View Full Version : AC: Round 1 - Discussion

08-17-12, 10:29 AM
Kenneth Stern stirred himself from the trance that he had fallen into while watching the registration for his tournament. There were enough signatures on enough declarations and it was time for things to begin happening. Kenneth approached a magnificent darkwood desk upon which he had lain three objects, the objects that would set things in motion. The first was the Isle of Adventure, and he paused only a moment to pick a sufficiently distant space of open waters before casting the Isle out. Once the Isle had settled into the remote water which Kenneth had chosen, he turned his attention to the second item, the Somnambulant Stone. He closed his eyes as he reached for the stone, picturing all of the participants who had registered for the tournament. With a single twist of the stone, each participant was sent into a deep slumber. This being done, Kenneth reached for the third object, the Reaching Stone, with which he reached out to each of the sleeping participants and whisked them to the shores of the Isle of Adventure, segregated into nine different group.

Having finished, Kenneth returned to his chair and settled down to watch the proceedings. The contestants would be waking at any moment.

Welcome to the Isle of Adventure and Round 1 of the Adventurer's Crown! This thread shall be reserved for discussion of the round and events going on in it.

Some rules:
1. All participants have been separated into one of nine groups. Your characters may know each other or they may not, but they all know that they signed up for the tournament and this is it. They also know that they need to participate together, at least initially (not that a bit of healthy back-stabbing isn't a part of any adventure), if they wish to advance to the next round.
2. While each group will have the same goal and will be faced with the same general challenges, the magic of the Isle of Adventure means that each group will see the Isle and anything on it in a different way. It may appear as a volcanic jungle to one group or a bleached desert to another. Further, the Isle's magic facilitates communication between members who speak different languages so there's no trouble speaking to one another.
3. Post order is determined by you and doesn't need to be constant. The only posting requirement is that each participant needs to post at least once every two days. Anyone not posting within a 48 hour span of the round's start or their last post will be considered to have dropped from the competition (this won't necessarily downgrade their group's score).
4. The round will begin Saturday, August 18th at noon Pacific time (where I am) and will continue for two weeks. Any threads which are finished before then, having successfully completing their task and incorporating the challenges, do not need to worry about the posting limit.
5. If you have any questions, post them in the discussion thread and I'll try to get to them as quickly as possible.

Round 1 Goal:
Your group has just woken up on the beach of the Isle of Adventure. At the center of the island is a structure and your group needs to get there (though not every member has to be accounted for when you've arrived).

Challenge 1: There is some sort of geographical feature that impedes your progress and you have to overcome it.
Challenge 2: A hostile encounter with wildlife.
Challenge 3: The unexpected nature of your arrival means that you're not necessarily as prepared for the tournament as you'd have liked.

08-17-12, 10:30 AM
And now the moment you've been waiting for, the groups! These were randomly determined using a random number generator so don't blame me if you're group is too awesome. Each group's thread will be scored as a whole and the top four (4) groups will advance so cooperation between members is encouraged.

Good luck everyone!

Group 1
Kyla Orlouge - Amber Eyes
Dana - Dana
Artemis Eburi - SirArtemis
Play Back - Play Back

Group 2
Flint Skovik - Warpath
Black Shadow - black shadow
Madison Freebird - BlackandBlueEyes
Isylle - Isylle

Group 3
Letho Ravenheart - Letho
Neceran - Neceran Zeiler
Barnabas Tourneymant - Tourneymant
Elijah Belov - Christoph

Group 4
Hsa Eulb - Chibimon Blue
Talen Shadowwalker - Hysteria
Sorish mon Larsh - hoytti
Mordelain Saythrou - Mordelain

Group 5
Steppenwolf Orlouge - Steppenwolf Orlouge
Taka - Tainted Bushido
Cellar Door - Taste of Treason
Erissa Tarsul-Caedron - Sagequeen

Group 6
Itera - Itera
Inwuhou - Inwuhou
Ceidon Lore - Ceidon
Zack Blaze - Zack Blaze

