View Full Version : Character Sheet: Julius Tabor

09-13-12, 05:23 PM
Name: Julius Tabor
Age: 17
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150
Occupation: Wanderer.

Personality: He barely trusts anyone, and can get very nasty with others. He can though, be very caring and kind- you barely see that happen, though. He also has a sarcastic, slightly stubborn side to him.

Appearance: Julius had medium, slightly curly, blackish brown hair. He wears brown pants with a black, lose shirt. Under that is chainmail. He also has a dark blue, royal robe from his years as a prince. He wears his green copper pendent around his neck always.

Melee and missile combats, mostly for swords and bow and arrow.
Playing instruments, mostly drumming.
Stealth, he is very good at hiding and sneaking around.

Fire: he can control any form of fire that is less than 30 inches away from him. He can’t create it though; the fire also should be the size of an ordinary bloodhound for him to control it.

Weapons: His royal knife: it has a small, red gem on its hilt. A steel broadsword he collected on his travels. A steel bow. Yew and steel arrows in a mix.
Items: Green Copper Pendent, light, steel drum sticks, lever brown belt with pouches for odds and ends, and attached sheaths for his knife and sword. A quiver he wears on his back for his arrows and bow.

History: He was once the prince of a city outside Althanas; his childhood life was served on a silver platter, his mother was very sweet and cared for him a lot. His father was very hard and was focused and showing his son the ways of warfare. When Julius was thirteen years old; his father started showing him how to use the sword and bow. He enjoyed practicing with his father a lot, and they grew closer together in this.
His mother also gave him lessons on how to play instruments; his favorites were the drums and piano.
When he was fifteen though, everything in his life started to change. His mother was assassinated, and the kingdom went into a state of Civil war. When his father asked him to kill one of his best friends who was now an enemy of the Royal family, and he refused, he was banished from the kingdom. He brought with him his father’s pendant and his royal knife. He was so sad and confused; his views of life were growing darker.
After about a year of running, he came upon the country of Althanas and settled in Fallian where the now wounded boy joined a group of nomad robbers. He trained another full year under their harsh code than began to travel with them on their on their robberies. He would also drum for their entertainment. At first, he also played a wooden guitar, but he accidently burned it up while practicing.
Once night, while they were robbing a bank, a couple of their men were mysteriously killed. They assigned Julius to find the person responsible for this. He eventually found that the mystery killer was a young girl, about his age, who was skilled with melee weapons. He confronted the girl and tried to gain her trust, when he did, he found out that her name was Ashla Rose Icebreaker (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?16205-BlueGhostofSeaside). Julius and Ashla grew close in a week’s time, and he didn’t want to betray her; but he didn’t want to get in trouble by his fellow crooks. He told them about what he had found out, and they said to turn her in to them; so he did. When Ashla found out that he had double crossed her, and as she was taken away by two men who conspired with the group, she called out to him, “You lied! You betrayed me!” but he simply turned away.
Julius was ashamed and broken hearted. More damaged than ever! He found out a couple days later though, that she had somehow escaped their temporary camp. He had missed her all together though. When they told him to find her again, he said no, and completely disbanded from the group. He now searches, alone with no one but his collie, across Althanas, looking for his destiny.

Familiar: a collie named Iodine he adopted while he was with the band of nomad thieves. He took her with him after he left.

09-14-12, 10:58 AM
I just need you to put some limitation on the amount of fire he can control. For now he should be able to control relatively small fires, like maybe the size of a dog or something like that.

09-14-12, 12:43 PM
Okay, I changed that. how's the size of an average bloodhound? Anything else needed? And what do you think of the character? :)

09-14-12, 03:26 PM
Being a prince of another land outside Althanas can certainly be fun to play. I'd know. ;)

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.