like his mother taught him how to write in Common while the harsh winters kept them inside the roundhouse most of the season. His father taught him different ways to focus and close off his mind by imagining a void with only a crystal in the center. To focus on just the crystal. On the simple details that you would usually miss at a quick glance. Also his father took extra time to teach Caelan on how to use a blade.

When he became of age he was known as young man who was competent with a blade, a well-known hunter, and an eligible bachelor. Yet, his life came spiraling out of control just a year after when he was nineteen years old.


~The Attack
It was a Summer day. Any normal summer day in Skavia, yet by the time the sun would set Brda would be no more. By the end of the Summer the entire race known as Horská would be wiped out to near extinction.

Caelan was awake before the sun or the village had awoken heading down towarded a river, about half a mile away from the village, with his bow and a quiver full of arrows for an early morning bathe before his day of hunting would begin. When he finished his bathing the sun was just peaking over the top of a mountain range. He decided to lay across one of the bedrocks to warm up and dry from the beams of the early sunrise. As he laid upon the rock though he eventually drifted off to sleep.

Sweating he shot up from the rock looking around confused at the sudden change from the dream world to the real world. The sun was now well up there almost at its peak representing half of the day was gone. Caelan stumbled off the rock realizing how late it was in the day landing on his back on the wet mud. As he shielded his eyes from the glare of the sun he saw something that troubled him. Smoke. Smoke that was billowing from the direction where his village was at. Instantly he knew something was wrong. The first thought that came to mind was a group of rivaling Horská or a raiding party of orcs were attacking the village. Caelan knew he had to get back to help his father and the fellow men to fight against this danger, so he dressed himself with the tunic and trousers ignoring the mud caked across his back and grabbed the bow and quiver. Then he ran off into the woods heading towards his village.

As he neared the village he nocked an arrow and circled the outer rim of the village. When he came upon the field of wheat of that his father planted he slowly stalked his way towards the back of the house. Once he cleared the the small field of wheat he came upon the scene of his father with a wound in his chest and a large man with a steel longsword dripping with the fresh blood of his father. A rolling wave of rage engulfed the young man and instantly he sent the arrow flying. The arrow hit the man in his left eye instantly dying before he hit the ground. He then dropped the bow and grabbed for the nearest thing to him, a rock. He jumped upon the corpse of the man and started to repeatably beat the dead man's face in with it.

As the rage finally left him he was left behind as a empty husk with only sorrow. He heard the shallow gasps of air coming from his father and turned to him. Caelan knew he was dying he could see the light of life leaving his eyes. Kilf, his father, raised a shaking hand with a locket that Caelan had never scene before and whispered his last words, "Live on my son. Take my sword and take this locket. Live on for me and your mother" With that the man died his hand dropping upon the floor. He nodded tears ran down his cheeks as he grabbed his father's lifeless hand, grabbing the locket. In an unsteady voice he said, "I will father. I will"

That is what Caelan did he took his father's sheathed sword and locket. He also took the breastplate of the dead soldier he killed that had the All-Seeing Eye on it. He left his father behind, his village behind, and his life behind. Yet he truly never left them because he always has the memories.


Now a year later he is wandering Salvar looking for a new life. Keeping the spirit of his people alive, the spirit of the proud Horská.

07-13-12, 11:04 AM
While I'm unfamiliar with the Conclave of Shadows Series, I trust you put enough of a personal spin on it to make it your own. Which is fine. Because all writers steal, whether they admit it or not. ;)

As for more abilities, I'm afraid you're right on the limit. In fact, a bit over, since we usually allow three, and you technically have four (three times enhanced attribute and the cold resistance). However, the way cold resistance is defined, it looks like it doesn't really make him resistant to the magic cold, but rather just cold environments, and I think I can let this slide. But as I said, I can't allow any more.

If you wish to change any other stuff around, let me know. If not, I'll approve the profile.

Caelan Bolish
07-13-12, 11:20 AM
Yeah I think it is fine right now, but for a later note I am wondering is it okay to create your own race. Because I plan on Caelan learning something about himself and his family when he is level 3 that change him forever.

07-14-12, 11:26 AM
Yes, you can create your own race. In fact, there has been a good number of characters who are members of some unique race. It's all up to you.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.