Group 7
Raksha the Seeker - Harbinger
Tracy of the Quintet - General Quintet
Alicia - TheOnlyGhost
Caelan Delvin - Caelan Bolish

Group 8
Ciato Orlouge - Ciato Orlouge
Dan Wilmhearst - Slayer of the Rot
Touma Kamikaji - Whispers of Abyssion
Sei Orlouge - Silence Sei

Group 9
Liliana Ambria - Liliana Ambria
Captain Blake Andrews - In the Vastness of Stars
Resolve Curie - Resolve
Abrinano Ticherra Voscinato - Opposites

08-17-12, 10:39 AM
Now that I look at it ... I'm really laughing at the matchup of Sei and Ciato in a cooperative effort. That better lead to some interesting writing.

08-17-12, 11:13 AM
I'm looking forward to group 4, 5, and 8, and seeing what they produce. Should be interesting.

Is there a way everyone in group 1 could get on Althy chat or AIM or something simultaneously so we can chat? I know two of the three are easier than the last =p

08-17-12, 11:15 AM
I'm there right now. And being on AChat to collaborate at reasonable times shouldn't be a problem for me.

08-17-12, 11:18 AM
Looking forward to it! To my team mates: I'll be in the chat later today and will try to stick around. Feel free to PM if you would like to convene another time or on IMs. My primary account is Luned.

Flames of Hyperion
08-17-12, 11:53 AM
*Wide-eyed wonder*

Group 8, I'll try to get in the chat at a States-friendly time tonight (circa 2100 Eastern). Otherwise feel free to PM me the results of any planning (especially regarding setting and challenges) you guys might get done.

Although, given the nature of our group, I wouldn't be surprised if the journey turns out to be a four-way battle royale through fire and flame from start to finish...

"Oh we've arrived? But I haven't finished trying to kill you yet!"

08-17-12, 12:08 PM
Group 5 - I'll be available via AIM pretty much all day. (You'll find the link in my profile.) Otherwise, group PM's work.

Group 3 - Neceran will be available by the same AIM as well, oddly enough, and at the same time. Can't imagine why... ^^

08-17-12, 12:46 PM
It has come to my attention that there was an issue with an in-character misunderstanding during registration. Opposites has been added to Group 9 to round out the numbers.

Group 9 updated.

Max Dirks
08-17-12, 02:54 PM
I'm fairly certain Group 6 will win Round 1.

08-17-12, 03:08 PM
I'm fairly certain Group 6 will win Round 1.

Care to make a wager? (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24640-AC-Wagers)

Caelan Bolish
08-17-12, 03:19 PM
Can the environment be mountainous or tundra like conditions?

Silence Sei
08-17-12, 03:25 PM
Am I right to assume that idleness after 48 hours is an instant DQ for that person? Couldn't it just be like a warning and a permission to bunny the character the first time, but the second time, they're gone?

08-17-12, 03:36 PM
Can the environment be mountainous or tundra like conditions?

The island can have whatever terrain your group wants as long as it is a) an island, and b) has a building in the center that you're trying to get to.

Am I right to assume that idleness after 48 hours is an instant DQ for that person? Couldn't it just be like a warning and a permission to bunny the character the first time, but the second time, they're gone?

Hmmnnn ... having the first 48 hours be a warning rather than immediate DQ does sound a bit more fair. I'll go with that. Miss the deadline a second time though, and you're outs.

08-17-12, 04:11 PM
Okay, so we take Isla Nublar and we're trying to get to the Visitor Center? :P

08-17-12, 04:17 PM
Okay, so we take Isla Nublar and we're trying to get to the Visitor Center? :P

Clever girl ...

08-17-12, 04:51 PM
Bagsy our arena be The Orange Island, and the building is a Pokemon Center/Gym?!

08-17-12, 07:53 PM
Notice: Due to this account being the main account for Hoytti, Opposites, General Quintet, and Tourneymant, please send me all of the discussions for these accounts thanks.

08-18-12, 07:12 AM
Heads up group 2: I'm going to do my best to be in the chat room and on AIM all day today after 3:00 PM Eastern, and as much of Sunday as I can be. AIM name is tauvyk.

