View Full Version : She Could Probably Kick Your Ass

08-16-12, 03:51 PM
(Level 0.)

Name: Dana Rosendal
Age: 24
Race: Human
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Pale Green
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 146 lbs.
Occupation: Martial Artist and Thief

Personality: The first thing an acquaintance, a friend or a person off the street learns about Dana is that she has a wry sense of humor, and after many experiences, both tragic and enriching, growing up as a vagrant, Dana needed to learn how to laugh and appreciate life. However, after many brutal encounters with men on alley streets that threatened either her dignity or her life, the woman is finding it harder and harder to show her appreciation and joy in public. People who are happy are taken advantage of. People who are smitten by joy are careless and reckless, and while it might fly in the pillars of high society, Dana has witnessed those who were happy-go-lucky savagely beaten within an inch of their lives and having everything they owned stolen from them. And that was if they were lucky. Dana puts up a wall to any newcomer she meets and can be icy in many of her conversations with others, but she at least tries and yearns for interaction with others. It is very difficult to gain her trust, but once you have it it is unshakable. Having very little formal education, Dana is unlettered and unable to read or write. However, she is remarkably intelligent while being able to pick up languages fairly easily, navigate anywhere, and deal with people in trade. There is something to be said about being street smart, after all.

Dana has considerable cunning in how she chooses to deal with people, and while she will never take advantage of others in a way that might threaten their lives, she has definitely capable of making a living as a woman with a silver tongue or as a cutpurse. Dana attempts to remain calm in all situations and it is fairly difficult to see her react emotionally in a variety of circumstances given her upbringing, preferring to not rise to a person's taunts and retain focus and concentration. Dana is incredibly gifted physically and whose iron will and determination has pushed her limits far and beyond what most people could possibly withstand. She challenges herself and others to push themselves beyond their limitations and to not only do things out of survival, but for themselves.

Having lived in a monestary for a time, Dana has learned considerable discipline which has allowed her to train herself both mentally and physically to meet any challenge, friend or foe.

Appearance: Still well within her youth, as an adult Dana is comely in appearance and as she quickly learned while growing up in the slums of many a city, beauty is a curse. Dana has had to fight off the unwanted advances of drunkards and degenerates her entire life, but having suffered brutal beatings and been nearly raped, Dana has lost a great deal of innocence in her appearance which has been replaced instead with hard fought wisdom and bitterness. A jagged scar that runs along her right eye and down her cheek marred her otherwise emaculate face. Her honeyed blonde hair remains cut short, almost as if it had been cut recently by the edge of a knife rather then with shears. Her pale green eyes are captivating and have allured many a man in their hypnotic gaze, but for most others it is fairly easy to see the pain and burden that Dana continues to carry throughout her life. Dana is well-built and fit for her age, having had to rely on few others but herself to look out for her she gives the appearance of an athlete capable of incredible feats. Her skin burnt by the desert sun and her hands and feet calloused by years of travel and hard choices across the world, Dana gives every appearance of maturity and to be well-traveled. Dana dresses herself in clothes fit for survival, and as nomadic as she is she rarely bears the weight of armor for long. Loose-fitting shirts and trousers, and well-fitting sandals that wrap to her ankles in almost a Roman style. Dana's hands are wrapped and bandaged in cloth to protect them from the elements and in fights. She bears no jewelry in public out of fear of it being stolen, and all of her possessions in the world fit upon the pack upon her back or the satchel at her side. Despite her hard life and what she has done to meet the awful challenges as a wanderer, Dana still unwilling retains the remarkable beauty her parents endowed her with.


Beauty is a Curse; Dana is incredibly beautiful in appearance, and despite having lived in the streets, being scarred and tempered by a harsh world, she still retains it. Men easily turn their heads to this woman and she often suffers many unwanted advances. At least, she did before those who didn't stop at "No." had bones broken or were castrated. Word got around or maybe her unwillingness to be cowed by men has begun to bleed into her appearance, making smarter men avoid her. Otherwise, the advances remain the same and it is either a constant annoyance or could even go so far as to threaten her life if she is not careful.

Unlettered; Dana is illiterate and unable to read or write. However, she is able to identify numbers more easily, and her incredible memory allows her to remember most of what anyone tells her. She is a fast learner, however Dana realizes it would be very difficult for her to educate herself in books and learning.

