View Full Version : Eternal Goodbye

08-24-06, 03:50 PM
(There is a lot so I’ll put a summary up here while you read it. A few things were not added to my profile and I forgot them. I am attempting to add them now, the major ones being the Magical Trinket and the fact Eye for an Eye can hurt people emotionally. Changeling Amulet was added and is negotiable; I also increased my skill with Blind Fighting to 6, Backstab to 5, and Gymnastics to 2.)

"I have walked the paths; the shadowed roads
That led to terror's breast. I have plumbed the depths of
Hatred's womb and scaled Destruction's crest.

For every secret left unveiled, for every power learned,
I'd sell the remnants of my soul, regardless how it burned,
And still I sought a higher wisdom few could have attained,
'Though I found it, it would leave me - broken, damned and drained.

For now I find this power is gained is more unto a curse,
My spirit burns with every spell and each irreverent verse.
Despite this strength and knowledge earned, I have paid a heavy toll,
Never should've traded power for my immortal soul."

Previous Profile: Level 9 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2093)
Updates: Teal

Name: Seth Dahlios
Aliases: The Lavinian Demon, The Lavinian Hex Magi, Demon, Scourge of Scara Brae, Thief Extraordinaire, Poster Child of Lavinya, Former Member of the Black Hand
Race: Lavinian (Human)
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Grey
Occupation: Thief, Hex Magi

Personality: Seth Dahlios is a wreck of his former self. While bursts of pride often tempered in the forge of anger arise, few are these moments. He has worked hard in order to try and give penance, however he never feels it is enough. While he has rekindled the will to live, he won’t go to lengths to avoid the fate he sees coming.

Appearance: Twin gauntlets both forged of Mythril plates dyed black, along with his leather vest, constantly cleaned and patched from various days mark the extent of his armor. His clothing is old and ratty obviously used and worn. Patches seem to be found often on the shirt and the leather hide pants he wears, as if he doesn’t wish to discard them.


Lavinya city of trade and entryway to the far north resided deep in the heart of Revan. The people there were a proud and arrogant people, dedicated to their sole means of life, the art of mercantile business. It was here that gave birth to perhaps one of the most conflicted beings. Seth Dahlios, began life here in Lavinya.

At the age of sixteen people are considered adults in Lavinya. They are of age to choose their path through life, and upon doing so ally themselves with one of the three main forces of Lavinya, either the guard the Traders, or the Thieves. Seth chose to fight against the tyranny of the trade masters, and joined the thief’s guild wholeheartedly. So from the age of sixteen he trained, long and hard in order to become the best thief he could. His goal the same as any Thief from Lavinya, was to overthrow those that would enslave his people, and so when he had to leave the city, it was a sad day for him.

Going about the world he continued to show the pride and arrogance of Lavinya to any who encountered the young man. He was only 25 but he had in that time span caused more headaches than most people would have considered with his mere presence. The Black Hand was constantly in battle with him, the bandit brotherhood had to deal with his rather, nonsensical habits. However one day that forever changed his life, was when he read into the Tome of Mordechai, inside the Grand Hex Magi’s very bookstore.

He was a Hex Magi, an artificially altered human being that served the sole purpose of a magical weapon. The ultimate soldier, its design was to develop spells mid battle to overcome difficulties, destroy their opponents and move on. While on paper the theory was sound, when they had hard times caring about who they declared “opponents” they were quickly scrapped. The result being that there was a witch hunt for them many years ago. It was believed they had been destroyed, until the day that Mordechai awoke Seth Dahlios, to his legacy.

Since then he had become aggressive, his actions callous and careless. He would fight only because it entertained him, rather than a true test of skill. The pride and arrogance nearly tripled under the effects of the magic. It wasn’t until the trail of bodies reached his parents that he finally awoke from the nightmare he had steeped himself in. His own blades were rich with his parent’s blood, and his soul a mere shadow of its former self. In exchange for the Matricide and Patricide, his soul was reformed anew, and he became a lesser man.

Since then he has wandered aimlessly. His feet only tread on because the thought of suicide was too much for his fragile sanity. For months he would be found at the bottom of a barrel, drinking himself and hoping just to die. His reason for living had been lost in the madness that gripped him. One night however, he heard a rumor, a vicious and well placed one that indicated his friend, and the only person, who stood beside him, Liliana Ambria having been captured. It was this that snapped him out of his drunken stupor, and sent him to the Serenti to do battle.