08-18-12, 02:00 PM
Alright, the threads are open. Have at it.

Good luck again.

08-18-12, 02:15 PM
To my team mates; I am more than open to your ideas, please feel free to start and describe - I'll roll with it :). I hate forward planning when time's short.

08-20-12, 05:32 PM
As of right now there are two persons who are receiving their warning notice:

Caelan Bolish
Slayer of the Rot

If you two do not have a post up within the next two days you will be disqualified.

Otherwise, you're all looking good and I'm enjoying your threads a lot. Keep it up.

Silence Sei
08-20-12, 08:17 PM
Question; do disqualifications count as drop outs? And if so, if a team of 3 advances, does 1 person do a solo?

08-21-12, 11:19 AM
Question; do disqualifications count as drop outs? And if so, if a team of 3 advances, does 1 person do a solo?

Yes, disqualifications count as a drop-out. If there are uneven numbers in the next round I will address them at that time.

08-22-12, 11:21 AM
As of now, the following people have a warning:

Caelan Bolish
Lilliana Ambria

And the following will be disqualified if they don't post by noon today:

Slayer of the Rot

Despite our one dropout, we're still going pretty well. All of you with a warning, get to posting, I'd hate to have to knock you out of the running for the Adventurer's Crown.

08-22-12, 11:32 AM
What's a warning exactly?

08-22-12, 11:41 AM
What's a warning exactly?

A warning means that the other people in your group are free to bunny your character as needed to keep things moving. You aren't disqualified from the tournament yet and can come back to rejoin and will move on if your team scores high enough but will be disqualified and kicked out of the tournament if you miss another two day deadline.

General Quintet
08-23-12, 10:09 AM
I'm afraid Tracy is Dead.

08-23-12, 10:13 AM
I'm afraid Tracy is Dead.

These things happen.

Don't worry though, you'll be resurrected and sent back to your home should your group fail to advance or sent to the next challenge if they do.

08-23-12, 03:22 PM
It has been over 48 hours (August 20th, 2012, 03:11 PM, present time August 23, 2012, 03:21 PM) since the last post by black shadow. Given that he currently occupies a critical plot-important role in the story for the group, I shall now assume control and bunny.

08-23-12, 03:27 PM
As of now, the following people have a warning:

black shadow
Caelan Bolish
Lilliana Ambria

The following people are disqualified:

Slayer of the Rot

08-24-12, 06:34 PM
As of now, the following people have a warning:

black shadow
Caelan Bolish
Lilliana Ambria

The following people are disqualified:

Slayer of the Rot

Liliana Ambria
08-24-12, 06:42 PM
Just posted, might want to update that list then. Taka is coming next.

08-24-12, 06:53 PM
Just posted, might want to update that list then. Taka is coming next.

Actually, warnings don't go away. You can only miss twice, not twice in a row.

08-24-12, 07:11 PM
If a member of your group is disqualified, is it appropriate to bunny them and keep them along for the story or is it preferred to find an "exit" for them as soon as possible?

Tainted Bushido
08-24-12, 07:16 PM
ahh aha that was what I was missing, got it.

08-24-12, 07:57 PM
Once people are warned, you can bunny them within reason.

08-25-12, 05:33 PM
Apologies for my sketchy attendance over the last few days. Back in the game now, prepping for Postgraduate study is a daunting prospect!

08-25-12, 09:28 PM
As of now, the following people have a warning:

black shadow
Chibimon Blue
Lilliana Ambria
In the Vastness of Stars

The following people are disqualified:

Caelan Bolish
Slayer of the Rot

08-25-12, 10:25 PM
Slayer, Caenan and I are throwing a party. We brought beer and only those who are disqualified can attend.

Ignore the urge to post and join the dark side!

08-26-12, 05:18 AM
As of now, the following people have a warning:


I was told to wait to post :/

Grrr..... they owe me big for that one.

*Goes to post*


EDIT: I am beyond pissed off being told to do that, from now on I am ignoring those requests. Now I got a f*&^ing warning for it .... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. *Is FURIOUS!!*


On top of THAT, one of my team-mates are disqualified!!


