View Full Version : Efemriel, Keeper of the Oath

Keeper of the Oath
08-14-12, 03:43 PM
Name: Efemriel
Age: Unknown
Race: Presumed Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: A light, steely blue.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 155lbs.
Occupation: Keeper

Personality: Efemriel is a calm, patient, understanding being. Perceptive and aware. Within his core is a great desire to bring justice and truth to those who deserve it. Many of his views and beliefs center around true neutrality. Justice is balance. Truth is unyielding. If he hopes to embody and spread those ideals, then he must become them.

Appearance: At first glance, Efemriel seems no more than a beggar. A long tattered cloak hangs about him, concealing the thin man underneath. At first, it seems a trick of the light, the way the sun reflects off the exterior of the cloak, the way the shadows inside seem to cling and sway, blurring features. Although not obscure, some can still make out the dark, soft vestments being worn. The thin belt holding it together. But none miss the pendant. Made of dark glass with a bright amber at it's center, the fragile thing seems to glow faintly.

But so transfixed were they, that they miss the man's subdued face. Pale skin. Held in a constant state of calm, unflinching, like stone. Short black hair peeks from underneath his cowl, and when they shadows hit just right, it seems almost as if the man's light steely eyes become black endless holes.

A pale hand protrudes from the cloak, grasping an elm staff, sturdy and worn. Ordinary, except for the sigils carved into its length. Great swirls and whorls of varying shapes and sizes.

- Perception: Efemriel is able to ascertain through conversation, body language, and educated guesses, the demeanor, stature and worth of those he meets.

- Calm Presence: Efemriel is efficient at calming those around him with comforting words, a gentle touch and soothing demeanor.

- Confidant: As a Keeper, Efemriel listens to the troubles of those around him, and at times giving advice in return. He takes his role rather seriously, and will die before letting slip what was given to him in trust.

- Sigil of Truth: Carved into the palm of his left hand, the sigil of truth is an ancient piece of magic that can further help pull the truth from people, when coercing them fails. The sigil activates upon contact with foreign material. When activated while touching inanimate objects, the sigil shows Efemriel a brief and sudden insight into the thing's past. Where it was made, how it was treated, etc. When activated upon skin, it sends a compulsion through the contact's body to tell the truth. Weak minds are easily persuaded, while the strong-willed can resist its effects unhindered.
(Works on same level opponents. Does not work on higher level opponents without consent; when given, works on opponents two levels higher and down.)

- Sigil of Justice: Carved into the palm of his right hand, the sigil of justice is an ancient piece of magic that can either help or hurt those it touches. Efemriel reserves the use of the sigil until deemed absolutely necessary. For example, a man wrongly imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. Upon touching the shackles binding the man, the sigil sends arcane power into the metal, and it falls apart. Another example; he meets a murderer and rapist who has been able to evade capture through nefarious means. Efemriel touches the sigil to the man's skin, and he is punished. The punishment is specific to the person. It can kill, maim, cause excruciating physical pain, or make the recipient relive the horrors he inflicted upon others, sometimes leaving them in a catatonic state.
(Can only be used twice a day. Cannot be used to kill or maim without PC's consent. Can be used to cause physical pain upon contact. Can only be used upon the mind with NPCs or PC specific situations.)

- Elm Staff: A sturdy, worn staff that stands as long as Efemriel is tall. Aside from the inactive sigils carved upon its length, it is rather ordinary.

- Black Glass Pendant: Made from a very rare, very expensive material not seen among core countries of Althanas, this piece of jewelery has been in Efemriel's possession for a very long time. A bright amber is set in the center, surrounded by whorls of black glass. Other than aesthetically pleasing though, the item has a certain weight to it. When looked upon, people can't help but be entranced. When held by anyone other than Efemriel, the pendant becomes unbearably hard to carry, as if the piece itself was bonded to him.

Familiars: Deep within the amber of Efemriel's pendant lies an ancient sentience. Silent, it clings to Efemriel. The Keeper does not speak of what exactly is within the pendant, but when the subject is brought forth, the tiniest crack is visible on his stone-like face.


Millenia ago, an explorer by the name of Edagr Edelfeist wondered at size of the world. One day, he took a crew of men and supplies and ventured into the vastness of the unknown... and was never heard from again. Many had assumed that they had died horrible deaths at the hands of some terrible beast. But a century later, when the world had almost forgotten the name of Edagr Edelfeist, a man came back.

It was a member of the expedition, the tracker to be exact. Mad and half-starved, the man spoke of ancient beasts and gods that still roamed the periphery of the world. He said that Edagr had disappeared one night along with most of the crew. Spoke of how he tried to track them through the dense jungle they had found themselves in. The man was erratic in the telling. Spoke of being bathed in an amber light. Felt a great warmth rush through him. A gentle whisper at the edge of his hearing.

He spoke of losing faith, of being exiled and cast out. Sentenced to die. The man cried, refused to eat or drink and later succumbed.

No one wanted to believe. Out of fear, out of arrogance. Centuries passed, and the world had forgotten. Until one day, a man began to appear on the outer edges of the civilized world. Barefoot, cloaked, and carrying a staff. He spoke of ancient beasts and gods. He spoke of an amber light. He spoke of Aurelya.

08-15-12, 02:21 PM
Looking good. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.