View Full Version : Megan Character Sheet

07-12-12, 05:19 PM
Name: Megan Bloomington
Age: 24
Race: Lucarcian
Hair Color: blank white
Eye Color: light blue
Height: 8"
Weight: 15lbs

Personality: Very kind and caring, unlike most other Lucarcians she doesn't like to fight but will if forced to.

Appearance: she has blank white skin and blank white hair. her hair is long and curly. she wheres a white cloth shirt with light blue markings on it and a white skirt also with blue markings on it.

History: Her people were attacked by there biggest enemies the Kortics. they killed all of their people except her from which she knows. only two escaped the battle and she was one of them. the other was Los Recada Lucardo Sen Zelrok in which was her boyfriend at the time. they were together when they escaped but quickly realized that they were being followed. the two split up and left the followers to also split up into two groups. Megan escaped but didn't know whether Sen Zelrok had too. She searched for him but was unable to find him. soon enough she found her way to fallien and is in search of him to this very day.

Skills: hand-to-hand combat

Abilities: slow moving objects to half its normal speed using her mind, and for no more than 10 seconds twice an hour
extreme senses - twice that of a normal humans
see clearly in the dark

Equipment: none

07-12-12, 06:29 PM
By slowing things down with her mind, are you talking about slowing time or just slowing moving objects? If it's slowing time, then the duration has to go down significantly, to like one post or some five or six seconds, and you should be able to use it no more than twice per hour.

07-12-12, 06:31 PM
Just slowing moving objects.
i have changed the ability description in order to keep others from becoming confused

07-12-12, 06:47 PM
Ok. Still need you to change the restriction a little bit. 50 posts is a very long time. Most threads rarely reach 50 posts on Althanas. Instead, let's just say she can slow objects to half their speed for 10 seconds, twice an hour.

07-12-12, 06:49 PM
ok, would that be all then?

07-12-12, 06:51 PM
Indeed. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.