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View Full Version : Take Me Away

Silence Sei
09-05-12, 05:35 PM
Ellac the Hun stood, looking up at the night sky over his village. It was a serene night, there weren’t any conflicts going on currently, the cattle were producing good milk, and the women were preparing their husbands and sons for the coming winter. He could feel the cool breeze of the night air wrapping around his body. He closed his eyes, listening to the songs of the cicadas echo through his makeshift town.

He sighed, wishing that he had been born in a more peaceful time, a time where the Huns weren’t trying to exterminate everyone else. Ellac had drawn the bad lot of being an explorer in an age of barbarians. He opened his eyes and stood up, hearing the ring of the dinner bell, followed by the rushing exclamation of his battle mates. Sighing once more, he slowly made his way past the various huts and tents, towards his own little hobbled together house.

It was a modest thing, made of straw and mud and sticks. Most of his people tried to decorate their temporary houses to make them distinct, stand out so that their superiors would give them praise. Ellac wanted none of that. Warring was dumb, pillaging was stupid, and his people’s time could have been spent better if they just had the patience to cultivate the land. As he started into his unremarkable house, the Hun warrior took one more look around at his partying brethren, before taking a step inside.

Only to realize the place he entered was not his house.

He heard a slamming sound that made him jump, and turned to see a large metal thing where his hut flap used to be. He looked around, scared by the utter culture shock of his surroundings. There were bright lights coming from clear balls, whistling noises that sounded like no man he had ever heard, and a strange ticking sound he could not get out of his head. In the middle of this strangely yellow-lit room was a letter, which Ellac approached with caution, snatching it very quickly as if to avoid a trap snapping at his hands?

His eyes skimmed the message; speaking in a language he was unfamiliar with, but strangely fluent in, as he did so.

“Who I am isn't important, you'd be much better off asking what I am trying to do. I can hear your wishes, your dreams. I know that you long to be someone important, to accomplish something that matters. Throughout time and space your words and thoughts find me, from all corners of the universe. I finally found a way to satiate your thirst, a very special vessel that will make your dreams come true. This ship is yours now, though it will automatically stop to pick up several others. I hope that somewhere out there you find what you are looking for.


Ellac stopped reading and blinked in utter confusion about this series of events. However, this new place was far more interesting than his old life, so who was he to question the motives of this TM? Placing the note back down on the brightly pink colored table, Ellac clapped his hands together, hoping that would make something start.

“Well, lets get this thing moving!” He declared, but unbeknownst to the young Hun, the machine was already well on its way to find its next passenger…