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General Quintet
07-24-12, 12:28 AM
Group Name

The General Quintet

Individual Names: Age

Sam: 20
Sara: 21
Tracy: 30

Favorite Music

Sam: Rap
Sara: Opra
James: Country
Cain: Classical
Tracy: All


Sam: Counter Tenor
Sara: Saprano
James: Tenor
Cain: Beritone
Tracy: Bass


Musicologicals - A group of being who look like humans but they have no speaking voice. Instead all they do is sing.

Hair Color
All are black

Eye Color
All are brown


Sam: 5'5
Sara: 5'3
James: 5'6
Cain: 6'0
Tracy: 6'2


Sam: 125
Sara: 110
James: 150



Sam: Rude, Rebellious, Disrespectful
Sara: Loving but Harsh
James: Loving, Kind, Hospitable, and Strict
Cain: Gentlemanly
Tracy: Well Rounded, Leader, Smart


Boys wear a suite with their Musical Black Ties
Sara wheres a nice dress (Color Different Each Time) with a Musical Black Bow around her waist

Sam - Mullet hair style, His eyes are lighter than the rest of his siblings.
Sara - Long hair that is let down and a Musical Bow in the front.
James - Has short messy hair, his facial features are known to attract many young ladies
Cain - Weirs his hair in a sleek style, He also caries a cane to look more divine.
Tracy - weirs his hair in any way. Some days he has it slicked back, other days he lets it go messy, and once he even had it grown so that he looked like a girl with a beard. He never shaves so his beard has been getting longer. He keeps it trimmed so that it is even, not messy.


Singing - They are all great singers. So good in fact that even angels idolize them.


Cook - He is the chef of the group. If he wanted to he could easily open his own restaurant.

First Aid - She is the nurse of the group. Whenever someone is sick or hurt she knows exactly what to do.

Hunter - He can Track and kill most any animal there is. Few has he hunted and escaped.

Tradesman - He is well versed in the art of trading. He is the man in charge of their money. He does all the shopping. He also sells items to get money for his siblings.

Warrior - He is adequate with the sword and can bring down most NPC's without problem. PC's are is a different story. He is charged with the safety of his brothers and sister.


Each of them has the same ability whith the ability getting stronger the more people that use it at once. Have to rest voice after each ability is used.

Sound Wave - A sudden wave of sound exits their mouth as a screech.

1 person - Can knock people back about an inch
2 people - Can knock people back about 2 inches
3 people - Can knock people back about 4 inches
4 people - Can knock people back about 8 inches
Whole group - Can knock people Back 16 inches and even burst their ear drum

Sound wall - A wall of sound forms in front of group (Magical Items are not affected.

1 person - Can block a Light Punch
2 people - Can block a Medium Punch or an Arrow
3 people - Can block a Strong Punch, a Heavy Arrow, or a Light Weapon Attack.
4 people - Can block a Super Human Punch, Heavy Arrow, Or a Medium Weapon Attack.
Whole Group - Can block most Non-Magic Attacks

Sonic Boom - A sound wave is sent for miles. If you are near the source it can puncture your eardrums causing nausea. Musicologicals Ears are made to be able to withstand such blasts. Mostly used as a distress call.



Musical Ties - A tie that when they are going to comunicate starts music according to what it is they are going to sing

Musical Bow - Same as the Musical Ties but in bow form

Oak Hunter's Bow
Iron Tipped Oak Arrows

Musical Baton - Used to direct his sibling when they are going to sing together. Just like the Bow and Ties it also starts the music as soon as he starts waving it.

Steel Longsword

*As the only one with any true fighting skill, Tracy is the only one who actually fights.

General Quintet
07-25-12, 08:34 AM
I have finished my Character Sheet. It is now ready to be judged

07-25-12, 10:34 AM
I need you to make that only one of these five can participate in a battle at any given time. Meaning that you are free to use all five in quests and such, but in a battle you can only use one. Please edit that in somewhere, then you're set to go.

General Quintet
07-25-12, 11:47 AM
How is that. I also remembered that since James is a hunter he needs to have a bow so I added it for hunting only.

07-26-12, 10:29 AM
Looking good. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.