View Full Version : Take me away

Amber Eyes
09-01-12, 04:48 PM
Who I am isn't important, you'd be much better off asking what I am trying to do. I can hear your wishes, your dreams. I know that you long to be someone important, to accomplish something that matters. Throughout time and space your words and thoughts find me, from all corners of the universe. I finally found a way to satiate your thirst, a very special vessel that will make your dreams come true. This ship is yours now, though it will automatically stop to pick up several others. I hope that somewhere out there you find what you are looking for.


Here's the plan. I want several other people in on this, so yeah...join! Basically our characters are from anywhere you can imagine. The only thing they must have in common is the want to do something incredible. We are basically being given a time machine, based somewhat on the Tardis (not in appearance, just what it can do.) We will be picked up one by one and then the adventure begins. I am completely open to any ideas about where/when we will travel to. Keep in mind we will be forced to figure out how to work this thing as we have no chaperon. This thing is ours.

Amber Eyes
09-01-12, 04:51 PM
I will be using the following two characters for this thread. Please limit it to two per account to keep confusion to a minimum.

Sean Pelham- 18

Appearance- Sean has strawberry blonde hair that is cut just below his ears. His bright blue eyes stand out against his tanned features. He is muscular but not large. He stands just under six foot and weighs around 190 lbs. His typical dress is dingy cotton shorts and a matching shirt.

Born in Ireland in the 19th Century as the son of a middle-man, Sean's life was set before him. Every year their land was made smaller and smaller and every year the family worked harder and harder to pay the increasing rent. Dougherty, their landowner appeared every so often and each time his father did his best to hide the fear in his eyes. They weren't going to make it much longer. It was hard work, and nothing makes you hungrier than digging food out of the ground each day only to have nothing to eat that night. All the crops had to be sold to pay the rent, so even the farmers were starving. Each night young Sean would look up to the skies and wish for a different life, for the chance to do something, anything other than harvest potatoes for the rest of his days. Soon he would have no choice but to take a wife and attempt to build his own family on the system that had broken his parents.

Joan Kinsey- 22

Joan has brown hair that flows to just below her shoulder blades, though its typically pulled into a bun. She has bright blue eyes and freckles dot her pale skin. She stands 5'8 and weighs 155 lbs. Typical attire includes jeans and a t-shirt of a local or college football team.

Born and raised in small town Texas Joan has always dreamed of another world. She had the same friends since elementary, dated the same boys since middle school, and played with the same girls on every sports team. She was the valdictorian of her senior class of nine kids, and hoped a college scholarship would take her far away from here. When her mother died just before graduation Joan put off her plans for a while to help her dad get everything together. Four years later her youngest brother left home, and for the first time young Joan doesn't have a plan. She should be graduating like all of her old classmates, not stuck in Lefors, Texas waiting for some twister to carry her off to the life she always dreamed of.

Silence Sei
09-01-12, 05:24 PM
Throwing up my only Nexus character to participate in this.

09-01-12, 05:29 PM
Apologies for the copy and paste from a 2004 forum I first started writing in, but I'd like to give the Al Bhed Alex a go in this not at all Doctor Who inspired adventure! Hehe.

Amber Eyes
09-01-12, 05:46 PM
Haha...I kinda figured you would be in :) I am a Dr. Who fan...what can I say?

09-06-12, 08:22 AM
Matthias - 12
Looks like a brown mouse on two legs. He is 4'5, has Brown Eyes, wears a White Robe that is mandatory in the monastery. The monastery has no weapons except slings Everyone carries on to protect themselves from many of the violent beasts when they leave the lands surrounding the monastery.

Found as a child by the friar, Matthias has lived and grown in the monastery's walls, learning the ways of peace and healing. Matthias has always loved listening to the stories of the many explorers that come to the monastery from time to time. Sometimes he even imagines being in their place. He wishes he could see lands far beyond the borders of Rosewood, maybe even meeting many different creatures that he never would in Rosewood and to help all who need it.