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Nasr Moghadam
08-17-12, 02:58 PM
*Image by Lysol.Jones (http://lysol-jones.deviantart.com/)*

Name: Nasr Abdul-Aziz Moghadam
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Race: Human
Culture: In'wehtos
Skin color: Deep tan
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Height: 6' 7”
Weight: 325lbs

Religion: Cult of Suravani

Place of Birth: Spice Fields of R'uuya
Location: Always changing, but standard is Fallien
Language: Tradespeak, Common
Occupation: Chef, warrior, poison maker, herbalist

Personality: Once upon a time, Nasr was a fun loving, free child, who was letting life happen and was along for the ride. His life made sense, he was amiable and approachable. When if family was slowly, one by one, taken from him he slowly started to lose a piece of himself. His soul was finally darkened enough to be considered affected when he returned to Duba after trading in Tanomahi and found his wife dead and son stolen by the harpies of the Fallien desert. Now he tries to put on a smile, but depression wracks him more often than not, and fury towards xeno's is more than established. He has not dealt with xeno's outside of Fallien, but if they do not look like a human... he's not interested in making a new friend.

Appearance: Nasr is a very big man. He's one of the largest people Duba has ever seen, expect when a foreigner “bounty hunter” once roamed through the town. He stands almost a foot above most, and his weight (muscle build) puts him almost twice that of a normal warrior. His body is relatively well defined, but there is also a stout layer of fat that overlays the muscles and is always ready to be used towards energy if necessary. His hands are huge, like massive sausages attached to a small boulder with the grip strength able to crack an almonds shell as easily as a man's hand or throat. He wears a large hat, displaying him as a chef as much as a wizards hat screams magic, but it covers his bald head in the Fallien desert. He has very bushy eyebrows, an almost hairless body, and a very well maintained and organized beard (no mustache).



Wife died five years past, when Nasr was still a younger man and only 26 years of age. They were married when Nasr was eighteen years of age, and she was fifteen. Within a year their first child was born, Mayyadah was a give from Suravani. At the age of seventeen, Nasrs wife (Radwa) was pleased when her almost one year old daughter was chosen as a promising priestess. Their daughter was taken to the Jya's Keep to be a dedicate to the religion, and the Moghadam parents were never happier. But, the loss of their first born was a deep seated gap in their lives and kept them from having another child for two years.

Their second child was another girl. Whispers of blessings from Suravani were interspersed with other men's mocking cuts to the manhood of Nasr. He ignored them, as by their second daughters 3rd birthday she too was overwhelmingly blessed with the promise of being a priestess to Jya and also taken by the Suravani cult to the Jya Keep.

At 23, Nasr's first son was born and the elation and celebration was a week long affair. The strong, healthy, and beautiful Ubaid Yushua Moghadam was proof (to family, friends, and naysaying strangers) that Suravani was not only blessing the couple with blessed female children to offer to the service of the Jya, but also a son who could carry on the strong family name of the Moghadam clan. The boy grew quickly, learning the art of poison making, cooking with the deep spices of Fallien, and herbal health studied. By the age of ten, the boy was a full league past the other apprentices that studied poisons, herbs, and spices; thanks to his fathers tutelage and knowledge.

However, it was at this time, when Nasr was 33, that a sporadic and random assault by the harpies took his heart. On the outskirts of the R'uuya fields, in the small adobe town that the Moghadam clan called home, the harpies had always been a continued danger. Time and time again small bands had come and attempted to undermine the lives of the people, steal away children for whatever macabre passions they desired. It was one of these times, while Nasr was away at a larger town nearby bartering away his wares and skills, that one such assault came. When he returned on the wings of whispered news of the attack, he found his wife had been shredded by the sharp claws of the desert sirens and his son had been taken. It was a blow that broke the man. His jovial and polite nature still existed, but a dark part of his mind was unlocked and established. It was in this shadowed realm of his subconscious that he placed his hatred of the winged beasts, and avowed to get revenge for the affront to his peaceful life.


Nasr grew up in the town of Duba, where he continued to raise his family when that time came to be. His 'clan', or immediate and extended family members of the Moghadam line, has called the small place home for over two hundred years. A lot of the Duba citizens are somehow linked to the Moghadam clan. Amongst the town there are three other major family clans present: Ghannam, Issa, and Bishara. With the four major family groups, and other scattered smaller and newer clans and random lone denizens, Duba is roughly populated by two thousand people. They live in adobe houses made from the sands of Fallien. The closest, large city, is known as Tanomahi and is the place where almost everyone of Duba goes to trade their goods that are not needed within the city or their own clan.

