View Full Version : Prolicio Prolixi --- Alicia

07-23-12, 06:58 AM

Name: Prolicio Prolixi (Latin for "To Lure Forth")

Also known as: Alicia

Age: Unknown, but estimated to be at least 1200 years old --- appears to be in her 20's

Race: Ghost

Hair Color: Auburn

Eye Color: Hazel

Height: Five foot 11 inches ---- 5' 11''

Weight: Weightless (she's a ghost)

Personality: Alicia interacts with other people in their own languages so that everyone can understand what she is saying, as for all ghosts have this unique trait. She does not do the stereotypical ghost sounds and movements that people or other races expect from her. Although she can pass solid objects, she does not and will not go "OOOoooOOOooohhhhhhh" or "Boo!" She also does not have any chains to rattle around 'nor wear a bed sheet. She is of human form and appearance, a permanent appearance because that is the last she looked like when she died. Alicia thinks of herself as close to an immoral being since she has been around so long, but she definitely knows how she can be killed, it's just that no one dared try it yet.

Appearance: Like most ghosts she is transparent, but not by much ... surprising she could pass for human if you couldn't see the ghostly whisps of spiritual energy that surrounds her. She only turns almost completely transparent automatically when she passes through solid objects. Her body features, apparant age of early 20's and stunning beauty make her a deadly distraction for her victims. On the other hand, it is easier for her to obtain allies this way too.

History: Alicia was born as a human and raised by both human parents, for she was one of the rare 100% human blood races found in Althanas. Alicia grew up and lived all her life in Corone which is quote: "An island nation to the southeast of the mainland, Corone is known for its diverse inhabitants, mild climate, and bustling harbors. Having recently recovered from internal upheaval and rebellion, the restored Republic once again maintains thriving trade with other countries due to its strategic location and powerful navy." She lived by boat docks and went on constant fishing trips with her friends and family, not the best fisherman though, yet she had a blast doing it and then laughing about how terrible she was later. Towards the end of her days, in her 20's, she heard of a legendary treasure in the cursed city of "Londo Ruins" (now abandoned and warning of all access to it), located right next to "New Londo Ruins" in response to her event. This legendary item was the soul of the greatest warrior ever known in Althanas, a person who was rumored to help create which is all we live on. This soul was anyone's dream, for it had the potential to make anything the user wanted either for evil or good. It could make things that would help people like food and water, but also had the potential to make infinite wealth or deadly weapons and magic. As for Alicia, she would have used it for good by helping everyone out that truly needed, perhaps also getting rid of greedy governments and slimy races. As she ventured through Londo Ruins and got about half way in, that is where she met her untimely demise. Alicia was surrounded by ghosts all carrying cursed blades, she tried her best to fend them off but no weapon or item worked for it went through their transparent like bodies with no effect. Inevitably she was struck down with one of their cursed swords leaving a would in her chest, she managed to leave the dreaded place and started back home when she started to experience strange symptoms. Alicia started spitting up blood that started off red (like normal) but gradually turned into black ooze that looked like oil, her skin got more pale by the minute as she collapsed on the ground and began gasping for air. She screamed out in pain as she fell out of consciousness, and re-awoke about four hours later, standing on the ground horrified at the sight she saw right near her feet. The sight was no other but her own body, laying their lifeless, she looked at herself and noticed the spiritual glow that now surrounded her and she knew the unfortunate truth immediately --- She was now a ghost herself for all eternity. Alicia then abandoned Corone to live in abandoned building near the edge of it's border finding a way to experience the joy of heaven, but her body refused to let go, she was forever trapped as a ghost. After awhile, nearby travelers would once in awhile find her building, probably looking for treasure when they saw her and screamed. Tried as they might, all of their weapons of steel and iron went through her and had no effect, it was then she realized she was immune to all solid weapons, she felt immortal, that is until a wizard came across her. The wizard cast spells on her and she felt weak, much weaker then in the past when the same spells were cast unto her as a human, she then realized there was a drawback to being a ghost. Although ghosts are immune to all physical attacks, they are greatly weakened and effected by magic. Alicia was lucky enough to escape and now wonders around Althanas looking for allies to add to her arsenal. She wants to defeat all evil forces, and hopes to gain revenge on the ghosts. There is one critical piece of information that Alicia does not know however, the only physical weapon that can harm her is a cursed weapon, problem with that though is that once a cursed weapon is held by a LIVING being they have to be cursed themselves to use it (like reduced speed, loss of eyesight, can't use magic etc.).

Skills: The only skill she has to pass through solid objects yet any such action leaves her a bit disoriented. She cannot use magic, however she has the ability to carry weapons like anyone else can, an unusual trait of a ghost, but it works.

Abilities: The only other ability Alicia has is to fly (since she is a ghost) she is limited to her flight though, for she can only go about 12 - 15 feet in the air for it must be some kind of restriction put onto ghosts to not let them ascend into heaven.

Equipment: A steel long sword she found on the corpse of a traveler, nothing special. (Has the ability to carry cursed weapons without being cursed though {since she is already cursed of being a ghost}).

07-23-12, 05:31 PM
Hmm... The problem is that by passing through solid objects, she is basically impervious to any physical damage. And that would be an unfair advantage at this point.

How about instead we say that while she can pass through solid objects (and solid objects can pass through her), any such action leaves her a bit disoriented, and if she does it too many times (or if somebody slashes through her incorporeal body three or four times), she temporarily disperses or something like that?

07-23-12, 09:48 PM
Edited ... approved now? Besides that though, do you like the character?

07-25-12, 10:27 AM
Yeah, I think it definitely has potential. It will be interesting to see in which direction will you take her.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.