View Full Version : Abrinano Ticherra Voscinato

07-21-12, 06:00 PM
Name: Abrinano Ticherra Voscinato
Race: Human Alerodias
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Skin color: Tan
Height: 6'8
Weight: 300 lb
Language(s): Tradespeech (But in Opposites)
Occupation: Gastronomes (Another name for Food Critic) - He actually gets PAID to eat and rate their food so that if ever tourists come they will stop their.

Personality: He is a man who loves to eat good food. He also speaks in opposites. If you have never met him before you would think he was being rude but in all actuality he is being as polite as Opposite Speech can be. An example of a compliment, "You are a horrible cook who should never cook again" When he says this it means, "You are a wonderful cook who should never stop cooking." Of course this is a problem when the chef doesn't know him but that is just the way it is. He will often say "I don't mean that." when he gives a complement or an insult. That helps keep the peace when he talks. He talks after each bite saying "Yuk!" if its good and "Mmm!" if it's bad. If its good he will say the only known opposite in his vocabulary "More!"

Appearance: Fat, Rich man. He wears a red fleece shirt, white trousers, and even a poofy hat. His hair is cut short so you never see it coming out of his hat.

History: He is currently on a trip around Althanas to find the best places to eat. He has been known as one of the best customers in any food place. He lived in a land known as Trotinos which is a small island off the mainland in Alerar. There he cooked the best food there ever was. He has been in the Bussiness for 20 years now and has finally decided that instead of making the food he would test it. He gave his company to his son, who is an up and coming chef, and has left to the mainland of Alerar to try all the best foods in all of Alerar and eventually all of Althanas. Due to his reputation he now gets paid to eat. Maybe one day he will return to try his sons food. for now however he will travel Althanas tasting the best it has to offer.

Opposite Speech - He speaks in opposites so no one understands him.
Bowling Ball - Once he starts running only he can stop himself. Only used if someone gets between him and food.

Cooking - He was once a Five Star Chef.
Eating - He can eat anything that isn't poisonous at any time.
Running - How he can run fast is a mystery to everyone.

Stainless Steel Silverware - Knives, Forks, Spoons, even Sporks he has them.
He has a Stainless Steel Fork and a Stainless Steel Knife he uses to fight with.

07-22-12, 12:07 PM
You are approved. Welcome to Althanas. Please don't eat everything so everybody else starves.