View Full Version : Upcoming Alerar/Raiaera Event

Sighter Tnailog
08-25-06, 01:44 AM
Greetings, Althanas! Let me remind everyone that the regions contest deadline is coming up soon, so get those entries to Zieg dil' Tulfried before it's too late! In addition to the reminder, let me tell you something you didn't know.

As many of you avid continent-watchers may have heard, the bad blood between Alerar and Raiaera has been simmering for some time. And events are now afoot that could bring that blood to a boil. Yes, Althanas...we're looking at the near certainty of war.

Which is why I'm announcing that those of you interested in gaining glory on some far-off field should consider checking out Raiaera and Alerar. I'm not going to detail specifics now, but remember: when war begins, participants will be limited to a maximum number, and some of that number may even be filled by invited combatants. Invitations are based on activity within the continent and proof of dedication to its cause, so if you'd like to fight for Alerar or Raiaera, proving yourself there wouldn't hurt.

And remember, those who fight for one or the other of these countries may have great rewards when the dust clears and the victor is declared. So don't take it lightly! There is great power in store for the winners.

(And for those of you more interested in Fallien, Haide, Salvar, or Corone, take heart! You'll hear more soon about how everyone can participate in this war, even if they aren't fighting and dying on the battlefield!)