He has always been a massive form, even as a child. At the age of fifteen he was assumed to be a man, though his body was of size his mind was still that of a carefree child. It wasn't until three years later that he was mature enough to take a bride, and Radwa Issa was a reestablishment of the link between the Moghadam and Issa clans. By that time, 18 years of age, Nasr was a well established and one of the buddingly prominent chefs and masters of spice in the city of Duba. Along with his study of the culinary field, he was well versed in the matters of herbs for health and poisons... which tend to go hand in hand with study of spices for use in Fallien cuisine.

Alongside his study of the R'uuya cultural staples, he was taught how to defend himself. Using weapons was an important skill in the Duba city, being on the edge of the Spicefields and the open desert. Since the loss of his wife, he has spent the past two years studying less of what he knew second nature and more on the depth of learning to defend and fight. Harpies have always been on his mind since his loss, and due to that he has pushed himself more than ever before. His body was always large, impressive, and powerful but with his new-found dedication to war it has only become honed and more awe-inspiring.


-Chef- Nasr is known as a naturally talented and exceptional chef. With the spices and natural ingredients of Fallien, he can make food that would make the Jya and any visiting dignitaries of other countries mouth water and long to return. He has very little understanding of other nations cuisine, however, so he needs more practice and exposure.

-Poisons- He knows how to make some rudimentary poisons, nothing truly deadly but some things that would not be friendly if put in your food in large amounts. His experience is with messing up with mixing spices while cooking, and having the adverse affects show him what he could potentially use if necessary in the future. Besides the general notion of killing people with food prepared improperly (intentionally), he can play with the poisons of Fallien pretty well.

-Herbalist- Studying cuisine, spices, herbs, and their effect on people has allowed for rudimentary understanding of how to use herbs as a means to heal. Knowing which herbs can be used to make teas, add to foods to avoid nausea, crush and place in someone's face to help breathing, and generally relieve discomfort. Poppy is a significantly understood opiate that Nasr has used often, as in food that also helps calm, as well as more defined and concentrated use for actual medical purposes.

-Thrown weapons (javelin)- Using a javelin is something that Nasr has slowly gotten used to, since harpies tend to fly in flocks and a loose arrow might graze... but a loosed javelin will destroy, especially with a group of harpies all at once. He has pretty good accuracy up to 50 yards, but with his extreme strength he can throw if further if necessary... his strength, however, is more focused and directed to how hard it is thrown. Whereas some might hit a target and penetrate it slightly, especially with armor, at 50 yards; Nasr's throw allows for the broad blade and heavy shaft to penetrate almost through a man, or definitely a few inches through general bronze or low-grade iron armor.

-Blunt weapon (hammer)- When you want a piece of meat flat for a grill, you have a hammer. When you want a creature flat, like a desert siren, you use a much bigger blunt weapon. Nasr Moghadam has seen the value of a warhammer, but has seen more the value of a cast-iron skillet heavy and long enough to act as a maul instead. He's become rather good at it's use, and has definitely used it from time to time.

-Exotic weapon (meat hook)- A giant meat hook, the weapon looks like an over-sized anchor turned into a hand-held weapon. He tends to have a heavyweight rope, like those used on a ship, attached that allows him to throw the weapon. It's better used as a meat hook though for large animals, and when used against a humanoid... the thick blade on the end of what is little more than an over-sized fish-hook that can tear through almost anything. He is good at using it against flying creatures, which can be translated into use against horseback opponents as well.

-Archery (hunting)- For hunting, a good heavy bow is perfect. With his increased strength, Nasr has to have special bows to use. He is generally average with a bow while hunting. The difference between battle and hunting use is the means by which it is employed. A tracked and stalked animal is the same as a tracked and hunted humanoid, but in battle (when the person is known to be there with a bow) it is much much harder to kill and aim accurately. Nasr is above average with a bow when used against a hunted, unaware target; but only below average when used against an aware opponent.