*Starts swearing constantly* *&(*(&!$^!^)$(^%(*&&%*&()&&*(&%()@*&%@()#%&*()!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-26-12, 07:16 AM

I have been posting every 24 hours, although sometimes not much has happened between posts. I guess one of the challenges of this is to keep the momentum up without posts becoming boring. Its hard when to create a decent thread you need to have to bounce the action off the other peeps.

08-27-12, 02:06 PM
As of now, the following people have a warning:

black shadow
Chibimon Blue
Lilliana Ambria
In the Vastness of Stars

The following people are disqualified:

Caelan Bolish
Slayer of the Rot

08-27-12, 05:17 PM
Neceran, you can continue to post if you'd like, I have no problem with that so long as you understand that you will not advance to Round 2. If nothing else you can still gain more exp/gp from the thread, I suppose.

08-27-12, 05:24 PM
That much is greatly appreciated, Rev. Thank you!

Though I missed my deadline, allowing me to help my group in the overall advancement is priceless.

And the first person that says 'kissass' will have ME to deal with in the upcoming PvP tourney.

*hiss, snarl*

There is one of those coming, yeah?

08-27-12, 05:32 PM
Huh. I had this long semi-angry post all written and everything. Damn you!

After hours of exchanging PMs, I had all but given up hope for a reasonable solution, but there it is! It's not perfect, but I suppose it will do for now. (The core problems with the rule still exists, mind you.) My faith in the staff is somewhat restored. :D

08-27-12, 05:53 PM
Can we please have a little more transparency with tournament related decisions?

We're getting half a story, here, which tells me one thing, when it might mean another. I dare say I'd like to avoid any pitfalls we might ourselves, as a team, eventually encounter.

08-27-12, 06:05 PM
Can we please have a little more transparency with tournament related decisions?

We're getting half a story, here, which tells me one thing, when it might mean another. I dare say I'd like to avoid any pitfalls we might ourselves, as a team, eventually encounter.


There's nothing really to hide. There were some complaints being made about the posting limit and disqualifications. The errant parties have been disqualified.

08-27-12, 06:21 PM
He's right. This was a strictly rules-oriented decision.

08-27-12, 06:52 PM

The words 'discussed lengthy via PM' should never crop up in a public discussion thread when concerning tournament rules and sudden disqualifications, though.

Thank you for explaining, :).

08-28-12, 07:06 PM
No changes today.

As of now, the following people have a warning:

black shadow
Chibimon Blue
Lilliana Ambria
In the Vastness of Stars

The following people are disqualified:

Caelan Bolish
Slayer of the Rot

08-28-12, 10:51 PM
FYI: Hysteria (aka Harbringer in my group) is posting next than me. I will be posting on Thursday morning (my time) k? So no more warnings for me. ;)

08-29-12, 12:29 AM
Group Nine has finished their thread. All three of us have concluded.

08-29-12, 12:44 AM
Group Nine has finished their thread. All three of us have concluded.

I know it's not much but... congratulations! Well done! (sincere, though I could see where some might get sarcasm) ^^ Now you can relax!

08-29-12, 03:08 PM
Hopefully see you in round two, if not, all the best to the victors!

Silence Sei
08-29-12, 03:49 PM
Group 8 also reporting a finish.

08-30-12, 10:34 PM
No changes today.

As of now, the following people have a warning:

black shadow
Chibimon Blue
Lilliana Ambria
In the Vastness of Stars

The following people are disqualified:

Caelan Bolish
Slayer of the Rot

08-31-12, 02:45 PM
Group 7 is done ... unfortunately :/

08-31-12, 02:53 PM
Group 7 is done ... unfortunately :/

I believe you still have until tomorrow at noon pacific time if you'd like to do more...

08-31-12, 07:19 PM
From the looks of things, group 5 is done now!

08-31-12, 08:30 PM
From the looks of things, group 5 is done now!

Indeed we are.

09-01-12, 03:52 AM
Group 4 is done! We only lost two of our number on the way!