Athlete; Dana is incredibly well-built and fit with a competitive personality that makes her a very capable athlete. She is incredibly quick, strong and dextrous. This is a base trait for all of Dana's physical abilities, skills and traits.

Disciplined; Dana spent a few years in a monestary in her youth and as a teenager which allowed her to gain discipline, concentration and focus. Through hard fought lessons with the warrior monks of Telri in Fallien, Dana has developed a type of focus that allows her to be unwavering in her goals. She is clean, neat and trains herself through blood and sweat to commit much of what she has learned to muscle memory, allowing her to be a force to be reckoned with. This trait ties into Dana's martial and H2H fighting abilities.


Flexible; Dana is incredibly flexible, and able to move her body and its parts at will that makes her able to bend, twist and move as if she were made of water. She is able to position herself in many ways that allow her to accomplish astonishing feats. Many would even swear she is double-jointed with the way she is able to bend her limbs or other parts of her body to the point of breaking. She is particularly good at dodging attacks with this and this skill makes it far more difficult to grab hold of her, especially if she is covered in grease or oil.

Nimble; Dana is fast and able to move at a speed that is 2x faster then your average human. In a run or a sprint, sure, she could probably kick your ass, but much of her speed and dexterity comes into play in a fight where she not only is able to move fast, but is able to manipulate herself, her adversary(ies) and the environment to her will.

Remarkable Endurance; Dana doesn't tire. Or.. at least it is very difficult for her to. She is able to keep up with anybody in a fight or in a run, and if there is anyone you don't want to count out because of tiring, its her. She has 2x the endurance then your average human.

Thief; Dana is a capable thief who has learned the trade through painful trial and error. This base trait ties into all of Dana's thieving abilities and skills.

Martial Arts; Dana's years spent in the monestary in Fallien with Telri warrior monks was definitely time well spent. Dana is trained in Telri martial arts and received adequete training to be of adept status. This is the base skill for all of Dana's martial arts abilities. Dana is able to hone and level up the fighting abilities she already has, but requires formal martial arts training or experience in actual fights in order to learn new moves, styles and techniques.

Known Fighting Styles; A fighting martial arts style is a series of techniques that have been put together for a specific instance in a fight or for an entire battle. The key and use of these styles is all about strategy, and Dana is able to change these styles at will in a battle depending on the situation. She may add to these fighting styles to make them more her own as she becomes more advanced, but she can never take away the basics without losing the integrity of the entire strategy.

Mongoose Style - "A mongoose strikes first, slithers back and circles its prey. Then it will strike again, again, and again whenever the opportunity arises. The mongoose style plays upon the first strike of a fight to catch an opponent off balance to begin a fight. To fight in this style means that you fight on your terms, not theirs. You will dodge, dip and duck to avoid blows from your adversary. Your strikes will be precise when fighting with your opponent, because they will be few, so make the most of them. Only when your opponent has begun to tire or you have bled them enough will you move in for the killing blow. To fight as mongoose is a battle of attrition, and to be hit, bled or tired very well might cost you your life."

In this style, Dana is able to focus on dodging and rebounding against an opponent's attacks, making it a reactive defensive style. The key to the style is strategic aggression, which means Dana will use whatever means necessary to avoid her adversary's attacks, but when she sees opportunity she will strike. She will do everything in her power to avoid her opponents blows, but at the same time close the gap and strike whenever the situation allows. Her blows within this style are more precise, allowing them to inflict more damage against her opponent depending on what she hits. The preferable target in this style is the head, groin, kidneys, legs and joints.

Monkey Style - "The monkey is fast and cunning in battle, and unrelenting in his strikes. To fight like the monkey, you will not only strike your opponent as many times as necessary, but use the opponent's force against himself. In a fight as the monkey, your fight will be fast, brutal and short. Whenever your opponent strikes, you will turn that force against him. Whenever he goes on the defensive, you will use whatever means to bring the fight to him and strike as hard as you can. The monkey does not fight for glory or for the thrill of the kill, but for survival."

In this style, Dana is able to focus on counterattacks and striking her opponent, making it a proactive attack style. This style does not hinge on a specific opening, like that of the mongoose, but instead draws a fighter to strike again and again, to be unrelenting and to resist all force and approach of the adversary. This style focuses on using aggressive strikes to force the opponent to go on the defensive, and whenever he lashes out to use that attack against himself. This style not only engages the opponent physically, but also mentally using a consistent array of attacks and counterattacks to confuse, frustrate and intimidate the enemy until they either surrender or make the fatal mistake that allows you to come in for the finishing blow. The preferable target in this style is the head, arms, chest, legs, joins and groin.