-Hand to Hand combat - Being big, it's more about strength and absorbing blows to get in closer for Nasr than anything. He can give better than he gets typically, and as a result has come out of more than a few fights (especially with more than one opponent) bloodied and beaten; yet victorious. He tends to stand back and to toe-to-toe with fists on average. However, he also understands how to grapple and allow his tree-trunk arms to wrap the opponent in bear hugs and crush them, or pin someone down with his weight. Grappling for him is straight-forward; take a hit and barrel through it to get in close. Speed (metabolism) and grace are required for more finesse grappling (such as catching incoming fists or legs) so that is more or less out of the question. His kicks are clumsy at best, as his center of balance is skewed thanks to his impressive frame. As such, they are never sweeping or high, but more along the lines of front snap kicks (with the backing of his strength). He is above average only because of the strength, true skill without his size would undoubtedly put him below average if he was something more akin to an typical person.


Brawn x2 – Below is a set of general number based on a body builder (heavyweight) and BW stands for body weight. At this time, what is listed below reflect x2 from a standard, "average" person... since a body builder is anything but standard and I assumed about twice as strong as normal anyway.

Bench Press: 405 lbs; 125% of BW
Squat: 480 lbs; 150% of BW
Deadlift: 422 lbs; 130% of BW
General Punch: 1500 lbs of force; at 25 mph (roughly equivalent to a normal UFC fighter; included in this category is the hook, straight arm punch, and cross)
Straight Jab: 1300 lbs of force; at 28 mph (a quick jab, not a full punch)
Power punches: 1800 lbs of force; at 20 mph (included in this are the slow, powerful blows; uppercut, hammer-fist, back-fist, shovel-hook, and overhand)
Sweeping kick and side kick power: 1900 lbs of force; at 35 mph (equivalent to speed, about half the strength of a UFC fighter -clumsy and hates sweeping kicks unless absolutely necessary-)
Front Snap Kick: 2200 lbs of force; 30 mph (slower but stronger, uses the bottom of the steel-toes boot to shove as much as kick an opponent.

Grace – 1x

Wit – 1x

Metabolism – 1x

Hearing – 1x

Sight – 1x

Smell – 1x

Glamor – 1x

Voice – 1x

Stamina - 1.5x - He can take more blows because his muscles are harder than an average person and the protective, kinetic energy absorbent layer of concentrated fat over his stomach is equivalently protective to a thick padded undercoat for a knight's armor.


Chef tools – Pouches across his waste contain his general chef tools: whisk, thin off-set spatula, a couple wooden spoons, pastry bag made of lamb-skin leather, tongs, small iron mallet, ect. He carries his kitchen knives strapped against his waist, those (steel) knives include: a 12 inch chef knife, boning knife, paring knife, bread knife, and an 8 inch all-purpose utility knife. ((Generally will never be used as a means of combat, unless other weapons aren't available and/or my opponent allows the use of the chef tools))

Meat Hook (special weapon) – The heavy hooked weapon (iron) weighs almost 25 pounds, and looks like a fish hook meant to catch whales... The tip has a flat point, only two sides, that is roughly four inches across. The base of the weapon has a large hoop, just as if it was meant to be attached to a rod and reel, that has a wound thick rope through it. The rope is roughly two inches thick in diameter and no less than twenty feet long from end of the rope to the tied end around the hook. Carried in hand, normally, but also able to be tied around his chest with the use of the long rope.

Cast-iron Skillet – The enormous skillet is roughly 40 pounds. The handle of it is four feet long, with a cooking surface that is three feet in diameter with sides that rise up five inches. It is able to be used to saute and cook enough food to supply a small group of people. It is also heavy and strong enough to use as a blunt weapon, in place of a maul, if necessary. Carried along his back with the use of a heavy leather belt across his chest.

Clothing – Nasr wears a pair of light-weight, baggy pin-striped cargo pants. They are breathable and comfortable, dry quickly and do not tear easily. Around his waist the has a belt and multiple pouches. His shoes are leather boots, steel tipped with small studs coming off the end. His chef-hat is a foot tall and he almost always has it on. His torso is covered by a thin, white sleeveless shirt and 8 button-down cooking coat when he's in public or it is cool (such as early morning or night). However, he tends to not wear a shirt or anything on his torso if he is in the kitchen, either at home work or on the road... when it is 100 degrees outside, it's almost 115 in a kitchen, no shirt is much cooler.

General – 3 water skins; a bed roll; a small leather messenger bag with rations of meat and cheese (and spices) for a week; empty vials and pouches for herbs; coin purse; all pouches to contain chef tools;

08-18-12, 04:28 PM
I'll allow it. I would say is strength/brawn, as you defined it, is a little above 2x... Maybe closer to 2.5x brawn, but not a big deal since you excluded an ability.
