View Full Version : Periwinkle (Character Sheet)

09-06-12, 02:13 PM
Periwinkle Hiddenheart
15 years old
Fiery red hair
Emerald eyes
Height: 5'9''
Weight: About 100lbs

Items: Leather armor; Yew bow and silver arrows; 5 steel knives; Leather belt and boots; Carved oak walking stick.

Periwinkle, or Perri, is a shy young girl, often distrustful of strangers. Never having been a people person - although courteous and friendly enough - she prefers the solitude of nature to the complications of social life. Her mind is sharp, and she uses intuition to judge every situation she finds herself in. Despite the self-righteous first impression she may give, Perri has a meek and gentle spirit, as her name hints. She also has a great sense of humor, albeit slightly twisted.

To those she comes across, Perri appears dangerous from the combination of her height, her startling red hair, and the way she keeps her bow close and ready. Underneath this she is insightful, poetic, and humble, but those unfortunate enough to provoke her see Perri's bad side.

Perri's skills include:
* Archery. She uses her bow and arrows to hunt, and could just as easily hit a human as a deer, although she prefers to use closer-distance weapons for combat.
* Knife-throwing. She keeps several knives concealed in her belt and boots, in case of hairy situations. From thorough training as a child, she has fairly accurate aim.
* Electric magic. She can use her mind to pull particles of electricity from the atmosphere and then shape them with her hands into flames of light, or (if necessary) low-voltage scorching sparks easily directed at enemies.
* High Speed/Agility. Although not very strong physically, Perri makes up for this with her ability to run gracefully, for long periods of time, and faster than a rabbit.

Perri has never felt very close to her family. She was raised by her godmother, an elf, who taught her Elvish. However, she kept a distant relationship with Perri because of her temper: every time she feels anger, her hair crackles and her hands glow. Perri's older half-brother was the one who taught her archery and knife-throwing, "so you can defend yourself when the time comes". Perri is grateful for this because it came in handy when she decided to leave. She set out from the countryside over the border into the region Salvar; she had heard tell of her kind there. She killed fresh food, used her magic to build fires, constructed temporary shelters out of wood, and went for a while with contact between only her and goblins, elves, etc. But she knew her travels would eventually lead her to a human-populated region, where she has to start over.

Jada, a viper, is Perri's Familiar and goes adventuring with Perri around her neck or on the ground. Jada has poison but a bite from her is not fatal; it only causes severe pain and/or paralysis.

09-06-12, 04:47 PM
A couple of things.

Need to know if you have any stuff in your inventory, like weapons, accessories and armor. It would be best if it was separated from the rest in a paragraph of its own. Also, I need to know the materials her things are made of.

Electric Magic should give people a good shock for now, but nothing too damaging.

Speed/Agility should be twice that of a normal human.

09-07-12, 08:38 AM
Okay, I will make those changes. Thanks for replying; Tell me if anything else needs changing.

09-07-12, 01:31 PM
Nope, you're good to go.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.