View Full Version : Korra Jeannine Relt (0)

Miss Relt
09-01-12, 03:16 PM
Name: Korra Jeannine Relt
Age: 39
Race: Coralian
Eyes: Reflective Pink
Height: 9'5
Weight: 350lb
Occupation: Teacher / Historian / Artist

Personality: Curious, Enthusiastic, Hard Headed, Detail Oriented, Optimistic, Cheerful , Loyal, Generous, Trusting, Receptive, and Artisitc.

Appearance: She is a beautiful woman. She has a smile that could melt even the hardest heart. Her 4' crown is chipped away to look like a heart. Her ears are like coral fins. She is a D6.
She wheres a Hardened Rainbowfish Scale dress that looks like this:
Her skin has a coral complex, her main color is green while she has blue in the cracks.

History: Korra and Sorish were best friends since they were young. They played together and had lots of fun. Her curious and enthusiastic natures had gotten them into a lot of trouble. However, if it wasn't for those qualities they wouldn't know trade speech that well. She wanted to see the world of the Kings Of Above for herself but didn't want to go up on land. Instead, she started to swim up towards the surface. None of the adults had noticed her but Sorish did. He chased after her fearing for her life. Even back then he was the selfless, caring person that many in Althanas have come to love and respect. Well when they got to the surface, there was a man calling out to the "Voice of the Sea." He was trying to communicate with them. He looked down and saw the children's heads sticking out of the water. He smiled which made Sorish duck beneath the water while Korra just sat there. A second later Sorish had pulled Korra back under. however the next day both of them returned just to see if the strange creature was still there, which he was. Sorish was hesitant to get closer but Korra dragged him forward making him get closer to the thing. The man spotted them which made Sorish struggle to pull Korra back but that wasn't happening, she had made up her mind to find out what this creature was. "Hello," the man said. Both Sorish and Korra stopped, they knew that word was a greeting due to the fact that every time a King of Above talked directly to them he always said it. The man put both of his hands to his chest indicating that he was talking about himself "I'm Brome," he then pointed to Sorish and Korra, "and you?"
Korra got it instantly. He was telling them his name. "I'm Korra" she said pointing to herself," she then pointed to Sorish, "Wave Sorish."
The man of course, was shocked. The little girl had understood him, or at least to a degree. he pointed at the woman and asked "You Korra?" she nodded, "You Wave Sorish?" Sorish shook his head no. He had figured out that you meant the person one was talking to. He pointed to himself and said, "I'm Sorish, wave Korra. Drink Ben toast bronze." The man was confused with this last sentence but then it struck him. Of course they only know the sound of the words, not the actual meaning. He grabbed a ladder and through it over the edge of his boat. He pointed to Sorish and Korra then pointed to the the rope ladder. He pretended to climb. "Climb" Bot Sorish and Korra understood, Sorish was hesitant but as soon as Korra headed for the ladder he swam past her and started to climb out of the water but had to stop before he could even get to the first rung. he couldn't breath, he returned to the water and shook is he. The man understood instantly, they had to have water to breath. this disappointed him but then Korra grabbed a book out of Sorish's bag then flipped through the pages. She then found a spell and handed it to Sorish who reluctantly started the spell. The breathing bubble came around both of their gills as soon as they left the water. Then they climbed the ladder onto the ship and there they learned how to speak common correctly. Now she was looking for her friend because she hadn't heard or seen him since the day he left and she was worried.


Artist - She is able to make any kind of art as long as she has the materials to do so.

Communication - She is good at speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Cognition - She has a creative mind and is good at Analyzing and Synthesis, Problem Solving, Evaluating, and Researching

Slight Sword Skill - She knows the basics of swordsmanship just like most of her people.


Ultra Quantitative Reasoning - She can solve most any numerical problem that is thrown her way, whether in the from of an object being thrown in a certain way or if it just a mathematical problem written on a wall she can probably solve it.

Rock Hard - She can withstand about fifty pounds of blunt force without getting affected, fifty to seventy pounds will crack her skin, seventy to ninety pound will bring about multiple cracks anything higher then that will shatter her skin and probably crush her.

Armor: Her hardened Dress acts like Iron Chainmail.



Age: 39
Race: Coral Worm
Gender: F
Eyes: Black
Length: Varies
Weight: 5lbs

Appearance: A Silky Brown Worm

Skills: Observation - She can look at a scene, image, event, ect. and determine its results, how it was drawn what happened, ect.

Abilities: Enhancement - she can enhance the Skills and Abilities of Korra to 150% normal. Lasts 30 seconds. (or 2 posts) Afterwards they both blackout.

Ethen Relt

Age: 10
Race: Coralian
Gender: Male
Eyes: Reflective Pink
Height: 5'0
Weight: 125lb

Appearance: He is a hansom young man. If it wasn't for the fact that he isn't of age yet many girls would be swarming him. In fact, any human woman would love to try him out. His robe is made of hardened Sailfish scale. It also has a cape made out of it's dorsal fin. His father had made it for him. The robe itself is grey while the cape is blue. His Skin is pure blue, there is no other color on him not even in the cracks.

09-02-12, 02:53 AM
Alrighty, one thing I'll need you to change.

"Enhancement - she can enhance the Skills and Abilities of Korra to 150% normal."

I'll allow it, but there need's to be a restriction at your current level. She can raise one ability/skill, once a thread, for a total of two posts. Or twice a thread, for one post.

Fix it and we'll move on. Thanks

Miss Relt
09-02-12, 06:44 AM
Updated. (Used Sorish Mon Larsh's profile to configure.)

09-03-12, 12:38 AM
Cool stuff.