However it was not meant to be. The first battle ended when his opponent had grown too scared to face him properly. The second battle was lost to the Coronian Ranger Letho Ravenheart, after a bitter and bloody battle ensued. At the end of the battle, he had the Savion Prince’s companion Myrhianna Batillien dagger to her throat. He had given into the magic that resided in him, hoping that he would be able to save Liliana through a desperate gambit. Threatening to kill the girl if Letho did not submit, the treacherous words of her Lover echoed through the room when Letho refused the ultimatum.

Seth Dahlios in that moment began to show signs of his former self. Gift of the Magi had gripped him, and the cold and callous Seth of old was more than willing to sacrifice the girl. In a moment of perfect clarity Seth put his past demons behind him as he fought back, instead of being the willing victim; he chose to be the aggressor and tore through the magic that bound him. In the end Seth had stopped the blade from claiming another innocent, and stopped the fight, calling for his own death.

It never came, but Seth was more than willing to repay the debt he owed. His life had been spared, and in an odd turn of events, he promised himself to prevent his plight upon Letho Ravenheart. He protected the lost former slave and in the end realized just how non-unique he truly was. His cousin Beatrix Dahlios entered into his life and made her objective clear. Her sole goal was to seduce her cousin, and use their incestuous union to impregnate herself.

A short while after a near fatal meeting with his cousin he met up once more with Sivienna Mizami, a person who had seen Seth at her worst, and had suffered for it. She told him of a bastard child that haunted her thoughts, and warned Seth that it may one day seek them out. He only tried to comfort the vampires before he was once again force to confront Beatrix Dahlios. Shortly after that battle Sivienna pressured Seth to join her for the Lornius Corporate Challenge.

Following the events of the challenge Seth wandered off alone. In his wanderings he had realized he had hurt his friend Liliana far too much, and the desperation of being unable to find her had taken its toll. Slowly Seth began crumbling, falling apart and throwing himself into the arms of any female friend he once had. The end result was that he had began breaking down, and finally was forced to retreat back to Revan, and into Otaria, the City of Traitors.

His only wish is to reassemble some semblance of the life he once had, and to once again truly live.

And now he truly has gotten himself into trouble. Our beleaguered thief has entered into the Cell tournament after watching friends and fellow thieves die before him. His sanity is reaching a breaking point, but he refuses to give in. If only for Liliana's sake he continues to fight his demons, to fight against the curse of his blood. He will spill the blood of others, but on his terms.

Time, it is said to heal all wounds, however, time can also never heal the truly deep ones. Seth is still haunted by his past, though he seeks to recreate his life. He had pledged himself wholly to Liliana, and has become determined to always be there for her. However, he still continues to see the slippery slope before him, and knows there is only one way that his life will end, in bloodshed.


2 – Prevalida Daggers Dubbed “Ebony and Ivory”

5 steel throwing knives dubbed “Lung Poppers”

1 Dragon Bone Dagger dubbed “Spite”

1 Obsidian Dagger with tier strength equivalent to Titanium dubbed “Malice”

Enchanted Hooded Robes – Enchanted so that even should the wearing shine light directly under the hood, the face will be hidden in shadows so long as the hood remains up.

Copper coin with sharpened edge

Black fingerless leather Gauntlets with Mythril plates.

Two Steel Daggers

A cloak with a hood made of Burlap

Two Dragon Bone daggers

1 Delyn dagger unnamed. (One was given to Torin Rheakari and dubbed Duty)

Medal of Trestoria – Earned from the Rangir War

Piece of paper detailing “Seth’s Ten rules for Success”
1) Nothing is free.

2) Give it everything you got, that way if you fail you have no regrets.

3) If you're going to fertilize the ground, you're going to have to shovel a lot of sh*t.

4) Only the rash gives in to emotion, the man who feels nothing gets far.

5) Greed rules the common man, power the uncommon one.

6) He who has the gold makes the rules.

7) The difference between genius and insanity is the degree of success.

8) The wise man knows everything, the shrewd man everyone.

9) Nothing is impossible, only mathematically improbable.

10) Only the victors write history.

Arcane Items

Changeling Amulet (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=624&page=3) - The mythical Changeling Amulet has been discovered. It grants the wielder the ability to form it into any weapon the wielder should choose, if the amulet believes its wielder worthy of such an honor. However, there is a few restrictions on this amulet as it is not nearly as limitless in power as the legends tell:

1) It only creates one weapon of hardness equal to Delyn.

2) It can create armor, but only enough for one piece or set of pieces. Gauntlets, Breastplates, Greaves, Leggings, ect.

