View Full Version : Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds - Character sheet - Ian Shaffer

09-15-12, 08:04 PM
Name: Ian Shaffer

Age: 23

Race: Human

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Height: 6'

Weight: 175 lbs.

*Occupation: Photographer

History: July 16th, 1945. That was the day Ian Shaffer died. In the death throes of the second great war, Allied powers feared the creation of German nuclear weapons, and thus, took it upon themselves to create one of their own. The undertaking was known as the Manhattan Project, and some of the greatest minds the world has ever known converged on this single pursuit. After years of development, a prototype, nicknamed "The Gadget", came to be. It was to be tested in the Jornada del Muerto Desert of New Mexico. A photographer named Brixner was hired to shoot the whole process on film, and he decided to bring along his assistant, Ian, to help with the massive set-up.

World-weary at the age of 23, Ian had only his profession left to him. His parents had long been dead and his only Brother, Micheal, had lost his life during the Battle of Bastogne. Eager for something to elevate him from his haunted past, he immediately agreed to work on the project, which had an air of mystique surrounding it that drew him in with a passion. All they were told was to prepare to capture a light that was approximately 10 times the brightness of the sun.

Warnings were issued, telling everyone that the magnitude of this test would be monumental and to proceed to the regulated viewpoints. Blockades had been set up and alarms sounded, but Ian, completely unaware of the scope of "The Gadget", had decided to take it upon himself to get a closer shot. 50 cameras had been set up that day, all at various distances, but the perfect shot, in Ian's opinion, was the closest shot. Common sense should have taken a hold of him, he realized in retrospect. He knew how stupid his train of thought had been that day, but something that had been dead inside of him for so long had reared its head. He was apart of something. Something that would forever change the world and mark a new age for mankind. He didn't know how he knew it, it was simply something he could feel in his gut.

With adrenaline pumping through his veins, he waited for the test site to be cleared and sneaked past the unmanned blockades with his camera in tow. He came within a football field's length from the tower which the device had been mounted on. This was it. This was what he had been searching for. He suddenly had become unnaturally placid, setting up his camera with smooth professionalism. He waited, hours it seemed, and then it happened. No warning, only light, instantly, brighter than anything ever witnessed on Earth. In the last millisecond of his life, Ian Shaffer carried with him no regrets, and the death grip of fate lost hold of him. Shaffer's story was covered up and forgotten almost overnight. The war was still not over, and the public needn't know about the death of a mere photographer. It might have hindered development, and the cost of World War II far outweighed the justice of one man.

Now this may seem like an ending, but in actuality, this is where our friend's story finally begins....

Personality: Ian is relatively intelligent, possessing more of a clever wit than a scholarly mind. Unbeknownst to him, he has Manic Depression, or Bipolar disorder, and it reflects on his character at all times. Half of the time he is sullen, unwilling to move to action and is even hampered mentally, losing control over his own thoughts. When in a manic state he appears to suddenly become brilliant, producing great ideas and becoming energized with a life that does not seem to even be his own. Either of these conditions could happen at the cue of something as miniscule as a lost key. The slightest wrong will send him spiraling into depression while a small step in the right direction could throw him into ecstasy. He is good, and will lend a hand to anyone in need, even at great cost to himself, and at times will become a mat for others to step on, figuratively. He has obsessive curiosity and once intrigued, will pursue something till the very end.

A lifetime of having to witness his own shortcomings almost daily has made Ian very open-minded and thus, falling into Althanas won't completely fry his nerves but it will take a substantial amount of time for him to come to terms with everything he will witness while in this new world, most especially the odd ability he has been endowed with.

Appearance: Ian is 6 feet tall and very lean. He is relatively muscular and is very aerobically gifted, though not to any extreme point. He has tanned, smooth skin and somewhat angular facial features. Bushy eyebrows are tucked right above his deep-set hazel eyes. The only outstanding physical feature about him is an x shaped birth mark right over his Adam's apple.

Skills: Fencing - While attending college, Ian became a part of the fencing team and, while he didn't make waves, he became decent enough to defend himself with a rapier if the need ever arose.

Abilities: Molecular Binding - The oddest and most extreme change that occurred during the death of Ian Shaffer was a genetic mutation that was brought about by the radiation of the atomic explosion that killed him. This ability allows him to bind (or unbind), on the molecular level, any two objects to each other. This process actually fuses what ever those objects are into one, whole state. The strength of this ability will start off relatively weak, with an adhesion comparable to that of super glue.

At level 0 - When fusing objects together or to himself the weight of the object(s) cannot exceed ten pounds.

Growth of this ability will allow him to bind objects together with greater strength, eventually becoming nigh unbreakable.

Ian may use this skill on his own body as well, allowing him to either fuse something to himself or to strengthen the molecular bonds of his entire body, which gives him limited damage resistance depending on the ability level. The downside to this use is that his movement is heavily restricted, as the binding will hold him in place. At level 0 this use will have the strength to make his skin comparable to that of leather armor.

Items: Slacks, loafers and a button-up collared shirt.

09-16-12, 12:29 PM
Just need you to put some sort of a limitation on the objects you can fuse. Let's say that he can fuse stuff that weight up to 10lbs. That allows you to fuse some armor or a sword or two.

09-16-12, 01:02 PM
Thank you for the reply. Are the changes I've made enough?

09-16-12, 01:23 PM
Indeed they are.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.