View Full Version : A Racial "Survivor": Dangerous or Harmless?

08-25-06, 01:55 PM
There is no doubt that by now many of you have heard news about the new season of Survivor, the reality show staple (and really the program that solidified that format on prime time television) that will divide its participants into tribes based on race. You can find some news stories about it below:




So my question to you is this: Is the show's format a serious example of racism, or do you guys think the media is going too far and blowing up this story? Does Survivor, which many argue may be completely scripted, even have enough cultural influence to perpetuate stereotypes, or create new ones? Either way, Survivor has been getting the most media coverage (and you know the old adage about bad publicity) since it started.

Also, I'll just say this in advance: please, in your replies, do not attack another poster for his or her opinions, beliefs, etc - such attacks are in violation of the Althanas OOC rules. This includes flaming of all sorts, even flaming of the more eloquent variety. I'm not trying to be patronizing or anything, it's just that I don't want to have to one day ban threads like this for breeding animosity among this community.

08-25-06, 09:20 PM
So my question to you is this: Is the show's format a serious example of racism, or do you guys think the media is going too far and blowing up this story? Does Survivor, which many argue may be completely scripted, even have enough cultural influence to perpetuate stereotypes, or create new ones?

I believe that this show will be both dangerous and harmless - it just depends on the individual or group watching it. Hopefully the show is much more of the latter than the former, but I do not know the cultural influence the show projects or demeanor of the majority of people watching it. I've never actually seen it myself.

Undoubtedly, some people will find themselves cheering on their "race" just as they would cheer on their local sports team. Others will look at it as just a new twist with which to present the competition. And then, perhaps, there will be those solely attracted to the show now because of prejudices and assumptions about race.

Essentially, I can make no educated guess about how things will turn out. But all in all, in my opinion, it is a bad idea. I don't see it contributing any positive effect to society, whereas it is certainly posing the danger of igniting racism and prejudice. Be this a market ploy of some type, or a cynical attempt to promote racism and xenophobia, or just some scheme I can't imagine, it really offers little, if anything, of moral or cultural value to the millions of people watching it. Of course, the same could be said of the majority of the other hundreds of shows on television.

Sighter Tnailog
08-26-06, 01:04 AM
It's neither dangerous or harmless. It's stupid.

Although I hope the black folks win.


I don't see it contributing any positive effect to society

Did Survivor ever contribute any positive effect to society?

Damion Shargath
08-26-06, 06:34 AM
Did Survivor ever contribute any positive effect to society?

Nope :)

Everything's been said, that has to be said in my opinion. I find myself tending towards saying "It is dangerous", yet that simply depends on the very group and society watching the show. I'm sure there'll be bad blood here and there between your local uber patriot/national socialist and you local foreigner, but I strongly doubt things will get out of hand - since the show would most likely be taken off the air in a case of a mass riot...I'm guessing.

It does seem a little trivial and mercurial alike, as to why a management would think of such a show where to test "racial" powers...I for one, don't like the whole idea - but what can I do about it except for not give a bulls pile of crap. As I said, I don't think things will get out of hand - but I see friendships and sociabilities between the less intelligent folks, that may watch the show, being severed - yet that happens on a daily basis due to braindamaging stupidity anyhow.

And although I seem to not care all too much, I'd like to play "chicken run" with the show's management - me in possession of the marker. I suppose why I dislike the idea is because I've brought myself up in a way to not see humans divided into diverse races - to me every human is equal, possibly equally obsolete. And no...I don't need a comment on my misanthropy, it's just there.

What I'd like to throw into the discussion as a question though, is,...

Does anyone here think it's useful, or even fun, to test the different ethnicities against eachother to see who prevails in a series of retarted competitions?

I think it's completely...well...stupid. What's the point? They might have grabbed the stupidest German and North American of the lot, whilst they got their filthy hands on the most intelligent...uh...*insert other partaking nationality* - it's stupid - besides that, In my opinion no human is better than the other - apart from wife-beaters, rapists, and child-rapists who are scum. I see no use, fun, or point in it. All this show does is borderlining the enducing of racism. That's my answer, let's hear your take on it.

08-28-06, 02:00 AM
...What's the point of a gameshow like "Survivor" in the first place? I'm still in the dark about that... =S

08-28-06, 02:16 AM
I think the whole show is stupid, but this new idea takes the cake and then some

08-28-06, 07:54 PM
I think it's a great idea!

08-28-06, 08:44 PM
I've thought up a better title for this season.

"Survivor, LA race riots"

Torin Reahkari
08-28-06, 10:40 PM
I still say the Royal Canadian Air Farce had the greatest idea for Survivor.

"Survivor: Tent City"

And then they said no names for the city though and a huge picture of the CN Tower pans into view.

Or "Survivor: NW Territories" Survivors must ice fish in Canada to live.

:) Go Canada.