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Caelius Quintus
09-11-12, 09:58 PM
Name: Caelius Quintus
Age: 25
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 175

*Occupation: Farmer

*Personality: Caelius, at first glance is simple and humble. He seems to posess nothing in him that would bring anything offensive or defensive to another, and his plain speech reinforces the perception that he is really just as simple as one can imagine; a farmer whose passions are as tempered as the blade of his plow. Content in his daily avocations, he rarely speaks to people outside of his family owned farmstead except when business implies the need. On closer inspection, to anyone who can see past the obvious, one can see the boredom in his toils, the whisper of discontent in his tone of voice. He speaks as one who is obedient in the tasks that has been cast on him, but overshadowed by the expectations of others. Ever the gentleman, he would not let anyone know those inward feelings.

Behind that thin boundary between what is and what he desires most, are the wants for his own identity. That is, his own land, his own mule, and his own field to sow To grow and to reap; to live his life in accordance to nature. However deeper inside, he sees the anger that could be, the despair he has had to swallow throughout his life, and the fear of one day letting that anger be known. Underneath that simple, quiet man that no one really pays much mind to, is something greater than he can ever let on. More terrifying than he wants to comprehend.

Appearance: He is normally seen in loose cotton shirts and earth-toned breeches in order to hide the sweat and dirt of working the fields. On special occasions, he has a single set of clothes of finer linen, a gift from his mother before she passed, something that he has been too destitute and too sentimental, to replace. His boots are worn and the large iron buckles holding them to his ankles are rusted, but they "do him just fine," he says if anyone asks.

His curly brown hair bounces along to his irregular gait, when it's not slick and matted with sweat, clung to olive skin. When he is in the fields, dirt finds its way into his crow's feet and laugh lines, and dust streak his round face. However, when he smiles upon the completion of his works, one can see the deep appreciation for what he has done or the appreciation for another when he smiles at a kindness done for him. Underneath all that, his body is thick and strong, not the thickest or the strongest - but steadfast, with a mind just as determined. His hazel eyes shine past the dirt and sweat, and if he looks at someone long enough, they could perhaps see the calm, practical intelligence behind them.

His smile is taught and polite, and when he is clean it is even charming. When he isn't in the fields or doing some other chore, he can be found reading one of the books from his true family's collection, the only things she had from the past. They were also his only connection to a time before he was a Quintus.


Knowledge of animals: During a lifetime of caring and rearing of household animals, as well as hunting the beasts of the field, Caelius has amassed a good deal of general knowledge about animals. He uses his knowledge in order to tend to farming animals large and small such as horses, as well as to track, fell, and dress game.

Herbalist: Being more than a half-day's walk to the nearest village has made his folk sturdy and self-reliant. Knowledge of herbs and plants that can heal or harm is essential for anyone so far away from civilization. With this in mind, Caelius has became well studied in the course of his life dealing with the cuts and bruises that his labors inflict, and for calming, or killing, animals in distress. In theory, this could be used for or against himself or other people.

Archery: Although not the greatest archer, Caelius can easily take down a large buck with his simple oak longbow. He has also grown keen of eye with his ability to hone on small moving targets and take them down smoothly. With work, he could become efficient with it, but he hardly sees the need.

Axe: Even though his muscles are more attuned to digging tubers or cutting swathes of wheat, he could also be just as easily found in the forests that surround the family farm. His strength and endurance allows him to drop and hew large trees throughout the day.


Steadfastness: In the years of his daily works, he has learned to push past a lot of pain. He can grit his teeth and push himself to a point of exhaustion that could disable another. The drawback to this is that once he finally slows down, Caelius' aches and pains come back stronger than before until he is rested.

1.5x Endurance (for three posts, -1.0 Endurance until rested)

Keen Eye: Able to quickly acquire and hit small, quickly moving objects with an arrow, or to strike true with an arrow at a long distance with a seemingly instinctive adjustment of his bow. His archery leaves much to be desired, but with extra effort and time spent training this ability, it could be more than just a "lucky hit."

2x ability to make a on the fly hit with a bow and arrow, long or short distance. 75% chance that he will miss an on the fly shot with bow entirely (this will be determined by common sense when dealing with characters or animal NPCs in solo threads, and between myself and the other player in co-op threads, if that is acceptable.)

Burst of Anger: In spite of his outwardly calm and collective demeanor, resentment and anger is a common aspect in his inwardly thoughts. Although rare, the culminations of stress, fear, and pain and cause a sudden rush of adrenaline and anger. This sudden rush of emotions and mental anguish can at times make it uncharacteristically hard to control himself in causing harm to another, or even to him. After this sudden release of emotions and energy, he finds himself extremely exhausted and often needs to find a place for quiet contemplation and rest.

1.5x Strength, 1.5x Endurance (For three post, -0.5 Strength, -0.5 Endurance until rested)


Leather satchel: This oiled leather pack has seen better days, but it has held against the elements and the time quite well. The black leather is stiff and holds its squared shape, allowing items to be stowed away handily without want for space. Several smaller pouches on the outside hold whatever things Caelius needs quickly, such as small hand tools. The flaps are held tight by brass buckets, and in some places the leather seems stressed to the point of breaking, and the stitching separates. Secured on either side are a small shovel and a flagon of water. Strapped underneath is a bedroll.

Inside the satchel: Small set of working tools (pliers, shears, etc.), Flint and steel, tender, change of clothing, dried foods, map with compass, ink well with quill, and unused parchment.