3) It can only create weapons that the wielder is aware of. It will not change into a Nodachi if the wielder has no idea what a nodachi is.

4) It will only last five posts, before it must cool off for a three post period. (In terms of quests and battles it is counting consecutive posts, not three of my posts.)

5) It does not confer ability to wield what it changes into upon the wielder, unless the spirit imprisoned in the amulet is willing to gift such ability. A rare happenstance as the spirit is often spiteful and will not go out of its way to get its owner killed.

It also has one additional ability only usable by the wielder once per battle or quest, for a period of five posts as well:

Possession - Should the wielder be entirely desperate they can let the soul imprisoned within them possess their body turning them into the avatar of the soul. When this occurs the Amulet will use all energy of the person’s spirit to transform into a full suit of steel plate mail armed with a Delyn spear. For those five posts the wielder will show utmost expertise with the spear, however, upon the amulet relinquishing control, will drain the user to the point they will pass out. (This is not a may, it is a hard in stone fact.)

Magical Trinket – Earned from the Adventurer’s Crown the trinket merely is made form a piece of bong that is elongated and pointy. When the trinket is held before the user it will point to the strongest source of magical power in the area. This often times may have it point at Seth, but occasionally it will point in other directions, like a magical compass. (Vorin approved the trinket I believe you can ask him)

Innate Skill

Pain Syndicate – Seth has undergone so much pain and trauma that he can push himself further than the normal man. So long as Seth has drive and conviction to reach his goals, he will continue to fight. He does not easily fall unconscious or will not easily give into death. While he cannot ignore his wounds, he can keep fighting to the best of his abilities, working through the pain and trauma.

Iron Will – Seth’s encounters with death have taught him pain is still nothing to fear. He has become intimate with the workings of his body, and so long as he is determined, he will always be able to stand regardless the circumstances. This doesn’t mean he can fight, merely that unless he is dead or has suffered a crippling leg wound, he can still stand.

Learned Skills

Dagger Proficiency: 6 (The ability to use daggers in a practical and experienced manner.)

Throw voice: 4 (The art of ventriloquism, to make it appear his voice is coming from some other place than it originally had.)

Sneak: 3 (The art of stealthily moving in the darkness silently.)

Backstab: 5 (The art of harming someone by dealing a hard blow to the opponents back area, may cause serious wounds or internal injuries.)

Throw Daggers: 6 (the art of throwing his knives in a skillful and tactful way.)

Mimic Voice: 3 (The art of mimicking a person’s voice in order to deceive or confuse.)

Blind Fighting: 6 (The art of fighting effectively while blind or in complete darkness. At this level it allows Seth to use his daggers at no penalty.

Gymnastics: 2 (The art of using the surroundings to ones advantages. Users of gymnastics can recover better from falls and hard blows, but often find themselves at a loss when in a flat plain.)

This is on a scale of 1-6 the scale works as follows:

1: Basic knowledge, enough that you won’t be caught easily in the act. However, someone that knows what to look for will blatantly catch him performing the act. Major fundamental problems with the user's technique.

2: Fine tuning of some of the more obvious errors, mastery at this point is such that the person can see where the mistakes are and figures out where to focus in order to improve. Basic fundamental errors some finer techniques elude them.

3: Mastery of most of the fundamental techniques involved with the skill. Most often at this point if a problem occurs it is usually associated with a situation that the person using it isn't familiar with, or in an area where the person is uncomfortable.

4: At this point even the more unusual circumstances will not faze the user. Problems may occur when the user is either anxious or cocky. Most problems are with the attitude of the user at the time of use.

5: At this point any mistakes are minimal. Only someone who is as experienced as the user can catch them in the act. At this point there is little more to master on the skill, but there are still some flaws.

6: You are the master of this skill. You can effectively teach and produce counters to the ability. Practicing is no longer of use to the user as it is pointless. The only way they could learn more is to actively use the skill constantly.

Knowledge Skills:

Lavinian Thief’s Guild – Seth knows the ins and outs of the guild and its workings. Because of this, he is able to easily find help from his comrades should he have to.

Dark Arts – During Seth’s tenure as a Hex Mage he researched many arcane and forbidden arts looking for spells to coerce his hex magic into. Because of this he has extensive knowledge of the forbidden arts, and if someone casts any around him, chances are he knows at least what type of magic is being used. This does not mean he is capable of producing counters, merely that he could identify it, and the school it might belong to.

