View Full Version : "The Truth Behind the Myths of the Sea" by Sorish Mon Larsh

08-22-12, 09:31 PM

My name is Sorish Mon Larsh, I have been on land for about seven years now and have heard many tales told about the sea. As a fellow resident of the sea I fell it is my obligation to reveal the truths about these Legends and Myths. So sit back and find out the truth behind the myths of the sea.

08-22-12, 09:57 PM
There have been many sailors who talk about "The Voice of the Sea". The myth states that a voice can be heard from the sea every day around sunset. They also say that sometimes it sounds more like a choirs of voices. They say that the voices come from the deep and cry out about being saved from some goo.

The truth behind this story is that it is none other then my own kin, the Coralians. Just over a thousand years ago, we Coralians made our first settlement in the Northern Seas. About a hundred years later the First Emperor started conquering the Northern Seas but it wasn't completely united till 960 when the second Emperor used diplomacy to take control of all the Northern Seas. Two hundred years latter the Central Seas are united into one kingdom. The year 1450 was the year that the Goo fell. The Goo is a poison that kills anything it touches. Ever since then, Coralians have called out to you, The Kings of Above, to save our home from the Goo.

08-22-12, 10:10 PM
These two names are usually thought to be the same beings. Well, they aren't. A Mermaid is a beautiful creature who is kind and gentle. They help anyone and anything that enters their territory. If a ship is sinking, A Mermaid will bring it's crew to the underwater city. If a underwater traveler is hurt, they will help them.

A Siren on the other hand is an aggressive creature who will have sex, then kill, then finally eat their victims alive. They do come from Mermaids but they are what you would call mental. They have been mutated to think of any other sentient being as a threat. The only sentient being safe from the raft of a Siren is another Siren. I warn you. Do not make the mistake of getting these two beasts confused. It could cost you your life.

08-24-12, 09:55 PM
The Kraken is indeed a real beast. It is known by us Coralians as the Giant Squids. They can grow anywhere for 10' to 20' long. They are known to go to the surface every year to mate. During this time they attack boats that get to close to them. Their mating season is in the summer so avoid the central part of the seas at all cost.

08-24-12, 10:05 PM
The Leviathan has long been dead. It was a creature of great strength that would kill any and all life in it's territory, Plant, Animal, Even bacteria would fall pray to it's power. Now a days, it body lays on the sea floor rotting. It was killed by it's own power after it ran out of other things to kill.

08-24-12, 10:10 PM
Panlongs, also known as sea dragons, are indeed real creatures. They live in the deepest parts of the oceans, but, just like the rest of the sea creatures, they too have succumb to the Goo. The only problem is, is that with each sea dragon that dyes, the ocean is lowered by a foot. Yet again, land dwellers are causing trouble to not only the sea, but yourselves.

08-24-12, 10:19 PM
There are few true myths and any that are not on this list are false. As an underwater inhabitant, I should know. Please, send me letters about other myths that you hear that sounds like it could be real. I shall tell you the truth through the continuation of this book.
Sorish Mon Larsh.

(Please send the legends via PM. Label it "Myths".