09-01-12, 04:09 AM
Group 3 done also. Best of luck to everyone.

black shadow
09-01-12, 09:19 AM
Group 2 is finished.

09-01-12, 02:00 PM
And Round 1 is over!

Thanks to everyone who participated and best of luck with your judgments.

We'll see (some of) you in Round 2.

09-01-12, 02:29 PM
How long do you estimate judgments will take and when round 2 will begin? Also, can we please have a final list of disqualified writers? (Even if it hasn't changed)

09-01-12, 05:03 PM
Hey Artie, scroll up, look at list, shattya face.

09-05-12, 12:20 AM
And the Round 1 results are in! This round's winners are:

74 - Group 6 - Inwuhou, Itera, Ceidon, Zack Blaze
68 - Group 3 - Letho, Tourneymant, Christoph
57 - Group 5 - Steppenwolf Orlouge, Tainted Bushido, Sagequeen, Taste of Treason
52 - Group 4 - Chibimon Blue, hoytti, Hysteria, Mordelain

To be fair, there was a tie between Group 4 and Group 8 but I deemed that Group 4 had used the prompts for the Round in a more interesting way, which gave them the tie breaker.

Congratulations to all player who advanced and thanks to those that didn't.

And in case you forget, every player in Round 1 gains a Treasure Map.

Round 1: Treasure Map – This rare map shows the location of a hidden cache of cash that Kenneth has hidden for you. Once, at the end of any thread, you can use this map to gain 100% bonus GP from the thread. Alternately, if you actually write a thread about hunting for the map’s treasure, you will receive 500% GP for the thread.

09-05-12, 12:24 AM
Please feel free to continue discussions and congratulate players on a job well done. Round 2 pairings and prompts will be up soon, be prepared.

09-05-12, 01:23 AM
Womp. Oh well, congrats to the victors!

But there are 15 people. Now what?

Flames of Hyperion
09-05-12, 02:21 AM
Ooph durn, so close! Ah well, Touma shall have to acquire his prize through... more clandestine means...

Congrats to those who progressed! Looking forward to some enthralling reads next round!

09-05-12, 02:45 AM
Congratulations to all who progressed, and all who didn't - close call!

*awaits the next round.

09-05-12, 08:45 AM
I say we get round two started yesterday.

Who'se with me?!

09-05-12, 09:13 AM
Yay and congrats!

I look forward to the next round!

Edit: Do the DQ'ers also get the map?

09-05-12, 11:06 AM
Because the numbers are uneven for pairs Round 2 will have on group of 3.

I'm going to say that DQers don't get the map. You need to finish the round to get the spoil.

Silence Sei
09-05-12, 01:04 PM
Is there any way we can know our pairings today, so it gives us a couple of days to come up with a plan?

09-05-12, 01:14 PM
Because the numbers are uneven for pairs Round 2 will have on group of 3.

I'm going to say that DQers don't get the map. You need to finish the round to get the spoil.How does reflect on round 3? Because if I read right in the rules, one group of four should've advanced, and then those four members proceeded on their own. Are there going to be three now?

Silence Sei
09-05-12, 01:21 PM
The team of four gets split up, and randomized again into 8 teams of 2. You can't have the same partners you did last round, though, so no Christoph or Tourneymant for you. Out of those 8 teams, Revn then selects the 2 with the best score at the end of round 2, and the four participants there advance to the finals.

In the event that the 3 man team advances to the finals, I can only assume a fifth place prize will be created to compensate for the number. I asked Rev about this last night but he never got back to me.

09-05-12, 01:40 PM
Eight teams of 2 makes it 16 people, but only 15 went through. How does that work? Or am I missing something here?

09-05-12, 02:00 PM
Eight teams of 2 makes it 16 people, but only 15 went through. How does that work? Or am I missing something here?

Scroll up a few posts. Rev said seven groups now, one group of 3 among them. That leaves 7 groups total and top 2 groups will move on to the final round.

09-05-12, 02:28 PM
Ah, I see. My bad, I must've misread.