Hex Magic – Seth knows as much as any outsider can possibly find out about Hex Magic. He knows little of the finer details, but does know about how it came about and what has been done with it as recorded by people in history. Being a Hex Mage himself, he also knows some of the finer details, though he is still in the dark about a lot of the concepts the magic goes into.

Hex Magic

Hex Magic is a rather sadistic branch of magic. This unique branch of magic is limited to those with the genetics qualities produced by wielders of such magic. The most notable trait being odd eye color among people of the region. This magic can only be learned through questing/battling, only with the express permission of the parties involved, and only with Moderator approval. I can STRENGTHEN spells I have already learned, however, I must first learn them in a quest or a battle.

Sowing Salt - Upon saying the words, "Salt heals all wounds." The weapons in his hands (must be two) are imbued with a rather peculiar power. His knives; upon hitting his opponent will increase any pain that his opponent feels, in effect doubling it. This ability cannot kill on its own, but with the daggers, it may open an opponent to attack. The duration of this ability is until one post after Seth loses contact with one of his daggers.

Slow - Upon the mage saying the words "Life is passing you by," an orb of grey light forms in the hands of the mage. Upon hurling this ball at the speed of an arrow and hitting his opponent they will be slowed. The physical side effects are a feeling like running through water rushing against them. This spell at the moment only slows a person down to half speed. Usable once per thread and for the duration of two posts.

Eye for an Eye - If the Hex Mage has eye contact with his opponent he may activate this ability. By concentrating on a particularly painful memory the mage can force his opponent to experience incredible pain by saying the words, "You don't know the true meaning of pain." Only a battle hardened person may hope to fight through he pain and continue on. Battle with Luc Kraus has shown that this ability may cause emotional instead of physical pain. (link here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1212&page=3) for awarding, go back a page for the actual description) Usable once per thread.

Pain - Upon saying the words, "You will feel my pain" The pain that the Hex Mage is experiencing at that moment is transferred in a ten foot radius around him. Lasts a single post. This will not diminish the mage's pain; only share it with those around him. Usable once per page.(Page being fifteen posts)

Sin Harvest - This ability must charge up over a post while the Hex Mage stands still and in one spot. Upon saying the words, “Penance for your sins?” a ball of purple energy forms in the Hex Mages Hands. This ball may be held for two posts. If held to long or it makes contact with its target, this energy disperses over its target. The ability then looks back at the targets history over a month (goes farther back when upgraded) and for every sin committed it does two things;

1) Forgives the sins, making them untargetable by Sin Harvest again.
2) Deals damage for each sin committed physically in the form of cuts. The greater the sin is, the deeper the cut inflicted. This ability CAN kill. (NOTE: If this ability hits Seth, it will deal 1.5 times the damage it would have normally inflicted.)

Usable once a thread.

[Note: So as to prevent others from claiming Power Game opportunities I will point out that when Sin Harvest has charged half way, any spell Seth is holding (IE: Stop) will release its captive, giving them a chance to attack and stop the charging process…]

Stop - Upon saying the words, "Times up" The Hex mage forms an orb of black light within his hands. Throwing it at the speed of an arrow will cause a person to be halted in time. So long as Seth does not begin to cast another spell, or make a move of aggression the spell will hold. However, any resistance by the victim will cause Seth to gradually grow physically ill, until such time as he vomits, releasing the spell. Also, any damage done to his victim also occurs to Seth. Usable once per thread.

Gift of the Magi – Once per thread the caster can heal every wound done to himself, however upon doing so the mage loses complete control of his body, as the magic takes over protecting them. Until such time as the mage is no longer in danger, the magic will continue to control him. After the body is found to be out of harms way an immediate purging of the left over magic will occur. However, if the acts of his magic controlled self are found to be completely against the caster’s ethics, they can attempt to redirect the magic, causing an immediate purge of the left over magicks and leaving them vulnerable.

Seven Deaths – Once per thread upon saying the words “You’ll be surprised what you can live through” a ball of crimson red energy will form in the hex mage’s hands. The orb when thrown will travel at the speed of an arrow with any added force of the caster’s throwing. The result is an illusion picked at random to simulate one of Seven Deaths; Burning, Hanging, Drowning, Beheading, Quartering, Disembowelment, and Pressing. The illusion is up to the victim’s discretion and often takes on the form of their greatest fear of dying. Should they not be able to see through the illusion then the spell will kill them, making their body react as if it had been put through the illusion, making it real. However, should they force off the illusion of death they are merely disoriented a post as they must fight off their body almost thinking it was dead.

Cyrus the virus
08-24-06, 04:01 PM
Be careful not to be ridiculous with the amulet there...