Martial Arts Techniques;

Counterattack - MA - Dana will turn the force of her opponent against themselves through counterattacks, either with her body, with her weapons or theirs. This technique focuses entirely on reinforcing the notion that she cannot be hit by her opponent. She is able to counterattack in a fight if there is an opening and if it is reasonable. She is only able to string up to 3 counterattacks at this time in a specific post.

Strike of the Mongoose - MA - Dana does not wait for her opening in a fight and instead focuses on getting the first strike and bleeding her opponent. To get the first strike will improve Dana's confidence while also threatening to shake her opponent's. If Dana is able to get the first strike in a fight, she will hit her opponent with twice the force and impact of a normal blow, greatly increasing the chance of sustaining some sort of damage or mechanical (limb) injury. This is also the ideal opening for the mongoose style.


Lockpick; Dana is able to pick locks with the skill of an adept thief. She can open most doors, entryways, windows, chests and containers. She cannot at this time open locks to containers or doors that have been made especially theft proof. Instances of this wood be the doors to safes or vaults, or even lockboxes.

Pickpocket; Dana is able to pick a person's pocket and steal their contents if made unaware. She can only do this in crowded areas and to victims that are in groups of up to 2 people. If this is done to a PC, its success rate is determined by her level to theirs; If her level is higher, the theft is successful if circumstances provide it. If she is of equal level with the other person, then both parties will engage in a coin flip (an actual coin) to determine whether or not she was sucessful. If the opponent is of higher level then Dana, then there is a likelihood that the theft will not be successful without catching the attention of the character if the circumstances provide it. In any situation involving a PC, that PC's owner will determine what Dana is able to take from their person with the exception of gold, in which case it will be dealt with on the basis of percentage. At level 0 for a successful pickpocket of a PC, she is able to steal up to 2% of that person's overall GP if the circumstances provide it. If Dana successfully pickpockets a PC, she may not steal from that specific PC again for six posts without being caught.


Travelers clothes; Dana wears loose fitting trousers and tunic to better acclimate herself in her travels, which are usually arid environments. The clothing is worn and the dye of both are faded. Dana wears sandals that tie up to her ankles in Roman fashion, and she bandages her hands up to her forearms with cloth to provide protection for herself in fights. When engaged in athletic activity or in preperation for a fight, Dana will use cloth to wrap tightly around her chest to compress her breasts and allow better freedom of movement.

Lockpick set; A set of lockpicks.

Satchel and Backpack; Used to carry all of her worldly possessions. Both packs have capacious pockets to conceal her more sensitive items, but after years of traveling it is full of every necessity a traveler could need, including her own bedding.

Dagger; A seven inch dagger of worn steel. It looks to be well made, but also well used for everything else but fighting. The blade still remains sharp to the touch. The hilt is wrapped in oiled, worn black leather.

History: For the purposes of expediency, this will be put in at a later time.

08-16-12, 04:11 PM
Just a couple of minor things.

First, please make it so that she is 1.5x (or 2x) as fast as an average human. The reason for this is that an average human and an average athlete are not the same thing. Athletes are usually by default stronger and faster, so defining your own speed by comparing it to theirs is unfair.

Endurance needs to be 2x average human as well. You can word it any way you want, but I need the numbers to be thus for equality sakes.

Pickpocket - I like what you're trying to do here. However, a highly perceptive person or one knowledgeable in the sleight of hand should be able to choose not to be pickpocketed, and thus not losing any of their stuff. I reckon most people won't really make an issue out of this, but I need to make it sure that those that don't want to lose their stuff and have the ability to prevent the loss are able to do so.

08-16-12, 04:21 PM
I understand, but I think that's already included in there. And I'm not really using this to get easy money, its just a roleplaying device. I included a lot of the rules to make it able to use on PCs without a lot of argument afterwards. I usually engage the person before I do something to them and I wouldn't bunny somebody to get their items, that's their stuff and I understand that I need their OCC permission to get it regardless of whether or not my attempts are successful. Everyone I pickpocket who is a PC retains the right to tell me what I end up getting, even if its just loose change. If I approach the person about it and they say "Yeah... I don't really want to be pickpocketed.." Then I wouldn't do it.

Everything else is fixed.

08-16-12, 04:24 PM
Fair enough. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.