Woodsmen's axe: Caelius' axe has been well teshted in the surrounding forests of his home range. The heavy iron head is knicked at its edge, and the sides are pitted from rust. However, it is as sharp as the most well kept of blades. The shaft is of hickory, and where it has been splintered it is wrapped with leather strips as reinforcement. His axe is as trusty to him as his plow and he is rarely seen without it hanging from his belt.

Hoe: A simple hoe that Caelius uses for loosening tough soil and as a walking stick.

*Familiars: A female Mule named Brother. Brother has been a constant companion for Caelius since she was born. She has a short, thick head, long ears that fold back when she whinnies, and short mane. Her coat is roans, with black and dirty red intermingled evenly throughout. Brother is sure footed and patient, but is skiddish around dogs and hesitates to put herself in danger, even when Caelius insists.


Youth: Caelius Quintus, before he was a Quintus, lived with his Mother and biological Father in the bustling port town of Gale Haven. Although Caelius would never know his Father's name, and his surname would later be forgotten, Caelius would come to know that his Father was a good fisherman, and a bad gambler. From the stories that Caelius' Mother would tell him, he made an even worse drunk, and would return home from the harbor smelling of drink, and parted from his daily wages. During the worst of those times Caelius' Father would often take to beating his Mother, and deny Caelius even the most basic of needs that a young child would expect. Caelius, in spite of his best efforts, could never quite remember if those stories were true or not, but who was he to question his dear Mother?

No matter if her tales were real or imagined, what happened after she left the town with Caelius would change the course of both of their lives. With no real plan, no real prospects, she soon found herself destitute, and with a child that was not yet fit for work, they moved from village to village. At the best of times, they could afford stale rye bread from the markets; at the worst, she would sell herself in the alleys for a bite of leftovers.

It a was during this time that they settled in Briarbrook, a sleepy little hamlet about as far removed from squaler as could be. She managed to find work at the largest farmstead in Briarbrook, Quintus Farms, doing the busy work that the skilled laborers refused to do. After a short while she began to catch the attention of Quintus himself, who was known to have an appitite for the more carnal side of life, and could be rather cruel as well. However, Caelius' Mother was able to garner his affections, and some would go on to say she outright seduced him. Either way, in a few short seasons they were wed, and Caelius would take on the name Quintus by the time he was old enough to say it.

Life seemed good for a while, Caelius got along well enough with his new older Brother, Alexander. The crops were bountiful and the coin coming into the farm kept the family very well off; Caelius' Mother could breathe for the first time in her life, and relax. For Caelius though, he would discover the sea changes of his fortunes; it started out simply enough - scrubbing floors, washing the lenins in aged goat urine to keep them pristine white, ring the large bell to call the field workers from work to refreshment. While his elder Brother basked in the finer things, Caelius toiled underfoot tending to the needs of the house, his Mother too blinded by love of Martin, or the love of wealth to consider her Son's treatment unjust.

Childhood: From youth to childhood, much had changed. Caelius was removed from the house duties and put to work in the fields, alongside the other help employed by the sprawling Quintus farmland. He watched as the tone changed within the household and in the fields, a blight took hold of the crops, decimating what was to be a record bounty. Livestock perished for no reason, and Martin Quintus took on a more haggard, frail form as he took sick as well; it didn't take long for those effects to take hold of the farm in a way that the Quintus name would never recover from.

It was during this time that Caelius began to glean the history of the Quintus line, or at least a muddled version of it. Martin would often speak of times past during the fevers he contracted while in the worst of his sickness, of an old glory and warrior hood that had been lost through some misfortune that despite the best of Caelius' coaxing, would never quite get around to telling. Some of those questions would be answered during one particularly hard winter, when long-lost cousins came to the Quintus farm, and after some harsh words with Martin, whisked Alexander away. That was the first Caelius heard of the Blood-kin of Quintus, great warriors that had at one time fought in many great battles, and they were the remains of that heritage, and sought to reclaim that glory - Alexander would be trained in the arts of warcraft.

Caelius however, would continue his works for a Father that cared only for his true son, and a Mother that cared for nothing other than creature comforts. His greatest comfort was Brother, the product of a mare and a sneaky donky, whom was born later the same winter that Alexander left the farm. Caelius would go on to raise her and train her as he would any other horse, and would never again feel alone.

Manhood: At the verge of adulthood misfortune struck the Quintus family again, Caelius' Mother caught that Typhus and died, and before her grave had grown over an accident nearly claimed Caelius' leg. He learned two things that summer, the first was how hard it is to lay a loved one in a hole; the second was how to splint a broken leg after pulling it from under a fallen tree. His leg would never quite be the same, as the struggling farm could not afford to house and feed and an enfeebled man, and without the minimal protections that his Mother afforded, Caelius was put to work before his leg had fully healed. Since the accident, he would always walk with a slightly awkward gait about him.

As the years went by the farm became smaller, the coffers began drying up just as the land did, and it was sold piecemeal in order to pay ever rising debts. What was worse, was that Martin's point of pride, Alexander, was killed in battle along with the remaining Quintus warriors.

09-12-12, 01:50 AM
It's all good. Just post here once you're done editing and I'll look over it again.

As far as abilities go, we only allow three at level zero. I would probably advise you to combine Burst of Anger and Sustained Anger into a single ability with less drawbacks. That way you'll still be at three and won't be significantly weakened.

Caelius Quintus
09-25-12, 02:49 PM
I finally got home from the funeral and seeing family, so I got a chance to complete my submission. Please review it and let me know if there are any changes that need to be made. Thank you!

09-25-12, 03:31 PM
Nope, you're set to go.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.